364 research outputs found

    Shape optimization of superconducting transmon qubit for low surface dielectric loss

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    Surface dielectric loss of superconducting transmon qubit is believed as one of the dominant sources of decoherence. Reducing surface dielectric loss of superconducting qubit is known to be a great challenge for achieving high quality factor and a long relaxation time (T1T_{1}). Changing the geometry of capacitor pads and junction wire of transmon qubit makes it possible to engineer the surface dielectric loss. In this paper, we present the shape optimization approach for reducing Surface dielectric loss in transmon qubit. The capacitor pad and junction wire of the transmon qubit are shaped as spline curves and optimized through the combination of the finite-element method and global optimization algorithm. Then, we compared the surface participation ratio, which represents the portion of electric energy stored in each dielectric layer and proportional to two-level system (TLS) loss, of optimized structure and existing geometries to show the effectiveness of our approach. The result suggests that the participation ratio of capacitor pad, and junction wire can be reduced by 16% and 26% compared to previous designs through shape optimization, while overall footprint and anharmonicity maintain acceptable value. As a result, the TLS-limited quality factor and corresponding T1T_{1} were increased by approximately 21.6%

    Dysfunction of 67-kDa Laminin Receptor Disrupts BBB Integrity via Impaired Dystrophin/AQP4 Complex and p38 MAPK/VEGF Activation Following Status Epilepticus

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    Status epilepticus (SE, a prolonged seizure activity) impairs brain-blood barrier (BBB) integrity, which results in secondary complications following SE. The non-integrin 67-kDa laminin receptor (67-kDa LR) plays a role in cell adherence to laminin (a major glycoprotein component in basement membrane), and participates laminin-mediated signaling pathways including p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase (p38 MAPK). Thus, we investigated the role of 67-kDa LR in SE-induced vasogenic edema formation in the rat piriform cortex (PC). SE diminished 67-kDa LR expression, but increased laminin expression, in endothelial cells accompanied by the reduced SMI-71 (a rat BBB barrier marker) expression. Astroglial 67-kDa LR expression was also reduced in the PC due to massive astroglial loss. 67-kDa LR neutralization led to serum extravasation in the PC concomitant with the reduced SMI-71 expression. 67-kDa LR neutralization also decreased expressions of dystrophin and aquaporin-4 (AQP4). In addition, it increased p38 MAPK phosphorylation and expressions of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), laminin and endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS), which were abrogated by SB202190, a p38 MAPK inhibitor. Therefore, our findings indicate that 67-kDa LR dysfunction may disrupt dystrophin-AQP4 complex, which would evoke vasogenic edema formation and subsequent laminin over-expression via activating p38 MAPK/VEGF axis

    Influencing Factors for Cure of Clonorchiasis by Praziquantel Therapy: Infection Burden and CYP3A5 Gene Polymorphism

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    Chemotherapy of clonorchiasis with praziquantel (PZQ) is effective but about 15% of treated cases have been reported uncured. The present study investigated correlation of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) of the cytochrome P450 gene, CYP3A5 and cure of clonorchiasis. A total of 346 egg passing residents were subjected and treated by 3 doses of 25 mg/kg PZQ. Reexamination recognized 33 (9.5%) uncured and 313 cured. Numbers of eggs per gram of feces (EPGs) before treatment were significantly lower in the cured group than in the uncured group (2,011.2Ā±3,600.0 vs 4,998.5Ā±7,012.0, P<0.001). DNAs of the subjects were screened for SNPs at 7 locations of CYP3A5 using PCR. In the uncured group, the SNP frequencies at g.-20555G>A and g.27526C>T of CYP3A5 were 15.2% and 9.1% while those were 3.8% and 1.0%, respectively, in the cured group. The cure rate was significantly lower in the cases with SNP at g.27526C>T and EPGsā‰„1,000. In conclusion, EPGs and SNPs of CYP3A5 are factors which influence cure of clonorchiasis by PZQ therapy. It is strongly suggested to recommend 2-day medication for individuals with high EPGsā‰„1,000

    Early Seizure Detection by Applying Frequency-Based Algorithm Derived from the Principal Component Analysis

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    The use of automatic electrical stimulation in response to early seizure detection has been introduced as a new treatment for intractable epilepsy. For the effective application of this method as a successful treatment, improving the accuracy of the early seizure detection is crucial. In this paper, we proposed the application of a frequency-based algorithm derived from principal component analysis (PCA), and demonstrated improved efficacy for early seizure detection in a pilocarpine-induced epilepsy rat model. A total of 100 ictal electroencephalographs (EEG) during spontaneous recurrent seizures from 11 epileptic rats were finally included for the analysis. PCA was applied to the covariance matrix of a conventional EEG frequency band signal. Two PCA results were compared: one from the initial segment of seizures (5 sec of seizure onset) and the other from the whole segment of seizures. In order to compare the accuracy, we obtained the specific threshold satisfying the target performance from the training set, and compared the False Positive (FP), False Negative (FN), and Latency (Lat) of the PCA based feature derived from the initial segment of seizures to the other six features in the testing set. The PCA based feature derived from the initial segment of seizures performed significantly better than other features with a 1.40% FP, zero FN, and 0.14 s Lat. These results demonstrated that the proposed frequency-based feature from PCA that captures the characteristics of the initial phase of seizure was effective for early detection of seizures. Experiments with rat ictal EEGs showed an improved early seizure detection rate with PCA applied to the covariance of the initial 5 s segment of visual seizure onset instead of using the whole seizure segment or other conventional frequency bands

    High-yield exfoliation of three-dimensional graphite into two-dimensional graphene-like sheets

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    Edge-functionalized graphite (EFG) is prepared via a &quot;direct&apos;&apos; covalent attachment of organic molecular wedges. The EFG is dispersed in N-methyl-2-pyrrolidone with a concentration as high as 0.27 mg mL(-1), leading to high-yield exfoliation of the three-dimensional graphite into two-dimensional graphene-like sheets.close464

    Protistan community structure and the influence of a branch of Kuroshio in the northeastern East China Sea during the late spring

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    The northeastern East China Sea is an ecologically important marine ecosystem influenced by warm water derived from the Kuroshio Current. However, relatively little is known about the spatial variation of protist communities and their regulating factors from this regionā€™s ecosystem during the spring season. Here, we investigated protistan community structures using a complementary approach combining 18S rRNA gene amplicon sequencing and light microscopy cell counts at nine stations from the northeastern East China Sea to the west of Jeju Island. The vertical profiles of physicochemical properties revealed that the Jeju Warm Current water mass, flowing from the southeast towards the northwest, created a thermohaline front dividing the region in two. These two regions had similar planktonic biomass, but the protistan communities differed significantly: dinoflagellates accounted for higher proportions of the protistan communities in the warm and saline waters, particularly at stations E35, E44, and E45, while the relative abundances of diatoms and picochlorophytes were higher in the low-density water of the western stations (E32 and E42). Furthermore, higher species richness and Shannon Diversity Index values in the warm and saline waters suggests that the Jeju Warm Current, a branch of the Kuroshio, increases protistan taxonomic diversity in the northeastern East China Sea during the late spring. Seed populations of harmful algal bloom-causing species were discovered in the warm and saline water originating from the Kuroshio, which is particularly important as it indicates that these waters could introduce harmful species that may spread to the Yellow Sea and Korea Strait. Taken together, the study suggests that potential changes to the current systems in the region could dramatically alter the structure of its protistan community

    Ecological connectivity analysis based on the fish community in Jeongan Stream

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    This study focused on the longitudinal connectivity analysis, based on fish communities in the aspect of spatial variations of 34 sites from upstream to downstream. The Fish Assessment Index (FAI), based on ecological guilds and species composition, was applied to compare the ecological health among the sampling sites. The total number of 35 fish species, were sampled during the study period with dominant species of Zacco platypus (35.4%) and Zacco koreanus (11.8%). Cluster analysis showed that all sites were categorized as 4 distinct group communities (A, B, C, D). Non-metric multidimensional scaling analysis showed distinct difference between upstream (A, B) and downstream groups (C, D). Indicator Value Analysis (IndVal method), conducted to identify indicator species within each group, indicated that the species favoring upstream environments Rhynchocypris oxycephalus for the Group A and Iksookimia koreensis for the Group B. In contrast, the analysis indicated that the species with a preference for downstream habitats Pseudogobio esocinus for the Group C and Carassius auratus for the Group D. Ecological health, based on the FAI scores, showed a declining pattern toward the downstream, along with an increasing proportion of tolerant species and omnivores within the fish community. Overall these findings suggest the compositions of fish communities, as four groups, were modified by the weir structures and organic matter, nutrient pollutions

    Evaluation of PCR inhibitory effect of enrichment broths and comparison of DNA extraction methods for detection of Salmonella Enteritidis using real-time PCR assay

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    The best enrichment broth and DNA extraction scheme was determined for rapid and sensitive detection of Salmonella Enteritidis in steamed pork using real-time PCR. The inhibitory effect of commonly used Salmonella enrichment broths, Rappaport-Vassiliadis (RV) and Muller-Kauffmann tetrathionate with novobiocin (MKTTn), on real-time PCR was confirmed. The inhibition of PCR was statistically significant (p < 0.05) in RV and MKTTn, as compared with buffered peptone water (BPW) or phosphate-buffered saline. The inhibitory effect of the selective enrichment media was successfully removed by using a modified DNA extraction, PrepMan Ultra Reagent with an additional washing step or the DNeasy Tissue Kit. In three experiments, when applied to detection of Salmonella Enteritidis in steamed pork, the real-time PCR coupled with single 24 h enrichment with BPW performed better than double 48 h enrichment with BPW plus RV or MKTTn. The simple real-time PCR assay using BPW proved to be a rapid and sensitive test for detection of low concentrations of Salmonella Enteritidis in steamed pork samples as compared with the conventional culture method

    Case report: Fatal insulin overdose in a dog with type 1 diabetes mellitusā€”characteristics and successful management

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    Administering more than 10 times the therapeutic dose of insulin is extremely rare in diabetic dogs and is life threatening with hypoglycemia and seizures if not accompanied by appropriate treatment. A 15-year-old, castrated male miniature poodle dog managed for diabetes presented with depression, disorientation, ataxia, and cluster seizures. The dog had been administered 11.1ā€‰U/kg of neutral protamine hegadorn (NPH) insulin (10 times the prescribed dose) 3ā€‰h before the onset of symptoms. Blood analysis revealed hypoglycemia, with a circulating glucose level of &lt;50ā€‰mg/dL. To treat the hypoglycemia-induced seizures, dextrose was repeatedly administered intravenously. Repeated generalized seizures were treated with anticonvulsants and intermittent mannitol. Since refractory hypoglycemia persisted 24ā€‰h after the insulin overdose, it was decided to proceed with glucagon treatment (15ā€“30ā€‰ng/kg/min titrated to the blood glucose level after a loading dose of 50ā€‰ng/kg intravenous bolus infusion). After 37ā€‰h of glucagon treatment, blood glucose levels stabilized. After entering a hyperglycemic state, NPH insulin was administered to manage insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus. This is the first case documented of successful treatment with glucagon, anticonvulsants and intermittent mannitol for refractory hypoglycemia and seizure caused by fatal insulin overdose. Thus, it has great clinical value in veterinary medicine

    The Change in Regional Cerebral Oxygen Saturation after Stellate Ganglion Block

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    BACKGROUND: Stellate ganglion block (SGB) is known to increase blood flow to the innervations area of the stellate ganglion. Near infrared spectroscopy reflects an increased blood volume and allows continuous, non-invasive, and bedside monitoring of regional cerebral oxygen saturation (rSO2). We investigated the influence of SGB on bilateral cerebral oxygenation using a near infrared spectroscopy. METHODS: SGB was performed on 30 patients with 1% lidocaine 10 ml using a paratracheal technique at the C6 level and confirmed by the presence of Horner's syndrome. The blood pressure (BP), heart rate (HR) and rSO2 were measured before SGB and 5, 10, 15 and 20 minutes after SGB. Tympanic temperature of each ear was measured prior to SGB and 20 minutes after SGB. RESULTS: The increments of the rSO2 on the block side from the baseline were statistically significant at 5, 10, 15 and 20 minutes. The rSO2 on the non-block side compared with the baseline, however, decreased at 15 and 20 minutes. The difference between the block and the non-block sides was significant at 15 and 20 minutes. The BP at 10, 15 and 20 minutes was increased and the HR was increased at 10 and 15 minutes. CONCLUSIONS: We observed an increment of the rSO2 on the block side from the baseline; however, the rSO2 on the non-block side decreasedope
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