105 research outputs found

    Automated Tool for Calibration Features Checking Engine Platform

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    Fuel economy and government emissions regulations and other compulsory features like ABS and Cruise Control are important for automotive engine manufacturers. New engine sensors and actuators are introduced to meet these requirements, which increases engine complexity and cost. Calibration is the process of achieving optimal settings by evaluating the behavior of an engine. This multistep process involves designing tests, collecting data, analyzing the data and calibrating lookup tables to model the engine. This process helps to identify the optimal balance of engine performance, emissions, and fuel economy. There are number of calibration parameters which control the engine performance and behavior of its accessories. These parameters needs to be calibrated and adjusted to arrive at an engine settings which are optimized for performance, fuel economy, emissions and cost. In this project, we have developed an automated tool which helps in this calibration tuning process to reduce time and efforts. In this project, the calibration process is to be automated

    eNavigate: A Survey On Effective and Efficient User Website Navigation

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    Web Structure Improvement has attracted much attention now days. The large websites such as E-commerce, universities etc. have lots of pages visited by users daily. The users needed to be navigated effectively and efficiently throughout the website. Each user has its own set of target pages where the stay time is larger than that of other pages. While making website structure improvements the web master must consider the set of target pages of the users. The users’ web log must be maintained at the server side which further has to be divided into session and mini sessions. These mini sessions provides the inputs to extract the target pages of a specific user. The improvement in website must be done under some circumstances. The newly added links must satisfy some criteria such as how many number of links can be added. Previous literature provides some meaningful considerations about static and dynamic websites. The effective website structure improvements along with the set of target pages can be efficiently designed with static and informative websites while it’s difficult to consider the target pages in dynamic one. The structure optimization can be done with minimization or maximization strategies. Here in this survey paper we studied some previously published journals to get better knowledge about the web structure improvements for effective user navigation

    R-Allyl Nickel(II) Complexes with Chelating N-Heterocyclic Carbenes: Synthesis, Structural Characterization, and Catalytic Activity

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    The N-heterocyclic carbene (NHC) nickel complexes [(L)Ni(NHC)][BArF4] (ArF = 3,5-bis(trifluoromethyl)- phenyl; L = allyl (1), methylallyl (2); NHC = 1-(2-picolyl)-3-methylimidazol-2-ylidene (a), 1-(2-picolyl)-3-isopropylimidazol-2-ylidene (b), 1-(2-picolyl)-3-n-butylimidazol-2-ylidene (c), 1-(2-picolyl)-3-phenylimidazol-2-ylidene (d), 1-(2-picolyl)-3- methylbenzoimidazol-2-ylidene (e), 1-(2-picolyl)-4,5-dichloro-3-methylimidazol-2-ylidene (f)) have been obtained in high yields and characterized by NMR spectroscopy. Furthermore, 1d was unambiguously characterized by single-crystal X-ray crystallography. Complexes 1a−f/2a−f have shown catalytic activity toward dimerization and hydrosilylation of styrenes. In particular, 1a proved to be the most efficient catalyst in the dimerization of styrene derivatives in the absence of cocatalyst. Also, complexes 1a,d showed high selectivity and moderate to good yields in hydrosilylation reactions

    Performance of Electronic Fuel Injection System Using Compressor and Controller

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    This paper studied about by using air compressor instead of fuel pump in which the petrol is pressurized by the compressed air which is sent to the fuel tank and the fuel comes out from the fuel tank through the regulating valve and it is directed towards the fuel injector. The fuel injector is controlled by using micro-controller and TPS (Throttle position sensor) which is mounted on the throttle body. The fuel eventually evaporatedin the inlet port by velocity spray which is created by the injector by pulsating needle, which receive the signal from the micro-controller. Here, the effort is made to make the system in which, the compressor is only running to create a necessary pressure range and then reaching to its maximum range, it is shut-off during the engine running. When the petrol level and pressure in the fuel tank decreases to the minimum value, the compressor is start again. The working of fuel pump is totally eliminated. Bythis system, during the time interval between shut off to start point of compressor, we can save the available power of an engine which earlier continuously used to drive the fuel pump

    Assessment of different screening methods for selecting biosurfactant producing marine bacteria

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    243-250Different screening methods namely, hemolytic assay (HA), modified drop collapse (MDC), tilted glass slide (TGST), oil spread method (OSM), blue agar plate (BAP), hydrocarbon overlaid agar (HOA) plate, emulsification index (EI), emulsification assay (EA) were assessed for their efficiency to detect biosurfactant producing marine bacteria. Forty-five strains of bacteria, comprising 18 Acinetobacter and 27 other bacteria along with positive MTCC reference strains were examined. HA, MDC, TGST efficiently detected 15, 17 and 14 biosurfactant producers respectively. Five hemolytic cultures did not show any biosurfactant production in MDC, TGST, and/or OSM. The emulsification of kerosene was also poorer. These results suggest that HA is not totally reliable. Six bacterial isolates produced biosurfactant in OSM, and MDC as well as TGST. MDC and TGS tests demonstrated good activity for nine isolates and proved to be the essential methods. None of the bacteria produced glycolipid on BAP. Cultures showing >30% of emulsification with kerosene were found to be positive in at least one of the above mentioned screening methods. The reference strains, Gram negative bacterium MM73b produced 68% the highest emulsification and demonstrated biosurfactant production in modified drop collapse, tilted glass slide test with highest emulsification units of 213.8 (EU/ml) for petrol. In case of xylene, Acinetobacter spp. MM74 demonstrated 187.5, Acinetobacter spp. WB42 demonstrated 170.4 emulsification units. HOA plate identified 31 and 22 bacteria for diesel and crude oil degradation respectively. Thus, this method proved to be significant one. We suggest that single method is not suitable to identify all type of biosurfactants, and recommend that drop collapse, tilted glass slide test, oil spread method followed by emulsification assay are more suitable for primary screening

    First report on IS elements of <i>Shigella flexneri</i> 1a— A common Indian isolate

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    199-203Shigella species are non-sporulating, Gram negative, facultative anaerobes. IS (insertion sequence) elements are the major cause of the dynamics of Sf301 chromosome and due to IS-mediated DNA rearrangements and formation of pseudogenes, the Shigella spp. became highly specific human pathogens with variable epidemiological and pathological features. Nucleotide sequence analysis of S. flexneri 1a genomic DNA was performed through Big dye terminator chemistry using ABI 3730 48 capillary DNA analyzer. In total, 60 kb data in form of contigs were analyzed by homology search using various bioinformatics tools. IS elements were identified using nucleotide blast at NCBI as well as the Is finder. Eight different IS elements were identified, which were present in different copy number. A new IS element ISEhe3 was identified, which belonged to family IS3. ISEhe3 was found absent in S. flexneri 2a 301, but it was present in 2457T strain. Amongst the IS elements identified, IS2, IS3 and IS600 elements showed identity with SHI2 Shigella pathogenicity island. The presence of large numbers of IS-elements in the <i style="mso-bidi-font-style: normal">Shigella genomes is likely the major cause of many of the genome rearrangements. Further investigations on IS elements will help to study genome dynamics and rearrangement of S. flexneri 1a strain. </span