23 research outputs found

    Investigating the entire course of telithromycin binding to Escherichia coli ribosomes

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    Applying kinetics and footprinting analysis, we show that telithromycin, a ketolide antibiotic, binds to Escherichia coli ribosomes in a two-step process. During the first, rapidly equilibrated step, telithromycin binds to a low-affinity site (KT = 500 nM), in which the lactone ring is positioned at the upper portion of the peptide exit tunnel, while the alkyl–aryl side chain of the drug inserts a groove formed by nucleotides A789 and U790 of 23S rRNA. During the second step, telithromycin shifts slowly to a high-affinity site (KT* = 8.33 nM), in which the lactone ring remains essentially at the same position, while the side chain interacts with the base pair U2609:A752 and the extended loop of protein L22. Consistently, mutations perturbing either the base pair U2609:A752 or the L22-loop hinder shifting of telithromycin to the final position, without affecting the initial step of binding. In contrast, mutation Lys63Glu in protein L4 placed on the opposite side of the tunnel, exerts only a minor effect on telithromycin binding. Polyamines disfavor both sequential steps of binding. Our data correlate well with recent crystallographic data and rationalize the changes in the accessibility of ribosomes to telithromycin in response to ribosomal mutations and ionic changes

    Design of a Multifunctional Nanoengineered PLLA Surface by Maximizing the Synergies between Biochemical and Surface Design Bactericidal Effects

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    This is an open access article published under an ACS AuthorChoice License. See Standard ACS AuthorChoice/Editors' Choice Usage Agreement - https://pubs.acs.org/page/policy/authorchoice_termsofuse.htmlNanotechnology, the manipulation of matter on atomic, molecular, and supramolecular scales, has become the most appealing strategy for biomedical applications and is of great interest as an approach to preventing microbial risks. In this study, we utilize the antimicrobial performance and the drug-loading ability of novel nanoparticles based on silicon oxide and strontium-substituted hydroxyapatite to develop nanocomposite antimicrobial films based on a poly(l-lactic acid) (PLLA) polymer. We also demonstrate that nanoimprint lithography (NIL), a process adaptable to industrial application, is a feasible fabrication technique to modify the surface of PLLA, to alter its physical properties, and to utilize it for antibacterial applications. Various nanocomposite PLLA films with nanosized (black silicon) and three-dimensional (hierarchical) hybrid domains were fabricated by thermal NIL, and their bactericidal activity against Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus was assessed. Our findings demonstrate that besides hydrophobicity the nanoparticle antibiotic delivery and the surface roughness are essential factors that affect the biofilm formation

    Helicobacter pylori neutrophil activating protein as target for new drugs against H. pylori inflammation

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    Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) infection is among the most common human infections and the major risk factor for peptic ulcer disease and gastric cancer. Within this work we present the implication of C-terminal region of H. pylori neutrophil activating protein in the stimulation of neutrophil activation as well as the evidence that the C-terminal region of H. pylori activating protein is indispensable for neutrophil adhesion to endothelial cells, a step necessary to H. pylori inflammation. In addition we show that arabino galactan proteins derived from chios mastic gum, the natural resin of the plant Pistacia lentiscus var. Chia inhibit neutrophil activation in vitro

    Development of an Antibody for Detection of Rhamnolipids Characterized as a Major Bacterial Virulence Factor

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    Rhamnolipids (RLs), the glycolipidic biosurfactants found initially as exoproducts of the opportunistic pathogen Pseudomonas aeruginosa, are characterized as virulence factors contributing to its pathogenesis infections. However, RLs are also produced by various bacterial species. They consist of a gluconic part, usually containing one or two rhamnoses, and a lipid part, containing one or two hydroxy-fatty acids. In this study, we present both the isolation of RLs from bacterial cultures of the non-pathogenic bacterium Thermus thermophilus as well as the development of the rabbit antibody directed against them. The antibody was titrated and evaluated, in respect of its recognition selectivity. Between both RLs constituents, it specifically recognized only the hydroxydecanoic acid between the fatty acids tested, contrary to rhamnose. The potential of the antibody to recognize both purified RLs and RLs present in crude extracellular media produced by T. thermophilus and Escherichia coli cultures, is evidenced by Dot Blot immuno-reaction. The development of this antibody is addressed in detail, as the sensitive analytical technique, and its potential use would facilitate the implementation of rhamnolipids’ detection, or may be a useful and promising tool for determining these microbial secondary metabolites and virulence factors secreted in extracellular culture media or in biological fluids during infections

    Aza-Reversine Promotes Reprogramming of Lung (MRC-5) and Differentiation of Mesenchymal Cells into Osteoblasts

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    Reversine or 2-(4-morpholinoanilino)-N6-cyclohexyladenine was originally identified as a small organic molecule that induces dedifferentiation of lineage-committed mouse myoblasts, C2C12, and redirects them into lipocytes or osteoblasts under lineage-specific conditions (LISCs). Further, it was proven that this small molecule can induce cell cycle arrest and apoptosis and thus selectively lead cancer cells to cell death. Further studies demonstrated that reversine, and more specifically the C2 position of the purine ring, can tolerate a wide range of substitutions without activity loss. In this study, a piperazine analog of reversine, also known as aza-reversine, and a biotinylated derivative of aza-reversine were synthesized, and their potential medical applications were investigated by transforming the endoderm originates fetal lung cells (MRC-5) into the mesoderm originated osteoblasts and by differentiating mesenchymal cells into osteoblasts. Moreover, the reprogramming capacity of aza-reversine and biotinylated aza-reversine was investigated against MRC-5 cells and mesenchymal cells after the immobilization on PMMA/HEMA polymeric surfaces. The results showed that both aza-reversine and the biofunctionalized, biotinylated analog induced the reprogramming of MRC-5 cells to a more primitive, pluripotent state and can further transform them into osteoblasts under osteogenic culture conditions. These molecules also induced the differentiation of dental and adipose mesenchymal cells to osteoblasts. Thus, the possibility to load a small molecule with useful “information” for delivering that into specific cell targets opens new therapeutic personalized applications

    SpAD Biofunctionalized Cellulose Acetate Scaffolds Inhibit Staphylococcus aureus Adherence in a Coordinating Function with the von Willebrand A1 Domain (vWF A1)

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    Staphylococcus aureus is one of the major pathogens causing and spreading hospital acquired infections. Since it is highly resistant to new generation antibiotics, novel strategies have to be developed such as the construction of biofunctionalized non-adherent surfaces that will prevent its tethering and subsequent spread in the hospital environment. In this frame, the domain D of protein A (SpAD) of S. aureus has been immobilized onto cellulose acetate scaffolds by using the streptavidin/biotin interaction, in order to study its interaction with the A1 domain of von Willebrand factor (vWF A1), a protein essential for hemostasis, found in human plasma. Subsequently, the biofunctionalized cellulose acetate scaffolds were incubated with S. aureus in the presence and absence of vWF A1 at different time periods and their potential to inhibit S. aureus growth was studied with scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The SpAD biofunctionalized scaffolds perceptibly ameliorated the non-adherent properties of the material, and in particular, the interaction between SpAD and vWF A1 effectively inhibited the growth of S. aureus. Thus, the exhibition of significant non-adherent properties of scaffolds addresses their potential use for covering medical equipment, implants, and stents

    Ribosomes containing mutants of L4 ribosomal protein from Thermus thermophilus display multiple defects in ribosomal functions and sensitivity against erythromycin

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    Protein L4 from Thermus thermophilus (TthL4) was heterologously overproduced in Escherichia coli cells. To study the implication of the extended loop of TthL4 in the exit-tunnel and peptidyltransferase functions, the highly conserved E56 was replaced by D or Q, while the semiconserved G55 was changed to E or S. Moreover, the sequence -G55E56- was inverted to -E55G56-. When we incorporated these mutants into E. coli ribosomes and investigated their impact on poly(Phe) synthesis, high variations in the synthetic activity and response to erythromycin of the resulting ribosomes were observed. In the absence of erythromycin, ribosomes harboring mutations G55E and E56D in TthL4 protein were characterized by low activity in synthesizing poly(Phe) and decreased capability in binding tRNA at the A site. On the other hand, ribosomes possessing mutations G55E, G55S, G55E-E56G, or E56Q in TthL4 protein were unexpectedly more sensitive to erythromycin. Evidence in support of these findings was drawn by in vivo experiments, assessing the erythromycin sensitivity of E. coli cells expressing wild-type or mutant TthL4 proteins. Our results emphasize the role of the extended loop of L4 ribosomal protein in the exit-tunnel and peptidyltransferase center functions


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    PET/SiO2 layers were chemically modified to maintain immobilization of functional single molecules. GFP molecules provide an ideal system due to their stability and intrinsic fluorescence. GFP in vivo biotinylated within its NH2-terminal region and attached on the substrate via the biotin–streptavidin bond was further investigated with confocal microscopy, atomic force microscopy (AFM) and spectroscopic ellipsometry (SE). AFM revealed monolayered donut-like structures representing assemblies of biotin–streptavidin–biotin–GFP immobilized onto PET/SiO2 surfaces via mPEG. In particular, regions with an approximate height of 12 nm, which approaches the molecular dimensions of the above complex given by molecular modeling, could be detected. The dimensions of the donut-like structures suggest a close-to-each-other positioning of the GFP molecules — which, however, retain their functionality, as evidenced by confocal microscopy.Read More: http://www.worldscientific.com/doi/abs/10.1142/S179329201100257