262 research outputs found

    Older adults’ beliefs, knowledge and preferences for achieving healthy vitamin D status: A narrative review

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    Autonomy and mobility are, in many cases, key elements underlying positive ageing. Vitamin D (vitD) is essential to maintaining musculoskeletal health and hence mobility; ensuring adequate vitD status is important in positive ageing. However, vitD deficiency persists in ~10–30% of older adults in the Western world. The aim of this review was to explore older adult vitD beliefs, knowledge and preferences, in order to identify means to prevent vitD deficiency respectful of older peoples’ autonomy. Academic search-engines were used to explore the research literature with the keywords: vitamin D; older adults; preferences; knowledge; practices; beliefs. 22 recent studies were identified; although the majority of older people knew of vitD, knowledge about increased fall risk secondary to deficiency was limited and knowledge did not always correlate with adequate intake or status. There was evidence of confusion regarding vitD food sources, sun-exposure and health benefits, and although General Practitioners were trusted information sources they often did not discuss vitD with patients. Preferences varied significantly depending on geographic location, ethnicity, socioeconomic status, education and cultural factors; overall, older people wanted more clear information about vitD. In conclusion, older people have a relatively high awareness of vitD, however, knowledge may be inaccurate and low in those most at risk, and knowledge of deficiency- associated fall risk is under-recognised. Furthermore, studies specifically addressing older adult preferences are lacking; an understanding of preferences, integrated into public health guidelines and implementation strategies, is key not only to decreasing the risk of vitamin D deficiency but also to enabling autonomy in older adults

    New Light on Early Christianity in Nubia: The Martyrium of Saint Athanasios of Clysma

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    Religious Syncretism in the Near East: Allāt-Athena in Palmyra

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    The aim of the present article is to examine those problems concerning the so-called Allāt-Athena, focusing on the case of Palmyra. It should be taken into account that the Greeks did not have any fixed religious dogmas, a matter that has been confirmed even through a detailed analysis of the attributes of Athena. It is not the purpose of the present author to give any exhaustive treatment of the artistic representations of the so-called Allāt- Athena cluster.El propósito del presente artículo es examinar aquellos problemas relativos a la fusión Allāt-Athena, centråndose en el caso de Palmira. Ha de tenerse en cuenta, para ello, que los griegos no establecieron dogmas religiosos, asunto que queda confirmado, incluso, en un detallado anålisis de los atributos de Athena. Vaya por delante que el autor no pretende ofrecer un tratamiento exhaustivo de las representaciones artísticas de la fusión Allāt- Athena

    Senior Recital: Andrianna Christides

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    Kemp Recital HallOctober 14, 2012Sunday Afternoon 3:00 p.m

    11^{11}B NMR detection of the magnetic field distribution in the mixed superconducting state of MgB2_2

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    The temperature dependence of the magnetic field distribution in the mixed superconducting phase of randomly oriented MgB2_2 powder was probed by 11% ^{11}B NMR spectroscopy. Below the temperature of the second critical (Bc2B_{% {c2}}) field, Tc2≈27T_{{c2}}\approx 27K, our spectra reveal two NMR signal components, one mapping the magnetic field distribution in the mixed superconducting state and the other one arising from the normal state. The complementary use of bulk magnetization and NMR measurements reveals that MgB2_2 is an anisotropic superconductor with a Bc2c<2.35B_{c2}^c<2.35 Tesla anisotropy parameter γ≈6\gamma\approx 6

    Marginados en el mundo bizantino y ĂĄrabo-islĂĄmicos: lisiados, feos y negros

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    PMID: 10011126PMID: 10011126 This work at the University of Sussex at supported by the Science and Engineering Research Council, U.K.PMID: 10011126 This work at the University of Sussex at supported by the Science and Engineering Research Council, U.K.PMID: 10011126 This work at the University of Sussex at supported by the Science and Engineering Research Council, U.K.We report the results of neutron-diffraction and low-energy neutron-inelastic-scattering experiments on high-purity solid C-70 between 10 and 640 K. Thermal hysteresis effects are found to accompany structural changes both on cooling and on heating. The observed diffuse scattering intensity does not change with temperature. At 10 K broad librational peaks are observed at 1.82(16) meV [full width at half maximum=1.8(5) meV]. The peaks soften and broaden further with increasing temperature. At and above room temperature, they collapse into a single quasielastic line. At 300 K, the diffusive reorientational motion appears to be somewhat anisotropic, becoming less so with increasing temperature. An isotropic rotational diffusion model, in which the motions of adjacent molecules are uncorrelated, describes well the results at 525 K. The temperature dependence of the rotational diffusion constants is consistent with a thermally activated process having an activation energy of 32(7) meV.This work at the University of Sussex at supported by the Science and Engineering Research Council, U.K

    Instagrams betydelse som distributionskanal för turisten och företaget

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    Med allt mer global aktivitet pÄ de sociala medierna Àr det nödvÀndigt för företag att aktivera sig elektroniskt, dÀr publiken har makten att bestÀmma vilka marknadsföringsmetoder som fungerar. Instagram har sedan sin isÀttning lyckats med sitt koncept varav miljontals anhÀngare dagligen Àr aktiva pÄ denna smarttelefonbaserade social mediekanal. HÀrmed startades Instagram för företaget Hacienda Dos Olivos för att fÄ en inblick i hurudan betydelse sociala medier har för mindre företag som en marknadsföringsmetod. För den kvantitativa undersökningen skickades ett frÄgeformulÀr ut med 60 slutliga respondenter medan den kvalitativa delen med hjÀlp av intervjuer granskade en mera detaljerad analys av Hacienda Dos Olivos Instagram och dess effekt i allmÀnhet för bÄde aktiva och passiva anvÀndare. Hacienda Dos Olivos Instagram jÀmfördes ocksÄ med Facebook- och webbsidan, dÀr det förekom att Instagram fungerade bÀst dÄ innehÄllet var artistiskt, intressant och roligt, medan Facebook inlÀggen kunde vara mindre frekventa med information och uppdateringar. Med lÀttsamma socialmediekanaler styrdes kunden dÀrmed till webbsidan dÀr betydelsefull information hittades. SÄvÀl granskades i vilket skede av resecykeln Instagram kÀndes viktigast, dÀr majoriteten av anvÀndarna föredrog att följa ett företag innan sjÀlva resan för information, idéer, sÄvÀl som motivation inför resan. Arbetet begrÀnsades delvis, dÄ följarmÀngden inte nÄdde extrema antal under de tre mÄnader som gavs Ät arbetet. DÀrav kunde betydliga resultat pÄ Instagrams pÄverkan inte nÄs. Intressanta idéer uppkom dock under arbetets gÄng, med konklusionen att Instagram Àr en lÀtt och anvÀndbar kanal som kan skapa stark visibilitet i median om tillrÀckligt med tid ges Ät projektet. Med Instagram som prioritet kunde aktivitet pÄ flera distributionskanaler dÀrmed öka Hacienda Dos Olivos kundsegment i framtiden.With all the more activity on social medias globally, it has become necessary for companies to activate themselves electronically, where the crowds' responses to the company's marketing messages are the immediate result for businesses success rate. Since Instagram launched, it has succesfully attracted millions of active daily users on this smartthelephone based social media channel. Hereby an Instagram account was founded for the company Hacienda Dos Olivos to gather an insight to the impact social media channels can have on small companies as a marketing strategy. For the quantitative method a questionnaire was sent out with 60 replies about usage of Instagram and other social medias. In the qualitative research both active and passive Instagram users were interviewed for a more detailed look onto the company's Instagram account. The Instagram page for Hacienda Dos Olivos was also compared to the company's Facebook and Web page, where it turned out most followers prefer to see the Instagram page as a fun site with beautiful pictures and interesting facts, whereas Facebook can be less frequent in its activity, with more updates and informational posts. With these kinds of relaxed social media channels, crowds can hereby be guided towards the Hacienda Dos Olivos web page for further information. Additionally the thesis handles the subject of at which point during the travel cycle the costumer would be most likely to follow the company on Instagram, where most respondents chose Before Trip, due to gaining information, tips, and motivation for the journey. The thesis was partly limited, as the amount of followers on Instagram did not get the chance to grow immensely under the three months that were given to write it. Therefore clear evidence on the use of Instagram and its power could not yet be seen on e.g. customer growth. However interesting thoughts and ideas were gathered with the conclusion that Instagram is a fairly easy and manageable social media channel, which, if given enough time, potentially could result in large visibility for viewers. Becoming more active on Instagram as well as other social media channels could potentially create growth in future customer amounts.Sosiaalisen median kÀyttö on maailmanlaajuinen ja jatkuvassa nousussa minkÀ takia liikkeiden pitÀÀ aktivoitua yhÀ enemmÀn elektroonisesti, missÀ vÀkijoukon mielipide ohjaa mainonnan konseptin. Instagram on oman kÀsitteensÀ vuoksi avauduttuaan saanut miljoonia seuraajia jotka pÀivittÀin ovat aktiiveja tÀllÀ kanavalla. TÀten avattiin liikkeelle Hacienda Dos Olivokselle oma Instagram tili jotta saataisiin oivallus siihen miten sosiaalinen media vaikuttaa pienien yrityksien nÀkyvyyteen markkinointitapana. Kvantitatiivisessa tutkimuksessa kyselylomake Instagramin ja sosiaalisen median kÀytöstÀ lÀhetettiin 60:nen henkilön vastanneena. Kvalitatiivisessa tutkimuksessa haastateltiin sekÀ passiivisia- ettÀ aktiiveja Instagram-kÀyttÀjiÀ jotta saataisiin enemmÀn yksityiskohtaisia mielipiteitÀ HDO:n Instagram sivustosta. HDO:n Instagram verrattiin mm. liikkeen Facebook- sekÀ verkkosivuun, missÀ tultiin tulokseen ettÀ Instagramin kannalta sopii parhaiten kauniita, hauskoja sekÀ kiinnostavia kuvia, missÀ Facebook taas soveltuu hieman vÀhempÀÀn aktiivisuuteen tiedotuksilla sekÀ pÀivityksillÀ. NÀiden hilpeiden ka- navoiden kautta seuraaja ohjattiin lopulta verkkosivuun, missÀ tÀrkeÀ info löytyi. Kirjailija halusi myös oivaltaa missÀ vaiheessa matkakaaviossa Instagram olisi seuraajalle tÀrkein, missÀ enemmistö valitsi Ennen Matkaa, jotta saisivat tiedotteita, ideoita sekÀ motivaatiota matkalle. Kirjoitus rajoittui osittain syyllÀ ettÀ seuraajamÀÀrÀ Instagramissa ei pÀÀssyt suurempaan kasvuun kolmessa kuukaudessa, mikÀ oli työlle annettu aikamÀÀrÀ. TÀten isompia vaikutuksia HDO:n asiakasmÀÀrÀssÀ ei vielÀ pystytty nÀkemÀÀn. Kiinnostavia oivalluksia saatiin kuitenkin ja kirjailija pÀÀtyi siihen tulokseen ettÀ Instagram on helppokÀyttöinen kanava missÀ voidaan ajan kanssa saada paljon nÀkyvyyttÀ. Instagramin kanssa enempi aktiviteetti sosiaalisissa medioissa voisi sen myötÀ lisÀtÀ HDO:n asiakasmÀÀrÀÀ tulevaisuudessa

    The decline of the Melkite Church in Islamic Egypt and its revival by Patriarch Cosmas I (ca 727-768)

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    This study focuses on the relations of the Melkites and Copts, two rival religious communities in early Muslim Egypt, at a critical turning point, i.e. the time of the patriarch of Alexandria Cosmas I (ca 727-768), about which not enough attention has been paid by modern scholars. Cosmas’s sincere intention to unite the two rival Christian Churches of Egypt, a fact recognized even by his adversaries, is emphasized. Simultaneously, the author points out the initial impartiality of the Arabs towards the perennial dispute between the Coptic and Melkite Churches, which changed drastically by the time of Cosmas I’s election
