28,874 research outputs found

    Supersymmetry Breaking and Moduli Stabilization with Anomalous U(1) Gauge Symmetry

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    We examine the effects of anomalous U(1)_A gauge symmetry on soft supersymmetry breaking terms while incorporating the stabilization of the modulus-axion multiplet responsible for the Green-Schwarz (GS) anomaly cancellation mechanism. In case of the KKLT stabilization of the GS modulus, soft terms are determined by the GS modulus mediation, the anomaly mediation and the U(1)_A mediation which are generically comparable to each other, thereby yielding the mirage mediation pattern of superparticle masses at low energy scale. Independently of the mechanism of moduli stabilization and supersymmetry breaking, the U(1)_A D-term potential can not be an uplifting potential for de Sitter vacuum when the gravitino mass is smaller than the Planck scale by many orders of magnitude. We also discuss some features of the supersymmetry breaking by red-shifted anti-brane which is a key element of the KKLT moduli stabilization.Comment: 32 pages; references are adde

    Two-gap superconductivity in MgB2_{2}: clean or dirty?

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    A large number of experimental facts and theoretical arguments favor a two-gap model for superconductivity in MgB2_{2}. However, this model predicts strong suppression of the critical temperature by interband impurity scattering and, presumably, a strong correlation between the critical temperature and the residual resistivity. No such correlation has been observed. We argue that this fact can be understood if the band disparity of the electronic structure is taken into account, not only in the superconducting state, but also in normal transport

    Loop structure of the lowest Bloch band for a Bose-Einstein condensate

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    We investigate analytically and numerically Bloch waves for a Bose--Einstein condensate in a sinusoidal external potential. At low densities the dependence of the energy on the quasimomentum is similar to that for a single particle, but at densities greater than a critical one the lowest band becomes triple-valued near the boundary of the first Brillouin zone and develops the structure characteristic of the swallow-tail catastrophe. We comment on the experimental consequences of this behavior.Comment: 4 pages, 7 figure

    Comparable analysis of the distribution functions of runup heights of the 1896, 1933 and 2011 Japanese Tsunamis in the Sanriku area

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    Data from a field survey of the 2011 Tohoku-oki tsunami in the Sanriku area of Japan is used to plot the distribution function of runup heights along the coast. It is shown that the distribution function can be approximated by a theoretical log-normal curve. The characteristics of the distribution functions of the 2011 event are compared with data from two previous catastrophic tsunamis (1896 and 1933) that occurred in almost the same region. The number of observations during the last tsunami is very large, which provides an opportunity to revise the conception of the distribution of tsunami wave heights and the relationship between statistical characteristics and the number of observed runup heights suggested by Kajiura (1983) based on a small amount of data on previous tsunamis. The distribution function of the 2011 event demonstrates the sensitivity to the number of measurements (many of them cannot be considered independent measurements) and can be used to determine the characteristic scale of the coast, which corresponds to the statistical independence of observed wave heights

    Simulation of the trans-oceanic tsunami propagation due to the 1883 Krakatau volcanic eruption

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    International audienceThe 1883 Krakatau volcanic eruption has generated a destructive tsunami higher than 40 m on the Indonesian coast where more than 36 000 lives were lost. Sea level oscillations related with this event have been reported on significant distances from the source in the Indian, Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. Evidence of many manifestations of the Krakatau tsunami was a subject of the intense discussion, and it was suggested that some of them are not related with the direct propagation of the tsunami waves from the Krakatau volcanic eruption. Present paper analyzes the hydrodynamic part of the Krakatau event in details. The worldwide propagation of the tsunami waves generated by the Krakatau volcanic eruption is studied numerically using two conventional models: ray tracing method and two-dimensional linear shallow-water model. The results of the numerical simulations are compared with available data of the tsunami registration

    Quantum carpet interferometry for trapped atomic Bose-Einstein condensates

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    We propose an ``interferometric'' scheme for Bose-Einstein condensates using near-field diffraction. The scheme is based on the phenomenon of intermode traces or quantum carpets; we show how it may be used in the detection of weak forces.Comment: 4 figures. Submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Factorization and polarization in linearized gravity

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    We investigate all the four-body graviton interaction processes: gXγXgX\rightarrow \gamma X, gXgXgX\rightarrow gX, and gggggg\rightarrow gg with XX as an elementary particle of spin less than two in the context of linearized gravity except the spin-3/2 case. We show explicitly that gravitational gauge invariance and Lorentz invariance cause every four-body graviton scattering amplitude to be factorized. We explore the implications of this factorization property by investigating polarization effects through the covariant density matrix formalism in each four-body graviton scattering process.Comment: 45 pages, figures are included (uses pictex), RevTe

    Coulomb suppression of NMR coherence peak in fullerene superconductors

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    The suppressed NMR coherence peak in the fullerene superconductors is explained in terms of the dampings in the superconducting state induced by the Coulomb interaction between conduction electrons. The Coulomb interaction, modelled in terms of the onsite Hubbard repulsion, is incorporated into the Eliashberg theory of superconductivity with its frequency dependence considered self-consistently at all temperatures. The vertex correction is also included via the method of Nambu. The frequency dependent Coulomb interaction induces the substantial dampings in the superconducting state and, consequently, suppresses the anticipated NMR coherence peak of fullerene superconductors as found experimentally.Comment: 4 pages, Revtex, and 2 figures. Revised and final version to appear in Phys. Rev. Lett. (1998