228 research outputs found

    Reconsidering Res Judicata: A Comparative Perspective

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    We aimed to prospectively investigate the paternal antigen-induced cytokine secretion by peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) in response to hormone treatment in women undergoing in vitro fertilisation (IVF) and to examine the predictive value of the cytokine secretion profile in the outcome of IVF treatment, in a pilot study. Twenty-five women were included and IVF treatment was successful for six and unsuccessful for 19 women. Blood samples were collected before IVF treatment, on four occasions during IVF and four weeks after embryo transfer. The numbers of Th1-, Th2- and Th17-associated cytokine-secreting cells and cytokine levels in cell supernatants were analysed by enzyme-linked immunospot-forming (ELISpot), enzyme-linked immune-sorbent (ELISA) or Luminex assay. None of the cytokines (IFN-γ, IL-4, IL-5, IL-10, IL-12, IL-13, IL-17, TNF and GM-CSF) had any predictive value regarding IVF outcome. The majority of the cytokines reached their peak levels at ovum pick-up, suggesting an enhancing influence of the hormonal stimulation. Pregnancy was associated with a high number of IL-4-, IL-5- and IL-13-secreting cells four weeks after ET. In conclusion, the results do not support our hypothesis of a more pronounced peripheral Th1 and Th17 deviation towards paternal antigens in infertile women with an unsuccessful IVF outcome, although this is based on a small number of observations. A larger study is required to confirm this conclusion. Higher numbers of Th2-associated cytokine-secreting cells in pregnant women four weeks after ET do corroborate the hypothesis of a Th2 deviation during pregnancy

    Molecular biology of amitraz resistance in cattle ticks of the genus Rhipicephalus

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    Amitraz is an important product for the control of cattle ticks around the world. In comparison with other products for the control of ticks, it is quite affordable and it has a rapid knock-down effect. It binds with and activates adrenergic neuro-receptors of animals and it inhibits the action of monoamine oxidases (MAO). Resistance to amitraz has been documented in Rhipicephalus microplus, R. decoloratus and R. appendiculatus. Four mechanisms of resistance have been proposed, each of which is supported by evidence but none of which has been definitively confirmed as the cause of resistance in the field. The proposed mechanisms include genetic target site insensitivity in two G protein-coupled receptors, the beta-adrenergic octopamine receptor (BAOR) and the octopamine/tyramine receptor (OCT/Tyr), increased expression or activity of monoamine oxidases and increased expression or activity of the ATP binding cassette transporter

    Some considerations about the development and implementation process of a new agricultural decision support system for site-specific fertilisation

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    Precision agriculture provides important routes toward a more sustainable agriculture. Many farmers have the necessary technology to operate site-specifically, but they do not use it in practice, and available IT systems are not used to their full potential. This paper discusses how to reduce the so-called ‘implementation problem’ in order to improve the ongoing development process of a webbased fertilization project in Sweden. The intention of the project is to apply a participatory design approach, and some pitfalls on starting to use this approach in the development and implementation process are identified as well as some suggestions on how to reduce them

    Predicting project performance using pre-construction performance indicators - A case study evaluation

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    Predicting the outcome of a construction project largely relies on estimated targets of time and cost. Still, hitting the targets does not mean that the project is a success on all performance levels. Here, a retrospective case study was undertaken on a construction project identified as a successful project by the partners involved. The purpose of the study was to validate conceptual design indicators of a high-performance construction project as reported in the literature, by answering the following research questions: "What characterizes the dialogue between the different disciplines; (2) What is the dialogue about; and (3) When in the process do questions arise?" Findings indicate that the interprofessional dialogue within the project team was well established. The paper introduces a discussion that the dialogue benefited from the collaborative project environment as well as the early design intent. Further, the study also suggests that the interprofessional dialogue supported a sound project team development

    Systems Engineering Solution

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    The development and realisation of urban infrastructural projects such as bridges is getting increasingly more difficult and complex to manage. The challenge for the actors to develop an effective solution for the project within the traditional dimensions of time, budget and quality is still very present. But society also calls for more sustainable solutions which minimizes an eventual negative impact on the environment and takes into account the interests of stakeholders. The introduction of national and EU regulated procurement methods such as the Most Economically Advantageous Tenders (MEAT), has opened the way towards a more active and balanced involvement of actors and stakeholders in the development and realisation of urban construction projects. In this new environment, the client, consultant, contractor and stakeholders strive to work together in order to realise a sustainable solution. This document describes a methodology for the management of project processes with the aim of achieving a lawful, effective and sustainable construction process. The methodology is based on the principle of Life Cycle Systems Engineering, and facilitates and structures the introduction of sustainability and stakeholders issues in the design and build process. The method uses manly existing guidelines and standards for Life Cycle Systems Engineering

    Total BIM As a Digital Disruption

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    Digital technologies and information systems are challenging the construction industry. Existing literature focuses on different digital technologies in construction projects and the intricacies around technology improvement itself. However, there are limited discussions about how construction management (CM) organisations respond to disruptive change and pursue business model innovation. Drawing from emerging literature on digital disruption, we argue how the ‘Total BIM’ approach can disrupt the way value is created in a construction project. ‘Total BIM’ could be described as an approach where the design process and BIM are focused on production orientated design and BIM is used as the legally binding construction document. A construction management company in Sweden implemented the ‘Total BIM’ concept that embraced it to the fullest in the Celsius project This paper is based on data from in-depth interviews with construction management company practitioners from the Celsius project. It frames such improvement as a digital disruption which transforms the current traditional business models heavily based on the parallel processes of producing and maintaining 2D drawings for the construction site. Findings illustrate how the ‘Total BIM’ approach disturbs the existing roles, relations, and processes,creating cross organisational and systematic shifts

    Preoperative biomarkers related to inflammation may identify high-risk anastomoses in colorectal cancer surgery : explorative study

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    Anastomotic leakage is a major complication after colorectal surgery, presumed to correspond with a process of failed wound healing, involving inflammation. Circulating levels of inflammation-related biomarkers were investigated in preoperative samples from 41 patients with leakage, who had elective treatment with a primary anastomosis for non-disseminated colorectal cancer, matched to 41 complication-free controls. A total of 15 inflammation-related proteins were elevated before surgery in patients with rectal cancer with leakage, of which C-X-C motif chemokine 6 and C-C motif chemokine 11 remained significantly increased after controlling for multiplicity. As a corresponding expression pattern difference did not emerge when tissue adjacent to the anastomosis was evaluated with immunohistochemistry, findings may reflect a systemic rather than a local host response. While these findings require validation before implementation into surgical practice, they highlight the need for further translational investigations as a promising research area to help decrease leakage rates. Background Colorectal anastomotic leakage can be considered a process of failed wound healing, for which related biomarkers might be a promising research area to decrease leak rates. Methods Patients who had elective surgery with a primary anastomosis for non-metastatic colorectal cancer, at two university hospitals between 1 January 2010 and 31 December 2015 were included. Patients with an anastomotic leak were identified and matched (1:1) to complication-free controls on the basis of sex, age, tumour stage, tumour location, and operating hospital. Preoperative blood samples were analysed by use of protein panels associated with systemic or enteric inflammation by proteomics, and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays. Multivariable projection methods were used in the statistical analyses and adjusted for multiple comparisons to reduce false positivity. Rectal cancer tissue samples were evaluated with immunohistochemistry to determine local expression of biomarkers that differed significantly between cases and controls. Results Out of 726 patients undergoing resection, 41 patients with anastomotic leakage were matched to 41 controls. Patients with rectal cancer with leakage displayed significantly elevated serum levels of 15 proteins related to inflammation. After controlling for a false discovery rate, levels of C-X-C motif chemokine 6 (CXCL6) and C-C motif chemokine 11 (CCL11) remained significant. In patients with colonic cancer with leakage, levels of high-sensitivity C-reactive protein (hs-CRP) were increased before surgery. Local expression of CXCL6 and CCL11, and their receptors, were similar in rectal tissues between cases and controls. Conclusion Patients with anastomotic leakage could have an upregulated inflammatory response before surgery, as expressed by elevated serological levels of CXCL6 and CCL11 for rectal cancer and hs-CRP levels in patients with colonic cancer respectively. Preoperative inflammation-related serum proteins were evaluated in a case-control study of 41 patients with anastomotic leakage matched 1:1 with 41 complication-free controls. The chemokines C-X-C motif chemokine 6 and C-C motif chemokine 11 were significantly increased before surgery in patients with rectal cancer and leakage, a finding requiring further validation.Peer reviewe

    Circulating Tissue Polypeptide-Specific Antigen in Pre-Diagnostic Pancreatic Cancer Samples

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    Simple Summary:& nbsp;Detecting cancer early significantly increases the chances of successful (surgical) treatment. Pancreatic cancer is one of the deadliest cancer forms, since it is usually discovered at a late and already spread stage. Finding biomarkers showing pancreatic cancer at an early stage is a possible approach to early detection and improved treatment. The aim of our study was to assess the potential of tissue polypeptide specific antigen (TPS) as a biomarker for early pancreatic cancer detection. We studied TPS levels in blood plasma samples from a population-based biobank in Vasterbotten, Sweden that were collected before individuals were diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. Although TPS levels are raised at diagnosis, this occurs late, and thus TPS does not seem to hold promise as an early detection marker for pancreatic cancer.& nbsp;Early detection of pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) is challenging, and late diagnosis partly explains the low 5-year survival. Novel and sensitive biomarkers are needed to enable early PDAC detection and improve patient outcomes. Tissue polypeptide specific antigen (TPS) has been studied as a biomarker in PDAC diagnostics, and it has previously been shown to reflect clinical status better than the 'golden standard' biomarker carbohydrate antigen 19-9 (CA 19-9) that is most widely used in the clinical setting. In this cross-sectional case-control study using pre-diagnostic plasma samples, we aim to evaluate the potential of TPS as a biomarker for early PDAC detection. Furthermore, in a subset of individuals with multiple samples available at different time points before diagnosis, a longitudinal analysis was used. We assessed plasma TPS levels using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) in 267 pre-diagnostic PDAC plasma samples taken up to 18.8 years before clinical PDAC diagnosis and in 320 matched healthy controls. TPS levels were also assessed in 25 samples at PDAC diagnosis. Circulating TPS levels were low both in pre-diagnostic samples of future PDAC patients and in healthy controls, whereas TPS levels at PDAC diagnosis were significantly increased (odds ratio 1.03; 95% confidence interval: 1.01-1.05) in a logistic regression model adjusted for age. In conclusion, TPS levels increase late in PDAC progression and hold no potential as a biomarker for early detection.Peer reviewe

    Reinstating Vacated Findings in Employment Discrimination Class Actions: Reconciling General Telephone Co. v. Falcon With Hill v. Western Electric Co.

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    Type 2 T-helper cell (Th2)-skewed immunity is associated with successful pregnancy and the ability to easily direct immune responses to a Th2-polarised profile may be an evolutionary benefit. The Th2-like immunity associated with allergic disease might generate favourable effects for the maintenance of pregnancy, but could also promote development of Th2-like immune responses and allergic disease in the offspring. The aim of this study was to explore, by using IgE as a stable proxy for Th2, the Th1/Th2 balance in allergic and non-allergic women by measuring allergen-specific and total IgE antibody levels in plasma during pregnancy and after delivery. Specific and total IgE antibody levels were determined by ImmunoCAP technology at five occasions during pregnancy (gestational weeks 10-12, 15-16, 25, 35 and 39), as well as at 2 and 12 months after delivery. Thirty-six women without and 20 women with allergic symptoms were included, of whom 13 were sensitised with allergic symptoms and 30 were non-sensitised without allergic symptoms. The levels of total IgE, but not allergen-specific IgE, were increased during early pregnancy when compared to 12 months after delivery in the sensitised women with allergic symptoms, but not in the non-sensitised women without allergic symptoms (pandlt;0.01). This increase in total IgE levels during early pregnancy only in the sensitised women with allergic symptoms indicates that allergy is associated with an enhanced Th2 deviation during pregnancy.Original Publication: Martina Sandberg, Anne Frykman, Yvonne Jonsson, Marie Persson, Jan Ernerudh, Göran Berg, Leif Matthiesen, Christina Ekerfelt and Maria Jenmalm, Total and allergen-specific IgE levels during and after pregnancy in relation to maternal allergy, 2009, JOURNAL OF REPRODUCTIVE IMMUNOLOGY, (81), 1, 82-88. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jri.2009.04.003 Copyright: Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. http://www.elsevier.com/</p

    Hur vi anv\ue4nder digitala tekniker. En framtidsspaning i byggbranschen

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    Detta forskningsprojekt har finansierats av CMB (Centrum f\uf6r Management i Byggsektorn). Forskningsprojektet syftar till att identifiera digitala trender i den svenska byggbranschen. Det globala samh\ue4llet \ue4r just nu inne i ett paradigmskifte, p\ue5 samma s\ue4tt som samh\ue4llet f\uf6r\ue4ndrades fr\ue5n ett jordbrukssamh\ue4lle till ett industrialiserat samh\ue4lle, ser vi nu en \uf6verg\ue5ng fr\ue5n manuellt hanterad information till uppkopplad och digital; och i vissa fall ett samh\ue4lle som f\ue5r se att den m\ue4nskliga intelligensen inte alltid \ue4r \uf6verl\ue4gsen. Denna omst\ue4llning presenterar ett antal nya m\uf6jligheter f\uf6r f\uf6retag och organisationer men st\ue4ller ocks\ue5 nya krav och efterfr\ue5gar ny kompetens. Detta utmanar byggbranschen och dess akt\uf6rer men \uf6ppnar upp m\uf6jligheten till \uf6kad effektivitet, h\ue5llbarhet och konkurrenskraft. Under de senaste tio \ue5ren har f\ue5 prognosstudier utf\uf6rts f\uf6r byggbranschen och med tanke p\ue5 den snabba teknikutvecklingen \ue4r det relevant att studera dess nuvarande anv\ue4ndning och potentiella m\uf6jligheter inom byggbranschen. Genom detta projekt vill vi f\uf6rs\uf6ka ge en \uf6gonblicksbild av f\uf6rst\ue5elsen f\uf6r och anv\ue4ndandet av ett antal utvalda digitala tekniker inom byggbranschen. Samtidigt vill vi ocks\ue5 skapa en \uf6kad medvetenhet om teknikerna f\uf6r att p\ue5 s\ue5 s\ue4tt st\uf6tta branschen i dess str\ue4van mot att digitaliseras. Projektet har f\uf6ljande delm\ue5l: 1. Kartl\ue4gga och analysera ett urval digitala tekniker som kommer att p\ue5verka byggbranschen. 2. Att f\uf6r byggbranschen diskutera och analysera de digitala teknikerna och deras konsekvenser med hj\ue4lp av representanter verksamma inom branschen
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