24 research outputs found

    Teknologi Tepat Guna Untuk Mencukupi Kontinuitas Kebutuhan Pakan Di KTT MURIA SARI

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    ABSTRAKSebagian besar penduduk Tunggulsari – Tayu – Pati adalah petani tambak bandeng.  Untuk menopang kehidupannya, penduduk juga beternak domba.  Pemilihan domba sebagai ternak yang dipelihara karena domba relatif mudah penanganannya, mudah berkembang biak dan membutuhkan modal yang relatif kecil.  Populasi domba di Tunggulsari sudah lebih dari 300 ekor.  Pemeliharaan domba terkendala pada kontinuitas penyediaan pakan.  Kendala ketersediaan pakan sangat terasa pada saat musim kemarau, yaitu kelangkaan tersedianya rumput.  Selain itu peternak juga belum memberikan pakan tambahan berupa konsentrat.  Pakan utama yang diberikan masih berupa rumput lapangan.  Sehingga kebutuhan ternak belum tercukupi nutrisinya, yang berimplikasi pada rendahnya produktivitas ternak domba.Berdasarkan hal-hal tersebut maka perlu dilakukan upaya perbaikan budidaya peternakan di Desa Tunggulsari, melalui perbaikan budidaya ternak, dan inovasi teknologi pakan. Teknologi penyusunan ransum yang sesuai kebutuhan ternak dan murah dengan optimalisasi pemanfaatan limbah pertanian dan limbah industri pertanian menggunakan mesin pengolah pakan yang sederhana, diintroduksikan ke kelompok tani ternak Muria Sari.  Diharapkan dengan kegiatan ini produktivitas ternak domba dapat  meningkat, dan pendapatan petani peternak meningkat.Penyusunan pakan konsentrat domba dengan berbahan baku lokal dilakukan untuk menyediakan pakan pelengkap bagi KTT Muria Sari.  Kekurangan bahan pakan sumber protein dipenuhi dengan pengadaan Wheat pollard dari luar wilayah.  Penerapan penggunaan pakan konsentrat guna mencukupi kebutuhan nutrien bagi ternak di KTT Muria Sari sukses dilaksanakan. Ternak mengkonsumsi dengan baik.  Produktivitas ternak meningkat dengan penambahan pakan konsentrat.

    Biogas-Wujud Penerapan IPTEKS Bagi Masyarakat Di Tunggulsari Tayu Pati

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    ABSTRAK Tujuan dari kegiatan ini adalah peningkatan produktivitas ruminansia, penurunan pencemaran lingkungan, peningkatan kesehatan ternak dan lingkungan dan peningkatan pendapatan petani peternak.Kegiatan IbM kelompok tani ternak di tunggulsari-Tayu-Pati telah memberikan peningkatan pengetahuan petani peternak dalam usaha peternakan yang lebih produktif, dengan meningkatnya kemampuan dalam penanganan kesehatan dan pencegahan dan pengobatan penyakit, teknologi pengolahan pakan, serta pengolahan kotoran ternak melalui teknologi biogas.  Biogas sudah dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai sumber energi dalam memasak. Keluaran/slury dari instalasi biogas dapat langsung dimanfaatkan sebagai pupuk organik

    Feeding of Total Mixed Ration on the Productivity of Friesian Holstein Cross-Grade Cattle

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    An experiment was conducted to evaluate feeding of total mixed ration (TMR) on the productivity of Friesian Holstein (FH) male cross-grade cattle at Semarang Municipality. TMR was a ration formulated with agricultural and agro-industrial by-product (no grass and/or green forage were used) to fulfilled the nutrient requirement of beef cattle. Total mixed ration were formulated on iso-energy of 66% of total digestible nutrients (TDN) and different level of crude protein (CP) content of 11%, 12%, 13%, and 14%. Twenty (20) heads of FH male cross-grade cattle with initial body weight of 292.40+33.06 kg were used in this experiment, and were arranged into 5 treatments T0, T1, T2, T3, and T4), and 4 replications. Data collected were analysed statistically using analyses of variance (Anova) based on the completely randomized design (CRD), then followed by Duncan's Multiple Range Test (DMRT) for different among treatments. Results of the experiment showed significantly different effect (P0.05) on feed conversion ratio (FCR), and feed efficiency. Others parameter showed that there were no significantly different (P>0.05) effect on the dry matter and organic matter digestibility in vitro, rumen ammonia concentration, and volatile fatty acid's rumen concentration. It was concluded that feeding TMR was potentially prospected for fattening of beef cattle, particularly as feeding strategy when there was no grass and/or green forage anymore

    Digestibility Value and Fermentation Level of Local Feed-Based ration for Sheep

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    Feed Digestibility is an important indicator which can be used as a guideline to determine the amount of nutrient and feed that can be absorbed by digestive tract. The objective of the research was to determine the value dry matter digestibility (DMD), organic matter digestibility (OMD), NH3 fermentation level and volatile fatty acid (VFA) fermentation level. The research was conducted on January 2018 in Animal Feed and Nutrition Laboratory of Animal Husbandry and Agriculture Faculty, Diponegoro University Semarang. The research method used was in vitro analysis with complete randomized design with five treatments and four replicates. The data were analyzed with analysis of variance at 95% significant level, followed by Duncan Multiple Range Test. The results showed that the highest score of DMD was T5=56.51±0.33%, T4=56.41±2.11; T3=55.86±0.83; highest score of OMD was T5=62.48±0.39%, T4=61.87±1.60; T3=60.86±1.10, the highest NH3 concentration was T3=6.07±1.55 mM, and the highest VFA concentration was T5=55.25±3.40 mM. Sheep’s local feed-based ration was significantly (P<0.05) influenced in vitro DMD, OMD, NH3 fermentation level and VFA fermentation leve

    Pengaruh Proteksi Protein Ampas Kecap dengan Tanin terhadap Konsentrasi Amonia, Produksi Protein Total dan Persentase Rumen Undegraded Dietary Protein secara In Vitro

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    The aimed of this research was to determine the effect of level tannin of mangrove leaf to protected soy pulp protein on ammonia concentration (NH3), total protein production and percentage of rumen undegraded dietary protein (RUDP) in vitro. The material used is soy pulp, mangroves leaves as a natural source of tannins, rumen liquor and reagents used in the analysis of NH3, total protein and RUDP. Parameters measured were NH3 concentrations, total protein production and percentage of RUDP. The experiment was conducted used a completely randomized designed with 4 treatments and 4 replications. Treatments are T0 (soy pulp + without tannin), T1 (soy pulp + tannin 0.25%), T2 (soy pulp + tannin 0.50%), T3 (soy pulp + tannin 0.75%). The results were analyzed statistically by variance analysis, and if there is a real effect due to treatment followed by Duncan test at 5% level to detect a difference between treatment effects. The results obtained NH3 concentration of soy pulp protein protected with different tannin are 4.34; 3.46; 3.29; 3.10 mM. The results total protein production are 315.37; 330.05; 334.04; 304.45 mg/g. The results percentage RUDP are 27.91; 27.96; 28.03; 27.36%. The variant test results showed that the protective soy pulp protein used mangrove tannin significantly decrease NH3 concentrations, but no significantly on total protein production and percentage RUDP. The DMRT test result showed that NH3 concentrations on T0 significantly higher (p&lt;0.05) from T1, T2 and T3 while T1, T2 and T3 not significantly different (p&gt;0.05). From the results of this research concluded that the protection of soy pulp protein used mangrove leaves tannin proven to decrease ammonia concentration (NH3) but did not affected to total protein production and percentage RUDP

    Hubungan Intensitas Terpaan Iklan Media Luar Ruang dan Persepsi Tentang Asosiasi Merek dengan Loyalitas Konsumen untuk Menggunakan Kartu Indosat IM3

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    Iklan media luar ruang merupakan salah media promosi yang masih dianggap efektifoleh Perusahaan untuk melakukan promosi produk mereka. Dengan penempatan iklan diluar ruang diharapkan pesan yang ingin disampaikan bisa di terima oleh khalayak secaraluas. Selain iklan Pandangan khalayak yang mengenai sebuah brand juga akanberpengaruh kepada brand tersebut diterima masyarakat atau tidak. Kedua faktor diatasdianggap bisa memiliki hubungan bagaimana factor-faktor tersebut bisa menjadikankonsumen menjadi konsumen yang loyal. Loyalitas konsumen merupakan hal yangingin dicapai setiap brand yang bisa menimbulkan hubungan yang berkesinambunganantara Perusahaan atau brand dengan konsumen.Untuk melihat bagaimana iklan media luar ruang dan asosiasi merek memilikihubungan dengan loyalitas pada penelitian ini peneliti menggunakan teori ElaborationLikelihood Model (ELM) dan Perception (DeVito). Hasil dari penelitian ini menemukanbahwa intensitas terpaan iklan media luar ruang dan persepsi tentang asosiasi merekIndosat IM3 memiliki hubungan dengan loyalitas konsumen untuk menggunakan kartuIndosat IM3. Bagaimanapun faktor-faktor tersebut bisa mempengaruhi nilai dariloyalitas konsumen terhadap brand

    Kecernaan Bahan Kering dan Bahan Organik secara In Vitro Hijauan Desmodium Cinereum pada Berbagai Dosis Pupuk Organik Cair dan Jarak Tanam

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    This research was conducted with the objective of identifying and studying the dry matter digestibility (DMD) and organic matter digestibility (OMD) in vitro forage D. cinereum at various doses of liquid organic fertilizer and plant spacing. This study used a completely randomized design (CRD) 4 x 2 factorial with three replications. Liquid organic fertilizer (P) as the factor A (0, 1, 3, and 5 ml / 1 l water / plot) and spacing (S) as the factor B (50 x 75 cm and 25 x 50 cm). Parameters measured were DMD and OMD. The results showed that the highest DMD and OMD achieved by comparison P1S0 P2S0, P0S1, P2S1, P3S1, P1S1, P0S0 and P3S0. Liquid organic fertilizer significantly (p &lt;0.05) against DMD and OMD. Planting space did not significantly affect DMD and OMD. DMD and OMD value is 61.64; 61.39; 59.98; 59.67; 58.97; 58.86; 57.86; 53.88% and 59.63; 59.45; 57.67; 57.23; 56.73; 56.15; 55.75; 48.02%. Liquid organic fertilizer dose 3 ml / 1 l water / plot (P2) to give effect to the values DMD 60.53% and OMD 58.34% which is the highest digestibility values

    Intake and Digestibility of Cattle's Ration on Complete Feed Based-On Fermented Ammonization Rice Straw with Different Protein Level

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    Complete feed (CF) utilization is expected to have impact on higher productivity due to increased intake and digestibility. The objective of research was to evaluate the effects of different level protein of CF based-on fermented ammonization (amofer) rice straw to Simmental offspring intake and digestibility Twenty males Simmental offspring with average live weight 372.15± 26.64 kg (coefficient of variance 7.16%) were used in this study. Feed treatment consisted of BC Nutrifeed 132 concentrate as control feed (T0) and CF based-on amofer rice straw consisted of T1, T2, T3 and T4 which had crude protein content 11, 12, 13 and 14% respectively and also total digestible nutrients (TDN) ± 62%. Completely randomized design with five treatments and four replicates were designed for this research. Data was analyzed by analysis of variance (ANOVA) at 95% significance level. The results showed that different crude protein did not affect the intake of dry matter, organic matter, crude protein and TDN. It was significantly affected the digestibility of dry matter, organic matter and crude protein (p<0.01). The highest digestibility was obtained to treatment with 12% crude protein and ± 62% TDN. Conclusion of this study was different level of crude protein constituted in CF which produced from specific material resource was proven to have impact in increasing cattle's digestibility.Doi: 10.12777/ijse.4.2.2013.86-91 [How to cite this article: Mayulu, H., Sunarso, S., Christiyanto, M. and Ballo, F. (2013). Intake and Digestibility of Cattle's Ration On Complete Feed Based-On Fermented Ammonization Rice Straw With Different Protein Level. International Journal of Science and Engineering, 4(2),86-91. Doi: 10.12777/ijse.4.2.2013.86-91