476 research outputs found

    Computational analysis of transcriptional regulation in metazoans

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    This HDR thesis presents my work on transcriptional regulation in metazoans (animals). As a computational biologist, my research activities cover both the development of new bioinformatics tools, and contributions to a better understanding of biological questions. The first part focuses on transcription factors, with a study of the evolution of Hox and ParaHox gene families across meta- zoans, for which I developed HoxPred, a bioinformatics tool to automatically classify these genes into their groups of homology. Transcription factors regulate their target genes by binding to short cis-regulatory elements in DNA. The second part of this thesis introduces the prediction of these cis-regulatory elements in genomic sequences, and my contributions to the development of user- friendly computational tools (RSAT software suite and TRAP). The third part covers the detection of these cis-regulatory elements using high-throughput sequencing experiments such as ChIP-seq or ChIP-exo. The bioinformatics developments include reusable pipelines to process these datasets, and novel motif analysis tools adapted to these large datasets (RSAT peak-motifs and ExoProfiler). As all these approaches are generic, I naturally apply them to diverse biological questions, in close collaboration with experimental groups. In particular, this third part presents the studies uncover- ing new DNA sequences that are driving or preventing the binding of the glucocorticoid receptor. Finally, my research perspectives are introduced, especially regarding further developments within the RSAT suite enabling cross-species conservation analyses, and new collaborations with exper- imental teams, notably to tackle the epigenomic remodelling during osteoporosis.Cette thĂšse d’HDR prĂ©sente mes travaux concernant la rĂ©gulation transcriptionelle chez les mĂ©tazoaires (animaux). En tant que biologiste computationelle, mes activitĂ©s de recherche portent sur le dĂ©veloppement de nouveaux outils bioinformatiques, et contribuent Ă  une meilleure comprĂ©hension de questions biologiques. La premiĂšre partie concerne les facteurs de transcriptions, avec une Ă©tude de l’évolution des familles de gĂšnes Hox et ParaHox chez les mĂ©tazoaires. Pour cela, j’ai dĂ©veloppĂ© HoxPred, un outil bioinformatique qui classe automatiquement ces gĂšnes dans leur groupe d’homologie. Les facteurs de transcription rĂ©gulent leurs gĂšnes cibles en se fixant Ă  l’ADN sur des petites rĂ©gions cis-rĂ©gulatrices. La seconde partie de cette thĂšse introduit la prĂ©diction de ces Ă©lĂ©ments cis-rĂ©gulateurs au sein de sĂ©quences gĂ©nomiques, et prĂ©sente mes contributions au dĂ©veloppement d’outils accessibles aux non-spĂ©cialistes (la suite RSAT et TRAP). La troisiĂšme partie couvre la dĂ©tection de ces Ă©lĂ©ments cis-rĂ©gulateurs grĂące aux expĂ©riences basĂ©es sur le sĂ©quençage Ă  haut dĂ©bit comme le ChIP-seq ou le ChIP-exo. Les dĂ©veloppements bioinformatiques incluent des pipelines rĂ©utilisables pour analyser ces jeux de donnĂ©es, ainsi que de nouveaux outils d’analyse de motifs adaptĂ©s Ă  ces grands jeux de donnĂ©es (RSAT peak-motifs et ExoProfiler). Comme ces approches sont gĂ©nĂ©riques, je les applique naturellement Ă  des questions biologiques diverses, en Ă©troite collaboration avec des groupes expĂ©rimentaux. En particulier, cette troisiĂšme partie prĂ©sente les Ă©tudes qui ont permis de mettre en Ă©vidence de nouvelles sĂ©quences d’ADN qui favorisent ou empĂȘchent la fixation du rĂ©cepteur aux glucocorticoides. Enfin, mes perspectives de recherche sont prĂ©sentĂ©es, plus particuliĂšrement concernant les nouveaux dĂ©veloppements au sein de la suite RSAT pour permettre des analyses basĂ©es sur la conservation inter-espĂšces, mais aussi de nouvelles collaborations avec des Ă©quipes expĂ©rimentales, notamment pour Ă©udier le remodelage Ă©pigĂ©nomique au cours de l’ostĂ©oporose

    Comparative phylogenomic analyses of teleost fish Hox gene clusters: lessons from the cichlid fish Astatotilapia burtoni: comment

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    A reanalysis of the sequences reported by Hoegg et al has highlighted the presence of a putative HoxC1a gene in Astatotilapia burtoni. We discuss the evolutionary history of the HoxC1a gene in the teleost fish lineages and suggest that HoxC1a gene was lost twice independently in the Neoteleosts. This comment points out that combining several gene-finding methods and a Hox-dedicated program can improve the identification of Hox genes

    HoxPred: automated classification of Hox proteins using combinations of generalised profiles

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Correct identification of individual Hox proteins is an essential basis for their study in diverse research fields. Common methods to classify Hox proteins focus on the homeodomain that characterise homeobox transcription factors. Classification is hampered by the high conservation of this short domain. Phylogenetic tree reconstruction is a widely used but time-consuming classification method.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We have developed an automated procedure, HoxPred, that classifies Hox proteins in their groups of homology. The method relies on a discriminant analysis that classifies Hox proteins according to their scores for a combination of protein generalised profiles. 54 generalised profiles dedicated to each Hox homology group were produced <it>de novo </it>from a curated dataset of vertebrate Hox proteins. Several classification methods were investigated to select the most accurate discriminant functions. These functions were then incorporated into the HoxPred program.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>HoxPred shows a mean accuracy of 97%. Predictions on the recently-sequenced stickleback fish proteome identified 44 Hox proteins, including HoxC1a only found so far in zebrafish. Using the Uniprot databank, we demonstrate that HoxPred can efficiently contribute to large-scale automatic annotation of Hox proteins into their paralogous groups. As orthologous group predictions show a higher risk of misclassification, they should be corroborated by additional supporting evidence. HoxPred is accessible via SOAP and Web interface <url>http://cege.vub.ac.be/hoxpred/</url>. Complete datasets, results and source code are available at the same site.</p

    Marot et Marotte au pays de la traduction

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    L’Ɠuvre artistique fait se mĂȘler intimement « forme » et « expression ». Ernst Cassirer, « Forme et technique », Écrits sur l’Art. L’ouvrage Le Ton beau de Marot. In Praise of the Music of Language est l’aboutissement d’un jeu de traduction qui dura prĂšs de dix ans. Lors de l’étĂ© 1987, Douglas R. Hofstadter, cognitiviste fĂ©ru de langues, exhume de sa mĂ©moire un poĂšme de ClĂ©ment Marot, « À une Damoyselle malade » (octobre 1537), poĂšme que le jeune Ă©tudiant amĂ©ricain qu’il fut avait soigneusem..

    From stigmatisation to criminalisation: an exploratory study of the views on the criminalisation of HIV sexual transmission in England

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    This thesis investigated the intricacies of moral, conative, and cognitive contents, in the context of the criminalisation of HIV transmission and HIV stigma. Though HIV is a rather recent challenge with its outbreak placed during the late 70s and early 80s, HIV-related stigma, social seclusion, and legal repression are well-studied phenomena. Despite being an epiphenomenon, the criminalisation of HIV transmission appears to be disproportionately focused on; sometimes, it is also denounced as a form of stigma. To disentangle structural, institutional, social, and individual aspects of the criminalisation of HIV transmission, an interdisciplinary approach based on constructionist realism was chosen, drawn upon philosophical, psychological and socio-legal works, through descriptive reviews and critical syntheses. The multifaceted phenomena of both stigma and criminalisation required a layered or intersectional approach leading to a mixed-method study. This study investigated the views of participants from both key-informants and the general public on the topic of the criminalisation of HIV transmission. This mixed-methods study was designed to assess the impact of stigma research on participants and to consider its potential deleterious impact. Results highlighted that stigmatising views were associated with pro-criminalisation attitudes. The qualitative inquiry showed discrepancies between the rationales and principles invoked by participants and their different moral stances. The responsive analysis indicated potential prosocial effects of the study on participants and showed an increase of perceived stigma subscale scores among the participants from the public. This was interpreted as a familiarisation effect of the study and a secondary positive outcome. A sub-sample of participants showed increased blaming subscale scores, highlighting the ethical challenges of stigma research. Results were discussed in terms of knowledge and disclosure, in light of the primacy of moral ontological and epistemological aspects. Recommendations regarding stigma research were suggested in terms of longitudinal design, assessment reactivity, and/or evaluation of impact

    L’envers du dĂ©cor. Quelques phĂ©nomĂšnes d’altĂ©ritĂ© gĂ©nĂ©rique

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    Puisque le thĂšme du sĂ©minaire est l’altĂ©ritĂ©, j’aborderai ici quelques phĂ©nomĂšnes d’altĂ©ritĂ© gĂ©nĂ©rique. A priori, l’exercice n’est pas insurmontable en soi. Il serait mĂȘme facilitĂ© par la propension de la ModernitĂ© Ă  mĂ©langer les genres, voire Ă  les briser ou Ă  s’en passer afin de s’émanciper du passĂ©. Par exemple, l’une des thĂšses de l’esthĂ©tique de Benedetto Croce assigne Ă  la ModernitĂ© la tĂąche de faire table rase des formes et des contenus. Dans sa comparaison entre ExtrĂȘme-Orient et Occi..

    De la langue du lecteur Ă  la langue du traducteur

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    Au xixe siĂšcle, le poĂšte romantique anglais Percy B. Shelley soulignait dĂ©jĂ  l’impossibilitĂ© de traduire en cherchant Ă  transfĂ©rer un contenu dans un autre contenant : De lĂ  la vanitĂ© de la traduction : il serait aussi sage de jeter une violette dans un creuset afin de dĂ©couvrir les principes de sa couleur et de son odeur, que de chercher Ă  faire passer d’une langue dans une autre les crĂ©ations d’un poĂšte. La plante doit renaĂźtre de sa semence, ou elle ne portera pas de fleur ; et c’est lĂ  q..

    Paroles de lecteurs et silences de l’Auteur 

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    « La parole est moitiĂ© Ă  celui qui parle, moitiĂ© Ă  celui qui Ă©coute ». (Montaigne, Essais, liv. III, Ch. XIII) On entend souvent dire que les Ă©crivains anticipent sur le mode de la fiction des situations qui plus tard sont thĂ©orisĂ©es par des spĂ©cialistes de telle ou telle discipline. Il en est ainsi de Stevenson dont le trio Jekyll-Hyde-Utterson aurait figurĂ© la trinitĂ© freudienne du Moi, du Ça et du Surmoi. C’est d’ailleurs pourquoi la philosophie, la psychanalyse et la psychologie s’intĂ©res..

    A non-tree-based comprehensive study of metazoan Hox and ParaHox genes prompts new insights into their origin and evolution

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    Hox and the closely-related ParaHox genes, which emerged prior to the divergence between cnidarians and bilaterians, are the most well-known members of the ancient genetic toolkit that controls embryonic development across all metazoans. Fundamental questions relative to their origin and evolutionary relationships remain however unresolved. We investigate here the evolution of metazoan Hox and ParaHox genes using the HoxPred program that allows the identification of Hox genes without the need of phylogenetic tree reconstructions.Journal ArticleResearch Support, Non-U.S. Gov'tSCOPUS: ar.jinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishe
