46 research outputs found

    Marzena Machoś: Short lingual frenulum in newborns and infants diagnosis and treatment GooGoo 2020 Publishing

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    Marzena Machoś: Short lingual frenulum in newborns and infants diagnosis and treatment GooGoo 2020 Publishin

    Outsourcing w zarządzaniu szpitalami publicznymi w województwie lubelskim

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    The aim of this article is to present the research results concerning the identifiation of the relations between the outsourcing use and the achievement of the economic goals by the healthcare facilities. The research was conducted in the years 2011–2014 among the senior management of public hospitals in the Lublin Voivodeship, with the use of the self-made questionnaire and the analysis of the hospitals’ fiancial documents. Then, with the use of the statistical analysis, the correlations between the proposed financial variables and the questionnaire answers were identified. Public hospitals use contract outsourcing mainly in the scope of the ancillary and quasi-operational services. The major correlations of the outsourcing use with: the current ratio, debt ratio and the fiancial result concern the effects of its use, i.e. the possibility of focusing on the primary activity by the management staff or on the fear of the likeliness of outsourcing company increasing the prices. The crucial relations were also observed between the “overall” fiancial ratio and the equipment and facilities connected with the activities contracted out to an external company, and between the methodology and the complexity of implementing this concept. To sum up, outsourcing some services, besides achieving quality goals, has also an impact on a facility’s economic results because quality effects of outsourcing indirectly influence the financial results of a unit. Moreover, cooperation with a partner company, instead of outsourcing a given service and excluding it from the managerial activities, not only can increase the quality of the function that has been handed over, but also it can improve the main fiancial ratios.Celem artykułu jest prezentacja wyników badań dotyczących identyfiacji związków między stosowaniem outsourcingu a osiąganiem celów ekonomicznych przez placówki służby zdrowia. Badania przeprowadzono w latach 2011–2014 wśród kadry najwyższego szczebla szpitali publicznych województwa lubelskiego z wykorzystaniem samodzielnie opracowanego kwestionariusza ankiety oraz analizy dokumentów finansowych szpitali. Następnie za pomocą analizy statystycznej wyodrębniono związki między zaproponowanymi zmiennymi finansowymi a odpowiedziami w ankiecie. Szpitale publiczne stosują outsourcing kontraktowy szczególnie w zakresie usług pomocniczych i quasi-operacyjnych. Główne zależności stosowania outsourcingu ze: wskaźnikiem bieżącej płynności, wskaźnikiem zadłużenia oraz wyniku finansowego dotyczą efektów jego stosowania, tj. możliwości skupienia się zarządu na podstawowej działalności, czy obawą przed możliwością podniesienia cen przez firmę outsourcingową. Istotne zależności zaobserwowano również między wskaźnikiem ekonomicznym “ogólnym” a wykorzystywaniem sprzętu i obiektów związanych z działalnością zleconą fimie zewnętrznej oraz metodyką i kompleksowością wdrażania tej koncepcji. Wydzielenie części usług "na zewnątrz” organizacji poza osiąganiem celów jakościowych wpływa także na wyniki ekonomiczne placówki, ponieważ osiągane efekty jakościowe stosowania outsourcingu wpływają pośrednio na uzyskiwane przez jednostkę wyniki finansowe. Ponadto współpraca z firmą partnerską, zamiast wydzielenia usługi na zewnątrz i wykluczenia jej z działań zarządczych, może zwiększyć nie tylko jakość przekazanej funkcji, ale i poprawę głównych wskaźników finansowych

    The concept of sustainable development in the curriculum of the medical universities in Poland

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    PURPOSE: The purpose of the research was to obtain and process data pertaining to the elementary sustainable development (SD) knowledge medical university students in Poland possess in order to grasp their expectations relating to this field.DESIGN/METHODOLOGY/APPROACH: The research employed the diagnostic poll method. The study was conducted between March and September 2020 among 636 students of medical universities in Poland. The comparative analysis of qualitative variables employed Pearson’s χ 2 test and contingency tables. The non-parametric Kruskal-Wallis ANOVA and the Mann–Whitney U test were applied in the analysis of rank order scale responses.FINDINGS: Findings of the research confirm the existence of an educational gap concerning education for sustainable development (ESD) at medical universities in Poland. The study confirmed that the students possess elementary knowledge of sustainable development. It ought to be noted that they associate SD primarily with environmental and economic aspects. The analysis of results also revealed that the students are aware of the impact an individual may exert upon sustainable development. The study indicated that men proved to be familiar with elementary SD terminology significantly more frequently than women.PRACTICAL IMPLICATIONS: The results of the study offer a basis for changes in educational curricula and in projects executed at medical universities concerning SD-associated matters.ORIGINALITY/VALUE: Results concerning education, fundamental SD knowledge and familiarity with SD-related issues exhibited by medical university students in Poland. The results consider the impact of various variables such as gender, field of study, year of study, and grade point average.peer-reviewe

    The association between periodontal conditions, inflammation, nutritional status and calcium-phosphate metabolism disorders in hemodialysis patients

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    Objectives: To analyze the association between periodontal conditions and inflammation, nutritional status and calcium-phosphate metabolism disorders in hemodialysis (HD) patients. Material and Methods: We analyzed 128 HD patients divided into two groups: dentate (n = 103) and edentulous (n=25). The following items were assessed: baseline characteristics, age at the start and duration of HD, biochemical data: C-reactive protein (CRP), serum albumin, calcium, phosphorus, alkaline phosphatase, parathormone. A single dentist performed a complete dental/periodontal examination, including parameters of oral hygiene and gingival bleeding. Results: One person had healthy periodontium, 62.14% of the patients had gingivitis, and 36.9% had moderate or severe periodontitis. The age at HD onset had a positive impact on periodontal status and negatively correlated with the number of teeth. A positive correlation between age and CRP level and negative correlations between age and serum albumin and phosphorus were found. Pocket depth (PD) was negatively correlated with serum albumin. The number of teeth was negatively correlated with serum CRP. Conclusions: High prevalence and severity of periodontal disease are observed in hemodialysis patients. There is a high probability that periodontal disease may be present at the early stages of chronic kidney disease (CKD) before the hemodialysis onset

    Breeding success of the great tit Parus major in relation to attributes of natural nest cavities in a primeval forest

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    An overlap in attributes of nest cavities used by Great Tit Parus major across Eurasia suggests similar nest site preferences within the geographical range, although the drivers of these preferences are unclear. To determine whether preferred cavities provide conditions enhancing successful reproduction, we investigated the breeding performance of Great Tits in relation to tree cavity characteristics using data collected during 2008–2011 in primeval conditions (Białowieża National Park, Poland). Here, tree cavities are diverse and superabundant but nesting birds are at risk from a variety of predators. According to expectations, nest losses were high (60 % of Great Tit nests failed), mostly due to predation (69 % of nest failures). The risk of nest failure varied with nest cavity attributes. Compared to successful nests, failures were situated higher above the ground and placed closer to the cavity entrance. Very deep cavities with narrow entrances and strong livings walls provided effective protection against larger predators (e.g., martens, woodpeckers), unable to enter the cavity or pull out the contents. Yet, such holes were no barrier for the smallest predators (e.g., Forest Dormouse Dryomys nitedula), which were able to enter any Great Tit nest cavity and destroyed most of the nests. Avoiding small predators would give a selective advantage to the birds, but this seems hardly possible to achieve. We conclude that tree cavities preferred by the tits show a combination of properties which are a compromise for avoiding predation (the strongest selective pressure) and providing the minimum requirements (sufficient nest illumination, microclimate, protection against nest soaking) for development and growth of young

    Rola rodziców w rozbudzaniu postaw czytelniczych dziecka w kontekście czasu wolnego

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    The aim of this paper is an attempt to place the issues and to stress the importance of early reading experiences in the space of leisure, according to children of preschool age. A small child’s leisure time is a specific category, category, inconsistent with a standard and general definitions of the phenomenon. The main and most natural preschool child’s leisure form is child’s play which, beyond the joy and pleasure, should also bring an educational value that contributes to the development of motivation, self-esteem, self-confidence and gain new experiences, in order to prepare child for challenges and responsibilities associated with the start of formal education. In this study, special attention was paid to the use of leisure space to initiate child’s early reading behaviors. Reading is, in terms of whole life, both one of the most important and difficult skill to master, which is also a key factor in the educational and life success. The basis for the development of reading skills is appropriate attitude and motivation, which is not a spontaneous phenomenon but it requires awakening, supporting and strengthening from the earliest years of a child’s life. Family social interactions, multiplicity and variety of reading experiences can contribute to the development of a strong internal motivation and positive attitude toward reading. For this reason, it seems important to arrange and organize child’s leisure activities (play) properly, in which the main role is played by parents.Celem opracowania jest próba umiejscowienia problematyki i znaczenia wczesnych doświadczeń czytelniczych w przestrzeni czasu wolnego dzieci w wieku przedszkolnym. Czas wolny małego dziecka jest kategorią specyficzną, niemieszczącą się w standardowych i ogólnych definicjach zjawiska. Dominującą i najbardziej naturalną formą czasu wolnego dziecka w wieku przedszkolnym jest zabawa, która poza radością i przyjemnością powinna mieć również walory edukacyjne, przyczyniając się do rozwijania motywacji, poczucia własnej wartości, pewności siebie oraz zdobywania nowych doświadczeń, w celu jak najlepszego przygotowania dziecka do czekających go wyzwań i obowiązków związanych z rozpoczęciem edukacji formalnej. W niniejszym opracowaniu szczególną uwagę zwrócono na wykorzystanie przestrzeni czasu wolnego do inicjowania wczesnych zachowań czytelniczych dziecka. Czytanie jest zarówno jedną z najważniejszych w perspektywie całego życia, jak i  najtrudniejszych do opanowania umiejętności, będącą jednocześnie kluczowym czynnikiem sukcesu edukacyjnego oraz życiowego. Bazą dla rozwoju umiejętności czytania jest odpowiednia postawa i motywacja, niebędące zjawiskami samorzutnymi, ale wymagające rozbudzenia, podtrzymywania oraz wzmacniania od najwcześniejszych lat życia dziecka. Interakcje społeczne w środowisku rodzinnym, bogactwo i różnorodność doświadczeń związanych z czytaniem może przyczynić się do rozwoju silnej wewnętrznej motywacji oraz pozytywnej postawy czytelniczej typu „chcę” zamiast „muszę”. Z tego względu istotne wydaje się odpowiednie aranżowanie i organizowanie czasu wolnego (zabawy) dziecka, w którym główna rola przypada rodzicom

    Diagnoza przedszkolna jako wsparcie sukcesu edukacyjnego dziecka

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    The lowering of the age at which children begin their schooling, and the controversy surrounding this issue, have once again prompted reflection on the problem of the suitability of six-year-olds to attend school. This article draws attention to the significance of preschool education for the child’s effective fulfillment of compulsory schooling – for achieving educational success. Kindergarten, as an institution that fulfils both a caregiving and an educational role, is essential, both to provide the right conditions for overall child development and to endow a child with the competencies and skills needed by pupils in their first year at primary school. In reality a child’s education already begins at kindergarten level, and from the very beginning the quality of the education they receive has an impact on their success – both in education and in life. The current article attempts to answer the question: what should be done to give children preparing for entry into the new and challenging phase of life that is school attendance the optimum chances for educational success? The authors point out that the only sound basis for impacting positively on a child’s development is possession of a comprehensive and deep knowledge of their characteristics, including both positive and negative features, so that the teacher is able to tailor their educational, didactic and care-oriented activities to the individual child. In this context, accurate, comprehensive and thorough diagnosis becomes a major aid to unlocking the child’s potential and possibilities, eliminating the causes of likely problems and making the beginning of the educational process fair and equal for all. The article also highlights the important role of educators, who are the main creators of children’s educational success and are responsible, moreover, for conducting a systematic and properly thought through pre-school diagnostic assessment.Obniżenie wieku szkolnego oraz kontrowersje związane z tym tematem skłaniają po raz kolejny do refleksji nad zagadnieniem gotowości dziecka sześcioletniego do podjęcia nauki w szkole. W artykule zwrócono uwagę na duże znaczenie edukacji przedszkolnej w przysposabianiu dziecka do efektywnego wypełniania obowiązku szkolnego oraz osiągnięcia sukcesu edukacyjnego. Na przedszkolu jako instytucji opiekuńczowychowawczej spoczywa zadanie zapewnienia dziecku warunków do wszechstronnego rozwoju oraz wyposażenia go w kompetencje i umiejętności niezbędne uczniowi pierwszej klasy szkoły podstawowej. To właśnie w przedszkolu rozpoczyna się edukacja człowieka, a jej przebieg rzutuje na dalsze edukacyjne oraz życiowe losy jednostki. W artykule podjęto próbę odpowiedzi na pytanie, jak postępować, aby zapewnić szanse na sukces edukacyjny dzieciom przygotowującym się do wejścia w nowy i wymagający etap życia, jakim jest podjęcie nauki szkolnej. Autorki zwróciły uwagę, iż warunkiem skutecznego oddziaływania na dziecko jest wszechstronna i całościowa znajomość jego cech zarówno pozytywnych, jak i negatywnych, dzięki czemu nauczyciel może prowadzić zindywidualizowane postępowanie dydaktyczno-wychowawcze i kompensacyjne. W tym kontekście trafna, całościowa i pogłębiona diagnoza staje się orężem wyzwalającym potencjał i możliwości dziecka, umożliwiając eliminowanie przyczyn powodujących deficyty w rozwoju oraz wyrównywania szans. W artykule podkreślono również znaczącą rolę wychowawcy, który, będąc głównym twórcą sukcesu edukacyjnego dzieci, jest odpowiedzialny za prowadzenie systematycznej i celowej diagnozy przedszkolnej

    Benchmarking for Public Hospital Management – Research Findings

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    Background. Benchmarking is a conceptual framework of effective management policy that allows for organisational improvements. It has been successfully implemented in enterprises and is more and more often applied at public institutions, including health care institutions. Research aims. The aim of this article is to present to what extent benchmarking may be applied at public hospitals. Methodology. The survey method and the research instrument in the form of an individually prepared and customized questionnaire was used. The research was carried out among the management boards of 35 public hospitals in the Lubelskie voivodeship, which constitutes 90% of the statistical population. The financial standing of the entity in the studied group served the purpose of an additional characteristic piece of information. Key findings. The research findings have allowed to determine how many hospitals in the studied voivodeship use benchmarking, what is the dominant type, in what areas it is implemented and how frequently the healthcare facilities use benchmarking to improve activities of a given organization. The most frequently used types of benchmarking in public hospitals have been distinguished as: internal and competitive benchmarking. The main motivations to implement this conceptual framework in healthcare facilities are connected with both qualitative and economic aspects

    Analysis of consumer behavior through a navigation system inside commercial facilities

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    PURPOSE: The aim of this article is to develop complex IT and technological solution that allows locating and navigating inside buildings or closed facilities, not allowing the use of alternative technologies for navigation and localization. The system’s purpose is to recognize people in two models (used interchangeably): I – the user has a receiving device, II – the user has no device.DESIGN/METHODOLOGY/APPROACH: The solution uses Bluetooth Low Energy technology version 4.2 and IEEE 802.15.4 protocol in accordance with the standards available on the radio equipment market. In order to increase the effectiveness of navigation, the system uses a Wi-Fi signal and data from sensors available in smartphones (gyroscope, accelerometer, magnetometer). In the context of localization, the system uses radio tomography techniques (Radio Tomographic Imaging – RTI). The method makes it possible to accurately determine the human position on the basis of changes in the strength of the recorded radio signals without a receiver such as a mobile phone.FINDINGS: The results of the research work indicate that created wireless navigation network using RTI techniques can significantly improve the accuracy of tracking users inside confined spaces.PRACTICAL IMPLICATIONS: The system can be used to analyze the behavior and location of consumers in large scale stores, exhibition halls, museums and warehouses. The advantage of the solution is the ability to determine the location of people without the need for a smartphone with dedicated application.ORIGINALITY/VALUE: The innovativeness of the introduced solutions manifests itself in may dimensions. In the context of the innovation of the solution is manifested, among others in the hybrid use of radio technologies for navigation in confined spaces. From the perspective of process innovation, it manifests itself in new possibilities for monitoring human flows in closed facilities, thus providing a number of analytical dara for the facility manager.peer-reviewe