12 research outputs found

    Ein Bioraffineriekonzept mit Euglena gracilis

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    Cholewa D. Ein Bioraffineriekonzept mit Euglena gracilis. Bielefeld: Universität Bielefeld; 2017.In this thesis a biorefinery concept has been developed, where the phototrophic protist/microalgae Euglena gracilis was used to generate simultanously the high value products alpha-tocopherol, paramylon (a ß-1,3-glucane) and lipids. Therefore an upstrean process for a low cost sanitisation of outdoor photobioreactors has beed established before the cultivation was performed in a new designed medium with less than 2 gramms solids per litre at a pH value of 2-3. The cultivation process with 5% CO2 was a repeated batch in combination with the circadian rhythm of E. gracilis, where harvesting of around 20 % slurry was done every night with a cell cettler. After 8 days cultivation in thin layers of 1-2 cm culture thickness biomas concentrations of 5,3-6,7 g/L dry cell weight was generated which contains around 40% paramylon, 30% lipids with a high omega-3-fatty acid content and 2mg/g alpha-tocopherol. Additionally a new photobioreactor study was developed with several features like biomass concentration in the reactor before harvesting. Further goals have been achived, too

    Повышение эффективности противопожарной защиты магазина «Fix Price»

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    Целью работы является усовершенствование системы противопожарной защиты магазина "Fix Price". В выпускной квалификационной работе проведен обзор литературных источников по вопросам состояния проблем обеспечения пожарной безопасности на предприятиях торговли, дан анализ автоматических систем пожаротушения, обоснован выбор автоматической установки пожаротушения тонкораспылённой водой для объекта исследования, произведены расчёты индивидуального пожарного риска.The aim of the work is to improve the fire protection system of the "Fix Price" store. In the final qualifying work, a review of literature sources on the state of problems of fire safety in commercial enterprises is conducted, an analysis of automatic fire extinguishing systems is given, the choice of an automatic fire extinguishing system with thin-sprayed water for the object of research is justified, and calculations of individual fire risk are made


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    Przedmiotem pracy było zjawisko etycznych zachowań kadry kierowniczej w stosunku do pracowników przedsiębiorstwa. Starano się tym samym rozwiązać problem w jaki sposób kadra kierownicza wpływa na zachowania etyczne, postawy i motywacje pracowników. Założono, że kształtowanie postaw i zachowań etycznych przez menadżerów usprawnia prace w zespołach oraz buduje lepszą, relacje pomiędzy menadżerem a pracownikiem. Ponadto założono też, że menadżerowie kształtują zachowania etyczne pracowników poprzez mentoring i szkolenia z zakresu etyki pracy. By móc zrealizować przyjęte w pracy cele i zbadać postawione problemy badawcze dokonano analizy literatury przedmiotu i syntezy zgromadzonych informacji. Następnie przyjęto, że najlepszą metodą badawczą będzie metoda sondażu, a techniką ankieta. Kwestionariusz ankiety został skierowany do pracowników jednego, wybranego przedsiębiorstwa. Po zgromadzeniu wszystkich odpowiedzi poddano je analizie i przedstawiono w formie wykresów. Na ich podstawie zaprezentowane zostały rekomendacje. Wyniki badań, mimo iż zostały one przeprowadzone w jednym przedsiębiorstwie, można uogólnić do wszystkich przedsiębiorstw, co potwierdzają przedstawione w zakończeniu rekomendacje.The subject of the work was the ethical behavior of the managerial staff towards the company's employees. Efforts were made to problem managers on how to influence staff behavior, attitudes and employees. For the fact that shaping ethical attitudes and behavior by managers improves work in teams and builds work skills, improvement between management and management. In addition, it was assumed that management shapes the behavior of ethical employees through mentoring and work ethics training. Thanks to the application of the method developed in the work, the goals and research are posed, the problems of analysis of the subject and the information gathered. The method will be a method that a research method. The survey questionnaire was employed to study the employees of one service. After collecting all the answers, which were presented in the form of charts, recommendations were presented on their basis. Despite the fact that at least one study has been carried out in one enterprise, the results of all other enterprises can be undone, and the results of all other enterprises can be undone

    Applicability of Euglena gracilis for biorefineries demonstrated by the production of α-tocopherol and paramylon followed by anaerobic digestion

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    Grimm P, Risse JM, Müller J, et al. Applicability of Euglena gracilis for biorefineries demonstrated by the production of α-tocopherol and paramylon followed by anaerobic digestion. Journal of Biotechnology. 2015;215:72-79

    Dependency of the fatty acid composition of Euglena gracilis on growth phase and culture conditions

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    Schwarzhans JP, Cholewa D, Grimm P, et al. Dependency of the fatty acid composition of Euglena gracilis on growth phase and culture conditions. Journal of Applied Phycology. 2015;27(4):1389-1399

    За кадры. 1977. № 61 (2056)

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    С праздником, дорогие товарищи!Родине Советов - 60За высокие показателиСтудентка - народный депутат / С. ГореловХроника и фактыВ этой жизни кипучей. Победители предоктябрьского соревнования / Л. БакинаСоциалистические обязательства - досрочно / В. ЗыковВ зачет завтрешнего дня / Р. ГорскаяБольшое новоселье / В. ФинниковаСмотр творческих сил / С. А. ЗаплавныйЭтот - праздник / В. АнтоновОсобенный день / В. АнтоновОн в спор стремился, словно в бой… / В. АнтоновВсе воронки, да все колдобины... / А. Р. РубанНад острозубой кромкой гребня… / И. КиселеваКниги о Ленине, партии, Октябре / Н. КубраковаЮмо

    Metabolic survey of <i>Botryococcus braunii</i>: Impact of the physiological state on product formation

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    <div><p>The microalga <i>Botryococcus braunii</i> is widely regarded as a potential renewable and sustainable source for industrial applications because of its capability to produce large amounts of metabolically expensive (exo-) polysaccharides and lipids, notably hydrocarbons. A comprehensive and systematic metabolic characterization of the <i>Botryococcus braunii</i> race A strain CCAP 807/2 was conducted within the present study, including the detailed analysis of growth-associated and physiological parameters. In addition, the intracellular metabolome was profiled for the first time and showed growth- and product-specific fluctuations in response to the different availability of medium resources during the cultivation course. Among the identified metabolites, a constant expression of raffinose was observed for the first time under standard conditions, which has until now only been described for higher plants. Overall, the multilayered analysis during the cultivation of strain CCAP 807/2 allowed the differentiation of four distinct physiological growth phases and revealed differences in the production profiles and content of liquid hydrocarbons and carbohydrates with up to 84% of organic dry weight (oDW). In the process, an enhanced production of carbohydrates with up to 63% of oDW (1.36±0.03 g L<sup>-1</sup>) could be observed during the late linear growth phase, whereas the highest accumulation of extracellular hydrocarbons with up to 24% of oDW (0.66±0.12 g L<sup>-1</sup>) occurred mainly during the stationary growth phase. Altogether, the knowledge obtained is potentially useful for the general understanding of the overall physiology of <i>Botryococcus braunii</i> and provide important insights into the growth behavior and product formation of this microalga, and is thus relevant for large scale biofuel production and industrial applications.</p></div

    Extracellular product formation of <i>Botryococcus braunii</i> CCAP 807/2 in form of carbohydrates and hydrocarbons during the proposed growth stages referred as Phases I (lag phase), II (linear phase), III (stationary phase) and IV (decline phase).

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    <p><b>a.</b> Determination of organic dry weight (oDW) and C/N ratio of the whole culture broth (containing cells and supernatant) over the period of cultivation for 30 days. <b>b.</b> Determination of total carbohydrate concentration in the whole culture broth and the cell-free supernatant. <b>c.</b> Quantification of total extractable hydrocarbons via GC-FID at each time point during cultivation (except for day 12 –lost samples (##)). Error bars represent standard error (SE; n = 9 for <b>a</b>, n = 12 for <b>b</b>) and standard deviation (SD) for <b>c</b>.</p

    The overall intracellular metabolome profile of <i>Botryococcus braunii</i> CCAP 807/2, containing all identified metabolites during the proposed growth stages, referred as Phases II (linear phase), III (stationary phase) and IV (decline phase).

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    <p><b>a.</b> Non-targeted metabolome profile of primary metabolites showing the comparison of relative abundance level of metabolites, divided into three different categories based on the related metabolic pathways, thus (i) glycolysis intermediates, sugars and sugar alcohols, (ii) amino acids and other related metabolites and (iii) citric acid cycle intermediates, terpenoids, steroids and vitamins. <b>b.</b> Intracellular pigments with relative abundances of (i) chlorophylls and (ii) carotenoids. <b>c.</b> Gravimetrically determined total lipid content, containing polar (P lipids) and non-polar lipid (N-P lipids) and expressed as percentage of dry biomass weight. <b>d.</b> Polar lipid fraction with relative abundance level of fatty acids. <b>e.</b> Non-polar lipid fraction with relative abundance levels of (i) fatty acid and (ii) hydrocarbons. <b>f.</b> Comparison of hydrocarbons and fatty acids derived from the total non-polar lipid fraction on the basis of the relative abundance levels, considering Phase II as 100%. Metabolites were identified by ‘<i>a</i>’ comparison with the NIST 05 library and Golm Metabolome Database (Lib) and verified with purified standards; ‘<i>b</i>’ only via above mentioned databases with RSI value above 750. ‘<i>c</i>’ marks the identified hydrocarbons via mass spectra of GC-MS and available literature [<a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0198976#pone.0198976.ref010" target="_blank">10</a>,<a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0198976#pone.0198976.ref017" target="_blank">17</a>]; ‘#’ not detected. Error bars represent standard deviation (SD). Asterisks represent <i>p-values</i> as determined via Student’s t-test (* = < 0.05, ** = < 0.01).</p