5,144 research outputs found


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    The Texas Horned Lizard (Phrynosoma cornutum) is found in a variety of habitats. Although several studies have been conducted on habitat use by this species, none have been performed in central Texas, a more mesic habitat than most of those previously studied. This area is of special interest because horned lizard populations have been experiencing sharp declines in central Texas over the last approximately 50 years. We collected habitat data at two sites in central Texas, Camp Bowie and Blue Mountain Peak Ranch. Microhabitat data included canopy cover and ground cover from digitized photographs of Daubenmire quadrats; macrohabitat variables included vegetation height and length, cactus height, soil penetrability, woody plant species richness, tree density, tree diameter at breast height (DBH), and density of ant mounds collected along 100-m by 2-m transects. Similar patterns of habitat use were observed between the two sites. At Blue Mountain Peak Ranch, lizards appeared to be located in areas with a diversity of ground cover types, as observed in previous studies. At Camp Bowie, vegetation encroachment limited lizards in some areas to the use of roads and road margins. Implementation of prescribed burns or other vegetation management could create the preferred ground cover mosaic at such sites

    Assessment of the Effect of Long Term Tillage on the Arbuscular Mycorrhiza Colonization of Vegetable Crops Grown in Andisols

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    In Indonesia, amount of biodiversity could be found including soil microorganism which were useful for sustainable agriculture. Everything lives in agricultural land were interacts and influences each others. Many factors of biotic and a-biotic environment such as land and climate fluctuation influences microbial expansion within the soils. For example arbuscular mycorrhiza (AM) which was formed by myches (fungus) and root of higher plant maybe fluctuated in the expansion due to the soil tillage. Land management and the present higher plant affected its growth and expansion. Mycorrhizae spores as one of the important generative form of various species in the difference host plant. The implication of different host plant often close related to the soil management and properties. Soil sample that was collected from various host plant in the fields or bare land have been found varied spores. Andisols and its properties conserve higher organic matter relatively and developed in the cold temperature, therefore very suitable for AM expansion and also as natural resources stock of AM potentially

    Non-unique factorization of polynomials over residue class rings of the integers

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    We investigate non-unique factorization of polynomials in Z_{p^n}[x] into irreducibles. As a Noetherian ring whose zero-divisors are contained in the Jacobson radical, Z_{p^n}[x] is atomic. We reduce the question of factoring arbitrary non-zero polynomials into irreducibles to the problem of factoring monic polynomials into monic irreducibles. The multiplicative monoid of monic polynomials of Z_{p^n}[x] is a direct sum of monoids corresponding to irreducible polynomials in Z_p[x], and we show that each of these monoids has infinite elasticity. Moreover, for every positive integer m, there exists in each of these monoids a product of 2 irreducibles that can also be represented as a product of m irreducibles.Comment: 11 page

    Gold Phytomining: a New Idea for Enviromental Sustainablity in Indonesia

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    DOI: 10.17014/ijog.v1i1.171New technology is needed to protect the safety and health of communities and the environment at ASGM locations in Indonesia. This technology must be simple, cheap, easy to operate, and financially rewarding. A proven option that should be promoted is phytoextraction, a farming activity that could develop agriculture as an alternative livelihood in ASGM areas. This is a technology where plants are used to extract metals from waste rock, soil, or water. These metals can be recovered from the plant in its pure form, then be sold or recycled. Gold phytoextraction is a commercially available technology, while an International research has shown that phytoextraction will also work for mercury. In the context of this idea, tailings would be contained in ‘farming areas\u27 and cropped using phytoextraction technology. Gold and mercury would be extracted in the crops, with the remaining mercury burden of the tailings becoming adsorbed to soil constituents. The system would be financially rewarding to ‘gold farmers\u27. The economic value of this scenario could facilitate the clean-up and management of mercury pollution, reducing the movement of mercury from tailings into soil, water, and plants, thereby mitigating environmental and human risk in the mining areas. The goal of the described research is to promote agriculture as an alternative livelihood in ASGM areas. The gold value of the phytoremediation crop should provide a cash incentive to artisanal farmers who develop this new agricultural enterprise. The benefits will be social, environmental, and economic, as opportunities for education, employment, new business, the containment of toxic mercury, food safety and security, and revenue are all realized

    Do what I say, not what I do. Are we linking research and decision-making about invasive species in Patagonia?

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    La biología de invasiones está bien posicionada al nivel epistemológico, teórico y práctico para ser relevante científicamente y socialmente. No obstante, ¿cumplimos con estas dos dimensiones del estudio e impacto académico? Exploramos este tema mediante a) encuestas a profesionales relacionados con la biología de invasiones de Argentina (estudiantes, científicos y gestores) para determinar los tipos de colaboración que mantienen entre ellos y sus preferencias respecto de prioridades temáticas de investigación (autoecología, impactos, manejo, patrones/distribución, presencia/ausencia, procesos/mecanismos, políticas públicas, social), y b) revisión de la literatura sobre biología de invasiones en la Patagonia argentina para cuantificar la investigación, describir el enfoque taxonómico, metodológico (revisión, inventario, muestreo, experimento, modelamiento), la temática de las publicaciones y las revistas, idioma y accesibilidad de las publicaciones. Finalmente, comparamos la preferencia declarada (“frecuencia esperada”) con la revisión de la literatura (“frecuencia observada”). Los tres grupos priorizan los temas de investigación de forma similar. Los estudios sobre manejo, políticas públicas e impactos de las especies invasoras fueron los más frecuentes. La investigación se ha incrementado sustancialmente, pero sólo 20% de los encuestados tuvieron publicaciones en conjunto entre científicos y gestores. Encontramos sesgos hacia la investigación de impactos y métodos de muestreo. Sólo unas pocas especies y grupos taxonómicos fueron bien estudiados en la Patagonia (e.g., salmónidos, ciervos, Castor canadensis y Undaria pinnatifida). Detectamos discrepancias entre lo que los investigadores señalan como prioritario y lo que realmente estudian. Mientras que las investigaciones sobre impactos aparecieron sobre-representadas en la literatura con respecto a las prioridades declaradas, los estudios sobre aspectos sociales, políticas y manejo estuvieron sub-representados. Esta discrepancia podría explicarse, por un lado, porque las publicaciones revisadas podrían reflejar una mentalidad anticuada enfocada en la autoecología e impactos de las especies invasoras. Pero por otro lado, una posibilidad más preocupante podría ser que la Patagonia carezca de estructuras e incentivos de evaluación y financiamiento que permitan a los investigadores el desarrollo de actividades aplicadas y socialmente relevantes, cumpliendo así con sus propias prioridades (y las de la sociedad), en lugar de estudios exclusivamente teóricos.Invasion biology is well-positioned epistemologically, theoretically and practically to address the challenge of being both scientifically and socially relevant. Yet, how well are we achieving these two dimensions of academic inquiry and impact? We explored this issue by a) surveying Argentine invasion biology practitioners (students, scientists and managers) to determine the types of collaborations they report and their stated preferences regarding research thematic priorities (autecology, impacts, management, patterns/distribution, presence/absence, processes/mechanisms, policy, social), and b) reviewing the invasion biology literature in Argentine Patagonia to establish research productivity, the publications’ taxonomic, methodological (review, inventory, sampling, experimental, modeling) and thematic foci, and the journals, languages and accessibility of publications. Finally, we compared the stated preferences (“expected frequency”) with the publication literature review (“observed frequency”). We found all three respondent groups had a similar research prioritization. Management, policy and impact studies were considered the most important themes. Research on invasion biology has increased substantially but only 20% of respondents reported joint publications between managers and scientists. Also, we found biases towards impact research and sampling methods. Compared to the total invasive species assemblage, only a few species and taxonomic groups are well studied in Patagonia (e.g., salmonids, deer and Castor canadensis and Undaria pinnatifida). A significant difference was discovered between what invasive species researchers say is important and what they actually study. Impact research was overrepresented in the literature, while social, policy and management studies were under-produced, compared to stated preferences. Various scenarios could explain this discrepancy. A time lag may exist, whereby the reviewed publications reflect an antiquated mentality focused on the invasive species’ autecology and impacts. A more troubling possibility is that Patagonia lacks scientific evaluation and funding structures that allow researchers to fulfill their own (and society’s) priorities and to conduct applied and socially relevant endeavors, rather than purely theoretical studies

    The CCB-ID approach to tree species mapping with airborne imaging spectroscopy

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    Background Biogeographers assess how species distributions and abundances affect the structure, function, and composition of ecosystems. Yet we face a major challenge: it is difficult to precisely map species across landscapes. Novel Earth observations could overcome this challenge for vegetation mapping. Airborne imaging spectrometers measure plant functional traits at high resolution, and these measurements can be used to identify tree species. In this paper, I describe a trait-based approach to species identification with imaging spectroscopy, the Center for Conservation Biology species identification (CCB-ID) method, which was developed as part of an ecological data science evaluation competition. Methods These methods were developed using airborne imaging spectroscopy data from the National Ecological Observatory Network (NEON). CCB-ID classified tree species using trait-based reflectance variation and decision tree-based machine learning models, approximating a morphological trait and dichotomous key method inspired by botanical classification. First, outliers were removed using a spectral variance threshold. The remaining samples were transformed using principal components analysis (PCA) and resampled to reduce common species biases. Gradient boosting and random forest classifiers were trained using the transformed and resampled feature data. Prediction probabilities were calibrated using sigmoid regression, and sample-scale predictions were averaged to the crown scale. Results CCB-ID received a rank-1 accuracy score of 0.919, and a cross-entropy cost score of 0.447 on the competition test data. Accuracy and specificity scores were high for all species, but precision and recall scores varied for rare species. PCA transformation improved accuracy scores compared to models trained using reflectance data, but outlier removal and data resampling exacerbated class imbalance problems. Discussion CCB-ID accurately classified tree species using NEON data, reporting the best scores among participants. However, it failed to overcome several species mapping challenges like precisely identifying rare species. Key takeaways include (1) selecting models using metrics beyond accuracy (e.g., recall) could improve rare species predictions, (2) within-genus trait variation may drive spectral separability, precluding efforts to distinguish between functionally convergent species, (3) outlier removal and data resampling can exacerbate class imbalance problems, and should be carefully implemented, (4) PCA transformation greatly improved model results, and (5) targeted feature selection could further improve species classification models. CCB-ID is open source, designed for use with NEON data, and available to support species mapping efforts

    RIPK3-Dependent Recruitment of Low-Inflammatory Myeloid Cells Does Not Protect from Systemic Salmonella Infection

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    ABSTRACT Regulated macrophage death has emerged as an important mechanism to defend against intracellular pathogens. However, the importance and consequences of macrophage death during bacterial infection are poorly resolved. This is especially true for the recently described RIPK3-dependent lytic cell death, termed necroptosis. Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium is an intracellular pathogen that precisely regulates virulence expression within macrophages to evade and manipulate immune responses, which is a key factor in its ability to cause severe systemic infections. We combined genetic and pharmacological approaches to examine the importance of RIPK3 for S. Typhimurium-induced macrophage death using conditions that recapitulate bacterial gene expression during systemic infection in vivo. Our findings indicate that noninvasive S. Typhimurium does not naturally induce macrophage necroptosis but does so in the presence of pan-caspase inhibition. Moreover, our data suggest that RIPK3 induction (following caspase inhibition) does not impact host survival following S. Typhimurium infection, which differs from previous findings based on inert lipopolysaccharide (LPS) injections. Finally, although necroptosis is typically characterized as highly inflammatory, our data suggest that RIPK3 skews the peritoneal myeloid population away from an inflammatory profile to that of a classically noninflammatory profile. Collectively, these data improve our understanding of S. Typhimurium-macrophage interactions, highlight the possibility that purified bacterial components may not accurately recapitulate the complexity of host-pathogen interactions, and reveal a potential and unexpected role for RIPK3 in resolving inflammation. IMPORTANCE Macrophages employ multiple strategies to limit pathogen infection. For example, macrophages may undergo regulated cell death, including RIPK3-dependent necroptosis, as a means of combatting intracellular bacterial pathogens. However, bacteria have evolved mechanisms to evade or exploit immune responses. Salmonella is an intracellular pathogen that avoids and manipulates immune detection within macrophages. We examined the contribution of RIPK3 to Salmonella-induced macrophage death. Our findings indicate that noninvasive Salmonella does not naturally induce necroptosis, but it does so when caspases are inhibited. Moreover, RIPK3 induction (following caspase inhibition) does not impact host survival following Salmonella systemic infection. Finally, our data show that RIPK3 induction results in recruitment of low-inflammatory myeloid cells, which was unexpected, as necroptosis is typically described as highly inflammatory. Collectively, these data improve our understanding of pathogen-macrophage interactions, including outcomes of regulated cell death during infection in vivo, and reveal a potential new role for RIPK3 in resolving inflammation