164 research outputs found

    Concert: Ithaca College Brass Choir

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    Concert: Ithaca College Brass Choir

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    Concert: Ithaca College Brass Choir

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    Concert: Ithaca College Brass Choir - 2003 Spring Tour

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    Concert: Ithaca College Brass Choir

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    Pergeseran Relasi Gender Perempuan Samin (Studi Tentang Pembagian Kerja dalam Masyarakat Samin Desa Kemantren Kabupaten Blora)

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    Socio-cultural changes that occurred in the Samin community has changed gender relations and division of labor system Samin community. This paper aims to clarify the role of women in the past Samin and the role of women in the present Samin. In the past, the role of women Samin confined to household work, do not have public access, and restrictions on education. At present, women Samin has been engaged in productive and reproductive work, and has been active in social activities. Samin female gender relations shift occurs due to internal factors, namely a change of mind and improvement of the economy, as well as external factors namely the development of information technology and transportation in their lives. This shift in gender roles also occurred due to the role of several actors, such as village officials, religious leaders, and community agencies

    Hyper Parameter Tuning of Multilayer Convolutional Network and Augmentation Method for Classification Motive of Batik

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    The purpose of this research is to create a batik motive image classification system to make it easier for the public to know the name of a type of batik motive. In carrying out this research, a quantitative method was used with seven kinds of batik motives that were augmented first, where 70% of the dataset was used for training and 30% for testing so that the accuracy and precision of the system were obtained. The result of this research is that the accuracy and precision of the system in classifying batik motive images is 0.985 or 98.5%. This high accuracy and precision were obtained because the quality of the previous dataset was improved by augmenting geometric and photometric. The machine learning method used was a Convolutional Neural Network which in previous studies also provided the highest accuracy and precision. The results of this study can be used for various purposes such as marketing, cultural reservation, and science
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