2,467 research outputs found

    New species of Cheumatopsyche (Trichoptera: Hydropsychidae) from North Sulawesi, Indonesia

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    Sulawesi Island has a high density of endemic animal species, including insects in the order Trichoptera. We describe the males of four new species of Cheumatopsyche (Trichoptera: Hydropsychidae) from North Sulawesi (Provinsi Sulawesi Utara), and provide a checklist of the Cheumatopsyche species from the Indonesian archipelago. Describing the aquatic insect fauna is an important step toward establishing biomonitoring protocols in Indonesia, which is experiencing rapid development and water pollution problems

    Pengaruh Kualitas Produk, Harga Dan Promosi Terhadap Keputusan Pembelian Mobil Nissan X-trail Pada PT. Wahana Wirawan Manado

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    Pemasaran merupakan faktor penting dalam perkembangan Perusahaan. Pemasaran harus terus-menerus ditingkatkan dan diperbaharui, hal ini tentunnya tidak terlepas dari kebutuhan dan keinginan konsumen tersebut. Begitu dinamisnya atau ketidakpastian dalam mengetahui keinginan konsumen, jadi dalam hal ini dituntut setiap Perusahaan harus selalu dapat melakukan Perubahan-Perubahan seperti kualitas produk, harga dan promosi terhadap keputusan pembelian mobil Nissan X-Trail pada PT. Wahana Wirawan Manado. Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu untuk menganalisis pengaruh kualitas produk, harga dan promosi terhadap keputusan pembelian mobil Nissan X-Trail pada PT. Wahana Wirawan Manado. Metode yang digunakan adalah analisis regresi linier berganda. Populasi penelitian sebanyak 110 konsumen dan sampel yang digunakan sebanyak 55 responden. Hasil Penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Kualitas Produk, Harga dan Promosi secara simultan maupun parsial berpengaruh signifikan terhadap Keputusan Pembelian mobil Nissan X-Trail pada PT. Wahana Wirawan Manado

    New parton distributions from large-x and low-Q^2 data

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    We report results of a new global next-to-leading order fit of parton distribution functions in which cuts on W and Q are relaxed, thereby including more data at high values of x. Effects of target mass corrections (TMCs), higher twist contributions, and nuclear corrections for deuterium data are significant in the large-x region. The leading twist parton distributions are found to be stable to TMC model variations as long as higher twist contributions are also included. The behavior of the d quark as x-->1 is particularly sensitive to the deuterium corrections, and using realistic nuclear smearing models the d-quark distribution at large x is found to be softer than in previous fits performed with more restrictive cuts.Comment: 31 pages, 8 figures. Minor corrections. References added. To appear in Phys.Rev.

    Analisis Sensitivitas Usaha Budidaya Ikan Nila (Oreochromis Niloticus) Di Desa Tatelu Kecamatan Dimembe Kabupaten Minahasa Utara

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    This research and study aims to identify and analyze the constraints on farming Tilapia fish. With this study, fish farmers in Tatelu village are expected to be able to avoid obstacles that could occur in the future and be able to know how feasible the Tilapia fish farming in Tatelu village when confronted with such obstacles. The feasibility analysis results of the Tilapia fish farming in the Tatelu village with NPV value (185.492.052,61), IRR (109,99%), and B/C Ratio (1,49), which means the business is feasible to run. The sensitivity analysis results on the component cost reduction and decrease in production at a rate of 5; 10; 15% have not affected the eligible value of NPV, IRR and B/C Ratio. The decline in prices as well as production at a rate of 34% led to the cultivation of Tilapia fish in the Tatelu village is not feasible. While the sensitivity analysis on the increase in fixed costs and variable costs at a rate of 5; 10; 15% have not affected the eligible value of NPV, IRR, and B/C Ratio. Increased fixed costs do not have a significant impact on business continuity and the increase in variable costs 54% could affect the continuity of farming. Key words : constraint,fish farmer, eligible value, sensitivity analysis Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi kendala-kendala pada usaha budidaya ikan nila dan menganalisis kendala-kendala pada usaha budidaya ikan nila. Penelitian ini diharapkan para petani ikan di desa Tatelu dapat menghindari kendala-kendala yang dapat terjadi dikemudian hari dan dapat mengetahui budidaya ikan nila di desa Tatelu seberapa layak untuk tetap dilaksanakan saat dihadapkan pada kendala-kendala usaha budidaya. Hasil analisis kelayakan usaha budidaya ikan nila di desa Tatelu dengan nilai NPV (185.492.052,61), IRR (109,99%), dan B/C Ratio (1,49) sehingga usaha ini layak untuk dijalankan. Hasil analisis sensitivitas pada komponen penurunan biaya dan penurunan produksi pada tingkat 5 ; 10 ; 15% belum mempengaruhi nilai NPV, IRR dan B/C Ratio yang layak. Penurunan harga dan penurunan produksi pada tingkat 34% menyebabkan usaha budidaya ikan nila di desa Tatelu menjadi tidak layak untuk dijalankan. Sedangkan analisis sensitivitas pada kenaikan biaya tetap dan biaya variabel pada tingkat 5 ; 10 ; 15% belum mempengaruhi nilai NPV, IRR dan B/C Ratio yang layak. Peningkatan biaya tetap tidak memiliki pengaruh yang berarti terhadap kelangsungan usaha dan peningkatan biaya variabel 54% dapat mempengaruhi kelangsungan usaha budidaya. Kata Kunci : kendala, petani ikan, nilai kelayakan, analisis sensitivita

    Spacelab experiment computer study. Volume 1: Executive summary (presentation)

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    A quantitative cost for various Spacelab flight hardware configurations is provided along with varied software development options. A cost analysis of Spacelab computer hardware and software is presented. The cost study is discussed based on utilization of a central experiment computer with optional auxillary equipment. Groundrules and assumptions used in deriving the costing methods for all options in the Spacelab experiment study are presented. The groundrules and assumptions, are analysed and the options along with their cost considerations, are discussed. It is concluded that Spacelab program cost for software development and maintenance is independent of experimental hardware and software options, that distributed standard computer concept simplifies software integration without a significant increase in cost, and that decisions on flight computer hardware configurations should not be made until payload selection for a given mission and a detailed analysis of the mission requirements are completed
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