704 research outputs found

    Stanislas Auguste, dernier roi de Pologne. Collectionneur et mécène dans l'Europe des Lumières, sous la direction de Grąbczewska M.

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    Stanislas Auguste Poniatowski... ce nom résonne aux oreilles polonaises, mais ne trouve qu'un vague écho dans la société française. Stanislas Auguste (1732-1798) fut le dernier roi de Pologne et un homme au destin tragique. Alors que ses échecs politiques ont causé la disparition de son royaume, il était parvenu à propager les idées des Lumières et à hisser la culture polonaise aux standards de ses illustres voisines. Cette personnalité fascinante et controversée, mais méconnue en dehors des ..

    Le soutien social de l’intervenante tel que perçu par les participantes d’un programme de prévention en périnatalité en milieu d’extrême pauvreté

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    Un soutien global offert par une intervenante privilégiée à des femmes enceintes vivant en situation de pauvreté est un des éléments essentiels du Programme intégré de prévention en périnatalité Naître-égaux-Grandir en santé. Cette recherche constitue une analyse secondaire des verbatims recueillis lors d'entrevues effectuées pour l'étude de mise en oeuvre du programme. La perception du soutien reçu de l'intervenante par la cliente, le processus relationnel entre l'une et l'autre, ainsi que la perception des impacts du soutien sur le vécu de grossesse y sont étudiés au moyen d'une analyse thématique de contenu. Les catégories de soutien ressorties de cette analyse sont le soutien informatif, émotionnel, instrumental, le soutien à la modification des habitudes de vie, le soutien récréatif ainsi que la disponibilité du soutien. Les impacts perçus par les participantes sont les apprentissages, les modifications des habitudes de vie, le fait de garder un bon moral et l'utilisation des ressources communautaires. L'établissement d'une relation de confiance apparaît comme l'élément-clé dans la perception du soutien apporté par l'intervenante. Cette relation de confiance devient nécessaire au développement d'une intimité plus grande et à la perception d'un soutien plus intense. Ainsi le soutien social et la relation de confiance agissent en synergie et se renforcent mutuellement.One of the essential elements of the "Programme intégré de prévention en périnatalité-Naître-égaux-Grandir-en-santé" (Born Equal-Brought up Healthy) is to have a health professional offering general support to pregnant women living in poverty. This research is based on a secondary analysis of the transcriptions of interviews done in order to implement the program. The thematic content analysis was employed to analyze the women's perception of the support provided by the health professional, the relationship between client-professional, and the perceptions of these women about the impact that the social support had on their pregnancy experience. The categories of support that emerged from the analysis are: information support, emotional support, instrumental support, changing life style support, recreational support, and availability of support. The categories of impact perceived by the participants are: learning, changes in life style, to be in a good mood, and the use of community resources. A key element in the perception of support by the participants is the establishment of a relationship of trust between professional and client. This relationship of trust is important to the development of intimacy and to foster the perception of a more intense kind of support. Hence social support and the relationship of trust work in synergy and reinforce each other.Un apoyo global provilegiado ofrecido por un trabajador comunal a mujeres embarazadas viviendo en situaciôn de pobreza es uno de los elementos esenciales del Programa integrado de prevenciôn en prenatal, " Nacer iguales - crecer saludables ". Esta investigation constituye un anâlisis secundario de los propositus recogidos en el momento de las entrevistas efectuadas para el estudio de puesta en marcha del programa. La perception de la clientela del apoyo ofrecido por el trabajador comunal, el proceso de relation entre esta, asi que la perception de los impactos del apoyo sobre la vivencia del embarazo, son estudiados por medio de un anâlisis temâtico de contenido. Las categorîas del apoyo que sobresalen en este anâlisis son el sostén informativo,, el sostén emotional, el sostén instrumental, el sostén para la modification de los habitas de vida, el sostén recreativo asf que la disponibilidad de los mismos. Los impactos percibidos por las participantes son los aprendizajes, las modifications de los habitas de vida, el hecho de conservar el entusiasmo y la utilization de los recursos colectivos. El establecimiento de una relation de confianza aparece como el elemento clave en la perception del apoyo ofrecido por el trabajador comunal. Esta relation de confianza se impone necesaria al desarrollo de una intimidad mâs grande y a la perception de un apoyo mâs intenso. Asi apoyo social y la relation de confianza actûan en sinergia y se refuerzan mutuamente

    Combination of WENO and Explicit Runge–Kutta Methods for Wind Transport in the Meso-NH Model

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    This paper investigates the use of the weighted essentially nonoscillatory (WENO) space discretization methods of third and fifth order for momentum transport in the Meso-NH meteorological model, and their association with explicit Runge–Kutta (ERK) methods, with the specific purpose of finding an optimal combination in terms of wall-clock time to solution. A linear stability analysis using von Neumann theory is first conducted that considers six different ERK time integration methods. A new graphical representation of linear stability is proposed, which allows a first discrimination between the ERK methods. The theoretical analysis is then completed by tests on numerical problems of increasing complexity (linear advection of high wind gradient, orographic waves, density current, large eddy simulation of fog, and windstorm simulation), using a fourth-order-centered scheme as a reference basis. The five-stage third-order and fourth-order ERK combinations appear as the time integration methods of choice for coupling with WENO schemes in terms of stability. An explicit time-splitting method added to the ERK temporal scheme for WENO improves the stability properties slightly more. When the spatial discretizations are compared, WENO schemes present the main advantage of maintaining stable, nonoscillatory transitions with sharp discontinuities, but WENO third order is excessively damping, while WENO fifth order provides better accuracy. Finally, WENO fifth order combined with the ERK method makes the whole physics of the model 3 times faster compared to the classical fourth-order centered scheme associated with the leapfrog temporal scheme

    Corpus et pathologies du langage : du recueil à l’analyse de données pour une linguistique clinique et appliquée

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    Ce numéro thématique a pour objectif de réunir un ensemble de contributions s’attachant à rendre compte de la constitution et de l’utilisation de corpus de données orales ou écrites dans le champ des pathologies du langage. Plus précisément, notre ambition est de montrer ce que les données issues de situations réelles peuvent apporter aux connaissances actuelles dans ce domaine. Nous considérons, à l’instar de (de Weck & Rodi 2005 ; de Weck & Marro 2010 ; MacLeod et al. 2011 ; MacWhinney et a..

    Design and evaluation of braced touch for touchscreen input stabilisation.

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    Incorporating touchscreen interaction into cockpit flight systems offers several potential advantages to aircraft manufacturers, airlines, and pilots. However, vibration and turbulence are challenges to reliable interaction. We examine the design space for braced touch interaction, which allows users to mechanically stabilise selections by bracing multiple fingers on the touchscreen before completing selection. Our goal is to enable fast and accurate target selection during high levels of vibration, without impeding interaction performance when vibration is absent. Three variant methods of braced touch are evaluated, using doubletap, dwell, or a force threshold in combination with heuristic selection criteria to discriminate intentional selection from concurrent braced contacts. We carried out an experiment to test the performance of these methods in both abstract selection tasks and more realistic flight tasks. The study results confirm that bracing improves performance during vibration, and show that doubletap was the best of the tested methods

    Eye movements reveal that young school children shift attention when solving additions and subtractions.

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    peer reviewedAdults shift their attention to the right or to the left along a spatial continuum when solving additions and subtractions, respectively. Studies suggest that these shifts not only support the exact computation of the results but also anticipatively narrow down the range of plausible answers when processing the operands. However, little is known on when and how these attentional shifts arise in childhood during the acquisition of arithmetic. Here, an eye-tracker with high spatio-temporal resolution was used to measure spontaneous eye movements, used as a proxy for attentional shifts, while children of 2nd (8 y-o; N = 50) and 4th (10 y-o; N = 48) Grade solved simple additions (e.g., 4+3) and subtractions (e.g., 3-2). Gaze patterns revealed horizontal and vertical attentional shifts in both groups. Critically, horizontal eye movements were observed in 4th Graders as soon as the first operand and the operator were presented and thus before the beginning of the exact computation. In 2nd Graders, attentional shifts were only observed after the presentation of the second operand just before the response was made. This demonstrates that spatial attention is recruited when children solve arithmetic problems, even in the early stages of learning mathematics. The time course of these attentional shifts suggests that with practice in arithmetic children start to use spatial attention to anticipatively guide the search for the answer and facilitate the implementation of solving procedures. RESEARCH HIGHLIGHTS: Additions and subtractions are associated to right and left attentional shifts in adults, but it is unknown when these mechanisms arise in childhood. Children of 8-10 years old solved single-digit additions and subtractions while looking at a blank screen. Eye movements showed that children of 8 years old already show spatial biases possibly to represent the response when knowing both operands. Children of 10 years old shift attention before knowing the second operand to anticipatively guide the search for plausible answers.4. Quality educatio

    Mutation of the Protein Kinase C Site in Borna Disease Virus Phosphoprotein Abrogates Viral Interference with Neuronal Signaling and Restores Normal Synaptic Activity

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    Understanding the pathogenesis of infection by neurotropic viruses represents a major challenge and may improve our knowledge of many human neurological diseases for which viruses are thought to play a role. Borna disease virus (BDV) represents an attractive model system to analyze the molecular mechanisms whereby a virus can persist in the central nervous system (CNS) and lead to altered brain function, in the absence of overt cytolysis or inflammation. Recently, we showed that BDV selectively impairs neuronal plasticity through interfering with protein kinase C (PKC)–dependent signaling in neurons. Here, we tested the hypothesis that BDV phosphoprotein (P) may serve as a PKC decoy substrate when expressed in neurons, resulting in an interference with PKC-dependent signaling and impaired neuronal activity. By using a recombinant BDV with mutated PKC phosphorylation site on P, we demonstrate the central role of this protein in BDV pathogenesis. We first showed that the kinetics of dissemination of this recombinant virus was strongly delayed, suggesting that phosphorylation of P by PKC is required for optimal viral spread in neurons. Moreover, neurons infected with this mutant virus exhibited a normal pattern of phosphorylation of the PKC endogenous substrates MARCKS and SNAP-25. Finally, activity-dependent modulation of synaptic activity was restored, as assessed by measuring calcium dynamics in response to depolarization and the electrical properties of neuronal networks grown on microelectrode arrays. Therefore, preventing P phosphorylation by PKC abolishes viral interference with neuronal activity in response to stimulation. Our findings illustrate a novel example of viral interference with a differentiated neuronal function, mainly through competition with the PKC signaling pathway. In addition, we provide the first evidence that a viral protein can specifically interfere with stimulus-induced synaptic plasticity in neurons

    Neuromyths and knowledge about intellectual giftedness in a highly educated multilingual country.

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    peer reviewed[en] INTRODUCTION: Understanding brain functioning and intellectual giftedness can be challenging and give rise to various misconceptions. Nonetheless, there seems to be a widespread fascination and appetite for these subjects among the lay public and diverse professionals. The present study is the first to investigate general knowledge about the brain, neuromyths and knowledge about giftedness in a highly multilingual and educated country. METHODS: Starting from and extending two seminal studies on neuromyths, several novel statements on intellectual giftedness have been included in order to explore knowledge and misconceptions concerning giftedness. Our sample (N = 200) was composed of Luxembourgish education professionals, including students in educational science and cognitive psychology, thus allowing to analyze responses in general and according to training and professional profiles. Specifically, Group 1 consisted of teachers and futures teachers (n = 152). Group 2 consisted of other education professionals and psychology students (n = 48). RESULTS: Despite the size and the unbalanced distribution of the sample, our findings indicate a good level of general knowledge about the brain and learning (71.3% of correct responses in average) which does, however, not preclude the presence of the typically observed original neuromyths. Thus, we replicate the classical finding that misconceptions on Learning Styles (70% of error rate) and the Multiple Intelligence Theory (71.5% of error rate) are the most represented, both in (future and in-service) teachers and other education professionals. Moreover, the present sample also revealed a high presence of misconceptions on intellectual giftedness. DISCUSSION: Limitations and future directions are discussed.4. Quality educatio