48 research outputs found

    LSDCat: Detection and cataloguing of emission-line sources in integral-field spectroscopy datacubes

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    We present a robust, efficient, and user-friendly algorithm for detecting faint emission-line sources in large integral-field spectroscopic datacubes together with the public release of the software package LSDCat (Line Source Detection and Cataloguing). LSDCat uses a 3-dimensional matched filter approach, combined with thresholding in signal-to-noise, to build a catalogue of individual line detections. In a second pass, the detected lines are grouped into distinct objects, and positions, spatial extents, and fluxes of the detected lines are determined. LSDCat requires only a small number of input parameters, and we provide guidelines for choosing appropriate values. The software is coded in Python and capable to process very large datacubes in a short time. We verify the implementation with a source insertion and recovery experiment utilising a real datacube taken with the MUSE instrument at the ESO Very Large Telescope.Comment: 14 pages. Accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysics. The LSDCat software is available at https://bitbucket.org/Knusper2000/lsdcat, v2 corrected typos and language editin

    An IFU investigation of possible Lyman continuum escape from Mrk 71/NGC 2366

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    Mrk 71/NGC 2366 is the closest Green Pea (GP) analog and candidate Lyman Continuum (LyC) emitter. Recently, 11 LyC-leaking GPs have been detected through direct observations of the ionizing continuum, making this the most abundant class of confirmed LyC-emitters at any redshift. High resolution, multi-wavelength studies of GPs can lead to an understanding of the method(s), through which LyC escapes from these galaxies. The proximity of Mrk 71/NCG 2366 offers unprecedented detail on the inner workings of a GP analog, and enables us to identify the mechanisms of LyC escape. We use 5825-7650{\AA} integral field unit PMAS observations to study the kinematics and physical conditions in Mrk 71. An electron density map is obtained from the [S II] ratio. A fortuitous second order contamination by the [O II]3727 doublet enables the construction of an electron temperature map. Resolved maps of sound speed, thermal broadening, "true" velocity dispersion, and Mach number are obtained and compared to the high resolution magneto-hydrodynamic SILCC simulations. Two regions of increased velocity dispersion indicative of outflows are detected to the north and south of the super star cluster, knot B, with redshifted and blueshifted velocities, respectively. We confirm the presence of a faint broad kinematical component, which is seemingly decoupled from the outflow regions, and is fainter and narrower than previously reported in the literature. Within uncertainties, the low- and high-ionization gas move together. Outside of the core of Mrk 71, an increase in Mach numbers is detected, implying a decrease in gas density. Simulations suggest this drop in density can be as high as ~4 dex, down to almost optically thin levels, which would imply a non-zero LyC escape fraction along the outflows... [abridged]Comment: Accepted for publication in A&A. 17 pages, 16 figures, 4 table

    Deciphering Lyman α\alpha blob 1 with deep MUSE observations

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    Context: Lyman α\alpha blobs (LABs) are large-scale radio-quiet Lyman α\alpha (Lyα\alpha) nebula at high-zz that occur predominantly in overdense proto-cluster regions. Especially the prototypical SSA22a-LAB1 at z=3.1z=3.1 has become an observational reference for LABs across the electromagnetic spectrum. Aims: We want to understand the powering mechanisms that drive the LAB to gain empirical insights into galaxy formation processes within a rare dense environment at high-zz. Methods: LAB 1 was observed for 17.5h with the VLT/MUSE integral-field spectrograph. We produced optimally extracted narrow band images in Lyα\alpha λ1216\lambda1216 and HeII λ1640\lambda1640. By using a moment based analysis we mapped the kinematics of the blob. Results: We detect Lyα\alpha emission to surface-brightness limits of 101910^{-19}erg s1^{-1}cm2^{-2}arcsec2^{-2}. At this depth we reveal a bridge between LAB 1 and its northern neighbour LAB 8, as well as a shell-like filament towards the south of LAB 1. We find a coherent large scale east-west \sim1000 km s1^{-1} velocity gradient that is aligned perpendicular to the major axis of the blob. We detect HeII emission in three distinct regions, but we can only provide upper limits for CIV. Conclusions: Various gas excitation mechanisms are at play in LAB 1: Ionising radiation and feedback effects dominate near the embedded galaxies, while Lyα\alpha scattering is contributing at larger distances. However, HeII/Lyα\alpha ratios combined with upper limits on CIV/Lyα\alpha can not discriminate between AGN ionisation and feedback driven shocks. The alignment of the angular momentum vector parallel to the morphological principal axis appears odds with the predicted norm for high-mass halos, but likely reflects that LAB\,1 resides at a node of multiple intersecting filaments of the cosmic web. (Abridged)Comment: Revised version. Accepted for publication in A&

    The Lyman alpha Reference Sample: Extended Lyman alpha Halos Produced at Low Dust Content

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    We report on new imaging observations of the Lyman alpha emission line (Lya), performed with the Hubble Space Telescope, that comprise the backbone of the Lyman alpha Reference Sample (LARS). We present images of 14 starburst galaxies at redshifts 0.028 < z < 0.18 in continuum-subtracted Lya, Halpha, and the far ultraviolet continuum. We show that Lya is emitted on scales that systematically exceed those of the massive stellar population and recombination nebulae: as measured by the Petrosian 20 percent radius, RP20, Lya radii are larger than those of Halpha by factors ranging from 1 to 3.6, with an average of 2.4. The average ratio of Lya-to-FUV radii is 2.9. This suggests that much of the Lya light is pushed to large radii by resonance scattering. Defining the "Relative Petrosian Extension" of Lya compared to Halpha, \xi_ext = RP20_Lya / RP20_Ha, we find \xi_ext to be uncorrelated with total Lya luminosity. However \xi_ext is strongly correlated with quantities that scale with dust content, in the sense that a low dust abundance is a necessary requirement (although not the only one) in order to spread Lya photons throughout the interstellar medium and drive a large extended Lya halo.Comment: Published in ApJ Letters ~~ 6 pages using emulateapj, 4 figures ~~ Higher-resolution, larger, nicer jpeg versions of Figures 1 and 2 can be found here: http://xayes.org/pub/press_lars.htm

    The Lyman Alpha Reference Sample. VIII. Characterizing Lyman-Alpha Scattering in Nearby Galaxies

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    We examine the dust geometry and Ly{\alpha} scattering in the galaxies of the Lyman Alpha Reference Sample (LARS), a set of 14 nearby (0.02 < zz < 0.2) Ly{\alpha} emitting and starbursting systems with Hubble Space Telescope Ly{\alpha}, H{\alpha}, and H{\beta} imaging. We find that the global dust properties determined by line ratios are consistent with other studies, with some of the LARS galaxies exhibiting clumpy dust media while others of them show significantly lower Ly{\alpha} emission compared to their Balmer decrement. With the LARS imaging, we present Ly{\alpha}/H{\alpha} and H{\alpha}/H{\beta} maps with spatial resolutions as low as \sim 40 pc, and use these data to show that in most galaxies, the dust geometry is best modeled by three distinct regions: a central core where dust acts as a screen, an annulus where dust is distributed in clumps, and an outer envelope where Ly{\alpha} photons only scatter. We show that the dust that affects the escape of Ly{\alpha} is more restricted to the galaxies' central regions, while the larger Ly{\alpha} halos are generated by scattering at large radii. We present an empirical modeling technique to quantify how much Ly{\alpha} scatters in the halo, and find that this "characteristic" scattering distance correlates with the measured size of the Ly{\alpha} halo. We note that there exists a slight anti-correlation between the scattering distance of Ly{\alpha} and global dust properties.Comment: 32 pages, 51 figures, accepted to Ap

    Unveiling the gravitationally unstable disc of a massive star-forming galaxy using NOEMA and MUSE

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    Using new high-resolution data of CO (2-1), H-alpha and H-beta obtained with the Northern Extended Millimeter Array (NOEMA) and the Multi-Unit Spectroscopic Explorer (MUSE) at the Very Large Telescope, we have performed a Toomre-Q disc stability analysis and studied star formation, gas depletion times and other environmental parameters on sub-kpc scales within the z~0 galaxy SDSS J125013.84+073444.5 (LARS 8). The galaxy hosts a massive, clumpy disc and is a proto-typical analogue of main-sequence galaxies at z~1-2. We show that the massive (molecular) clumps in LARS 8 are the result of an extremely gravitationally unstable gas disc, with large scale instabilities found across the whole extent of the rotating disc, with only the innermost 500 pc being stabilized by its bulgelike structure. The radial profiles further reveal that - contrary to typical disc galaxies - the molecular gas depletion time decreases from more than 1 Gyr in the center to less than ~100 Myr in the outskirts of the disc, supporting the findings of a Toomre-unstable disc. We further identified and analysed 12 individual massive molecular clumps. They are virialized and follow the mass-size relation, indicating that on local (cloud/clump) scales the stars form with efficiencies comparable to those in Milky Way clouds. The observed high star formation rate must thus be the result of triggering of cloud/clump formation over large scales due to disc instability. Our study provides evidence that "in-situ" massive clump formation (as also observed at high redshifts) is very efficiently induced by large-scale instabilities.Comment: Submitted to MNRA

    The MUSE-Wide survey: A measurement of the Lyα\alpha emitting fraction among z>3z>3 galaxies

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    We present a measurement of the fraction of Lyman α\alpha (Lyα\alpha) emitters (XLyαX_{\rm{Ly} \alpha}) amongst HST continuum-selected galaxies at 3<z<63<z<6 with the Multi-Unit Spectroscopic Explorer (MUSE) on the VLT. Making use of the first 24 MUSE-Wide pointings in GOODS-South, each having an integration time of 1 hour, we detect 100 Lyα\alpha emitters and find XLyα0.5X_{\rm{Ly} \alpha}\gtrsim0.5 for most of the redshift range covered, with 29 per cent of the Lyα\alpha sample exhibiting rest equivalent widths (rest-EWs) \leq 15\AA. Adopting a range of rest-EW cuts (0 - 75\AA), we find no evidence of a dependence of XLyαX_{\rm{Ly} \alpha} on either redshift or UV luminosity.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figures (MNRAS, updated as per version in press

    The Lyman Alpha Reference Sample: V. The impact of neutral ISM kinematics and geometry on Lyman Alpha escape

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    We present high-resolution far-UV spectroscopy of the 14 galaxies of the Lyman Alpha Reference Sample; a sample of strongly star-forming galaxies at low redshifts (0.028<z<0.180.028 < z < 0.18). We compare the derived properties to global properties derived from multi band imaging and 21 cm HI interferometry and single dish observations, as well as archival optical SDSS spectra. Besides the Lyman α\alpha line, the spectra contain a number of metal absorption features allowing us to probe the kinematics of the neutral ISM and evaluate the optical depth and and covering fraction of the neutral medium as a function of line-of-sight velocity. Furthermore, we show how this, in combination with precise determination of systemic velocity and good Lyα\alpha spectra, can be used to distinguish a model in which separate clumps together fully cover the background source, from the "picket fence" model named by Heckman et al. (2011). We find that no one single effect dominates in governing Lyα\alpha radiative transfer and escape. Lyα\alpha escape in our sample coincides with a maximum velocity-binned covering fraction of 0.9\lesssim 0.9 and bulk outflow velocities of 50\gtrsim 50 km s1^{-1}, although a number of galaxies show these characteristics and yet little or no Lyα\alpha escape. We find that Lyα\alpha peak velocities, where available, are not consistent with a strong backscattered component, but rather with a simpler model of an intrinsic emission line overlaid by a blueshifted absorption profile from the outflowing wind. Finally, we find a strong anticorrelation between Hα\alpha equivalent width and maximum velocity-binned covering factor, and propose a heuristic explanatory model.Comment: 28 pages, 19 figures, 5 table

    The Lyman Alpha Reference Sample: III. Properties of the Neutral ISM from GBT and VLA Observations

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    We present new H I imaging and spectroscopy of the 14 UV-selected star-forming galaxies in the Lyman Alpha Reference Sample (LARS), aimed for a detailed study of the processes governing the production, propagation, and escape of Lyα\alpha photons. New H I spectroscopy, obtained with the 100m Green Bank Telescope (GBT), robustly detects the H I spectral line in 11 of the 14 observed LARS galaxies (although the profiles of two of the galaxies are likely confused by other sources within the GBT beam); the three highest redshift galaxies are not detected at our current sensitivity limits. The GBT profiles are used to derive fundamental H I line properties of the LARS galaxies. We also present new pilot H I spectral line imaging of 5 of the LARS galaxies obtained with the Karl G. Jansky Very Large Array (VLA). This imaging localizes the H I gas and provides a measurement of the total H I mass in each galaxy. In one system, LARS 03 (UGC 8335 or Arp 238), VLA observations reveal an enormous tidal structure that extends over 160 kpc from the main interacting systems and that contains >>109^9 M_{\odot} of H I. We compare various H I properties with global Lyα\alpha quantities derived from HST measurements. The measurements of the Lyα\alpha escape fraction are coupled with the new direct measurements of H I mass and significantly disturbed H I velocities. Our robustly detected sample reveals that both total H I mass and linewidth are tentatively correlated with key Lyα\alpha tracers. Further, on global scales, these data support a complex coupling between Lyα\alpha propagation and the H I properties of the surrounding medium.Comment: Preprint form, 16 figures, accepted in Ap