121 research outputs found

    Statistical image properties predict aesthetic ratings in abstract paintings created by neural style transfer

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    Artificial intelligence has emerged as a powerful computational tool to create artworks. One application is Neural Style Transfer, which allows to transfer the style of one image, such as a painting, onto the content of another image, such as a photograph. In the present study, we ask how Neural Style Transfer affects objective image properties and how beholders perceive the novel (style-transferred) stimuli. In order to focus on the subjective perception of artistic style, we minimized the confounding effect of cognitive processing by eliminating all representational content from the input images. To this aim, we transferred the styles of 25 diverse abstract paintings onto 150 colored random-phase patterns with six different Fourier spectral slopes. This procedure resulted in 150 style-transferred stimuli. We then computed eight statistical image properties (complexity, self-similarity, edge-orientation entropy, variances of neural network features, and color statistics) for each image. In a rating study, we asked participants to evaluate the images along three aesthetic dimensions (Pleasing, Harmonious, and Interesting). Results demonstrate that not only objective image properties, but also subjective aesthetic preferences transferred from the original artworks onto the style-transferred images. The image properties of the style-transferred images explain 50 – 69% of the variance in the ratings. In the multidimensional space of statistical image properties, participants considered style-transferred images to be more Pleasing and Interesting if they were closer to a “sweet spot” where traditional Western paintings (JenAesthetics dataset) are represented. We conclude that NST is a useful tool to create novel artistic stimuli that preserve the image properties of the input style images. In the novel stimuli, we found a strong relationship between statistical image properties and subjective ratings, suggesting a prominent role of perceptual processing in the aesthetic evaluation of abstract images

    Voltage mapping and pacing to assess the level of pulmonary venous isolation achieved with a novel circular multielectrode ablation catheter.

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    Aims The aim of the study was to determine the level of pulmonary vein (PV) isolation achieved with the use of a novel radiofrequency circular multielectrode ablation catheter [pulmonary vein ablation catheter (PVAC)] in patients with paroxysmal atrial fibrillation. Although some efficacy data have been presented, the level of PV isolation, which is crucial both for efficacy and safety of the ablation, has not been defined with this new ablation catheter. Methods and results Detailed sinus rhythm voltage maps using an electroanatomic mapping system and projected on 3D computed tomography-derived reconstructions of the left atrium (LA) were obtained before and after PV isolation with the PVAC. Left atrium–PV entry and exit block was assessed for each vein. The population consisted of 12 patients, mean age 57 ± 6 years, seven male. After ablation, an extensive zone of potential reduction that included the ostium of each PV was observed in all patients. Bipolar voltages were significantly reduced in all PVs and in the LA close to the vein ostia, the mean voltage reduction was >80%. Conclusion Using the PVAC, (i) PVs are isolated at the level of the PV ostium and, importantly, outside the tubular portion and (ii) significant voltage reduction is also recorded at various extent proximal to the PV ostium at the level of the antral region

    A case of Prinzmetal angina diagnosed by Holter monitoring who survived a sudden cardiac death: Case report

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    AbstractA 47-year-old female patient was admitted to our hospital after a syncope. She reported episodes of angina in previous weeks. On admission, there were no electrocardiographic changes but elevated troponin. Coronary angiogram showed minimal arteriosclerosis and normal left ventricle. Holter monitoring showed severe ST-segment changes during an anginal episode.With calcium antagonists, the patient experienced no further episodes of angina or ST changes during telemetry.Six weeks later, calcium antagonist was stopped for unknown reason. After that, the patient experienced a second prolonged syncope with cardiopulmonary resuscitation and defibrillation of ventricular fibrillation.Discussion“A variant form of angina pectoris” was first described by Myron Prinzmetal. He postulated coronary vasospasm as the underlying cause, however, after 50 years the exact pathophysiology is still not known.Patients with “variant angina” usually present with “spontaneous” attacks of typical retrosternal anginal pain during rest or normal activities, but not with physical exercise.Sudden cardiac deaths were reported in patients with Prinzmetal angina in only a few case reports.ConclusionIn cases of variant angina accompanied by syncope, a provocation test and an electrophysiological study should be considered

    Quarterly vs. yearly clinical follow-up of remotely monitored recipients of prophylactic implantable cardioverter-defibrillators: results of the REFORM trial

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    Aims The rapidly increasing number of patients with implantable cardioverter-defibrillators (ICD) places a large burden on follow-up providers. This study investigated the possibility of longer in-office follow-up intervals in primary prevention ICD patients under remote monitoring with automatic daily data transmissions from the implant memory. Methods and results Conducted in 155 ICD recipients with MADIT II indications, the study compared the burden of scheduled and unscheduled ICD follow-up visits, quality of life (SF-36), and clinical outcomes in patients randomized to either 3- or 12-month follow-up intervals in the period between 3 and 27 months after implantation. Remote monitoring (Biotronik Home Monitoring) was used equally in all patients. In contrast to previous clinical studies, no calendar-based remote data checks were performed between scheduled in-office visits. Compared with the 3-month follow-up interval, the 12-month interval resulted in a minor increase in the number of unscheduled follow-ups (0.64 vs. 0.27 per patient-year; P = 0.03) and in a major reduction in the total number of in-office ICD follow-ups (1.60 vs. 3.85 per patient-year; P < 0.001). No significant difference was found in mortality, hospitalization rate, or hospitalization length during the 2-year observation period, but more patients were lost to follow-up in the 12-month group (10 vs. 3; P = 0.04). The SF-36 scores favoured the 12-month intervals in the domains ‘social functioning' and ‘mental health'. Conclusion In prophylactic ICD recipients under automatic daily remote monitoring, the extension of the 3-month in-office follow-up interval to 12 months appeared to safely reduce the ICD follow-up burden during 27 months after implantation. ClinicalTrials.gov Identifier NCT00401466 (http://www.clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT00401466

    Identification of Hypoxia-Induced Genes in Human SGBS Adipocytes by Microarray Analysis

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    Hypoxia in adipose tissue is suggested to be involved in the development of a chronic mild inflammation, which in obesity can further lead to insulin resistance. The effect of hypoxia on gene expression in adipocytes appears to play a central role in this inflammatory response observed in obesity. However, the global impact of hypoxia on transcriptional changes in human adipocytes is unclear. Therefore, we compared gene expression profiles of human Simpson-Golabi-Behmel syndrome (SGBS) adipocytes under normoxic or hypoxic conditions to detect hypoxia-responsive genes in adipocytes by using whole human genome microarrays. Microarray analysis showed more than 500 significantly differentially regulated mRNAs after incubation of the cells under low oxygen levels. To gain further insight into the biological processes, hypoxia-regulated genes after 16 hours of hypoxia were classified according to their function. We identified an enrichment of genes involved in important biological processes such as glycolysis, response to hypoxia, regulation of cellular component movement, response to nutrient levels, regulation of cell migration, and transcription regulator activity. Real-time PCR confirmed eight genes to be consistently upregulated in response to 3, 6 and 16 hours of hypoxia. For adipocytes the hypoxia-induced regulation of these genes is shown here for the first time. Moreover in six of these eight genes we identified HIF response elements in the proximal promoters, specific for the HIF transcription factor family members HIF1A and HIF2A. In the present study, we demonstrated that hypoxia has an extensive effect on gene expression of SGBS adipocytes. In addition, the identified hypoxia-regulated genes are likely involved in the regulation of obesity, the incidence of type 2 diabetes, and the metabolic syndrome

    Der frühe Beginn der Zwangsstörung

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    Einleitung: Die vorliegende Untersuchung geht der Fragestellung nach, ob sich eine Zwangsstörung, die bereits im Kindes- bzw. Jugendalter beginnt, von einer Zwangsstörung, die erst im Erwachsenenalter beginnt, hinsichtlich Schweregrad und Symptomatik unterscheidet. Patienten und Methoden: Eine Stichprobe von 370 Patienten mit Zwangsstörung (ICD-10 F42), die sich zwischen 1998 und 2002 stationär in der Psychosomatischen Klinik Windach befanden, wurde in eine Early-Onset-Gruppe (Störungsbeginn ≤15 Jahre) und in eine Late-Onset-Gruppe (Störungsbeginn ≥16 Jahre) aufgeteilt. Die Gruppen wurden über ICD-10-Diagnosen und Y-BOCSWerte verglichen. Ergebnisse: Beim Schweregrad zeigte sich, dass 20,5% der Early-Onset-Gruppe, aber lediglich 8,7% der Late-Onset-Gruppe unter einer «massiven Zwangsstörung» leiden. Bei der Symptomatik zeigte sich, dass die Early-Onset-Gruppe häufiger die Diagnose «Zwangsgedanken und -handlungen gemischt» (76,9%)erhält als die Late-Onset-Gruppe (61,8%). Außerdem nennt die Early-Onset-Gruppe sowohl für die Gegenwart als auch für die Vergangenheit mehr Symptome als die Late-Onset-Gruppe (Gegenwart 8,2 vs. 7,0; Vergangenheit 5,5 vs. 3,9 Symptomgruppen). Weiter ergaben sich inhaltliche Unterschiede der Zwangsgedanken und Zwangshandlungen. Schlussfolgerungen: Early-Onset-Patienten scheinen häufiger von einer massiven Form der Zwangsstörung und einer größeren Symptomvielfalt betroffen zu sein als Late-Onset-Patienten. Ob es sich bei der Zwangsstörung mit Beginn im Kindes- und Jugendalter um einen abgrenzbaren Subtypus handelt, konnte jedoch in dieser Untersuchung nicht eindeutig geklärt werden und bedarf weiterer Forschungen.Introduction: This study investigates if obsessive compulsive disorder with early onset differs in severity and symptomatology from that with late onset. Patients and Methods: A sample of 370 patients with obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD; ICD 10 F42) who received in-patient treatment at the psychosomatic clinic of Windach between 1998 and 2002 were divided into an early-onset group (onset ≤15 years) and a late-onset group (onset ≥16 years). Groups were compared regarding ICD-10 diagnosis and Y-BOCS scores. Results: Considering severity of the disorder 20.5% of the early-onset group but merely 8.7% of the late-onset group suffered from an extreme form of OCD. With respect to symptomatology, the early-onset group was diagnosed with ‘obsessions and compulsions, mixed’ (76.9%) more often than the lateonset group (61.8%). Also, the early-onset group reported a wider variety of symptoms both for the present and for the past than the late-onset group (present 8,2 vs 7.0; past 5.5 vs 3.9 types of symptoms). There were also differences in the content of rumination and types of compulsive rituals. Conclusions: Patients with early-onset OCD seem to be more frequently affected by an extreme form of OCD and to experience a higher variety of symptoms than patients with late-onset OCD. If early-onset OCD can be considered a distinct subtype could not be answered unequivocally by the results of this study. This question needs additional research