47 research outputs found


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    The authors present a traumatic data bank for patients with severe head injury based on Foxpro software. The program product is characterized by simple management of the data bank. All parameters are standardized (up to 8 answers) and the operator chooses the true one. Main advantages of the the product are: good design, help file, possibility for actualization of the parameters and thus at the stage of data collecting to select the most informative of them. The primary deffect of the data bank consists in the absent possibility to use Internet. Next stage in the development of the system is the adaptation of hypertext transmission protocol. By this way the system will make use of Internet and data collection from any point will be no problem

    Analysis of hybrid separation schemes for levulinic acid separation by process intensification and assessment of thermophysical properties impact

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    From the time levulinic acid was listed as one of the top-12 building blocks for the sugars-high value compounds conversion, the interest in this compound increased. As part of its possible production route, the definition of viable separation schemes appears of paramount importance in the overall development of levulinic acid exploitation. Hybrid sequences where liquid-liquid extraction is followed by distillation were considered proving how the direct and direct-indirect separation schemes appeared to be the best alternatives in terms of total annual cost and environmental impact. These alternatives were further analyzed to improve their design by complementing the process simulator database with thermophysical experimental values. After obtaining a reliable design for the hybrid direct and direct-indirect configurations used as benchmarks, two intensified al-ternatives were generated. The first intensified configuration is classified as thermodynamically equivalent sequence, while the second one includes a divided wall column. For both, it was achieved a reduction of the total annual cost of 11% without any penalty for the environmental impact compared to the reference case


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    The main aim of this study was to be established productivity of tomato plants, grown in conditions of late field production, depending of age and planting area of the seedling. The experiments were carried out during the period 2011 - 2013 on experimental field, Department of Horticulture at the Agriculture University – Plovdiv with cultivar Opal F1. The variants with 20-25, 30-35 and 40-45 day seedlings cultivated in containers with 40, 66 and 104 cells and planting area respectively 44,28,17cm2, were tested. As a control was used 20-25 day seedlings, grown in a transplanting bed and planting area 26-28 cm2 per plant (350-380 plant / m2). The yield of standard fruits was the highest in variant with 20-25 day seedlings, grown in containers with 66 cells. There were not significantly different in the quality parameters of the fruits during harvesting stage


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    The purpose of this investigation was to be established the influence of the components of the seedling mixture on the physiological behaviors and the photosynthetic productivity of tomato plants, during the vegetative growth stage after planting, under the conditions of late field production. The variants with additives of different components of organic and organo-mineral origin to the standard peat-pearlitic mixture and peat-pearlitic mixture with absorbent (TPSA) were tested. It was found that the using of a peat-pearlitic mixture with absorbent + additive was a precondition for a greater physiological potential of the plants during the vegetative growth stage. The parameters of the leaf gas exchange, biological yield and the photosynthetic productivity reached their highest values in the use of TPSA and the addition of organic fertilizer Boneprot 2%

    Influence of basic agrotechnical activities on the productivity and yield of Triticum monococcumL.

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    Abstract. The study was conducted during the period 2014 – 2016 in the experimental field of Institute of Plant Genetic Resources, Sadovo. The influence of the period of sowing, the predecessor and the fertilization on the elements of productivity and grain yield per hectare in einkorn wheat were studied. It was established that the structural elements of productivity - number of productive tillers, length of the spike, number of spikelets per spike, mass of central spike, number of grains in central spike, weight of the grains from the central spike are with the highest values in plants grown after predecessor peas, sown in autumn and fertilized with extra nitrogen. With least developed productive capabilities are the plant variants sown in spring after sunflower and without additional fertilization with nitrogen. With proved the biggest impact on grain yield per hectare is the date of sowing. The sources of variation: predecessor and combined effect of factors predecessor x fertilization show equal share of influence on the productivity of einkorn. The results from the study give science-based information on the most favorable time of sowing, fertilizing and predecessor in einkorn

    Length of the growing season and yield in Triticum monococcum L., in accordance with the growing conditions

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    Abstract. The aim of the current study is to trace the changes in the length of the growing season in accordance with the accumulated effective temperatures, rains and plant nutrition during the vegetation period, as well as the influence of these indices on the grain yield. The study was conducted in the period 2015 – 2016 in the experimental field of Institute of Plant Genetic Resources – Sadovo with the local variety B3E0025 from the National Genebank in Sadovo. The experiment was made in block method in four repetitions. Three sowing times were made – autumn, winter and early spring and two options of N fertilization – without additional N and 3 kg/da input of active N substance in tillĐ”ring phase. The beginning of the basic phenophases has been observed. As a result of the study it was established that the vegetation period in T. monococcum L. has 114-238 days’ duration and accumulation of effective temperature of 2266.0- 2714.71°C. The length of the growing season and the necessary accumulated temperature depends on the sowing period, the predecessor, the amount of nutrient substances and soil moisture. The extension of the critical phases of autumn sowing favours the obtaining of higher yield. The significance of the effective temperatures decreases with additional N input