94 research outputs found

    Quenching of Meridional Circulation in Flux Transport Dynamo Models

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    Guided by the recent observational result that the meridional circulation of the Sun becomes weaker at the time of the sunspot maximum, we have included a parametric quenching of the meridional circulation in solar dynamo models such that the meridional circulation becomes weaker when the magnetic field at the base of the convection zone is stronger. We find that a flux transport solar dynamo tends to become unstable on including this quenching of meridional circulation if the diffusivity in the convection zone is less than about 2 * 10^{11} cm^2/s. The quenching of alpha, however, has a stabilizing effect and it is possible to stabilize a dynamo with low diffusivity with sufficiently strong alpha-quenching. For dynamo models with high diffusivity, the quenching of meridional circulation does not produce a large effect and the dynamo remains stable. We present a solar-like solution from a dynamo model with diffusivity 2.8 * 10^{12} cm^2/s in which the quenching of meridional circulation makes the meridional circulation vary periodically with solar cycle as observed and does not have any other significant effect on the dynamo.Comment: Consistent with the published version. Solar Physics, in pres

    Viscosity in spherically symmetric accretion

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    The influence of viscosity on the flow behaviour in spherically symmetric accretion, has been studied here. The governing equation chosen has been the Navier-Stokes equation. It has been found that at least for the transonic solution, viscosity acts as a mechanism that detracts from the effectiveness of gravity. This has been conjectured to set up a limiting scale of length for gravity to bring about accretion, and the physical interpretation of such a length-scale has been compared with the conventional understanding of the so-called "accretion radius" for spherically symmetric accretion. For a perturbative presence of viscosity, it has also been pointed out that the critical points for inflows and outflows are not identical, which is a consequence of the fact that under the Navier-Stokes prescription, there is a breakdown of the invariance of the stationary inflow and outflow solutions -- an invariance that holds good under inviscid conditions. For inflows, the critical point gets shifted deeper within the gravitational potential well. Finally, a linear stability analysis of the stationary inflow solutions, under the influence of a perturbation that is in the nature of a standing wave, has indicated that the presence of viscosity induces greater stability in the system, than has been seen for the case of inviscid spherically symmetric inflows.Comment: 7 pages. Minor changes made in the version published in MNRA

    On the compatibility of a flux transport dynamo with a fast tachocline scenario

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    The compatibility of the fast tachocline scenario with a flux transport dynamo model is explored. We employ a flux transport dynamo model coupled with simple feedback formulae relating the thickness of the tachocline to the amplitude of the magnetic field or to the Maxwell stress. The dynamo model is found to be robust against the nonlinearity introduced by this simplified fast tachocline mechanism. Solar-like butterfly diagrams are found to persist and, even without any parameter fitting, the overall thickness of the tachocline is well within the range admitted by helioseismic constraints. In the most realistic case of a time and latitude dependent tachocline thickness linked to the value of the Maxwell stress, both the thickness and its latitude dependence are in excellent agreement with seismic results. In the nonparametric models, cycle related temporal variations in tachocline thickness are somewhat larger than admitted by helioseismic constraints; we find, however, that introducing a further parameter into our feedback formula readily allows further fine tuning of the thickness variations.Comment: Accepted in Solar Physic

    Solar Polar Fields During Cycles 21 --- 23: Correlation with Meridional Flows

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    We have examined polar magnetic fields for the last three solar cycles, {viz.\it{viz.}}, cycles 21, 22 and 23 using NSO Kitt Peak synoptic magnetograms. In addition, we have used SoHO/MDI magnetograms to derive the polar fields during cycle 23. Both Kitt Peak and MDI data at high latitudes (78{^{\circ}}--90{^{\circ}}) in both solar hemispheres show a significant drop in the absolute value of polar fields from the late declining phase of the solar cycle 22 to the maximum of the solar cycle 23. We find that long term changes in the absolute value of the polar field, in cycle 23, is well correlated with changes in meridional flow speeds that have been reported recently. We discuss the implication of this in influencing the extremely prolonged minimum experienced at the start of the current cycle 24 and in forecasting the behaviour of future solar cycles.Comment: 4 Figures 11 pages; Revised version under review in Solar Physic

    Solar Flux Emergence Simulations

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    We simulate the rise through the upper convection zone and emergence through the solar surface of initially uniform, untwisted, horizontal magnetic flux with the same entropy as the non-magnetic plasma that is advected into a domain 48 Mm wide from from 20 Mm deep. The magnetic field is advected upward by the diverging upflows and pulled down in the downdrafts, which produces a hierarchy of loop like structures of increasingly smaller scale as the surface is approached. There are significant differences between the behavior of fields of 10 kG and 20 or 40 kG strength at 20 Mm depth. The 10 kG fields have little effect on the convective flows and show little magnetic buoyancy effects, reaching the surface in the typical fluid rise time from 20 Mm depth of 32 hours. 20 and 40 kG fields significantly modify the convective flows, leading to long thin cells of ascending fluid aligned with the magnetic field and their magnetic buoyancy makes them rise to the surface faster than the fluid rise time. The 20 kG field produces a large scale magnetic loop that as it emerges through the surface leads to the formation of a bipolar pore-like structure.Comment: Solar Physics (in press), 12 pages, 13 figur

    Time-distance analysis of the emerging active region NOAA 10790

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    We investigate the emergence of Active Region NOAA 10790 by means of time – distance helioseismology. Shallow regions of increased sound speed at the location of increased magnetic activity are observed, with regions becoming deeper at the locations of sunspot pores. We also see a long-lasting region of decreased sound speed located underneath the region of the flux emergence, possibly relating to a temperature perturbation due to magnetic quenching of eddy diffusivity, or to a dense flux tube. We detect and track an object in the subsurface layers of the Sun characterised by increased sound speed which could be related to emerging magnetic-flux and thus obtain a provisional estimate of the speed of emergence of around 1 km s−1

    Meridional Circulation and Global Solar Oscillations

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    We investigate the influence of large-scale meridional circulation on solar p-modes by quasi-degenerate perturbation theory, as proposed by \cite{lavely92}. As an input flow we use various models of stationary meridional circulation obeying the continuity equation. This flow perturbs the eigenmodes of an equilibrium model of the Sun. We derive the signatures of the meridional circulation in the frequency multiplets of solar p-modes. In most cases the meridional circulation leads to negative average frequency shifts of the multiplets. Further possible observable effects are briefly discussed.Comment: 14 pages, 5 figures, submittted to Solar Physics Topical Issue "HELAS

    Enhanced Joule Heating in Umbral Dots

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    We present a study of magnetic profiles of umbral dots (UDs) and its consequences on the Joule heating mechanisms. Hamedivafa (2003) studied Joule heating using vertical component of magnetic field. In this paper UDs magnetic profile has been investigated including the new azimuthal component of magnetic field which might explain the relatively larger enhancement of Joule heating causing more brightness near circumference of UD.Comment: 8 pages, 1 figure, accepted in Solar Physic

    Current Helicity and Twist as Two Indicators of The Mirror Asymmetry of solar Magnetic Fields

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    A comparison between the two tracers of magnetic field mirror asymmetry in solar active regions, twist and current helicity, is presented. It is shown that for individual active regions these tracers do not possess visible similarity while averaging by time over the solar cycle, or by latitude, reveals similarities in their behaviour. The main property of the dataset is anti-symmetry over the solar equator. Considering the evolution of helical properties over the solar cycle we find signatures of a possible sign change at the beginning of the cycle, though more systematic observational data are required for a definite confirmation. We discuss the role of both tracers in the context of the solar dynamo theory.Comment: 14 pages, 6 figure