2,514 research outputs found

    Robotic Specialization in Autonomous Robotic Structural Assembly

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    Robotic in-space assembly of large space structures is a long-term NASA goal to reduce launch costs and enable larger scale missions. Recently, researchers have proposed using discrete lattice building blocks and co-designed robots to build high-performance, scalable primary structure for various on-orbit and surface applications. These robots would locomote on the lattice and work in teams to build and reconfigure building-blocks into functional structure. However, the most reliable and efficient robotic system architecture, characterized by the number of different robotic 'species' and the allocation of functionality between species, is an open question. To address this problem, we decompose the robotic building-block assembly task into functional primitives and, in simulation, study the performance of the the variety of possible resulting architectures. For a set consisting of five process types (move self, move block, move friend, align bock, fasten block), we describe a method of feature space exploration and ranking based on energy and reliability cost functions. The solution space is enumerated, filtered for unique solutions, and evaluated against energy and reliability cost functions for various simulated build sizes. We find that a 2 species system, dividing the five mentioned process types between one unit cell transport robot and one fastening robot, results in the lowest energy cost system, at some cost to reliability. This system enables fastening functionality to occupy the build front while reducing the need for that functional mass to travel back and forth from a feed station. Because the details of a robot design affect the weighting and final allocation of functionality, a sensitivity analysis was conducted to evaluate the effect of changing mass allocations on architecture performance. Future systems with additional functionalities such as repair, inspection, and others may use this process to analyze and determine alternative robot architectures

    Androgynous Fasteners for Robotic Structural Assembly

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    We describe the design and analysis of an androgynous fastener for autonomous robotic assembly of high performance structures. The design of these fasteners aims to prioritize ease of assembly through simple actuation with large driver positioning tolerance requirements, while producing a reversible mechanical connection with high strength and stiffness per mass. This can be applied to high strength to weight ratio structural systems, such as discrete building block based systems that offer reconfigurability, scalability, and system lifecycle efficiency. Such periodic structures are suitable for navigation and manipulation by relatively small mobile robots. The integration of fasteners, which are lightweight and can be robotically installed, into a high performance robotically managed structural system is of interest to reduce launch energy requirements, enable higher mission adaptivity, and decrease system life-cycle costs

    Overcoming Restraint: Composing Verification of Foreign Functions with Cogent

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    Cogent is a restricted functional language designed to reduce the cost of developing verified systems code. Because of its sometimes-onerous restrictions, such as the lack of support for recursion and its strict uniqueness type system, Cogent provides an escape hatch in the form of a foreign function interface (FFI) to C code. This poses a problem when verifying Cogent programs, as imported C components do not enjoy the same level of static guarantees that Cogent does. Previous verification of file systems implemented in Cogent merely assumed that their C components were correct and that they preserved the invariants of Cogent's type system. In this paper, we instead prove such obligations. We demonstrate how they smoothly compose with existing Cogent theorems, and result in a correctness theorem of the overall Cogent-C system. The Cogent FFI constraints ensure that key invariants of Cogent's type system are maintained even when calling C code. We verify reusable higher-order and polymorphic functions including a generic loop combinator and array iterators and demonstrate their application to several examples including binary search and the BilbyFs file system. We demonstrate the feasibility of verification of mixed Cogent-C systems, and provide some insight into verification of software comprised of code in multiple languages with differing levels of static guarantees

    A short-range forecasting and inventory strategy for new product launches

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    Thesis (M.B.A.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Sloan School of Management; and, (S.M.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Chemical Engineering; in conjunction with the Leaders for Manufacturing Program at MIT, 2005.Includes bibliographical references (p. 75-76).Companies like Procter & Gamble that operate on a make-to-stock strategy use forecasts to drive their manufacturing, selling, and buying processes. Because forecasting future demand is not an exact science, inventory management models have been developed to accommodate these uncertainties. There has been a significant improvement in inventory management of base products, where forecasts are based on historical sales information. Because the bulk of forecasting methods depend on this use of historical data, little effort to date has been focused on inventory management of a new product. The use of traditional time- series forecasting methods is not realistic and companies typically resort to using judgmental or analogous (e.g. curve-fitting) means, which are less applicable in making short-range production and inventory decisions. The lack of a new product forecasting method poses a significant problem in the cosmetic industry, which faces an increasing dependence on the introduction of new products for sales growth. Inventory and supply chain management is made even more difficult by the short product-life cycle, long lead times, and complexity and number of SKUs. As the industry trends toward increasing the pace of new product launches, forecast accuracy of a new product in its initial launch stages becomes more critical to manage the supply network's inventory and capacity. This document outlines a supply strategy for new product introductions that improves information management in the forecasting process to optimize supply and inventory planning.(cont.) This method is designed to improve product pipeline forecasts as well as basic replenishment forecasts in the first few months of a product's launch. The model was tested and validated by historical simulations on a cosmetic product line. Results showed significant inventory reductions compared to current inventory management policies.by Christine Cheung.S.M.M.B.A

    Myocardin overexpression is sufficient for promoting the development of a mature smooth muscle cell-like phenotype from human embryonic stem cells.

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    BACKGROUND: Myocardin is thought to have a key role in smooth muscle cell (SMC) development by acting on CArG-dependent genes. However, it is unclear whether myocardin-induced SMC maturation and increases in agonist-induced calcium signalling are also associated with increases in the expression of non-CArG-dependent SMC-specific genes. Moreover, it is unknown whether myocardin promotes SMC development from human embryonic stem cells. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL: Findings The effects of adenoviral-mediated myocardin overexpression on SMC development in human ESC-derived embryoid bodies were investigated using immunofluorescence, flow cytometry and real time RT-PCR. Myocardin overexpression from day 10 to day 28 of embryoid body differentiation increased the number of smooth muscle α-actin(+) and smooth muscle myosin heavy chain(+) SMC-like cells and increased carbachol-induced contractile function. However, myocardin was found to selectively regulate only CArG-dependent SMC-specific genes. Nevertheless, myocardin expression appeared to be sufficient to specify the SMC lineage. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: Myocardin increases the development and maturation of SMC-like cells from human embryonic stem cells despite not activating the full repertoire of SMC genes. These findings have implications for vascular tissue engineering and other applications requiring large numbers of functional SMCs

    Characterizing Material Scalability for Ultralight Lattice Design

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    Stiff yet ultra-light lattice structures constructed using digital materials have many practical applications as the building block for aircraft and other structures. By furthering our understanding of how material configuration affects the structural properties of an ultralight lattice, we can intelligently design these structures based on their intended function. Here we compare the behavior of ultralight lattice structures when fabricated by different materials. The individual unit cells of the lattice structures are referred to as voxels. The stiffness, elastic modulus, and yield strength of the specimens in compression and tension are determined through mechanical testing. Specimens are tested both as single voxel as well as 4x4x4 voxel constructions on an Instron 5982 Universal Testing System until failure. Each voxel is manufactured in bulk through injection molding, with a unit cell pitch of 76.2 mm. Individual voxels are fastened with machine screws and nuts to create assemblies. Four separate materials are used as voxel compositions in this experiment. These include a homogeneous polymer referred to as Ultem 1000, a glass-fiber reinforced polymer referred to as Ultem 2200, a polymer with chopped carbon fibers as 30% of its fill, and homogenous polypropylene. This work compares mechanical behavior, as well as the convergence behavior of the lattice as the size of the lattice assembly increases for various materials. The goal of this study is to characterize the behavior of homogenous lattices such that heterogenous lattices can be designed with different material voxels to achieve target material properties for ultralight space applications

    Meso-Scale Digital Materials: Modular, Reconfigurable, Lattice-Based Structures

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    We present a modular, reconfigurable system for building large structures. This system uses discrete lattice elements, called digital materials, to reversibly assemble ultralight structures that are 99.7% air and yet maintain sufficient specific stiffness for a variety of structural applications and loading scenarios. Design, manufacturing, and characterization of modular building blocks are described, including struts, nodes, joints, and build strategies. Simple case studies are shown using the same building blocks in three different scenarios: a bridge, a boat, and a shelter. Field implementation and demonstration is supplemented by experimental data and numerical simulation. A simplified approach for analyzing these structures is presented which shows good agreement with experimental results

    Optical Measurement System for Strain Field Ahead of a Crack Tip for Lattice Structures

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    The aim of the ARAMADAS project is to automate the construction of cuboctahedral lattice structures. Lattice materials are appealing for aerospace applications due to their strength and stiffness at ultra-light densities. However, in order for any material to be realistically considered for such environments, it must also be damage tolerant. The ability of a material to absorb damage is characterized by its fracture toughness, which remains poorly characterized for lattice materials. Consequently, the objective of this research is to develop an optical measurement system to experimentally validate the strain field ahead of a crack tip in architecture lattice materials. Although the ability to predict the strain field ahead of a crack tip has been investigated for continuum materials, such behaviour of three-dimensional architectures is under-investigated. As such, we will use a custom optical measurement system to track deformation of the voxels in a side-cracked plate fracture specimen. The system shall use 3D pose estimation, stereo imaging, and possibly color tracking, in combination with optical flow algorithms, to compute information regarding the three-dimensional movement movement of the lattice nodes during mechanical testing. Bench top experiments will validate the optical measurement system and characterize precision. Additionally, the effect of multiple cameras on precision, as well as system scalability will be investigated. Final results will compare measured lattice deformation with finite element predictions

    Design of Multifunctional Hierarchical Space Structures

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    We describe a system for the design of space structures with tunable structural properties based on the discrete assembly of modular lattice elements. These lattice elements can be constructed into larger beam-like elements, which can then be assembled into large scale truss structures. These discrete lattice elements are reversibly assembled with mechanical fasteners, which allows them to be arbitrarily reconfigured into various application-specific designs. In order to assess the validity of this approach, we design two space structures with similar geometry but widely different structural requirements: an aerobrake, driven by strength requirements, and a precision segmented reflector, driven by stiffness and accuracy requirements. We will show agreement between simplified numerical models based on hierarchical assembly and analytical solutions. We will also present an assessment of the error budget resulting from the assembly of discrete structures. Lastly, we will address launch vehicle packing efficiency issues for transporting these structures to lower earth orbit
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