1,270 research outputs found

    Career Motivation Among Teacher Trainees

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    The purpose of this study was to determine the differences on gender, place of origin and age contribute towards teaching career extrinsic, intrinsic and altruistic motives among 206 trainees in Batu Pahat Teacher Training College. This includes the relationship among the motives, the dependency of teaching career motives, the variance in teaching career motives with respect to demographic characteristics namely gender, race, place of origin, age, level of educational attainment, primary school setting, and secondary school setting. The questionnaire used in this study mainly adopted from Chan’s (1998) Yong’s (1995 & 1994) Brown’s (1992) and Noran’s (1990a) studies. The researcher personally administered the self-reporting questionnaire throughout this study. The overall teaching career motives’ items showed a Cronbach alpha value of 0.7383 for the pilot test conducted. The results of the study indicated that: (1) there was a significant difference in place of origin towards intrinsic and altruistic motives and there was a significant difference in age towards extrinsic motives; (2) there was a positive relation among extrinsic, intrinsic and altruistic motives with highest value of 0.779 between intrinsic and altruistic motives; (3) the demographic characteristics studied explained 15.4 percent of the variance in teaching career motives; (4) a Stepwise Multiple Regression Analysis showed that race was the best predictor in teaching career motives; (5) the teaching career motives was dependent on gender, race, place of origin, primary school setting, and secondary school setting but independent of age and level of educational attainment; finally (6) “Teaching is a sacred profession” as an intrinsic motive showed a highest mean score among the trainees

    Effect of Fish Proteins, Salt, Sugar and Monosodium Glutamate on the Microstructural, Rheological and Physico-Chemical Properties of Fish Cracker ('Keropok')

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    Fish cracker or more commonly known as 'keropok' in Malaysia is a popular snack food among countries in the ASEAN region. This work examines factors affecting 'keropok' quality such as the effect of fish proteins, salt. sugar, monosodium glutamate (MSG) on the gelatinisation of tapioca and sago st arches. Microstructural studies of 'keropok' during different stages of processing were al so observed and correlated to rheological behaviour. Results from differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) showed that with increasing fish content the conclusion gelatinisation temperature (Tc) of the mixture remained relatively constant while the range of gelatinisation temperature decreased. There were hardly any effect due to the addition of 1% sugar and 0.4% MSG. on the onset (To) and peak(Tp) gelatinisation temperatures of sago and tapioca starches. The addition of 2% salt had the greatest effect on gelatinisation temperature of 'keropok' mixture, linear expansion of fried'keropok',and small and large deformations of 'keropok' gel. The technology of producing a good expanded 'k that fresh fish, sufficient amount of salt (2% of the total weight of wet fish and starch), proper sequence of mixing of the 'keropok' mixture to form evenly distributed fiexpansion, full gelatinisation of fish-starch gel, and elastic fish-starch gel formation. At high fish contents (60-70%) the formation of fish protein network in the matrix caused a drop in expansion. There was, however, a sharp increase in the compressive strength of the 'keropok' gel. This result is complemented by the higher storage modulus (G') and lower loss tangent (tan ᵟ) values obtained, indicative of the existence of a strong elastic network. Such conditions were observed when the microstructure of the fish muscle fibres appeared to be well crosslinked. The findings in this study revealed that in order to produce better expanded 'keropok' and a more elastic and fully gelatinised 'keropok' gel, superior interms of appearance, shape and linear expansion, several important factors that ensure even distribution of fish proteins in the fish-starch gel must be taken into account. In conclusion, fresh fish, sufficient amount of salt (2% of the weight of wet fish and starch) and the proper sequence of adding ingredients in mixing are recommended to produce high quality ' keropok'

    Addressing Data Concerns and Usage through Law of Attraction on using Intelligent Voice Assistants in Language Classrooms

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    Data-mining done by data companies on ICT tools and the law of attraction comes out with a similar idea in terms of the outcome produced. In order to comprehend the idea, this paper dwells into the data rights, privacy policies and securities of the target application (Google Assistant and Amazon Alexa) that are used in the process of language teaching and learning. A lot of researches focus on the implication of ICT tools in language classrooms and so this paper reports on the ethical considerations that must be looked into before implementation of any ICT tools in language classrooms. Reasons for and against the use of Voice Assistants in terms of data privacy have been discussed with detailing on the similarities between the theory of law of attraction and the effect of data mining. The findings suggest that the constant and productive use of ICT tools in language classrooms will alter the students ’data pattern towards his/her area of study. The research suggests that it is the duty and obligation of the implementer to verify the tools to be inculcated and use it productively

    Variation in incidence and severity of injuries among crown-of-thorns starfish (Acanthaster cf. solaris) on Australia's Great Barrier Reef

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    Despite the presence of numerous sharp poisonous spines, adult crown-of-thorns starfish (CoTS) are vulnerable to predation, though the importance and rates of predation are generally unknown. This study explores variation in the incidence and severity of injuries for Acanthaster cf. solaris from Australia's Great Barrier Reef. The major cause of such injuries is presumed to be sub-lethal predation such that the incidence of injuries may provide a proxy for overall predation and mortality rates. A total of 3846 Acanthaster cf. solaris were sampled across 19 reefs, of which 1955 (50.83%) were injured. Both the incidence and severity of injuries decreased with increasing body size. For small CoTS (60% of individuals had injuries, and a mean 20.7% of arms (±2.9 SE) were affected. By comparison, 450 mm total diameter) CoTS had injuries, and, among those, only 8.3% of arms (±1.7 SE) were injured. The incidence of injuries varied greatly among reefs but was unaffected by the regulations of local fisheries

    Traditional Melanau woodcarving (Bilum) in Dalat, Sarawak

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    Maksud tesis ini ialah menganalisa, menyusun dan mentafsirkan ukiran-ukiran kayu (bilum) .tradisional suku Melanau di Dalat dalam konteks budayanya dengan menggunakan teknik ilmu bentukkata (morfologi)~ kegayaan (style) .serta penganalisaan analitikal, dan di mana yang boleh, digunakan pentafsiran ikonografi. Dalam menjalankannya, saya telah sertakan fakta-fakta anthropologi dan sejarah. WaJaupun tradisi membuat bilum telahpun diketahui oleh para penyelidik sejak keakhiran kurun kesembilanbelas, namun belum lagi wujud satu usaha sistematis yang menggabungkan sumber bahan-bahan sejarah, bahan-bahan muzium, dokumentasi yang ada serta 'field-work', bagi menjadikannya satu-satu kajian yang komprehensif. Pada tesis ini, saya adalah berpandukan pandangan ini. The purpose of this thesis is to analyse, classify and interpret the traditional woodcarving (bilum) of the Melanau in Dalat in its cultural context by using morphological, stylistic and analytical techniques and, when possible, iconographic interpretation. In doing so, I have included anthropological and historical datao Although the tradition of bilum-making has been known to researchers since the late nineteenth century, there has never been a systematic attempt to combine historical sources, museum specimens, existing documentation and field-work, to constitute a single and comprehensive study. In this thesis, I have been guided by this view

    Purification and characterisation of recombinant xylanase from Roseithermus Sacchariphilus strain RA

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    Hemicellulases are important enzymes for applications in pulp and paper, animal feed, food and beverages, and biofuel industry. In the search for hemicellulases with promising properties, Roseithermus sacchariphilus strain RA could be a candidate source of enzymes. Strain RA is a Gram-negative halo-thermophilic bacteria isolated from a hot spring in Langkawi, Malaysia. Complete genome analysis revealed the bacterium encodes 57 glycoside hydrolases (GHs) that are affiliated to 30 GH families. Hemicellulases from GH 3, 10, and 43 are present in this bacterium. The objective of this project is to analyse an endo-xylanase (EC, GH10), designated as XynRA2. The XynRA2 gene consisted of 2,439 nucleotides encoding a protein with 813 amino acids. The protein sequence has the highest identity (98.6%) to the xylanase from R. sacchariphilus MEBiC09517T. Three domains are present in XynRA2, namely (i) carbohydrate-binding module (CBM4_9), (ii) glycoside hydrolase family 10 (GH10) domain, and (iii) a C-terminal domain (CTD). In this study, two genes were cloned; native XynRA2 and its mutant, XynRA2ΔCBM, which lacked the CBM. The genes were cloned into the pET-28a(+) vector and expressed intracellularly in E. coli BL21 (DE3). The recombinant proteins carry a 6X-His-tag at both the termini were purified using Ni-NTA columns yielding proteins with weights of 89.5 kDa and 68.5 kDa, respectively. The enzyme activities were assessed using 3,5-dinitrosalicylic acid (DNS) assay against 1% (w/v) purified beechwood xylan. XynRA2 exhibited an optimum activity at 70°C and pH 8.5 in Tris-HCl buffer, with excellent activity (71%) in 5.0 M NaCl. On the other hand, XynRA2ΔCBM was most active at 70°C and pH 6.0 in acetate buffer although with a lower activity (54%) in 5.0 M NaCl. XynRA2 has a half-life of 45 min at 70°C but XynRA2ΔCBM has a shorter half-life (37 min). The specific activity and kcat of XynRA2 were 300 U·mg-1 and 24.8 s-1, whereas XynRA2ΔCBM were 160 U·mg-1 and 15.7 s-1, respectively. Metal ions such as Na+, K+, and Ca2+ enhanced XynRA2 activity. Both XynRA2 and XynRA2ΔCBM hydrolysed exclusively xylose-based substrate including beechwood xylan and oat-spelt xylan. However, the product yield of XynRA2 on oat-spelt xylan was higher than XynRA2ΔCBM. The major end-products of hydrolysis by the enzymes were xylobiose (X2) and xylotriose (X3). Altogether, the results suggested removal of CBM affected the stability and activity of XynRA2. In summary, XynRA2 is an alkaline xylanase capable of withstanding high temperature and high NaCl concentration. These properties implied XynRA2 favours applications that require a combination of alkaline pH, high temperature, and the saline environment

    The use of misoprostol in the active management of the third stage of labour

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    Sintesis Hidroksil Dan Aminokoumarin

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    Satu tindakbalas yang baru di mana gas ammonia digunakan untuk menjalankan tindakbalas penukargantiaan ke atas 3- atau 4-aminokoumarin dan terbitannya telah dilaporkan. Peratusan hasil (3- dan 4-hidroksilkoumarin) adalah di antara 21-93% dimana peratusan hasil bagi 3-aminokoumarin dan terbitannya adalah lebih tinggi. Tindakbalas penukargantian ini akan memberi hasil yang sedikit apabila terdapat kumpulan penukarganti pada kedudukan 3 dan 4 contohnya racumin iaitu 4 - hidroksil.- 3-(1, 2, 3, 4- tetrahidro-1-naftalen11)-2H-1- benzopiran-2-on. Ia bertindakbalas dengan gas ammonia untuk memberi hasil 4-amino analog yang sedikit sahaja