12,174 research outputs found


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    Issues of conflict between science and faith/religion have existed for a long time. Some of the topics that have become the source of the conflicts are: The Evolution Theory and The Big Bang Theory which are assumed to be in contra with the creation story, which is generally believed by people of faith. The other controversial issue concerns the existence of God as a supernatural being. Even though in Indonesia these issues are viewed to be taboo, the hot debate between the atheist scientists and religious people in academic spheres occurs openly in some countries. However, do we have to choose between believing in science or believing in God? Which is the reliable source of truth?  This writing discusses the epistemology of science and its strength as well as its limitation as a body of knowledge.  The author is trying to describe scientism as an invalid worldview that leads to misunderstandings and conflict’s myths between faith and science.Keywords: Faith and science, scientism, reproducibility and clarity.Isu-isu pertentangan antara sains dan keimanan atau agama sudah bukan merupakan hal baru. Beberapa topik yang menjadi sumber konflik diantaranya: Teori Evolusi  dan Teori Ledakan Besar yang dianggap bertentangan kisah penciptaan, yang diyakini sebagai kebenaran yang diyakini oleh kelompok agamawan pada umumnya.  Topik lainnya adalah perdebatan  tentang bukti keberadaan Tuhan Allah sebagai pribadi supernatural. Walaupun di Indonesia hal ini masih dianggap tabu, perdebatan yang sengit antara kelompok ilmuwan ateis dan agamawan di kalangan akademisi terjadi secara terbuka di beberapa negara tertentu. Apakah kita harus memilih salah satu saja diantara: sains atau iman kepada Tuhan? Manakah yang  lebih dapat diandalkan sebagai sumber kebenaran? Tulisan ini membahas epistemologi dan kekuatan sains sekaligus keterbatasannya sebagai disiplin ilmu. Penulis juga mencoba memaparkan  kekeliruan paham saintisme, yang menyebabkan kesalahpahaman dan mitos pertentangan antara iman dengan sains.Kata Kunci: iman dan sains, dapat direproduksi, kejelasan

    News coverage of the People\u27s Republic of China by the New York Times a 1975-1982 content analysis

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    Distinguishing Between Science And Scientism

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    Issues of conflict between science and faith/religion have existed for a long time. Some of the topics that have become the source of the conflicts are: The Evolution Theory and The Big Bang Theory which are assumed to be in contra with the creation story, which is generally believed by people of faith. The other controversial issue concerns the existence of God as a supernatural being. Even though in Indonesia these issues are viewed to be taboo, the hot debate between the atheist scientists and religious people in academic spheres occurs openly in some countries. However, do we have to choose between believing in science or believing in God? Which is the reliable source of truth? This writing discusses the epistemology of science and its strength as well as its limitation as a body of knowledge. The author is trying to describe scientism as an invalid worldview that leads to misunderstandings and conflict's myths between faith and science

    Peran Budaya Organisasi dalam Mendukung Keberhasilan Implementasi Knowledge Management Systems

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    The rapid change of business environment has made -organizational knowledge as something crucial. The use of information technology as a media in transferring and distributing knowledge in an organization has become more common and wide spread. One of the strategies to improve the access to the requirement of real-time and reliable information is through development of knowledge management system (KMS). However, supporting sophisticated information technology is not guarantee to the successful of KMS implementation. The development of supporting organizational culture could be the key factor to achieve effective Knowledge Management (KM)

    Cohomology of abelian arrangements

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    An abelian arrangement is a finite set of codimension one abelian subvarieties (possibly translated) in a complex abelian variety. In this paper, we study the cohomology of the complement of an abelian arrangement. For unimodular abelian arrangements, we provide a combinatorial presentation for a differential graded algebra whose cohomology is isomorphic to the rational cohomology of the complement. Moreover, this DGA has a bi-grading that allows us to compute the mixed Hodge numbers.Comment: 11 pages; to appear in Proceedings of the American Mathematical Societ

    Keeping Watch

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    Undergraduate 2-

    Peran Supply Chain Management dalam Peningkatan Customer Value

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    Supply Chain Management (SCM) concept is an innovation of scientific development process. It comes to light because of drastic changes that occur in global industrial environment, such as more fierce competition, more demanding consumers and stockholders, shorter product life cycle and also information technology which grows very fast. In applying this concept, many requirements are needed, such as vision and support from top management, government's support and the capability of adopting the technology. Although this concept is not easy to perform, it is beneficial for the company as it can help a company achieve its customer value. Moreover, a company which applies this concept can reduce costs and give a quick response to the customer. Finally, the company that is successful in achieving customer value will be able to survive in the global market for it will create customer loyalty

    Peran Supply Chain Management dalam Peningkatan Customer Value

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    Supply Chain Management (SCM) concept is an innovation of scientific development process. It comes to light because of drastic changes that occur in global industrial environment, such as more fierce competition, more demanding consumers and stockholders, shorter product life cycle and also information technology which grows very fast. In applying this concept, many requirements are needed, such as vision and support from top management, governments support and the capability of adopting the technology. Although this concept is not easy to perform, it is beneficial for the company as it can help a company achieve its customer value. Moreover, a company which applies this concept can reduce costs and give a quick response to the customer. Finally, the company that is successful in achieving customer value will be able to survive in the global market for it will create customer loyalty
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