80 research outputs found

    Deletion of the glycosyltransferase bgsB of Enterococcus faecalis leads to a complete loss of glycolipids from the cell membrane and to impaired biofilm formation

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Deletion of the glycosyltransferase <it>bgsA </it>in <it>Enterococcus faecalis </it>leads to loss of diglucosyldiacylglycerol from the cell membrane and accumulation of its precursor monoglucosyldiacylglycerol, associated with impaired biofilm formation and reduced virulence in vivo. Here we analyzed the function of a putative glucosyltransferase EF2890 designated <it>biofilm-associated glycolipid synthesis B (bgsB) </it>immediately downstream of <it>bgsA</it>.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>A deletion mutant was constructed by targeted mutagenesis in <it>E. faecalis </it>strain 12030. Analysis of cell membrane extracts revealed a complete loss of glycolipids from the cell membrane. Cell walls of 12030Δ<it>bgsB </it>contained approximately fourfold more LTA, and <sup>1</sup>H-nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy suggested that the higher content of cellular LTA was due to increased length of the glycerol-phosphate polymer of LTA. 12030Δ<it>bgsB </it>was not altered in growth, cell morphology, or autolysis. However, attachment to Caco-2 cells was reduced to 50% of wild-type levels, and biofilm formation on polystyrene was highly impaired. Despite normal resistance to cationic antimicrobial peptides, complement and antibody-mediated opsonophagocytic killing in vitro, 12030Δ<it>bgsB </it>was cleared more rapidly from the bloodstream of mice than wild-type bacteria. Overall, the phenotype resembles the respective deletion mutant in the <it>bgsA </it>gene. Our findings suggest that loss of diglucosyldiacylglycerol or the altered structure of LTA in both mutants account for phenotypic changes observed.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>In summary, BgsB is a glucosyltransferase that synthesizes monoglucosyldiacylglycerol. Its inactivation profoundly affects cell membrane composition and has secondary effects on LTA biosynthesis. Both cell-membrane amphiphiles are critical for biofilm formation and virulence of <it>E. faecalis</it>.</p

    Enterococcus faecalis Glycolipids Modulate Lipoprotein-Content of the Bacterial Cell Membrane and Host Immune Response

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    In this study, we investigated the impact of the cell membrane composition of E. faecalis on its recognition by the host immune system. To this end, we employed an E. faecalis deletion mutant (Delta bgsA) that does not synthesize the major cell membrane glycolipid diglycosyl-diacylglycerol (DGlcDAG). Proteomic analysis revealed that 13 of a total of 21 upregulated surface-associated proteins of E. faecalis Delta bgsA were lipoproteins. This led to a total lipoprotein content in the cell membrane of 35.8% in Delta bgsA compared to only 9.4% in wildtype bacteria. Increased lipoprotein content strongly affected the recognition of Delta bgsA by mouse macrophages in vitro with an increased stimulation of TNF-alpha production by heat-fixed bacteria and secreted antigens. Inactivation of the prolipoprotein diacylglycerol transferase (lgt) in Delta bgsA abrogated TNF-alpha induction by a Delta bgsA_lgt double mutant indicating that lipoproteins mediate increased activation of mouse macrophages by Delta bgsA. Heatfixed Delta bgsA bacteria, culture supernatant, or cell membrane lipid extract activated transfected HEK cells in a TLR2-dependent fashion;the same was not true of wild-type bacteria. In mice infected intraperitoneally with a sublethal dose of E. faecalis we observed a 70% greater mortality in mice infected with Delta bgsA compared with wild-type-infected mice. Increased mortality due to Delta bgsA infection was associated with elevated plasma levels of the inflammatory cytokines TNF-alpha, IL-6 and MIP-2. In summary, our results provide evidence that an E. faecalis mutant lacking its major bilayer forming glycolipid DGlcDAG upregulates lipoprotein expression leading to increased activation of the host innate immune system and virulence in vivo

    Lipoproteins Are Critical TLR2 Activating Toxins in Group B Streptococcal Sepsis

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    Abstract Group B streptococcus (GBS) is the most important cause of neonatal sepsis, which is mediated in part by TLR2. However, GBS components that potently induce cytokines via TLR2 are largely unknown. We found that GBS strains of the same serotype differ in released factors that activate TLR2. Several lines of genetic and biochemical evidence indicated that lipoteichoic acid (LTA), the most widely studied TLR2 agonist in Gram-positive bacteria, was not essential for TLR2 activation. We thus examined the role of GBS lipoproteins in this process by inactivating two genes essential for bacterial lipoprotein (BLP) maturation: the prolipoprotein diacylglyceryl transferase gene (lgt) and the lipoprotein signal peptidase gene (lsp). We found that Lgt modification of the N-terminal sequence called lipobox was not critical for Lsp cleavage of BLPs. In the absence of lgt and lsp, lipoprotein signal peptides were processed by the type I signal peptidase. Importantly, both the Δlgt and the Δlsp mutant were impaired in TLR2 activation. In contrast to released factors, fixed Δlgt and Δlsp GBS cells exhibited normal inflammatory activity indicating that extracellular toxins and cell wall components activate phagocytes through independent pathways. In addition, the Δlgt mutant exhibited increased lethality in a model of neonatal GBS sepsis. Notably, LTA comprised little, if any, inflammatory potency when extracted from Δlgt GBS. In conclusion, mature BLPs, and not LTA, are the major TLR2 activating factors from GBS and significantly contribute to GBS sepsis

    Role of mprF1 and mprF2 in the Pathogenicity of Enterococcus faecalis

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    Aujourd hui, Enterococcus faecalis est considéré comme l un des plus importants agents pathogènes causant des maladies nosocomiales. En raison de sa résistance innée et acquise aux antibiotiques, l identification de nouvelles cibles pour le traitement de cette bactérie est une grande priorité. Le facteur Multiple Peptide Résistance (MprF), qui a été décrit en premier chez Staphylococcus aureus, modifie le phosphatidylglycérol avec de la lysine et réduit ainsi la charge négative de l enveloppe cellulaire. Ceci a comme conséquence d augmenter la résistance aux peptides antimicrobiens cationiques (PAC). Deux gènes paralogues putatifs (mprF1 et mprF2) ont été identifiés chez E. faecalis par recherche BLAST en utilisant le gène décrit chez S. aureus. Une caractérisation de ces deux gènes d E. faecalis ainsi que des mécanismes conduisant à une résistance aux PAC, pourrait aider à développer des nouvelles stratégies thérapeutiques contre ce pathogène. Deux mutants de délétion et un double mutant ont été construits par recombinaison homologue chez E. faecalis. L analyse des phospholipides des membranes cytoplasmiques des deux mutants mprF1 et mprF2 par chromatographie sur couche mince a montré que seule l inactivation de mprF2 inhibe la synthèse de trois amino-phosphatidlyglycérol distincts (comme la Lysine-PG, l Alanine-PG et l Arginine-PG). De plus, le mutant mprF2 est également plus sensible aux PAC que la souche sauvage. La capacité de formation d un biofilm est généralement considérée comme un facteur important de virulence, ce qui est également le cas pour les entérocoques. Le mutant mprF2 montre une capacité accrue dans ce phénomène. Ceci semble être du à une augmentation de la concentration d ADN extracellulaire dans le biofilm formé par ce mutant. Curieusement, cette augmentation est indépendante d une autolyse. Le mutant mprF2 est également plus résistant à l opsonophagocytose. Cependant, le gène mprF2 ne joue aucun rôle dans les bactériémies de souris et les endocardites de rats.En revanche, aucun phénotype n a été trouvé pour un mutant mprF1 jusqu à présent. Cette mutation ne modifie ni la synthèse de l aminoacyl-PG en condition de laboratoire ni la résistance aux PAC et à l opsonophagocytose. Par conséquent, il semble que mprF2 soit le seul gène mprF fonctionnel chez E. faecalis. Néanmoins, contrairement à d autres bactéries, mprF2 ne semble pas être un facteur de virulence majeur pour cette espèce.Enterococcus faecalis is regarded nowadays as one of the most important nosocomial pathogens. Due to its innate and acquired resistance to antibiotics, identification of new targets for antimicrobial treatment of E. faecalis is a high priority. The multiple peptides resistance factor (MprF), which was first described in Staphylococcus aureus, modifies phosphatidylglycerol with lysine and reduces the negative charge of the membrane, thus increasing resistance to cationic antimicrobial peptides (CAMPs). Two putative mprF paralogs (mprF1 and mprF2) were identified in E. faecalis by Blast search using the well-described S. aureus gene as a lead. A better understanding of these two genes and mechanisms leads to enterococcal resistance to CAMPs might help designing therapeutic strategies against this bacteria. Two single deletion mutants and double mutant in E. faecalis were created by homologues recombination. Analysis of cell membrane phospholipids from both mutants by thin-layer chromatography showed that inactivation of mprF2 abolished the synthesis of three distinct amino-phosphatidylglycerol (mostly likely Lysin-PG, Alanine-PG and Argine-PG). The CAMPs testing assay demonstrated that the deletion mutant of mprF2 was more susceptible to CAMPs than the wild type. Biofilm formation is usually regarded as a virulence factor which provides an important way for enterococci to cause infections. Inactivation of mprF2 led to increase the biofilm formation which we showed that it was due to the accumulation of eDNA in the biofilm, but the release of eDNA is independent from autolysis. The mprF2 mutant was resistance to killing by opsonophagocytosis more than wild type. However, the mprF2 gene plays no role in bacteremia in mice and rat endocarditis. Our results showed that non polar effect mprF1 mutant does not affect in the synthesis of aminoacyl-PG in the laboratory condition. It also has no effect on susceptible to CAMPs, opsonic killing and autolysis. Therefore, it seems that mprF2 is the only functional mprF gene in E. faecalis in the laboratory condition. Unlike mprF found in other bacteria, mprF does not seem to be a major virulence factor in enterococci.CAEN-BU Sciences et STAPS (141182103) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Tick-borne lymphadenopathy (TIBOLA) acquired in Southwestern Germany

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Tick-borne lymphadenopathy (TIBOLA) was first described in 1997 in a patient in France. The causative agent, <it>Rickettsia slovaca</it>, is transmitted by <it>Dermacentor </it>ticks.</p> <p>Case presentation</p> <p>In southwestern Germany we encountered a patient with a tick bite at the dorsal scalp that resulted in an eschar and nuchal lymphadenopathy. Additionally, fever, malaise as well as elevated inflammatory markers and transaminases occurred. The characteristic clinical picture along with positive antibody testing for rickettsiae of the tick-borne spotted fever group strongly suggest the diagnosis TIBOLA.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Human rickettsioses are emerging infections. Clinicians should be aware of TIBOLA as a newly described rickettsial disease. As in our case, TIBOLA may be encountered in regions/countries where <it>R. slovaca </it>and <it>Dermacentor </it>ticks are prevalent but autochthonous acquisition was not described before.</p

    Large-Scale Screening of a Targeted Enterococcus faecalis Mutant Library Identifies Envelope Fitness Factors

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    Spread of antibiotic resistance among bacteria responsible for nosocomial and community-acquired infections urges for novel therapeutic or prophylactic targets and for innovative pathogen-specific antibacterial compounds. Major challenges are posed by opportunistic pathogens belonging to the low GC% Gram-positive bacteria. Among those, Enterococcus faecalis is a leading cause of hospital-acquired infections associated with life-threatening issues and increased hospital costs. To better understand the molecular properties of enterococci that may be required for virulence, and that may explain the emergence of these bacteria in nosocomial infections, we performed the first large-scale functional analysis of E. faecalis V583, the first vancomycin-resistant isolate from a human bloodstream infection. E. faecalis V583 is within the high-risk clonal complex 2 group, which comprises mostly isolates derived from hospital infections worldwide. We conducted broad-range screenings of candidate genes likely involved in host adaptation (e.g., colonization and/or virulence). For this purpose, a library was constructed of targeted insertion mutations in 177 genes encoding putative surface or stress-response factors. Individual mutants were subsequently tested for their i) resistance to oxidative stress, ii) antibiotic resistance, iii) resistance to opsonophagocytosis, iv) adherence to the human colon carcinoma Caco-2 epithelial cells and v) virulence in a surrogate insect model. Our results identified a number of factors that are involved in the interaction between enterococci and their host environments. Their predicted functions highlight the importance of cell envelope glycopolymers in E. faecalis host adaptation. This study provides a valuable genetic database for understanding the steps leading E. faecalis to opportunistic virulence

    Protocol for a phase IV double-blind randomised controlled trial to investigate the effect of the 13-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine and the 23-valent pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine on pneumococcal colonisation using the experimental human pneumococcal challenge model in healthy adults (PREVENTING PNEUMO 2)

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    Introduction: Despite widely available vaccinations, Streptococcus pneumoniae (SPN) remains a major cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide, causing community-acquired pneumonia, meningitis, otitis media, sinusitis and bacteraemia. Here, we summarise an ethically approved protocol for a double-blind, randomised controlled trial investigating the effect of the 13-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine (PCV13) and the 23-valent pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine (PPV23) on pneumococcal nasopharyngeal colonisation acquisition, density and duration using experimental human pneumococcal challenge (EHPC). Methods and analysis: Healthy adult participants aged 18–50 years will be randomised to receive PCV13, PPV23 or placebo and then undergo one or two EHPCs involving intranasal administration of SPN at 1-month post-vaccination with serotype 3 (SPN3) and 6 months with serotype 6B (SPN6B). Participants randomised to PCV13 and placebo will also be randomised to one of two clinically relevant SPN3 strains from distinct lineages within clonal complex 180, clades Ia and II, creating five study groups. Following inoculation, participants will be seen on days 2, 7, 14 and 23. During the follow-up period, we will monitor safety, colonisation status, density and duration, immune responses and antigenuria. The primary outcome of the study is comparing the rate of SPN3 acquisition between the vaccinated (PCV13 or PPV23) and unvaccinated (placebo) groups as defined by classical culture. Density and duration of colonisation, comparison of acquisition rates using molecular methods and evaluation of the above measurements for individual SPN3 clades and SPN6B form the secondary objectives. Furthermore, we will explore the immune responses associated with these vaccines, their effect on colonisation and the relationship between colonisation and urinary pneumococcal antigen detection. Ethics and dissemination: The study is approved by the NHS Research and Ethics Committee (Reference: 20/NW/0097) and by the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (Reference: CTA 25753/0001/001–0001). Findings will be published in peer-reviewed journals

    Streptococcus pneumoniae colonization associates with impaired adaptive immune responses against SARS-CoV-2.

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    BACKGROUND Although recent epidemiological data suggest that pneumococci may contribute to the risk of SARS-CoV-2 disease, cases of co-infection with Streptococcus pneumoniae in COVID-19 patients during hospitalisation have been reported infrequently. This apparent contradiction may be explained by interactions of SARS-CoV-2 and pneumococcus in the upper airway, resulting in the escape of SARS-CoV-2 from protective host immune responses. METHODS Here, we investigated the relationship of these two respiratory pathogens in two distinct cohorts of a) healthcare workers with asymptomatic or mildly symptomatic SARS-CoV-2 infection identified by systematic screening and b) patients with moderate to severe disease who presented to hospital. We assessed the effect of co-infection on host antibody, cellular and inflammatory responses to the virus. RESULTS In both cohorts, pneumococcal colonisation was associated with diminished anti-viral immune responses, which affected primarily mucosal IgA levels among individuals with mild or asymptomatic infection and cellular memory responses in infected patients. CONCLUSION Our findings suggest that S. pneumoniae impairs host immunity to SARS-CoV-2 and raises the question if pneumococcal carriage also enables immune escape of other respiratory viruses and facilitates reinfection occurrence. TRIALS REGISTRATION ISRCTN89159899 for FASTER study and Clinicaltrials.gov identifier: NCT03502291 for LAIV study

    Human Infection Challenge with Serotype 3 Pneumococcus

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    Rationale: Streptococcus pneumoniae serotype 3 (SPN3) is a cause of invasive pneumococcal disease and associated with low carriage rates. Following the introduction of pediatric 13-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine (PCV13) programmes, SPN3 declines are less than other vaccine serotypes and incidence has increased in some populations coincident with a shift in predominant circulating SPN3 clade, from I to II. A human challenge model provides an effective means for assessing the impact of PCV13 on SPN3 in the upper airway. Objectives: To establish SPN3’s ability to colonise the nasopharynx using different inoculum clades and doses and the safety of an SPN3 challenge model. Methods: In a human challenge study involving three well characterised and antibiotic sensitive SPN3 isolates (PFESP306 [clade Ia], PFESP231 [no clade] and PFESP505 [clade II]), inoculum doses (10,000, 20,000, 80,000, 160,000 CFU/100μL) were escalated until maximal colonisation rates were achieved, with concurrent acceptable safety. Outcome measures: Presence and density of experimental SPN3 nasopharyngeal colonisation in nasal wash samples, assessed using microbiological culture and molecular methods, on days 2, 7 and 14 post-inoculation. Results: 96 healthy participants (median age 21, interquartile range 19-25) were inoculated (n=6-10 per dose group, 10 groups). Colonisation rates ranged from 30.0-70.0% varying with dose and isolate. 30.0% (29/96) reported mild symptoms (82.8% sore throat, [24/29]), one developed otitis media requiring antibiotics. No serious adverse events occurred. Conclusions: An SPN3 human challenge model is feasible and safe with comparable carriage rates to an established SPN6B human challenge model. SPN3 carriage may cause mild upper respiratory symptoms

    Naturally Acquired Antibodies against Four Enterococcus faecalis Capsular Polysaccharides in Healthy Human Sera

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    Healthy human sera (HHS) contain naturally acquired enterococcal antibodies which promote neutrophil-mediated killing. The target antigens remain unknown. The present study used a capsular polysaccharide (CPS)-enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) to investigate whether the HHS antibodies of 12 healthy donors bound to the CPS of four E. faecalis serotypes (CPS-A to CPS-D) and then employed an opsonic-killing assay to determine if these antibodies mediated phagocyte-dependent killing. All HHS contained immunoglobulin G (IgG) and IgM antibodies directed against capsular polysaccharides of the four serotypes. Absorption of the sera with homologous and heterologous strains showed a majority of antibodies to be cross-reactive among the prototype strains. The susceptibility of the four prototype strains to opsonic killing varied. Opsonic killing of CPS-A and CPS-B strains was significantly higher than killing of CPS-C and CPS-D strains. Absorption studies revealed that the opsonic killing of HHS was only partially type specific, with cross-reactivity between CPS-A and CPS-B strains and between CPS-C and CPS-D strains. These data indicate that healthy individuals possess opsonic antibodies specific for CPS-A and CPS-B but only low titers of opsonic antibodies against CPS-C and CPS-D. Titers of opsonic antibodies did not correlate with antibody titers measured by ELISA. Whether this lack of correlation is due to the low frequency of opsonic antibodies or to increased resistance to the opsonophagocytic killing of some serotypes remains to be determined