22,848 research outputs found

    Blow-up behavior of collocation solutions to Hammerstein-type volterra integral equations

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    We analyze the blow-up behavior of one-parameter collocation solutions for Hammerstein-type Volterra integral equations (VIEs) whose solutions may blow up in finite time. To approximate such solutions (and the corresponding blow-up time), we will introduce an adaptive stepsize strategy that guarantees the existence of collocation solutions whose blow-up behavior is the same as the one for the exact solution. Based on the local convergence of the collocation methods for VIEs, we present the convergence analysis for the numerical blow-up time. Numerical experiments illustrate the analysis

    Type II superconductivity in SrPd2Ge2

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    Previous investigations have shown that SrPd2Ge2, a compound isostructural with "122" iron pnictides but iron- and pnictogen-free, is a conventional superconductor with a single s-wave energy gap and a strongly three-dimensional electronic structure. In this work we reveal the Abrikosov vortex lattice formed in SrPd2Ge2 when exposed to magnetic field by means of scanning tunneling microscopy and spectroscopy. Moreover, by examining the differential conductance spectra across a vortex and estimating the upper and lower critical magnetic fields by tunneling spectroscopy and local magnetization measurements, we show that SrPd2Ge2 is a strong type II superconductor with \kappa >> sqrt(2). Also, we compare the differential conductance spectra in various magnetic fields to the pair breaking model of Maki - de Gennes for dirty limit type II superconductor in the gapless region. This way we demonstrate that the type II superconductivity is induced by the sample being in the dirty limit, while in the clean limit it would be a type I superconductor with \kappa\ << sqrt(2), in concordance with our previous study (T. Kim et al., Phys. Rev. B 85, (2012)).Comment: 9 pages, 4 figure

    Abelian Dominance in Wilson Loops

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    It has been conjectured that the Abelian projection of QCD is responsible for the confinement of color. Using a gauge independent definition of the Abelian projection which does {\it not} employ any gauge fixing, we provide a strong evidence for the Abelian dominance in Wilson loop integral. In specific we prove that the gauge potential which contributes to the Wilson loop integral is precisely the one restricted by the Abelian projection.Comment: 4 pages, no figure, revtex. Phys. Rev. D in pres

    Color Reflection Invariance and Monopole Condensation in QCD

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    We review the quantum instability of the Savvidy-Nielsen-Olesen (SNO) vacuum of the one-loop effective action of SU(2) QCD, and point out a critical defect in the calculation of the functional determinant of the gluon loop in the SNO effective action. We prove that the gauge invariance, in particular the color reflection invariance, exclude the unstable tachyonic modes from the gluon loop integral. This guarantees the stability of the magnetic condensation in QCD.Comment: 28 pages, 3 figures, JHEP styl

    FINAL REPORT on Experimental Validation of Stratified Flow Phenomena, Graphite Oxidation, and Mitigation Strategies of Air Ingress Accidents

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    The U.S. Department of Energy is performing research and development that focuses on key phenomena that are important during challenging scenarios that may occur in the Next Generation Nuclear Plant (NGNP)/Generation IV very high temperature reactor (VHTR). Phenomena Identification and Ranking studies to date have identified the air ingress event, following on the heels of a VHTR depressurization, as very important. Consequently, the development of advanced air ingress-related models and verification & validation are of very high priority for the NGNP Project. Following a loss of coolant and system depressurization incident, air ingress will occur through the break, leading to oxidation of the in-core graphite structure and fuel. This study indicates that depending on the location and the size of the pipe break, the air ingress phenomena are different. In an effort to estimate the proper safety margin, experimental data and tools, including accurate multidimensional thermal-hydraulic and reactor physics models, a burn-off model, and a fracture model are required. It will also require effective strategies to mitigate the effects of oxidation, eventually. This 3-year project (FY 2008–FY 2010) is focused on various issues related to the VHTR air-ingress accident, including (a) analytical and experimental study of air ingress caused by density-driven, stratified, countercurrent flow, (b) advanced graphite oxidation experiments, (c) experimental study of burn-off in the core bottom structures, (d) structural tests of the oxidized core bottom structures, (e) implementation of advanced models developed during the previous tasks into the GAMMA code, (f) full air ingress and oxidation mitigation analyses, (g) development of core neutronic models, (h) coupling of the core neutronic and thermal hydraulic models, and (i) verification and validation of the coupled models

    Magnetic Moments of Heavy Baryons

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    First non-trivial chiral corrections to the magnetic moments of triplet (T) and sextet (S^(*)) heavy baryons are calculated using Heavy Hadron Chiral Perturbation Theory. Since magnetic moments of the T-hadrons vanish in the limit of infinite heavy quark mass (m_Q->infinity), these corrections occur at order O(1/(m_Q \Lambda_\chi^2)) for T-baryons while for S^(*)-baryons they are of order O(1/\Lambda_\chi^2). The renormalization of the chiral loops is discussed and relations among the magnetic moments of different hadrons are provided. Previous results for T-baryons are revised.Comment: 11 Latex pages, 2 figures, to be published in Phys.Rev.

    Electromagnetic Decays of Heavy Baryons

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    The electromagnetic decays of the ground state baryon multiplets with one heavy quark are calculated using Heavy Hadron Chiral Perturbation Theory. The M1 and E2 amplitudes for S^{*}--> S gamma, S^{*} --> T gamma and S --> T gamma are separately computed. All M1 transitions are calculated up to O(1/Lambda_chi^2). The E2 amplitudes contribute at the same order for S^{*}--> S gamma, while for S^{*} --> T gamma they first appear at O(1/(m_Q \Lambda_\chi^2)) and for S --> T gamma are completely negligible. The renormalization of the chiral loops is discussed and relations among different decay amplitudes are derived. We find that chiral loops involving electromagnetic interactions of the light pseudoscalar mesons provide a sizable enhancement of these decay widths. Furthermore, we obtain an absolute prediction for the widths of Xi^{0'(*)}_c--> Xi^{0}_c gamma and Xi^{-'(*)}_b--> Xi^{-}_b gamma. Our results are compared to other estimates existing in the literature.Comment: 17 pages, 3 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Evidence for nodeless superconducting gap in NaFe1x_{1-x}Cox_xAs from low-temperature thermal conductivity measurements

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    The thermal conductivity of optimally doped NaFe0.972_{0.972}Co0.028_{0.028}As (TcT_c \sim 20 K) and overdoped NaFe0.925_{0.925}Co0.075_{0.075}As (TcT_c \sim 11 K) single crystals were measured down to 50 mK. No residual linear term κ0/T\kappa_0/T is found in zero magnetic field for both compounds, which is an evidence for nodeless superconducting gap. Applying field up to HH = 9 T (Hc2/4\approx H_{c2}/4) does not noticeably increase κ0/T\kappa_0/T in NaFe1.972_{1.972}Co0.028_{0.028}As, which is consistent with multiple isotropic gaps with similar magnitudes. The κ0/T\kappa_0/T of overdoped NaFe1.925_{1.925}Co0.075_{0.075}As shows a relatively faster field dependence, indicating the increase of the ratio between the magnitudes of different gaps, or the enhancement of gap anisotropy upon increasing doping.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Conductance Correlations Near Integer Quantum Hall Transitions

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    In a disordered mesoscopic system, the typical spacing between the peaks and the valleys of the conductance as a function of Fermi energy EFE_F is called the conductance energy correlation range EcE_c. Under the ergodic hypothesis, the latter is determined by the half-width of the ensemble averaged conductance correlation function: F=F= . In ordinary diffusive metals, EcD/L2E_c\sim D/L^2, where DD is the diffusion constant and LL is the linear dimension of the phase-coherent sample. However, near a quantum phase transition driven by the location of the Fermi energy EFE_F, the above picture breaks down. As an example of the latter, we study, for the first time, the conductance correlations near the integer quantum Hall transitions of which EFE_F is a critical coupling constant. We point out that the behavior of FF is determined by the interplay between the static and the dynamic properties of the critical phenomena.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, minor corrections, to appear in Phys. Rev. Let