139 research outputs found

    Perkembangan Pendidikan di Afghanistan Pada Masa Pemerintahan Taliban (1996-2001)

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    Artikel ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan perkembangan pendidikan di Afghanistan pada masa pemerintahan Taliban (1996-2001), bahasan dalam artikel ini mencakup keadaan pendidikan formal yakni sekolah dasar, menengah, dan tinggi serta pendidikan non-formal. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini ialah metode sejarah dengan teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan studi pustaka. Pada masa pemerintahan Taliban, seluruh sekolah dasar dan menengah modern diubah menjadi madrasah dengan kurikulum pemerintah Taliban untuk madrasah negeri dan Dars i-Nizami untuk madrasah swasta. Perempuan di Afghanistan pada masa tersebut dibatasi kebebasannya untuk menempuh pendidikan. Meskipun demikian, lembaga organisasi non-pemerintahan internasional membentuk sekolah modern di pedesaan Afghanistan khusus untuk perempuan. Sistem perguruan tinggi mengalami kemunduran pada masa pemerintahan Taliban. Menjelang keruntuhan Taliban pada tahun 2001, hanya tersisa 7 perguruan tinggi dari 14 perguruan tinggi yang awalnya diizinkan beroperasi oleh pemerintah Taliban. Faktor yang mempengaruhi kemunduran tersebut ialah represi militer Taliban di dunia pendidikan, dominasi etnis Pashtun, pembatasan pendidikan untuk perempuan, dan sistem pendidikan yang berbeda dari umumnya. Pada masa pemerintahan Taliban berkembang beberapa pendidikan non-formal seperti pendidikan agama Islam untuk anak-anak, perkumpulan kursus menjahit perempuan, dan pelatihan militer oleh al-Qaeda

    Globalización, ciudadanía y educación : auge y expansión de los marcos de referencia cosmopolitas, multiculturales y de empoderamiento individual

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    En este artículo planteamos preguntas en torno a dos cambios centrales. La primera atañe al grado en que los currículos nacionales en ciencias sociales avanzan en la dirección general de la globalización y el multiculturalismo, como corriente opuesta a la conservación de posturas más orientadas a lo nacional. Segundo, analizamos las maneras en que los currículos nacionales resuelven las tensiones entre la construcción de la nación y su ciudadanía y la preparación de los estudiantes como individuos que participan en una sociedad nacional y global diversa. Proponemos futuros análisis para codificar y analizar los libros de texto de ciencias sociales en unos sesenta países a lo largo de los últimos cincuenta años. Estos estudios darán indicios de tendencias a nivel mundial, regional y nacional en textos. Examinarán factores nacionales y transnacionales que influencian la probabilidad de aumento de los marcos de empoderamiento cosmopolitas, multiculturales e individuales. Se analizará además las maneras en que los currículos de Estudios Sociales procuran resolver las tensiones entre la unidad nacional y la diversidad legítima supranacional y subnacional

    What Causes Participation in International Non-Governmental Organizations?

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    Participation in non-governmental organizations allows individuals to volunteer their time in the name of service. Public participation in non-governmental organizations can be garnered from all corners of the globe and regions of the world for various indirect reasons. There is a focus in this study on humanitarian and human right organizations

    Soft Skills Needed by the Tertiary Students During Pandemic

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    This study aims to describe the soft or personal skills of the B.S. Information Technology students of Nueva Ecija University of Science and Technology, Nueva Ecija, Philippines, in School Year 2020-2021. To describe the students' skills, percentage, weighted mean, and ranking were used. Generally, the results showed that students believed that the top 2 essential skills during the pandemic are negotiation and stress management. For them, speaking in a friendly manner and clarifying in case of misunderstanding are critical in a negotiation. On the other hand, respondents highlighted that requirements must be done before the deadline to be free from stress

    Explaining participation in regional transnational social movement organizations

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    Since the late 1980s, governments have focused intensely on formalizing political and economic relationships within regions. There has also been a concurrent rise in transnational, regional level organizing among social movement activists globally, suggesting the regionalization of 'global civil society.' However, opportunities for participation in transnational associations vary widely across countries. In this article, we examine the influence of international (both global and regional) institutional contexts, citizen participation in international society, and national level factors on varying levels of participation in regional transnational social movement organizations (TSMOs). We use negative binomial regression to examine relationships among these factors at three time points: 1980, 1990, and 2000. We find that in the early time period, citizen network connections to international society facilitated the formation of and participation in regionally organized TSMOs. Over time, however, regional and global institutional contexts were more predictive of participation in regional TSMOs than were international network ties. Our analysis also uncovered how qualitatively different forms of regionalism translated into significantly different levels of TSMO regionalization. In Europe, where the regional institutional structure is more elaborated than elsewhere in the world, the number of regional TSMOs in which citizens participated greatly outpaced that found elsewhere. Irrespective of international, institutional factors, however, state-level features remained crucial to explaining the development of regional TSMO sectors and the variable levels of participation in them. Citizens in states with restrictions on political rights and civil liberties had significantly lower participation in these organizations in 1990 and 2000. Even so, over time, citizens in states with more ties to global and regional multilateral processes found more ways to overcome this disadvantage and strengthen their participation in regional, transnational civil society. © 2007 SAGE Publications

    The Silence in America’s Classrooms: The Portrayal of Women and Gender in United States High School History Textbooks

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    In the twenty-first century, the process of adopting statewide history textbooks has become a political battleground surrounding concepts of race, gender, and identity in American history. By contextualizing the current discussion surrounding content in American history textbooks, I examine the portrayal of women in secondary United States social studies textbooks from the 1960s to the 2010s. In doing so, I show how portrayals of women\u27s history evolve in the most widely adopted high school post-Civil War American history textbooks in each decade from the 1960s through to the 2000s. By comparing the evolution of the women’s and gender historiography to the change in high school history textbooks, this analysis reveals new information about the level of pedagogical cogency in teaching social and cultural history to high school students. Textbook publishing data does not indicate the most popular textbooks nationwide or even statewide, with ample options available on the market. However, I am able to narrow the source material to the twenty states with a statewide textbook adoption process to examine commonly approved textbooks. I then calculate the approximate population of secondary high school students in those states to quantify students\u27 intake of the adopted textbooks. While considerable scholarship analyzes the portrayal of women in high school history textbooks, this study emphasizes slight improvement of the textbooks and offers a solution to creating more effective learning material

    Does Electoral Proximity Influence Commitment to International Human Rights Law?

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    The Silence in America’s Classrooms: The Portrayal of Women and Gender in United States High School History Textbooks

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    In the twenty-first century, the process of adopting statewide history textbooks has become a political battleground surrounding concepts of race, gender, and identity in American history. By contextualizing the current discussion surrounding content in American history textbooks, I examine the portrayal of women in secondary United States social studies textbooks from the 1960s to the 2010s. In doing so, I show how portrayals of women\u27s history evolve in the most widely adopted high school post-Civil War American history textbooks in each decade from the 1960s through to the 2000s. By comparing the evolution of the women’s and gender historiography to the change in high school history textbooks, this analysis reveals new information about the level of pedagogical cogency in teaching social and cultural history to high school students. Textbook publishing data does not indicate the most popular textbooks nationwide or even statewide, with ample options available on the market. However, I am able to narrow the source material to the twenty states with a statewide textbook adoption process to examine commonly approved textbooks. I then calculate the approximate population of secondary high school students in those states to quantify students\u27 intake of the adopted textbooks. While considerable scholarship analyzes the portrayal of women in high school history textbooks, this study emphasizes slight improvement of the textbooks and offers a solution to creating more effective learning material