164 research outputs found

    Ageing, corporeality and social divisions in later life

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    This paper concerns the social divisions of later life. Although research in this field has focused on class, gender and, more recently, sexuality as sources of division in later life, the division between the fit and the frail has tended to be ignored or viewed as an outcome of these other divisions. This paper challenges this assumption, arguing that corporeality constitutes a major social division in later life. This in many ways prefigures a return to the 19th-century categorisation of those ‘impotent through age’, whose position was among the most abject in society. Their ‘impotence’ was framed by an inability to engage in paid labour. Improved living standards during and after working life saw age's impotence fade in significance and in the immediate post-war era, social concern turned towards the relative poverty of pensioners. Subsequent demographic ageing and the expanding cultures of the third age have undermined the homogeneity of retirement. Frailty has become a major source of social division, separating those who are merely older from those who are too old. This division excludes the ‘unsuccessfully’ aged from utilising the widening range of material and social goods that characterise the third age. It is this social divide rather than those of past occupation or income that is becoming a more salient line of fracture in later life

    Aging, Embodiment, and the Somatic Turn

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    This article addresses contemporary representations of bodily aging by calling attention to the difference between “corporeality” and “embodiment.” Drawing on Haraway’s distinction between the body as social actant and the body as a site of social agency, we argue for the need to distinguish between aging as corporeality—treating the aging body as a social actant—and aging as embodiment—treating the aging body as co-constructor of its own identity. Embodiment, or embodied habitus, is realized through embodied identities and the embodied practices associated with past and present identities. This distinction is important in locating the new narratives and performances of later life emerging in the aftermath of the cultural revolution of the 1960s. The rise of somatic society, the growth of mass consumerism, and the new politics of identity initially targeted youth buthave since extended their infuence across the life course. These phenomena have helped realize variously embodied, valued identities through whose trajectories it has become possible to think the aging body differently.

    Constructing embodied identity in a 'new' ageing population: a qualitative study of the pioneer cohort of childhood liver transplant recipients in the UK

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    Medical innovations have created a future of survivorship for many groups of people with a variety of conditions that were previously untreatable or untreated. This has led not only to an expansion of medical activity in a whole variety of new areas but also to the emergence of new groups of individuals defined or defining themselves through their experiences, diagnosis and treatment. Through analysis of in-depth interviews with 27 of the now-adult survivors of the pioneer cohort of children receiving liver transplants in Britain in the early 1980s and 1990s, this paper presents how this group not only illustrate the capacities of modern medicine and healthcare to transform the survival prospects of a more diversified population, but also create new narratives of embodied identity. Specifically, we examine how childhood identities were shaped in three settings; home, hospital and school. At home, parents appeared to shape their child’s identity through controlling tightly a daily medical regime focused on the concept of ‘body as machine’, celebrating their survival as a transplant recipient, yet at the same time socialising their child as a ‘normal’ child, albeit one who had a serious illness. The hospital appeared instrumental in shaping parents’ focus on their child’s body, and offered a way, through other patients with liver disease, for children to feel ‘normal’ in their difference. It was in school, through interaction with ‘healthy’ children and teachers, that corporeality and embodiment appeared most salient, and where social identity was negotiated and more often held in contention. Adult survivors of childhood liver transplant straddle the different discourses of normality and difference as their embodied experiences shape their narratives of identity and shed light on an underexplored aspect of the relationship between medicine and society

    West Nile Virus as a Cause of Death Among Endangered Eastern Loggerhead Shrikes, Lanius ludovicianus migrans, in West St. Paul, Manitoba

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    In July 2006, three Eastern Loggerhead Shrike (Lanius ludovicianus migrans) nestlings were found dead in a nest in West St. Paul, near Winnipeg, Manitoba. The Eastern Loggerhead Shrike is an endangered form in Canada and populations are in decline. Reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction and immunohistochemical staining detected West Nile virus in the tissues of the nestlings indicating the cause of death. This is the first confirmed report of West Nile virus in wild populations of Eastern Loggerhead Shrikes in North America. These findings will challenge conservation biologists in their efforts to develop recovery and management plans for the endangered Eastern Loggerhead Shrike, as well as in the implementation of captive rearing programs

    Chromatin signatures at transcriptional start sites separate two equally populated yet distinct classes of intergenic long noncoding RNAs

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    Background: Mammalian transcriptomes contain thousands of long noncoding RNAs (lncRNAs). Some lncRNAs originate from intragenic enhancers which, when active, behave as alternative promoters producing transcripts that are processed using the canonical signals of their host gene. We have followed up this observation by analyzing intergenic lncRNAs to determine the extent to which they might also originate from intergenic enhancers. Results: We integrated high-resolution maps of transcriptional initiation and transcription to annotate a conservative set of intergenic lncRNAs expressed in mouse erythroblasts. We subclassified intergenic lncRNAs according to chromatin status at transcriptional initiation regions, defined by relative levels of histone H3K4 mono- and trimethylation. These transcripts are almost evenly divided between those arising from enhancer-associated (elncRNA) or promoter-associated (plncRNA) elements. These two classes of 5â€Č capped and polyadenylated RNA transcripts are indistinguishable with regard to their length, number of exons or transcriptional orientation relative to their closest neighboring gene. Nevertheless, elncRNAs are more tissue-restricted, less highly expressed and less well conserved during evolution. Of considerable interest, we found that expression of elncRNAs, but not plncRNAs, is associated with enhanced expression of neighboring protein-coding genes during erythropoiesis. Conclusions: We have determined globally the sites of initiation of intergenic lncRNAs in erythroid cells, allowing us to distinguish two similarly abundant classes of transcripts. Different correlations between the levels of elncRNAs, plncRNAs and expression of neighboring genes suggest that functional lncRNAs from the two classes may play contrasting roles in regulating the transcript abundance of local or distal loci

    Uncertainties of the Inclusive Higgs Production Cross Section at the Tevatron and the LHC

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    We study uncertainties of the predicted inclusive Higgs production cross section due to the uncertainties of parton distribution functions (PDF). Particular attention is given to bbH Yukawa coupling enhanced production mechanisms in beyond SM scenarios, such as MSSM. The PDF uncertainties are determined by the robust Lagrange Multiplier method within the CTEQ global analysis framework. We show that PDF uncertainties dominate over theoretical uncertainties of the perturbative calculation (usually estimated by the scale dependence of the calculated cross sections), except for low Higgs masses at LHC. Thus for the proper interpretation of any Higgs signal, and for better understanding of the underlying electroweak symmetry breaking mechanism, it is important to gain better control of the uncertainties of the PDFs.Comment: LaTeX, JHEP, 19 pages, 14 figure

    Social media for physiotherapy clinics: considerations in creating a Facebook page

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    Social media websites play a prominent role in modern society, and the most popular of these websites is Facebook. Increasingly, physiotherapy clinics have begun to utilize Facebook in order to create pages to publicize their services. There are many factors to consider in the planning, implementing, and maintenance of Facebook pages for physiotherapy clinics, including ethical and privacy issues. The primary purpose of creating a page must be clearly defined, with dedicated clinicians given adequate time to manage the page. This technical article discusses these factors and summarizes the experiences at the University of Otago, New Zealand, in creating a Facebook page for the physiotherapy clinic and provides suggestions for physiotherapy clinicians in operating a Facebook page
