26 research outputs found

    Why poetry? : Twenty interviews with Swedish poetry-readers

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    This investigation is based on interviews (semi-structured and tape-recorded) with 20 Swedish poetry-readers. who were found at the poetry-shelf at the local library. Data are presented concerning various aspects of their poetry-reading habits; when, where and how do they read poetry, what do they read, and, above all, why do they read it? Their own writing of poetry, their reading in general, and their habits in visiting the library, as well as their opinion of it, are also investigated to some extent. By comparing the results with literature on poetry-reading and -writing, the thesis arrives at the conclusion that the interviewed poetry-readers are oriented towards being. in the Frommian sense of the word, or, differently put, towards an authentic existence, as it is described by Heidegger

    Additional file 1: of A novel method for investigating Burkholderia cenocepacia infections in patients with cystic fibrosis and other chronic diseases of the airways

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    Bacterial clouds in F-12 medium and ASMDM wells. Confluent HLCCs were subjected to Ham’s F-12 complete medium (A and B) or 60 % ASMDM (C and D), infected with B. cenocepacia at MOI 0.3 (B and D) or mock-infected with saline (A and C), and incubated at 37 °C (7 % CO2). After 24 h, HLCC monolayers were assessed with an inverted Zeiss axiovert 40 CFL microscope (1000X magnification), a microscope-mounted camera, and Leica LAS v4.6.2. software. HLCC monolayers in Ham’s F-12 complete medium and 60 % ASMDM with B. cenocepacia show a dense mass in the upper left wells (arrows). Because this is seen in infected wells only, we think these are clouds of bacterial cells floating in the supernatant (B and D). Both mock-infected wells show no clouds (A and C). (DOCX 679 kb