58 research outputs found

    Parental influence on tennis players : case studies

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    The aim of this study is to better understand the failure of young gifted athletes and the influence the parents / child relationships has on it. Three case studies are developed in order to put them back in their context. Interviews were carried out with players / parents / coaches. The players were specifically chosen as they had not reached elite level, despite very promising results in the junior leagues. The content analysis points out some favorable roles played by parents and other rather negative ones. It appears that their influence is closely linked to numerous interacting factors (parental values, motivations, parents / child, parents / coach relationships...). The case studies also clearly stress the importance of the choices made during the childs training, how they are linked to parental values, as well as the possible consequences of negative father / athlete relationships. Practical applications of this study should be taken into account to favor athletes carrer

    Troubles de l'image du corps et troubles psychologiques associés dans l'anorexie mentale (mécanismes sous-jacents et proposition de régulation par les activités physiques adaptées)

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    Ce travail doctoral propose d étudier les troubles de l image du corps et les troubles psychologiques associés, chez des patientes anorexiques, comparées à des femmes sans trouble du comportement alimentaire (TCA), et d examiner l impact des facteurs socioculturels sur l émergence de ces troubles, ainsi que l influence d un programme d activés physiques adaptées (APA) sur leur régulation. L étude 1 indique que l insatisfaction corporelle des femmes sans TCA augmente significativement en fonction de l âge et de la corpulence, démontrant de l importance de l image du corps sur la santé mentale des femmes dans nos sociétés occidentales. L étude 2 montre que les patientes anorexiques ont une insatisfaction corporelle significativement plus importante, des scores d anxiété physique sociale et de dépression significativement plus élevés, ainsi que des scores d estime de soi globale et de soi physique globale significativement plus faibles que les femmes sans TCA, traduisant la coexistence de troubles psychologiques chez les patientes anorexiques. L étude 3 révèle que les mécanismes de comparaison sociale et d internalisation des messages sociaux sont significativement plus activés chez les anorexiques comparées aux femmes sans TCA. Toutefois, il apparaît qu une amorce idéal de minceur n a aucun effet significatif sur l insatisfaction corporelle et la silhouette idéale, chez les deux groupes. Enfin, l étude 4 montre que, même si le programme d APA ne permet pas de réguler les troubles de l image du corps et les troubles psychologiques, il n interfère pas négativement dans le traitement thérapeutique de l anorexie mentale. Ces différents résultats sont ensuite discutés, et des perspectives de recherche sont proposées.The present doctoral research aims to investigate body image disturbances and associated psychological troubles, in patients with anorexia nervosa as compared to healthy controls, and to examine the impact of sociocultural factors on the emergence of the aforementioned troubles, as the effects of an adapted physical activity program (APA) on their regulation. Study 1 indicates that body dissatisfaction of women without eating disorders (ED) increases significantly according to age and shape, enlightening the role of body image in women s health in Western societies. Study 2 shows that anorexics present significantly more body dissatisfaction and significantly higher scores of social physical anxiety and depression, but also a global self-esteem and a global physical self significantly lower, as compared to women without ED. Study 3 reveals that social comparison and social messages internalization are more relevant in anorexics than in women without ED. However, we observed no significant effect of thin ideal priming on body dissatisfaction and ideal body size in both groups. Finally, Study 4 shows that, even if APA program reveals no significant effect on body image disturbances and associated psychological troubles, it does not interfere negatively with the therapeutic treatment for anorexia nervosa. These results are then discussed and perspectives of research are presented.PARIS11-SCD-Bib. électronique (914719901) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Global stress response during a social stress test: impact of alexithymia and its subfactors

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    Objectives Alexithymia is a personality trait characterized by difficulties in identifying, describing and communicating one's own emotions. Recent studies have associated specific effects of this trait and its subfactors with hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis markers during stress. The aim of this study was to analyze the association between alexithymia and its subfactors with HPA and sympatho-adrenal medullar (SAM) activity. Stress was induced experimentally using a public-speaking paradigm. Salivary cortisol, alpha-amylase (AA), chromogranin A (CgA) and heart rate (HR) were collected during the defined periods of baseline, stress, and recovery in 19 males and 24 female healthy university students. Results Subjects reacted to the stressor with a significant cortisol and SAM response. Subjects scoring high on alexithymia reacted significantly more intensely than low scorers in basal anticipatory as well as peak cortisol and area under the curve. Regression analyses revealed that the increased HPA activity was related to only one alexithymia subfactor, the difficulty in differentiating feelings and distinguishing them from bodily sensations and emotion arousal. Conclusion Alexithymia and its subfactors were specifically related to cortisol responses. This research should be replicated with more subjects and should take into account more parameters reflecting sympathetic and/or parasympathetic activation, as well as HPA axis. Factors such as coping strategies and the perception of the situation as a challenge have also to be explored

    Toward Automatic Detection of Acute Stress: Relevant Nonverbal Behaviors and Impact of Personality Traits

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    The aim of the present study is to identify relevant nonverbal features allowing the discrimination of different stressful behaviors, with the consideration of personality factors. In order to achieve this aim, we propose a new method for psychological stress induction involving four different stressful tasks. The proposed protocol was tested with 45 PhD students and the analysis of heart rate variability suggests that stress was indeed elicited. PhD students were selected as participants because they often experience stress. Multimodal data was collected and analyzed in order to identify nonverbal behavioral features related to the different stressful tasks. The psychological profile of participants was taken into account to understand how different stressful behaviors are correlated with personality factors. Results suggest that relevant nonverbal behaviors can discriminate between stressful tasks. In addition, relevant behaviors involving movement variability appear to be correlated with personality factors and stressful tasks

    A united statement of the global chiropractic research community against the pseudoscientific claim that chiropractic care boosts immunity.

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    BACKGROUND: In the midst of the coronavirus pandemic, the International Chiropractors Association (ICA) posted reports claiming that chiropractic care can impact the immune system. These claims clash with recommendations from the World Health Organization and World Federation of Chiropractic. We discuss the scientific validity of the claims made in these ICA reports. MAIN BODY: We reviewed the two reports posted by the ICA on their website on March 20 and March 28, 2020. We explored the method used to develop the claim that chiropractic adjustments impact the immune system and discuss the scientific merit of that claim. We provide a response to the ICA reports and explain why this claim lacks scientific credibility and is dangerous to the public. More than 150 researchers from 11 countries reviewed and endorsed our response. CONCLUSION: In their reports, the ICA provided no valid clinical scientific evidence that chiropractic care can impact the immune system. We call on regulatory authorities and professional leaders to take robust political and regulatory action against those claiming that chiropractic adjustments have a clinical impact on the immune system

    Les différentes formes de stress et leur influence sur la performance sportive

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    Revue : les différentes définitions du stress, leurs liens avec la performance sportive, les pistes pour des modes de traitement. Stress biologique, stress psychologique, stress professionnel, stress organisationnel. Evolution des compétences du psychologue du sport, de ses méthodes d'intervention, de l'individu vers le contexte : attention portée au logistique, à l'organisationnel, comme porteurs d'effets psychologiques indirects puissants (rôle de 'régulateur institutionnel'), au developpement de relations interpersonnelles et au 'soutien social'..

    Suivi psychologique des équipes de France de voile

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    Le Scanff Christine. Suivi psychologique des équipes de France de voile. In: Les Cahiers de l'INSEP, n°22, 1998. Entraînement mental et sport de haute performance. pp. 277-287

    Les bases de l'entraînement mental

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    Présentation de trois habiletés mentales importantes à développer chez les sportifs : relaxation, imagerie, dialogue interne (self talk)

    La préparation-entraînement psychologique pour des situations extrêmes. Application au sport de haut niveau

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    Le Scanff Christine. La préparation-entraînement psychologique pour des situations extrêmes. Application au sport de haut niveau. In: Bulletin de psychologie, tome 51 n°438, 1998. Stress et situations extrêmes. pp. 765-806