9 research outputs found
Pemodelan Turbin Cross-flow Untuk Diaplikasikan Pada Sumber Air Dengan Tinggi Jatuh Dan Debit Kecil
Telah dilakukan suatu upaya memodifikasi dan rekayasa turbin jenis cross-flow. Rekayasa dilakukan dengan merubah jumlah sudut dan hubungannya dengan jumlah putaran, daya turbin, dan efisiensi turbin. Rekayasa juga dilakukan terhadap bentuk saluran yang digunakan yaitu saluran terbuka berbentuk persegi, setengah lingkaran dan trapesium. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan mengambil beberapa input yang disesuaikan dengan kebanyakan yang ada di lapangan. Input yang diambil adalah kecepatan alir, tinggi jatuh, kemiringan saluran, lebar penampang saluran, jari-jari saluran, diameter luar turbin, dan lebar turbin. Sementara itu besaran yang dibuat variabel adalah jumlah sudu pada turbin cross-flow. Penampang sebagai saluran air dipakai persegi, setengah lingkaran, dan trapesium dan ketiganya dibuat terbuka. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dengan asumsi lebar penampang 4 m, tinggi jatuh 2 m, jari-jari 2 m, kemiringan 1/√3, kecepatan aliran 2 m/s, diameter luar turbin 0,75 m, dan lebar turbin 4,3 m, maka turbin dengan jumlah sudu 12 memiliki jumlah putaran, daya turbin, dan efisiensi turbin yang paling besar. Bilamana jumlah sudu diperbanyak, maka jumlah putaran, daya turbin, dan efisiensi turbin semakin kecil. Sementara itu penelitian untuk menentukan jenis penampang saluran didapatkan bahwa jenis saluran dengan penampang trapesium dihasilkan jumlah putaran, daya turbin, dan efisiensi turbin yang paling besar disusul jenis persegi dan setengah lingkaran
The Effect of Insecticide on Predator-prey Model to Control the Brown Planthopper
The interaction of brown planthopper with its natural enemies can be represented in a
predator-prey model. In this research, predator prey model influenced by insecticide is
discussed. It is assumed that insecticide is applied at only one time when the population of
brown planthopper is rised. The simulation results indicate that the brown planthopper
population could be reduced significantly, but only in a moment. For a long periods of time, the
brown planthopper population and their natural enemies will be oscillated and lead to the
specified value. This means, the brown planthopper populations for long periods of time only
depends on the mortality rate of predator and the level of interaction of the brown planthopper
and predators
Meaning in Landscape Architecture: Negotiating Identity in a Landscape of Local and National Significance
This thesis develops a landscape architectural approach to the design
of meaning in locally and nationally significant spaces. It begins with an
emerging contemporary trend: nationally significant sites that are ignored
and reduced in importance by the changing, fluid urban landscapes that surround them.
Adelaide Road, in Wellington, the capital of New Zealand, is the site of Government House, the National War Memorial and the Basin reserve. These three nationally significant colonial icons suffer from lack of connection to their urban context, and thus this site is used as design case study.
The thesis first develops a position on the expression of meaning through
architectural form, particularly the meaning of national identity in capital
cities. The expression of meaning in architecture is hindered by problems
to do with the cultural context the sites are found within. Cultural shifts quickly move on from original designed meaning, leaving only culturally ingrained meaning. For nationally significant sites to remain relevant they
need to become used, active parts of the urban landscape, so that layers of
meaning and identity can accumulate within them. To situate the thesis in the context of Aotearoa-New Zealand, cultural traditions to do with sense of belonging to the landscape are used to establish a base set of values on which to base a design methodology. Landscape, particularly
the natural landscape, has become a cliché expression of New Zealand national identity, to the detriment of urban landscapes. The design methodology uses landscape architecture theory to draw together Māori and Pākehā landscape values and apply them to the complex problems of an urban site. The design outcome frames the re-connection of Government House, the War Memorial and the Basin Reserve to the urban landscape within the cultural
context of Aotearoa-New Zealand
Под знаменем Ленина. 1936. № 091
CapaCiTY programme overview. (DOCX 152 kb
summary of ethnographic observations and interviews conducted.
<p>summary of ethnographic observations and interviews conducted.</p
Additional file 3: of Faecal incontinence intervention study (FINS): self-management booklet information with or without nurse support to improve continence in people with inflammatory bowel disease: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial
Spirit checklist. (DOC 121 kb
Perehdytysmateriaalin laatiminen Kauhajoen terveyskeskuksen akuuttiosastolle
Tämän toiminnallisen opinnäytetyön tarkoituksena oli tuottaa perehdytysmateriaali Suupohjan peruspalveluliikelaitoskuntayhtymän Kauhajoen terveyskeskuksen akuuttiosastolle. Työn tilaajana oli akuuttiosaston osastonhoitaja. Perehdytysmateriaalin tarkoituksena on tukea uuden tulokkaan perehtymistä sekä perehdytystä. Perehdytysmateriaali toimii myös tietolähteenä, josta koko henkilökunta voi tarvittaessa tarkistaa asioita. Opinnäytetyön tavoitteina oli yhtenäistää perehdytys akuuttiosastolla, helpottaa uuden työntekijän organisaation tutustumista ja toimia materiaalina, jota kokeneet työntekijät voivat käyttää asioiden tarkistamiseen. Perehdytysmateriaali toteutettiin yhteistyössä akuuttiosaston yhteyshenkilön kanssa.
Hyvän perehdytyksen onnistumiseen vaikuttavat monet eri tekijät. Teoreettisessa viitekehyksessä esitetään perehdytyksen onnistumiseen vaikuttavat tekijät, akuuttiosaston toiminta ja hyvän kirjallisen materiaalin tuottamiseen vaikuttavat tekijät.
Opinnäytetyöprojekti aloitettiin keväällä 2014. Teoreettiseen viitekehykseen haettiin tutkittua tietoa ja muuta laadukasta näyttöä. Akuuttiosaston henkilökunnalle tehtiin kysely heidän näkemyksistään hyvästä perehdytyksestä ja perehdytysmateriaalista. Teoreettisen viitekehyksen ja kyselyn tulosten perusteella laadittiin perehdytysmateriaali yhteistyössä tilaajan kanssa.
Tilaaja on hyväksynyt perehdytysmateriaalin ja sitä tullaan käyttämään akuuttiosastolla vierihoitomallin tukena perehdytyksessä. Opinnäytetyön valmistusvaiheessa ei ole vielä mahdollista arvioida opinnäytetyön tavoitteiden saavuttamista. Jatkotutkimusaiheeksi ehdotetaan tavoitteiden arviointia kyselyn avulla.The purpose of this practice-based bachelor´s thesis was to make orientation material for the acute inpatient ward in Kauhajoki health centre. The thesis was commissioned by the ward nurse. The purpose of the orientation material is to support the orientation process of a new employee. The material can also be used by the other staff. The aim of the material is also to standardize the orientation process on the acute inpatient ward. The material was made in cooperation with the contact person on the ward.
A good orientation process is influenced by many factors. The theoretical frame deals with the factors that affect the success of the orientation process, with the work and processes on the acute inpatient ward and the factors that influence producing written material of a good quality.
The thesis project was started in the spring of 2014. Research data and evidence-based data were used when writing the theoretical frame. An inquiry was carried out among the staff. The orientation material was made based on the theoretical frame and the inquiry in cooperation with the client.
The client has approved the orientation material, and it will be used in the acute inpatient ward to support the rooming-in model. The process of writing the thesis has not yet been completed so it is difficult to estimate if the goals have been accomplished. A topic for further research could be to evaluate, by carrying out an inquiry, if the goals were reached
Additional file 1: of Efficacy and mechanism of sub-sensory sacral (optimised) neuromodulation in adults with faecal incontinence: study protocol for a randomised controlled trial
Standard Protocol Items: Recommendations for Interventional Trials (SPIRIT) 2013 Checklist: Recommended items to address in a clinical trial protocol and related documents. (DOC 115Â kb