4,461 research outputs found

    Retransmission of Hydrometric Data in Canada

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    Effects of aircraft integration on compact nacelle aerodynamics

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    To reduce specific fuel consumption, it is expected that the next generation of aero-engines will operate with higher bypass-ratios, and therefore fan diameters, than current in-service architectures. These new propulsion systems will increase the nacelle size and incur in an additional overall weight and drag contribution to the aircraft. In addition, they will be installed more closely-coupled with the airframe, which may lead to an increase in adverse installation effects. As such, it is required to develop compact nacelles which will not counteract the benefits obtained from the new engine cycles. A comprehensive investigation of the effects of nacelle design on the overall aircraft aerodynamic performance is required for a better understanding on the effects of aero-engine integration. This paper presents a method for the multi-objective optimisation of drooped and scarfed non-axisymmetric nacelle aero-engines. It uses intuitive Class Shape Tranformations (iCSTs) for the aero-engine geometry definition, multi-point aerodynamic simulation, a near-field nacelle drag extraction method and the NSGA-II genetic algorithm. The process has been employed for the aerodynamic optimisation of a compact nacelle aero-engine as well as a conventional nacelle configuration. Subsequently, the designed architectures were installed on a conventional commercial transport aircraft and evaluated at different installation positions. A novel thrust-drag bookkeeping method has been used to evaluate different engine, nacelle and aircraft performance metrics. The main flow mechanisms that impact the installation effects on compact aero-engines configurations are identified. For the expected close-coupled installation position of future high bypass-ratio engines, the net vehicle force is increased by 0.44% with respect to a conventional architecture. The proposed method complements a set of enabling technologies that aim at the analysis, optimisation and evaluation of future civil aero-engines

    Investigating structural features which control the dissolution of bioactive phosphate glasses: Beyond the network connectivity

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    We have used classical molecular dynamics simulations to characterise the structure of three compositions of silver-containing phosphate glasses with 45 mol% P2O5, 30 mol% CaO, and varying amounts of Na2O and Ag2O. These compositions all have the same network connectivity, allowing us to highlight two other structural features which will affect the glass dissolution. Firstly, the number of different phosphate chains bonded to each modifier atom was computed and it was observed that silver and sodium bind to roughly the same number of phosphate chains, despite the differences in their local environments. Secondly, the clustering of modifier cations was characterised and shown to be enhanced at low concentrations of sodium and silver, but not to exist for calcium

    Ab initio molecular dynamics simulations of structural changes associated with the incorporation of fluorine in bioactive phosphate glasses

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    Phosphate-based bioactive glasses containing fluoride ions offer the potential of a biomaterial which combines the bioactive properties of the phosphate glass and the protection from dental caries by fluoride. We conduct accurate first-principles molecular dynamics simulations of two compositions of fluorinated phosphate-based glass to assess its suitability as a biomaterial. There is a substantial amount of F–P bonding and as a result the glass network will be structurally homogeneous on medium-range length scales, without the inhomogeneities which reduce the bioactivity of other fluorinated bioactive glasses. We observe a decrease in the network connectivity with increasing F content, caused by the replacement of bridging oxygen atoms by non-bridging fluorine atoms, but this decrease is small and can be opposed by an increase in the phosphate content. We conclude that the structural changes caused by the incorporation of fluoride into phosphate-based glasses will not adversely affect their bioactivity, suggesting that fluorinated phosphate glasses offer a superior alternative to their silicate-based counterparts

    The effect of vegetation height and biomass on the sediment budget of a European saltmarsh

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    Sediment retention in saltmarshes is often attributed to the presence of vegetation, which enhances accretion by slowing water flow, reduces erosion by attenuating wave energy and increases surface stability through the presence of organic matter. Saltmarsh vegetation morphology varies considerably on a range of spatial and temporal scales, but the effect of different above ground morphologies on sediment retention is not well characterised. Understanding the biophysical interaction between the canopy and sediment trapping in situ is important for improving numerical shoreline models. In a novel field flume study, we measured the effect of vegetation height and biomass on sediment trapping using a mass balance approach. Suspended sediment profilers were placed at both openings of a field flume built across-shore on the seaward boundary of an intertidal saltmarsh in the Dengie Peninsula, UK. Sequential removal of plant material from within the flume resulted in incremental loss of vegetation height and biomass. The difference between the concentration of suspended sediment measured at each profiler was used to determine the sediment budget within the flume. Deposition of material on the plant/soil surfaces within the flume occurred during flood tides, while ebb flow resulted in erosion (to a lesser degree) from the flume area, with a positive sediment budget of on average 6.5 g m-2 tide-1 with no significant relationship between sediment trapping efficiency and canopy morphology. Deposition (and erosion) rates were positively correlated to maximum inundation depth. Our results suggest that during periods of calm conditions, changes to canopy morphology do not result in significant changes in sediment budgets in marshes

    A critical analysis of Jean Thenaud's Kabbalistic Manuscript Arsenal ms.5061.

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    Jean Thenaud, a Franciscan from the region of Angouleme had intimate access to the royal family of Francis I (1494-1547), King of France, who commissioned Thenaud to journey to the Holy Land. Although the report on this voyage was published all Thenaud's other works, which include poetical commentary, horoscopes, monumental moralistic directives for the royal household and two Kabbalistic works remained in manuscript. (All his works were written in French). The first Kabbalistic work was the 1519 manuscript La saincte et tres chrestienne cabale metrifiee (BN. Fr. 882) which was in verse and which, perhaps because of this, did not gain royal approval. Thenaud rewrote his findings and in 1521 duly presented Traite de la cabale (Arsenal ms. 5061). The present thesis compromises an analysis of the Kabbalistic oeuvre of Thenaud plus an assessment of the state of Hebrew learning in Christian circles, particularly in France, up to the end of the sixteenth century. The edition of Arsenal ms. 5061 includes commentary and translation. A text-only transcription of the original is also provided on diskettes. At first sight Arsenal ms. 5061 is thoroughly neo-Platonic. It follows the Kabbalistic works of Johann Reuchlin, employs a cosmology and numerology derived from Dionysius the Areopagite and re-interprets Kabbalism by means of the Figure of the ninth century Rabanus Maurus of Fulda. Although Jews had been banned from France in 1394 the thesis proposes that Thenaud had direct access to an otherwise unrecognised Hebrew Kabbalistic source. This is supported by analysis of the distribution of the endings of the names of the 72 angels together with the form of exorcism given in Treatise 4. Furthermore new research in this thesis concerning Jewish-Christian relationships as found in Toledot Yeshu confirms that Thenaud did have direct access to a distinct Hebraic tradition. This tradition, mediated through Thenaud's European scholarship, allowed him to present the Kabbalah in accordance with medieval cosmology making full use of superbly illustrated colour diagrams

    Single nucleotide polymorphisms reveal a genetic cline across the north-east Atlantic and enable powerful population assignment in the European lobster

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    This is the final version. Available on open access from Wiley via the DOI in this recordData Availability Statement:: Data for this study are available at the Dryad Digital Repository: https://doi.org/10.5061/dryad.2v1kr38Resolving stock structure is crucial for fisheries conservation to ensure that the spatial implementation of management is commensurate with that of biological population units. To address this in the economically important European lobster (Homarus gammarus), genetic structure was explored across the species' range using a small panel of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) previously isolated from restriction-site-associated DNA sequencing; these SNPs were selected to maximize differentiation at a range of both broad and fine scales. After quality control and filtering, 1,278 lobsters from 38 sampling sites were genotyped at 79 SNPs. The results revealed a pronounced phylogeographic break between the Atlantic and Mediterranean basins, while structure within the Mediterranean was also apparent, partitioned between lobsters from the central Mediterranean and the Aegean Sea. In addition, a genetic cline across the north-east Atlantic was revealed using both putatively neutral and outlier SNPs, but the precise driver(s) of this clinal pattern—isolation by distance, secondary contact, selection across an environmental gradient, or a combination of these factors—remains undetermined. Putatively neutral markers differentiated lobsters from Oosterschelde, an estuary on the Dutch coast, a finding likely explained by past bottlenecks and limited gene flow with adjacent North Sea populations. Building on the findings of our spatial genetic analysis, we were able to test the accuracy of assigning lobsters at various spatial scales, including to basin of origin (Atlantic or Mediterranean), region of origin and sampling location. The predictive model assembled using 79 SNPs correctly assigned 99.7% of lobsters not used to build the model to their basin of origin, but accuracy decreased to region of origin and again to sampling location. These results are of direct relevance to managers of lobster fisheries and hatcheries, and provide the basis for a genetic tool for tracing the origin of European lobsters in the food supply chain.Natural Environment Research Council (NERC)Natural EnglandUniversity of Exete

    Aerodynamics of aero-engine installation

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    This paper describes current progress in the development of methods to assess aero-engine airframe installation effects. The aerodynamic characteristics of isolated intakes, a typical transonic transport aircraft as well as a combination of a through-flow nacelle and aircraft configuration have been evaluated. The validation task for an isolated engine nacelle is carried out with concern for the accuracy in the assessment of intake performance descriptors such as mass flow capture ratio and drag rise Mach number. The necessary mesh and modelling requirements to simulate the nacelle aerodynamics are determined. Furthermore, the validation of the numerical model for the aircraft is performed as an extension of work that has been carried out under previous drag prediction research programmes. The validation of the aircraft model has been extended to include the geometry with through flow nacelles. Finally, the assessment of the mutual impact of the through flow nacelle and aircraft aerodynamics was performed. The drag and lift coefficient breakdown has been presented in order to identify the component sources of the drag associated with the engine installation. The paper concludes with an assessment of installation drag for through-flow nacelles and the determination of aerodynamic interference between the nacelle and the aircraft
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