118 research outputs found

    CYNTENATOR: Progressive Gene Order Alignment of 17 Vertebrate Genomes

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    Whole genome gene order evolution in higher eukaryotes was initially considered as a random process. Gene order conservation or conserved synteny was seen as a feature of common descent and did not imply the existence of functional constraints. This view had to be revised in the light of results from sequencing dozens of vertebrate genomes

    Transcriptomic characterisation and genomic glimpse into the toxigenic dinoflagellate Azadinium spinosum, with emphasis on polykeitde synthase genes

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    Background: Unicellular dinoflagellates are an important group of primary producers within the marine plankton community. Many of these species are capable of forming harmful algae blooms (HABs) and of producing potent phycotoxins, thereby causing deleterious impacts on their environment and posing a threat to human health. The recently discovered toxigenic dinoflagellate Azadinium spinosum is known to produce azaspiracid toxins. These toxins are most likely produced by polyketide synthases (PKS). Recently, PKS I-like transcripts have been identified in a number of dinoflagellate species. Despite the global distribution of A. spinosum, little is known about molecular features. In this study, we investigate the genomic and transcriptomic features of A. spinosum with a focus on polyketide synthesis and PKS evolution. Results: We identify orphan and homologous genes by comparing the transcriptome data of A. spinosum with a diverse set of 18 other dinoflagellates, five further species out of the Rhizaria Alveolate Stramelopile (RAS)-group, and one representative from the Plantae. The number of orphan genes in the analysed dinoflagellate species averaged 27%. In contrast, within the A. spinosum transcriptome, we discovered 12,661 orphan transcripts (18%). The dinoflagellates toxins known as azaspiracids (AZAs) are structurally polyethers; we therefore analyse the transcriptome of A. spinosum with respect to polyketide synthases (PKSs), the primary biosynthetic enzymes in polyketide synthesis.We find all the genes thought to be potentially essential for polyketide toxin synthesis to be expressed in A. spinosum,whose PKS transcripts fall into the dinoflagellate sub-clade in PKS evolution. Conclusions: Overall, we demonstrate that the number of orphan genes in the A. spinosum genome is relatively small compared to other dinoflagellate species. In addition, all PKS domains needed to produce the azaspiracid carbon backbone are present in A. spinosum. Our study underscores the extraordinary evolution of such gene clusters and, in particular, supports the proposed structural and functional paradigm for PKS Type I genes in dinoflagellates

    Ancient gene duplications have shaped developmental stage-specific expression in Pristionchus pacificus

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    BACKGROUND: The development of multicellular organisms is accompanied by gene expression changes in differentiating cells. Profiling stage-specific expression during development may reveal important insights into gene sets that contributed to the morphological diversity across the animal kingdom. RESULTS: We sequenced RNA-seq libraries throughout a developmental timecourse of the nematode Pristionchus pacificus. The transcriptomes reflect early larval stages, adult worms including late larvae, and growth-arrested dauer larvae and allowed the identification of developmentally regulated gene clusters. Our data reveals similar trends as previous transcriptome profiling of dauer worms and represents the first expression data for early larvae in P. pacificus. Gene expression clusters characterizing early larval stages show most significant enrichments of chaperones, while collagens are most significantly enriched in transcriptomes of late larvae and adult worms. By combining expression data with phylogenetic analysis, we found that developmentally regulated genes are found in paralogous clusters that have arisen through lineage-specific duplications after the split from the Caenorhabditis elegans branch. CONCLUSIONS: We propose that gene duplications of developmentally regulated genes represent a plausible evolutionary mechanism to increase the dosage of stage-specific expression. Consequently, this may contribute to the substantial divergence in expression profiles that has been observed across larger evolutionary time scales

    Syntenator: Multiple gene order alignments with a gene-specific scoring function

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Identification of homologous regions or conserved syntenies across genomes is one crucial step in comparative genomics. This task is usually performed by genome alignment softwares like WABA or blastz. In case of conserved syntenies, such regions are defined as conserved gene orders. On the gene order level, homologous regions can even be found between distantly related genomes, which do not align on the nucleotide sequence level.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We present a novel approach to identify regions of conserved synteny across multiple genomes. Syntenator represents genomes and alignments thereof as partial order graphs (POGs). These POGs are aligned by a dynamic programming approach employing a gene-specific scoring function. The scoring function reflects the level of protein sequence similarity for each possible gene pair. Our method consistently defines larger homologous regions in pairwise gene order alignments than nucleotide-level comparisons. Our method is superior to methods that work on predefined homology gene sets (as implemented in Blockfinder). Syntenator successfully reproduces 80% of the EnsEMBL man-mouse conserved syntenic blocks. The full potential of our method becomes visible by comparing remotely related genomes and multiple genomes. Gene order alignments potentially resolve up to 75% of the EnsEMBL 1:many orthology relations and 27% of the many:many orthology relations.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>We propose Syntenator as a software solution to reliably infer conserved syntenies among distantly related genomes. The software is available from <url>http://www2.tuebingen.mpg.de/abt4/plone</url>.</p

    Integrative analysis of genomic, functional and protein interaction data predicts long-range enhancer-target gene interactions

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    Multicellular organismal development is controlled by a complex network of transcription factors, promoters and enhancers. Although reliable computational and experimental methods exist for enhancer detection, prediction of their target genes remains a major challenge. On the basis of available literature and ChIP-seq and ChIP-chip data for enhanceosome factor p300 and the transcriptional regulator Gli3, we found that genomic proximity and conserved synteny predict target genes with a relatively low recall of 12–27% within 2 Mb intervals centered at the enhancers. Here, we show that functional similarities between enhancer binding proteins and their transcriptional targets and proximity in the protein–protein interactome improve prediction of target genes. We used all four features to train random forest classifiers that predict target genes with a recall of 58% in 2 Mb intervals that may contain dozens of genes, representing a better than two-fold improvement over the performance of prediction based on single features alone. Genome-wide ChIP data is still relatively poorly understood, and it remains difficult to assign biological significance to binding events. Our study represents a first step in integrating various genomic features in order to elucidate the genomic network of long-range regulatory interactions

    Computational archaeology of the Pristionchus pacificus genome reveals evidence of horizontal gene transfers from insects

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The recent sequencing of nematode genomes has laid the basis for comparative genomics approaches to study the impact of horizontal gene transfer (HGT) on the adaptation to new environments and the evolution of parasitism. In the beetle associated nematode <it>Pristionchus pacificus </it>HGT events were found to involve cellulase genes of microbial origin and Diapausin genes that are known from beetles, but not from other nematodes. The insect-to-nematode horizontal transfer is of special interest given that <it>P. pacificus </it>shows a tight association with insects.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>In this study we utilized the observation that horizontally transferred genes often exhibit codon usage patterns more similar to that of the donor than that of the acceptor genome. We introduced GC-normalized relative codon frequencies as a measure to detect characteristic features of <it>P. pacificus </it>orphan genes that show no homology to other nematode genes. We found that atypical codon usage is particularly prevalent in <it>P. pacificus </it>orphans. By comparing codon usage profiles of 71 species, we detected the most significant enrichment in insect-like codon usage profiles. In cross-species comparisons, we identified 509 HGT candidates that show a significantly higher similarity to insect-like profiles than genes with nematode homologs. The most abundant gene family among these genes are non-LTR retrotransposons. Speculating that retrotransposons might have served as carriers of foreign genetic material, we found a significant local clustering tendency of orphan genes in the vicinity of retrotransposons.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Our study combined codon usage bias, phylogenetic analysis, and genomic colocalization into a general picture of the computational archaeology of the <it>P. pacificus </it>genome and suggests that a substantial fraction of the gene repertoire is of insect origin. We propose that the <it>Pristionchus</it>-beetle association has facilitated HGT and discuss potential vectors of these events.</p