581 research outputs found

    Temporalités et politiques du corps migrant

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    God will reward you: Muslim practices of caring for precarious migrants in the context of secular suspicion 

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    In recent years, Muslims have become more visibly invested in humanitarian work in France. Based on ethnographic fieldwork in Marseille, this article examines local initiatives to care for precarious others whose lives are neither materially supported nor socially recognized within the current French political regime. Engaging with critical French scholarship on humanitarianism as care for others associated with emergency, suffering and the politics of compassion, I show how food-distribution (maraudes) by Muslim-run humanitarian associations also draw from Islamic ethics of care. While social dynamics related to gender, class, race and generation structure the maraudes, the foregrounding of shared precarity, and of religious duty and piety over pity, challenges the ‘hierarchies of deservingness’ established by humanitarian border regimes. In caring for precarious others, Muslims must navigate both the secular suspicion directed towards Islam and the securitization of migration. Carrying out the religious duty of helping those in need, they are ‘laying claim to public space’ for both Muslims and precarious migrants.publishedVersio

    Needle breakage during local anesthesia in the oral cavity—a retrospective of the last 50years with guidelines for treatment and prevention

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    Needle breakage in the oral cavity after local anesthesia is a common complication with possible serious complications of injuring vital structures. There are different possible reasons for needle breakage, with a main focus on preventable mistakes in treatment. In this study, an analysis of literature of the last 50years as well as own cases has been performed to renew knowledge and prevention and therapy strategies for this serious complication. A systematic, multilingual review of medical literature from 1900 until today was conducted and information was evaluated systematically. In the majority of cases needle fracture happened during inferior alveolar nerve block. It is mainly a problem due to inadequate technique or the use of too thin needles for the performance of inferior alveolar nerve block. Different arguments about possible therapy strategies and methods exist. Basically, if a hypodermic needle fractures, it should be removed surgically under general anesthesia. To localize the fragment, use of either multi-plane X-rays or fluoroscopy with at least two reference needles in place or, if possible, of three-dimensional CT scans is recommended. This article shows, that despite progression in material, needle fracture is still an existing, preventable problem, if some basic rules are followe

    Kollaps, utkastelse, okkupasjon: migranters boligsituasjon i Marseille

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    I november 2018 førte kollapsen av to bygninger i Marseille til at 8 personer døde og en rekke innbyggere i et av byens mest multietniske sentrumsnabolag ble nødevakuert og tvangsflyttet. I november året etter tvangsevakuerte politiet en boligblokk i de nordlige forstedene som var okkupert av en gruppe asylsøkere og papirløse. I denne artikkelen analyserer jeg disse hendelsene som former for urban «deplassering». Begrepet om deplassering åpner for å undersøke sammenhengen mellom internasjonal migrasjon og urbane prosesser knyttet til boligpolitikk, og hvordan postkolonial grensepolitikk og nyliberal bypolitikk virker sammen i produksjon av «deplasserbarhet» og «utkastbarhet». Med utgangspunkt i en etnografisk beskrivelse av migranters bo-situasjon undersøker jeg de romlige og temporale aspektene ved deplasserbarhet, forstått som gruppers eller personers potensiale for å bli fysisk og sosialt forflyttet og fjernet fra sitt husly. Migrantene strever imidlertid også etter å «plassere» seg. I artikkelens siste del diskuterer jeg som eksempel på dette fremveksten av såkalte «kontraktsfestede husokkupasjoner» eller «selvstyrte asylmottak». Disse nye boligformene kan analyseres som en fysisk og sosial «plassering» i byen som tar form i spenningen mellom ulike urbane visjoner.publishedVersio

    Citoyens intolérables : tolérance, islam et homosexualité

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    Cet article s’intéresse à la question de la citoyenneté sexuelle dans l’Europe d’aujourd’hui en examinant la façon dont la tolérance est présentée dans les débats sur l’Islam et l’homosexualité en Norvège. En s’appuyant sur Regulating Aversion. Tolerance in the Age of Identity and Empire de Wendy Brown, l’article soutient que le discours de tolérance est essentiel pour produire le type de citoyens souhaité par les démocraties libérales. La tolérance envers l’homosexualité pourrait être considérée comme un instrument politique susceptible, d’un côté, de légiférer sur la citoyenneté de l’État-nation et, de l’autre, de justifier une mission civilisatrice internationale.The paper addresses the issue of sexual citizenship in Europe today by looking at how tolerance is configured in debates about Islam and homosexuality in Norway. Drawing on Wendy Brown’s Regulating Aversion. Tolerance in the Age of Identity and Empire, the paper argues that tolerance discourse is central to the production of the kind of citizens that contemporary liberal democracies require. Tolerance to homosexuality could be seen as a political instrument to legitimate nation-state citizenship on the one hand, and justify an international civilizing mission on the other

    Osteopathology induced by bisphosphonates and dental implants: clinical observations

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    Objectives: Although there are many reports about risk factors for the development of BP-associated osteonecrosis of the jaws, the role of dental implants as a local risk factor is still discussed, especially in patients with oral BP treatment. Until now, a few case reports and surveys display a possible minor risk in patients with oral BP therapy, whereas the avoidance of implant placement is generally accepted in patients with intravenous BP therapy. Patient and methods: In this study, the cases of 14 patients with osteonecrosis of the jaws in association with BP therapy and dental implant placement were analyzed carefully with a detailed literature review. Results: Of 14 patients, nine had underlying malignant disease and five patients had osteoporosis. In ten patients, implants were placed either in the posterior mandible or maxilla; the mean interval between implant insertion and disease onset was 20.9 months. Pain (n12) and signs of infection (n10) were the most common symptoms. Histologically, signs of infection were found in nine of 11 analyzed patients with presence of Actinomyces in six patients. Two patients turned out to have infiltration of underlying malignant disease. Conclusions: Posteriorly placed implants seem to be of higher risk of development of osteonecrosis of the jaws. Not only the implant placement but also the inserted implant itself seems to be a continuous risk factor. Clinical relevance: The herein elaborated risk factors help dentists plan dental rehabilitation with implants in this high-risk group of patients and indicate careful and regular dental recal

    Food literacy competencies in youth – a mini-review

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    IntroductionYoung people’s transition into adulthood is an opportunity in the life course to establish adequate eating behaviors, hence exploring food literacy competencies in this period of life is especially important. Food literacy has recently gained increased attention in adults, adolescents, and younger children, but less is published about youth. This paper aims to summarize what tools have been used to measure food literacy and the sub-competence nutrition literacy in youth aged 16–24 years in the previous 5 years.MethodsA mini-literature review was conducted in MEDLINE and EMBASE via Ovid, in September 2022. Study eligible criteria; had to be an original article, using a tool to quantitatively assess food literacy and/or nutrition literacy, including participants between 16–24 years, full text available in English, published between 2017–2022.ResultsA total of 958 articles were identified, of which 385 duplicates were removed. Thus, 573 articles were screened by title/abstract. Finally, nine articles were eligible for data extraction of which four proposed a tool to measure food literacy and five proposed a tool to measure nutrition literacy.Discussion and conclusionAlthough four studies claimed to measure food literacy, none of these used tools comprehensive enough to measure all aspects of food literacy, and only one was validated in young people. This study shows that only few tools exist for the measurement of food literacy in youth, and those available are scant. Further work is needed to develop a food literacy tool for youth

    Bone mineral density measurements performed by cone-beam computed tomography in the bisphosphonate-related osteonecrosis-affected jaw

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    Objectives: The aims of this study were to determine the bone mineral density (BMD) in bisphosphonate-related osteonecrosis of the jaw (BRONJ) by cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) measurements and to correlate these measurements with the current stages recommended by the American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons (AAOMS). Methods: Bone mineral density measurements of various areas in 24 bisphosphonate-related osteonecrosis (BRON) jaws were evaluated by CBCT. Another 24 age- and sex-matched patients without any bone pathologies served as the control group. Data acquisition was highly standardized to ensure maximum reliability in the comparisons of BMD measurements by CBCT. Results: Compared with the control group, the bisphosphonate patients had significantly higher (p≤0.01) BMDs in the non-affected jaw areas ipsilateral and contralateral to the BRON within the maxilla and mandible. The highest BMDs within the BRON jaws were observed in the BRON-adjacent areas relative to the non-affected ipsilateral and contralateral areas. Regarding the correlation with the AAOMS stages, the BMDs of the evaluated areas of BRONJ showed no significant differences (p≥0.05) between the stages. Conclusions: Bisphosphonate-related bone pathologies can be detected by CBCT and are associated with increased BMDs, not only in clinically obvious BRONJ areas, but also in clinically unapparent areas, suggesting a subclinical general osteosclerosis of the jaw. The data transferability to other CBCT devices needs to be further elucidated and compared with multislice C

    Validation of Claims Data Algorithms to Identify Nonmelanoma Skin Cancer

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    Health maintenance organization (HMO) administrative databases have been used as sampling frames for ascertaining nonmelanoma skin cancer (NMSC). However, because of the lack of tumor registry information on these cancers, these ascertainment methods have not been previously validated. NMSC cases arising from patients served by a staff model medical group and diagnosed between 1 January 2007 and 31 December 2008 were identified from claims data using three ascertainment strategies. These claims data cases were then compared with NMSC identified using natural language processing (NLP) of electronic pathology reports (EPRs), and sensitivity, specificity, positive and negative predictive values were calculated. Comparison of claims data–ascertained cases with the NLP demonstrated sensitivities ranging from 48 to 65% and specificities from 85 to 98%, with ICD-9-CM ascertainment demonstrating the highest case sensitivity, although the lowest specificity. HMO health plan claims data had a higher specificity than all-payer claims data. A comparison of EPR and clinic log registry cases showed a sensitivity of 98% and a specificity of 99%. Validation of administrative data to ascertain NMSC demonstrates respectable sensitivity and specificity, although NLP ascertainment was superior. There is a substantial difference in cases identified by NLP compared with claims data, suggesting that formal surveillance efforts should be considered
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