200 research outputs found

    Livro de Cabeceira

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    BIBLIOGRAFIA Bibliografia é um conjunto de obras que tem o livro como objeto central de pesquisa. Os livros empregados nos projetos são, em geral, fruto de herança, de empréstimos (que nunca voltarão para os seus donos), de pequenos furtos ou de garimpo em sebos pelo mundo. Em Bibliomancia (2013) e em O Enforcado (2014) os livros são usados como suporte para impressão das imagens fotográficas, e para tal adptou-se uma impressora para receber o expesso volume. Em Anexos (2014) os livros são usados como túmulos que acomodam delicadamente diversas partes de fotografias recortadas

    vim de tão longe para te acolher :: expedição OUTONO

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    PROJETO EXPEDIÇÃO OUTONO No Brasil, desde a chegada dos primeiros exploradores no século XVI, artistas viajantes foram contratados pelos governos locais para percorrerem o território nacional com o objetivo de registrar por meio de pinturas e desenhos a fauna, flora e os povos que aqui viviam. Assim, tendo a viagem exploratória como premissa para produção artística, o projeto Expedição Outono teve como objetivo adentrar a floresta Amazônica para procurar e colher folhas de árvores centenárias da região e sobre elas imprimir fotos de álbuns de família há muito esquecidos

    A Study of the Gross Anatomical Variations of the Human Placenta in the Population of Maduranthagam Area

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    INTRODUCTION : The placenta is an organ that connects the growing fetus to the wall of the uterus, to provide thermo-regulation to the fetus, nutrient uptake, waste elimination, and gas exchange through the mother's blood supply. AIMS AND OBJECTIVES : The examination of the human placenta post-delivery is vital for the neonatal management. This study was done to find some gross morphological variation in the placenta in the population of mothers in the area of Maduranthagam. MATERIALS AND METHOD : 100 placentas were collected from normal vaginal deliveries and caesarean sections from the Obstetrics and Gynaecology department and transported in plastic buckets filled with formalin to the Anatomy Department. The weighing scale, vernier caliper, inch tape, forceps scalpel, pair of scissors and measuring jar were used in examining the specimens. RESULTS : The average placental diameter was 18.93±2.6 cm and thickness was 2.24±0.5 cm. The average number of cotyledons was 18±3. The average placental weight in grams was 430±97 gm and in volume was 443±114 ml. The disperse pattern of vasculature was seen in 57% and magistral type in 19% and mixed pattern in 24% of placentas. Cord insertion to the centre of placenta was seen in 44% , eccentric insertion in 27% and marginal in 29% placentas. The average umbilical cord diameter was 1.01±0.23cm. The average feto-placental weight ratio was 6.9±1.6 and placental coefficient was 0.15±0.03. Placental calcification was observed in 30% of placentas

    há_bit: utopias do morar, viver, compartilhar

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    House, in the manner that we know it today is an obsolete object. We can say so since we understand that residential architecture is not in accordance with the aesthetic and symbolic code of its residents. While the individuals turn virtual,rhizomatic and dynamic ever more, houses go follow the opposite way, being built as rough and closed properties. If cyberculture is taking on many of the tasks that were so far restricted to the architectural space, therefore this space in some manners turns to be unnecessary. Thus, art as a science of disturbance (un)knowledge, may revive these houses, blowing and knocking out it’s walls, it’s closed symbols and it’s static state, in order to replace them with computing devices ”“ systems of emerging information and communication technologies. In this thesis we study and suggestpoetic ways of hybridization of house as a material entity and cyberspace as virtual entity, with the symbiosis of building a cybrid space to live within the art. We denominate this cybrid building há_bit(at).A casa, nos moldes que a conhecemos hoje, é um objeto em falência. Afirmamos isso porque defendemos a tese de que a arquitetura residencial não está em consonância com o código estético-simbólico de seus moradores. Enquanto os sujeitos se tornam cada vez mais virtuais, rizomáticos e móveis, as casas fazem o caminho oposto, edificando-se como um bruto e fechado imóvel. Se a cibercultura está tomando para si várias das atribuições que eram, até então, restritas ao espaço arquitetural, esta por sua vez começa a se tornar, de certa forma, desnecessária. Assim, a arte, como ciência da perturbação do (des)conhecimento, teria a potência para reanimá-la, soprando e derrubando-lhe suas paredes, símbolos de fechamento e de imobilidade, para em seguida substituí-las por aparelhos computacionais - sistemas das emergentes tecnologias de informação e comunicação. Nesse artigo, propomos modos de hibridização da casa e ciberespaço, a qual damos o nome de há_bit(at)

    Kolanut and Symbolismic Universe: Towards the Creation and Constitution of Igbo Science and Arts

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    The versatility of the Igbo kola nut (cola acuminata - Oji Igbo) perhaps till date exudes universal symbolismic appeal which is unrivaled throughout the Igbo socio-religious cosmology. In many respects, considering that the contributions of many civilizations as can still be found in many ways in today’s evolutionary science and art were products of peoples’ life and culture; the Igbo kola nut perhaps portends an untapped potential capable of influencing and inventing her own science and arts. Against this backdrop, this study explored the cosmology of the communion of the Igbo kola nut as a valuable symbolismic substance towards the creation and constitution of the Igbo science and arts. The study considered the associated cultural embedded values in the communion of the Igbo kola nut as true of a distinct science and of an evolutionary art. Its (Oji Igbo) universal symbolismic appeal especially in understanding the interrelatedness of physical, psychological and spiritual principles that govern the material and the immaterial world can help man’s daily communal living and adaptation to his prevailing physical and spiritual environment. If further exploited to the fullest, the communion of Oji Igbo can engineer indigenous science and art capable of utilizing its humanistic essence to restore value to a fast degenerating evolution of our society.

    Intellectual Property in the Americas

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    Involving Students in a Collaborative Project To Help Discover Inexpensive, Stable Materials for Solar Photoelectrolysis

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    In general, laboratory experiments focus on traditional chemical disciplines. While this approach allows students the ability to learn and explore fundamental concepts in a specific area, it does not always encourage students to explore interdisciplinary science. Often little transfer of knowledge from one area to another is observed, as students are given step-by-step instructions on how to complete their task with little involvement or problem solving. Herein, we provide an example of a real-time research laboratory experiment that is aimed at individual’s exploration and development, with the scientific goal of discovering inexpensive, stable oxide semiconductors that can efficiently photoelectrolyze water to a useable fuel, hydrogen. Students create unique metal oxide semiconductors combinations, scan the samples for photoactivity using a purchased scan station, and report their findings to a collaborative database. A distinctive feature of the project is its ability to be implemented in a variety of educational levels with a breadth and depth of material covered accordingly. Currently, kits are being used in secondary education classrooms, at undergraduate institutions, or as outreach activities. The project provides students and scientists from different disciplines the opportunity to collaborate in research pertaining to clean energy and the global energy crisis

    Quantitative Reasoning in Environmental Science: Rasch Measurement to Support QR Assessment

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    Original work is hosted at USF Libraries Scholar Commons publisher of Numeracy, the electronic journal of the National Numeracy Network (NNN). Abstract : The ability of middle and high school students to reason quantitatively within the context of environmental science was investigated. A quantitative reasoning (QR) learning progression, with associated QR assessments in the content areas of biodiversity, water, and carbon, was developed based on three QR progress variables: quantification act, quantitative interpretation, and quantitative modeling. Diagnostic instruments were developed specifically for the progress variable quantitative interpretation (QI), each consisting of 96 Likert-scale items. Each content version of the instrument focused on three scale levels (macro scale, micro scale, and landscape scale) and four elements of QI identified in prior research (trend, translation, prediction, and revision). The QI assessments were completed by 362, 6th to 12th grade students in three U.S. states. Rasch (1960/1980) measurement was used to determine item and person measures for the QI instruments, both to examine validity and reliability characteristics of the instrument administration and inform the evolution of the learning progression. Rasch methods allowed identification of several QI instrument revisions, including modification of specific items, reducing number of items to avoid cognitive fatigue, reconsidering proposed item difficulty levels, and reducing Likert scale to 4 levels. Rasch diagnostics also indicated favorable levels of instrument reliability and appropriate targeting of item abilities to student abilities for the majority of participants. A revised QI instrument is available for STEM researchers and educators