1,880 research outputs found

    Reformerne på kornet. Debatten om de danske landbrugsreformer 1750-1850 - tekniske og institutionelle innovationer.

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    I 1997 havde forfatteren forsvaret afhandlingen Det Moderne Projekt. Teknik & Kultur i Danmark-Norge 1750-(1814)-1850 på RUC, hvor han var lektor. I artiklen diskuterer han forskellige fortolkninger af drivkræfterne bag landboreformerne. Forfatteren er meget kritisk over for konjunkturtesenog lægger afgørende vægt på overførsel af teknologi fra udlandet. Han mener, at en gruppe godsejere spillede en afgørende rolle her

    Tidlige tærskeværker

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    I det gamle landbosamfund var tærskning den mest arbejdskrævende opgave overhovedet, og derfor var der tidligt interesse for at mekanisere processen. Der blev gjort flere forsøg, også i Danmark, men det afgørende gennembrud kom fra Storbritannien. I Danmark søgte Landhusholdningsselskabet af fremme udviklingen, bl.a. gennem sin modelsamling. Det var dog ikke lokale værksteder, som for alvor indførte denne teknologi i Da´nmark, men indvandrede skotter. Spredningen var hurtigst, hvor lønningerne var højest. I Danmarki ses et centrum i Nordsjælland, men tærskeværker fandtes over hele Sjælland o. 1820. Derimod var Jylland ikke omfattet af den nye teknologi

    Ejderkanalens teknik og æstetik

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    Ejderkanalen var 1700-tallets største danske infrastrukturprojekt. Det krævede meget store investeringer og megen arbejdskraft. Tidens ingeniørkunst handlede i høj grad om at styre og koordinere de mange menneskers indsats, mens der ikke var tale om større ny teknik. I datiden var synet på kanalen meget positivt. Derfor kan man heller ikke finde eksempler på teknologifjendskab over for Ejderkanal-projektet i samtiden. Det var til det almene bedste, at skibe trygt kunne sejle ad kanalens rolige vande frem for at risikere at forlise rundt om Skagen. Projektet var en tæmning af naturelementerne til benefice for søfart og handel, kilderne til Danmarks rigdom og det almindelige bedste

    Magnetic-field-induced spin excitations and renormalized spin gap of the underdoped superconductor La1.895_{1.895}Sr0.105_{0.105}CuO4_{4}

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    High-resolution neutron inelastic scattering experiments in applied magnetic fields have been performed on La1.895_{1.895}Sr0.105_{0.105}CuO4_{4} (LSCO). In zero field, the temperature dependence of the low-energy peak intensity at the incommensurate momentum-transfer $\mathbf{Q}^{\ }_{\mathrm{IC}}=(0.5,0.5\pm\delta,0),(0.5\pm\delta,0.5,0)exhibitsananomalyatthesuperconducting exhibits an anomaly at the superconducting T^{\}_{c}$ which broadens and shifts to lower temperature upon the application of a magnetic field along the c-axis. A field-induced enhancement of the spectral weight is observed, but only at finite energy transfers and in an intermediate temperature range. These observations establish the opening of a strongly downward renormalized spin gap in the underdoped regime of LSCO. This behavior contrasts with the observed doping dependence of most electronic energy features.Comment: accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. Let

    Acoustic wave sparsely activated localization microscopy (AWSALM): super-resolution ultrasound imaging using acoustic activation and deactivation of nanodroplets

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    Photo-activated localization microscopy (PALM) has revolutionized the field of fluorescence microscopy by breaking the diffraction limit in spatial resolution. In this study, “acoustic wave sparsely activated localization microscopy (AWSALM),” an acoustic counterpart of PALM, is developed to super-resolve structures which cannot be resolved by conventional B-mode imaging. AWSALM utilizes acoustic waves to sparsely and stochastically activate decafluorobutane nanodroplets by acoustic vaporization and to simultaneously deactivate the existing vaporized nanodroplets via acoustic destruction. In this method, activation, imaging, and deactivation are all performed using acoustic waves. Experimental results show that sub-wavelength micro-structures not resolvable by standard B-mode ultrasound images can be separated by AWSALM. This technique is flow independent and does not require a low concentration of contrast agents, as is required by current ultrasound super resolution techniques. Acoustic activation and deactivation can be controlled by adjusting the acoustic pressure, which remains well within the FDA approved safety range. In conclusion, this study shows the promise of a flow and contrast agent concentration independent super-resolution ultrasound technique which has potential to be faster and go beyond vascular imaging

    Resonances in an external field: the 1+1 dimensional case

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    Using non-relativistic effective field theory in 1+1 dimensions, we generalize Luescher's approach for resonances in the presence of an external field. This generalized approach provides a framework to study the infinite-volume limit of the form factor of a resonance determined in lattice simulations.Comment: 13 pages, 2 postscript figure

    Magnetic ordering in electronically phase-separated La2-xSrxCuO4+y: Neutron diffraction experiments

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    We present results of magnetic neutron diffraction experiments on the codoped superoxygenated La2-xSrxCuO4+y (LSCO+O) system with x=0.09. We find that the magnetic phase is long-range ordered incommensurate antiferromagnetic with a Neacuteel temperature T-N coinciding with the superconducting ordering temperature T-c=40 K. The incommensurability value is consistent with a hole doping of n(h)approximate to 1>8 but in contrast to nonsuperoxygenated La2-xSrxCuO4 with hole doping close to n(h)approximate to 18 the magnetic-order parameter is not field dependent. We attribute this to the magnetic order being fully developed in LSCO+O as in the spin and charge ordered "stripe" compounds La1.48Nd0.40Sr0.12CuO4 and La7/8Ba1/8CuO4

    Spin and Chirality Effects in Antler-Topology Processes at High Energy e+ee^+e^- Colliders

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    We perform a model-independent investigation of spin and chirality correlation effects in the antler-topology processes e+eP+P(+D0)(Dˉ0)e^+e^-\to\mathcal{P}^+\mathcal{P}^-\to (\ell^+ \mathcal{D}^0) (\ell^-\mathcal{\bar{D}}^0) at high energy e+ee^+e^- colliders with polarized beams. Generally the production process e+eP+Pe^+e^-\to\mathcal{P}^+\mathcal{P}^- can occur not only through the ss-channel exchange of vector bosons, V0\mathcal{V}^0, including the neutral Standard Model (SM) gauge bosons, γ\gamma and ZZ, but also through the ss- and tt-channel exchanges of new neutral states, S0\mathcal{S}^0 and T0\mathcal{T}^0, and the uu-channel exchange of new doubly-charged states, U\mathcal{U}^{--}. The general set of (non-chiral) three-point couplings of the new particles and leptons allowed in a renormalizable quantum field theory is considered. The general spin and chirality analysis is based on the threshold behavior of the excitation curves for P+P\mathcal{P}^+\mathcal{P}^- pair production in e+ee^+e^- collisions with longitudinal and transverse polarized beams, the angular distributions in the production process and also the production-decay angular correlations. In the first step, we present the observables in the helicity formalism. Subsequently, we show how a set of observables can be designed for determining the spins and chiral structures of the new particles without any model assumptions. Finally, taking into account a typical set of approximately chiral invariant scenarios, we demonstrate how the spin and chirality effects can be probed experimentally at a high energy e+ee^+e^- collider.Comment: 50 pages, 14 figures, 6 tables, matches version published in EPJ

    Topical and Systemic Cannabidiol Improves Trinitrobenzene Sulfonic Acid Colitis in Mice

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    Background/Aims: Compounds of Cannabis sativa are known to exert anti-inflammatory properties, some of them without inducing psychotropic side effects. Cannabidiol (CBD) is such a side effect-free phytocannabinoid that improves chemically induced colitis in rodents when given intraperitoneally. Here, we tested the possibility whether rectal and oral application of CBD would also ameliorate colonic inflammation, as these routes of application may represent a more appropriate way for delivering drugs in human colitis. Methods: Colitis was induced in CD1 mice by trinitrobenzene sulfonic acid. Individual groups were either treated with CBD intraperitoneally (10 mg/kg), orally (20 mg/kg) or intrarectally (20 mg/kg). Colitis was evaluated by macroscopic scoring, histopathology and the myeloperoxidase (MPO) assay. Results: Intraperitoneal treatment of mice with CBD led to improvement of colonic inflammation. Intrarectal treatment with CBD also led to a significant improvement of disease parameters and to a decrease in MPO activity while oral treatment, using the same dose as per rectum, had no ameliorating effect on colitis. Conclusion: The data of this study indicate that in addition to intraperitoneal application, intrarectal delivery of cannabinoids may represent a useful therapeutic administration route for the treatment of colonic inflammation. Copyright (C) 2012 S. Karger AG, Base