13 research outputs found

    Remodelage de la matrice extracellulaire dans les valves atteintes de sténose aortique

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    La stĂ©nose aortique est la valvulopathie la plus commune dans les pays occidentaux ; sa prĂ©valence augmente avec l’ñge, affectant environ 4 % de la population ĂągĂ©e de plus de 85 ans. La stĂ©nose aortique est caractĂ©risĂ©e non seulement par des phĂ©nomĂšnes de calcification, d’infiltration de cellules inflammatoires, de dĂ©pĂŽts lipidiques et de nĂ©oangiogĂ©nĂšse mais aussi par un remodelage tissulaire et matriciel important. La valve aortique normale est composĂ©e de trois couches caractĂ©ristiques distinctes, la fibrosa, la spongiosa et la ventricularis, dont les composants majeurs sont la matrice extracellulaire (MEC) et les cellules mĂ©senchymateuses qui la produisent. Les collagĂšnes, les protĂ©oglycanes et les fibres Ă©lastiques sont les composants matriciels valvulaires principaux. La MEC n’est pas statique ; certains de ses composants sont constamment synthĂ©tisĂ©s et dĂ©gradĂ©s. La dĂ©gradation de la MEC est impliquĂ©e dans diffĂ©rents processus physiologiques et pathologiques, elle dĂ©pend de diffĂ©rents types de protĂ©ases. Les sĂ©rine-protĂ©ases dont les enzymes du systĂšme fibrinolytique, et plus spĂ©cifiquement la plasmine, et les mĂ©talloprotĂ©inases matricielles sont des acteurs importants de protĂ©olyse de la MEC, capable de perturber les interactions cellules-matrice. Dans cette revue, nous rĂ©sumons les changements qui se produisent dans la MEC des valves atteintes de stĂ©nose aortique lors du remodelage qui impliquent principalement les enzymes du systĂšme fibrinolytique et les mĂ©talloprotĂ©inases matricielles

    Decreased vasorelaxation induced by iloprost during acute inflammation in human internal mammary artery

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    Cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) induction in human internal mammary arteries (IMA) under inflammatory conditions has been associated with attenuated norepinephrine (NE)-induced vasoconstriction. This effect was associated with increased prostaglandin (PG) E-2 and prostacyclin (PGI(2)) releases. The present study was designed to assess the role of these PG and their receptors (EP and IP, respectively) on the vascular reactivity during acute inflammation. Isolated IMA were cultured in the absence (Control conditions) or presence (Inflammatory conditions) of both interleukin-1 beta (IL-1 beta) and lipopolysaccharide (LPS). The vasorelaxation and the increased content of cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) induced by iloprost, a PGI(2) analogue, were significantly reduced under inflammatory conditions and restored in preparations cultured with the IP antagonist (CAY10441). Decreased cAMP levels under inflammatory conditions are due to at least increased phosphodiesterase (PDE) 4B expression. On the other hand, PGE(2), thromboxane analogues and EP agonistsinduced vasoconstrictions were not affected under inflammatory conditions. No vasorelaxation was observed with PGD(2), PGE(2) or the EP2/4 agonists in pre-contracted IMA. Finally, using RT-qPCR and immunohistochemistry, the COX-2, IP receptor and PGI(2) synthase (PGIS) were detected. A significant increase of COX-2 and moderate increase of IP mRNA expression was observed under inflammatory conditions, whereas PGIS mRNA level was not affected. This study demonstrates that PGI(2)/IP receptor signalling and PGI(2)-induced relaxation are impaired in human IMA during acute inflammation, whereas the responses induced by other prostanoids are not affected. These results could explain some of the mechanisms of vascular dysfunction reported in inflammatory conditions

    The thermolysin-like metalloproteinase and virulence factor LasB from pathogenic Pseudomonas aeruginosa induces anoikis of human vascular cells.

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    International audienceDisruption of cell/ECM interactions resulting from uncontrolled pericellular proteolysis leads to detachment-induced cell apoptosis (anoikis), contributing to the morbid evolution of inflammatory vascular diseases. During cardiovascular infections, bacterial proteinases might induce vascular cells to enter a similar pathway. We focused on LasB, the predominant metalloproteinase secreted by the haematotropic pathogen Pseudomonas aeruginosa. While the exosecretome of the LasB-deficient pseudomonal strain PAO1lasB? had limited impact on human vascular cell adherence and viability, secretomes from the LasB-expressing reference strain, PAO1, or clinical isolates from patients with cardiac infection all induced anoikis, as did purified LasB. Immunofluorescence and/or immunoblotting analysis of heart valve myofibroblast cultures or whole tissue revealed an extensive, LasB-dependent degradation of ECM-associated fibronectin and vitronectin, that preceded cell de-adherence, whereas type I collagen showed limited degradation. Moreover, LasB produced a rapid endoproteolysis of the cell-associated urokinase receptor/uPAR, leaving a truncated receptor that is unable to support cell adherence and survival via interactions with vitronectin and integrins. Conversely, major myofibroblast integrins showed no or only minor alterations. Thus, among P. aeruginosa-secreted metalloproteinases, LasB can induce vascular cell anoikis through simultaneous proteolysis of ECM components and cell receptors, suggesting the uPAR-vitronectin axis as a major target in this process

    Functionalized Polymer Microbubbles as New Molecular Ultrasound Contrast Agent to Target P-selectin in Thrombus

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    International audienceThrombotic diseases rarely cause symptoms until advanced stage and sudden death. Thus, early detection of thrombus by a widely spread imaging modality can improve the prognosis and reduce mortality. Here, polymer microbubbles (MBs) made of degradable poly(IsoButylCyanoAcrylate) and functionalized with fucoidan (Fucoidan-MBs) were designed as a new targeted ultrasound contrast agent to image venous thrombus. The physicochemical characterizations demonstrate that the MBs with fucoidan surface exhibit a size of 2–6â€ŻÎŒm and stability in suspension at 4 °C up to 2 months. MBs exhibit high echogenicity and could be completely burst under high destructive pulse. Flow chamber experiments on activated human platelets show a higher affinity of Fucoidan-MBs than control anionic MBs (CM-Dextran-MBs) under shear stress conditions. In vivo analysis by ultrasound and histological results demonstrate that Fucoidan-MBs are localized in rat venous thrombotic wall, whereas few CM-Dextran-MBs are present. In addition, the binding of Fucoidan-MBs in healthy vein is not observed. Collectively, Fucoidan-MBs appear as a promising functionalized carrier for ultrasound molecular imaging in thrombotic diseases

    CD31 Mimetic Coating Enhances Flow Diverting Stent Integration into the Arterial Wall Promoting Aneurysm Healing

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    International audienceBackground and Purpose: Beyond aneurysmal occlusion, metallic flow diverters (FDs) can induce an adverse endovascular reaction due to the foreignness of metal devices, hampering FD endothelialization across the aneurysm neck, and arterial healing of intracranial aneurysms. Here, we evaluated the potential benefits of an FD coating mimicking CD31, a coreceptor critically involved in endothelial function and endovascular homeostasis, on the endothelialization of FDs implanted in vivo. Methods: Nitinol FD (Silk Vista Baby) and flat disks were dip-coated with a CD31-mimetic peptide via an intermediate layer of polydopamine. Disks were used to assess the reaction of endothelial cells and blood elements in vitro. An aneurysm rabbit model was used to compare in vivo effects on the arterial wall of CD31-mimetic–coated (CD31-mimetic, n=6), polydopamine-coated (polydopamine, n=6), and uncoated FDs (bare, n=5) at 4 weeks post-FD implantation. In addition, long-term safety was assessed at 12 weeks. Results: In vitro, CD31-mimetic coated disks displayed reduced adhesion of blood elements while favoring endothelial cell attachment and confluence, compared to bare and polydopamine disks. Strikingly, in vivo, the neoarterial wall formed over the CD31-mimetic-FD struts at the aneurysm neck was characteristic of an arterial tunica media, with continuous differentiated endothelium covering a significantly thicker layer of collagen and smooth muscle cells as compared to the controls. The rates of angiographic complete occlusion and covered branch arterial patency were similar in all 3 groups. Conclusions: CD31-mimetic coating favors the colonization of metallic endovascular devices with endothelial cells displaying a physiological phenotype while preventing the adhesion of platelets and leukocytes. These biological properties lead to a rapid and improved endothelialization of the neoarterial wall at the aneurysm neck. CD31-mimetic coating could therefore represent a valuable strategy for FD biocompatibility improvement and aneurysm healing

    Constitutive Cardiac Overexpression of Sarcoplasmic/Endoplasmic Reticulum Ca 2+-ATPase Delays Myocardial Failure after Myocardial Infarction in Rats at a Cost of Increased Acute Arrhythmias

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    Background - Heart failure often complicates myocardial infarction (MI), and sarcoplasmic/endoplasmic reticulum Ca 2+-ATPase (SERCA2a) is underexpressed in the failing myocardium. We examined the effect of preexisting cardiac SERCA2a protein overexpression on rat survival and left ventricular (LV) remodeling after MI. Methods and Results - Baseline myocardial SERCA2a expression was 37% higher in transgenic (TG) rats than in their wild-type (WT) controls, consistent with enhanced myocardial function. The mortality rate of TG rats during the 24 hours after surgical MI was higher than that of WT rats (71% versus 35%, P<0.001), associated with a higher frequency of ventricular arrhythmias, and was normalized by lidocaine treatment. The increased acute-phase mortality in TG rats was not accompanied by increased 6-month mortality. Function of the noninfarcted myocardium, as assessed by tissue Doppler imaging, was higher in TG rats than in WT rats for up to 1 month after MI, a beneficial effect no longer observed at 3 months. LV remodeling and global function were similar in TG and WT rats. No difference in papillary muscle function was found at 6 months. Conclusions - Constitutive cardiac SERCA2a overexpression has a transient beneficial effect on remote myocardium function in rat MI, with no improvement in LV global function or prevention of LV remodeling and failure. This benefit is associated with a higher risk of acute mortality, which is prevented by lidocaine treatment