40 research outputs found

    A WireGuard Exploration

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    Internet users require secure means of communication. Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) often serve this purpose, for consumers and businesses. The research aims of this paper were an analysis and implementation of the new VPN protocol WireGuard. The authors explain the cryptographic primitives used, build server and client code implementations of WireGuard peers, and present the benefits and drawbacks of this new technology. The outcome was a functional WireGuard client and server implementation, capable of tunneling all Internet traffic through a cloud-based virtual private server (VPS), with minimal manual configuration necessary from the end user. The code is publicly available

    Securing Deployed Cryptographic Systems

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    In 2015 more than 150 million records and $400 billion were lost due to publicly-reported criminal and nation-state cyberattacks in the United States alone. The failure of our existing security infrastructure motivates the need for improved technologies, and cryptography provides a powerful tool for doing this. There is a misperception that the cryptography we use today is a "solved problem" and the real security weaknesses are in software or other areas of the system. This is, in fact, not true at all, and over the past several years we have seen a number of serious vulnerabilities in the cryptographic pieces of systems, some with large consequences. This thesis will discuss three aspects of securing deployed cryptographic systems. We will first explore the evaluation of systems in the wild, using the example of how to efficiently and effectively recover user passwords submitted over TLS encrypted with RC4, with applications to many methods of web authentication as well as the popular IMAP protocol for email. We will then address my work on developing tools to design and create cryptographic systems and bridge the often large gap between theory and practice by introducing AutoGroup+, a tool that automatically translates cryptographic schemes from the mathematical setting used in the literature to that typically used in practice, giving both a secure and optimal output. We will conclude with an exploration of how to actually build real world deployable systems by discussing my work on developing decentralized anonymous credentials in order to increase the security and deployability of existing anonymous credentials systems

    Attacks Only Get Better:Password Recovery Attacks Against RC4 in TLS

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    Despite recent high-profile attacks on the RC4 algorithm in TLS, its usage is still running at about 30 % of all TLS traffic. This is attributable to the lack of practicality of the existing attacks, the desire to support legacy implementations, and resistance to change. We provide new attacks against RC4 in TLS that are focussed on recovering user passwords, still the pre-eminent means of user authentication on the Web today. Our attacks enhance the statistical techniques used in the existing attacks and exploit specific features of the password setting to produce attacks that are much closer to being practical. We report on extensive simulations that illustrate this. We also report on two “proof of concept ” implementations of the attacks for specific application layer protocols, namely BasicAuth and IMAP. Our work validates the truism that attacks only get better with time: we obtain good success rates in recovering user passwords with around 226 encryptions, whereas the previous generation of attacks required 234 encryptions to recover a

    Honest Majority Multi-Prover Interactive Arguments

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    Interactive arguments, and their (succinct) non-interactive and zero-knowledge counterparts, have seen growing deployment in real world applications in recent years. Unfortunately, for large and complex statements, concrete proof generation costs can still be quite expensive. While recent work has sought to solve this problem by outsourcing proof computation to a group of workers in a privacy preserving manner, current solutions still require each worker to do work on roughly the same order as a single-prover solution. We introduce the Honest Majority Multi-Prover (HMMP) model for interactive arguments. In these arguments, we distribute prover computation among MM collaborating, but distrusting, provers. All provers receive the same inputs and have no private inputs, and we allow any t<M/2t < M/2 provers to be statically corrupted before generation of public parameters, and all communication is done via an authenticated broadcast channel. In contrast with the recent works of Ozdemir and Boneh (USENIX \u2722) and Dayama et al. (PETS \u2722), we target prover efficiency over privacy. We show that: (1) any interactive argument where the prover computation is suitably divisible into MM sub-computations can be transformed into an interactive argument in the HMMP model; and (2) arguments that are obtained via compiling polynomial interactive oracle proofs with polynomial commitment schemes admit HMMP model constructions that experience a (roughly) 1/M1/M speedup over a single-prover solution. The transformation of (1) preserves computational (knowledge) soundness, zero-knowledge, and can be made non-interactive via the Fiat-Shamir transformation. The constructions of (2) showcase that there are efficiency gains in proof distribution when privacy is not a concern

    Accountable Privacy for Decentralized Anonymous Payments

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    Decentralized ledger-based currencies such as Bitcoin provide a means to construct payment systems without requiring a trusted bank. Removing this trust assumption comes at the significant cost of transaction privacy. A number of academic works have sought to improve the privacy offered by ledger-based currencies using anonymous electronic cash (e-cash) techniques. Unfortunately, this strong degree of privacy creates new regulatory concerns, since the new private transactions cannot be subject to the same controls used to prevent individuals from conducting illegal transactions such as money laundering. We propose an initial approach to addressing this issue by adding privacy preserving policy-enforcement mechanisms that guarantee regulatory compliance, allow selective user tracing, and admit tracing of tainted coins (e.g., ransom payments). To accomplish this new functionality we also provide improved definitions for Zerocash and, of independent interest, an efficient construction for simulation sound zk-SNARKs

    Automating Fast and Secure Translations from Type-I to Type-III Pairing Schemes

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    Pairing-based cryptography has exploded over the last decade, as this algebraic setting offers good functionality and efficiency. However, there is a huge security gap between how schemes are usually analyzed in the academic literature and how they are typically implemented. The issue at play is that there exist multiple types of pairings: Type-I called “symmetric” is typically how schemes are presented and proven secure in the literature, because it is simpler and the complexity assumptions can be weaker; however, Type-III called “asymmetric” is typically the most efficient choice for an implementation in terms of bandwidth and computation time. There are two main complexities when moving from one pairing type to another. First, the change in algebraic setting invalidates the original security proof. Second, there are usually multiple (possibly thousands) of ways to translate from a Type-I to a Type-III scheme, and the “best” translation may depend on the application. Our contribution is the design, development and evaluation of a new software tool, AutoGroup+, that automatically translates from Type-I to Type-III pairings. The output of AutoGroup+ is: (1) “secure” provided the input is “secure” and (2) optimal based on the user’s efficiency constraints (excluding software and run-time errors). Prior automation work for pairings was either not guaranteed to be secure or only partially automated and impractically slow. This work addresses the pairing security gap by realizing a fast and secure translation tool

    Effects of Spinal Fusion for Idiopathic Scoliosis on Lower Body Kinematics During Gait

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    Objectives The purpose of this study was to compare gait among patients with scoliosis undergoing posterior spinal fusion and instrumentation (PSFI) to typically developing subjects and determine if the location of the lowest instrumented vertebra impacted results. Summary of Background Data PSFI is the standard of care for correcting spine deformities, allowing the preservation of body equilibrium while maintaining as many mobile spinal segments as possible. The effect of surgery on joint motion distal to the spine must also be considered. Very few studies have addressed the effect of PSFI on activities such as walking and even fewer address how surgical choice of the lowest instrumented vertebra (LIV) influences possible motion reduction. Methods Individuals with scoliosis undergoing PSFI (n = 38) completed gait analysis preoperatively and at postoperative years 1 and 2 along with a control group (n = 24). Comparisons were made with the control group at each time point and between patients fused at L2 and above (L2+) versus L3 and below (L3–). Results The kinematic results of the AIS group showed some differences when compared to the Control Group, most notably decreased range of motion (ROM) in pelvic tilt and trunk lateral bending. When comparing the LIV groups, only minor differences were observed, and the results showed decreased coronal trunk and pelvis ROM at the one-year visit and decreased hip rotation ROM at the two-year visit in the L3– group. Conclusions Patients with AIS showed decreased ROM preoperatively with further decreases postoperatively. These changes remained relatively consistent following the two-year visit, indicating that most kinematic changes occurred in the first year following surgery. Limited functional differences between the two LIV groups may be due to the lack of full ROM used during normal gait, and future work could address tasks that use greater ROM

    zk-creds: Flexible Anonymous Credentials from zkSNARKs and Existing Identity Infrastructure

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    Frequently, users on the web need to show that they are, for example, not a robot, old enough to access an age restricted video, or eligible to download an ebook from their local public library without being tracked. Anonymous credentials were developed to address these concerns. However, existing schemes do not handle the realities of deployment or the complexities of real-world identity. Instead, they implicitly make assumptions such as there being an issuing authority for anonymous credentials that, for real applications, requires the local department of motor vehicles to issue sophisticated cryptographic tokens to show users are over 18. In reality, there are multiple trust sources for a given identity attribute, their credentials have distinctively different formats, and many, if not all, issuers are unwilling to adopt new protocols. We present and build zk-creds, a protocol that uses general-purpose zero-knowledge proofs to 1) remove the need for credential issuers to hold signing keys: credentials can be issued to a bulletin board instantiated as a transparency log, Byzantine system, or even a blockchain; 2) convert existing identity documents into anonymous credentials without modifying documents or coordinating with their issuing authority; 3) allow for flexible, composable, and complex identity statements over multiple credentials. Concretely, identity assertions using zk-creds take less than 150ms in a real-world scenario of using a passport to anonymously access age-restricted videos

    West Nile Virus Epizootiology, Central Red River Valley, North Dakota and Minnesota, 2002–2005

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    West Nile virus (WNV) epizootiology was monitored from 2002 through 2005 in the area surrounding Grand Forks, North Dakota. Mosquitoes were tested for infection, and birds were surveyed for antibodies. In 2003, WNV was epidemic; in 2004, cool temperatures precluded WNV amplification; and in 2005, immunity in passerines decreased, but did not preclude, WNV amplification

    A Systematic Analysis of the Juniper Dual EC Incident

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    In December 2015, Juniper Networks announced that unknown attackers had added unauthorized code to ScreenOS, the operating system for their NetScreen VPN routers. This code created two vulnerabilities: an authentication bypass that enabled remote administrative access, and a second vulnerability that allowed passive decryption of VPN traffic. Reverse engineering of ScreenOS binaries revealed that the first of these vulnerabilities was a conventional back door in the SSH password checker. The second is far more intriguing: a change to the Q parameter used by the Dual EC pseudorandom number generator. It is widely known that Dual EC has the unfortunate property that an attacker with the ability to choose Q can, from a small sample of the generator\u27s output, predict all future outputs. In a 2013 public statement, Juniper noted the use of Dual EC but claimed that ScreenOS included countermeasures that neutralized this form of attack. In this work, we report the results of a thorough independent analysis of the ScreenOS randomness subsystem, as well as its interaction with the IKE VPN key establishment protocol. Due to apparent flaws in the code, Juniper\u27s countermeasures against a Dual EC attack are never executed. Moreover, by comparing sequential versions of ScreenOS, we identify a cluster of additional changes that were introduced concurrently with the inclusion of Dual EC in a single 2008 release. Taken as a whole, these changes render the ScreenOS system vulnerable to passive exploitation by an attacker who selects Q. We demonstrate this by installing our own parameters, and showing that it is possible to passively decrypt a single IKE handshake and its associated VPN traffic in isolation without observing any other network traffic