2,349 research outputs found

    Simple Order-Isomorphic Matching Index with Expected Compact Space

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    In this paper, we present a novel indexing method for the order-isomorphic pattern matching problem (also known as order-preserving pattern matching, or consecutive permutation matching), in which two equal-length strings are defined to match when X[i] < X[j] iff Y[i] < Y[j] for 0 ? i,j < |X|. We observe an interesting relation between the order-isomorphic matching and the insertion process of a binary search tree, based on which we propose a data structure which not only has a concise structure comprised of only two wavelet trees but also provides a surprisingly simple searching algorithm. In the average case analysis, the proposed method requires ?(R(T)) bits, and it is capable of answering a count query in ?(R(P)) time, and reporting an occurrence in ?(lg |T|) time, where T and P are the text and the pattern string, respectively; for a string X, R(X) is the total time taken for the construction of the binary search tree by successively inserting the keys X[|X|-1],?,X[0] at the root, and its expected value is ?(|X|lg?) where ? is the alphabet size. Furthermore, the proposed method can be viewed as a generalization of some other methods including several heuristics and restricted versions described in previous studies in the literature

    A Compact Index for Cartesian Tree Matching

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    Cartesian tree matching is a recently introduced string matching problem in which two strings match if their corresponding Cartesian trees are the same. It is considered appropriate to find patterns regarding their shapes especially in numerical time series data. While many related problems have been addressed, developing a compact index has received relatively less attention. In this paper, we present a 3n+o(n)-bit index that can count the number of occurrences of a Cartesian tree pattern in ?(m) time where n and m are the text and pattern length. To the best of our knowledge, this work is the first ?(n)-bit compact data structure for indexing for this problem

    Indexing Isodirectional Pointer Sequences

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    Many sequential and temporal data have dependency relationships among their elements, which can be represented as a sequence of pointers. In this paper, we introduce a new string matching problem with a particular type of strings, which we call isodirectional pointer sequence, in which each entry has a pointer to another entry. The proposed problem is not only a formalization of real-world dependency matching problems, but also a generalization of variants of the string matching problem such as parameterized pattern matching and Cartesian tree matching. We present a 2nlg?+2n+o(n)-bit index that preprocesses the text T[1:n] so as to count the number of occurrences of pattern P[1:m] in ?(mlg?) where ? is the number of distinct lengths of pointers in T. Our index is also easily implementable in practice because it consists of wavelet trees and range maximum query index, which are widely used building blocks in many other compact data structures. By compressing the wavelet trees, the index can also be stored into 2nH^*?(T)+2n+o(n) bits where H^*?(T) is the 0-th order empirical entropy of the distribution of pointer lengths of T

    Classification of Equivariant Complex Vector Bundles over a Circle

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    In this paper we characterize the fiber representations of equivariant complex vector bundles over a circle and classify these bundles. We also treat the triviality of equivariant complex vector bundles over a circle by investigating the extensions of representations. As a corollary of our results, we calculate the reduced equivariant K-group of a circle for any compact Lie group.Comment: 15 pages, AMS-LaTeX v1.

    Classification of equivariant real vector bundles over a circle

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    This is a continuation of the authors' previous work [math.AT/9910001] on classification of equivariant complex vector bundles over a circle. In this paper we classify equivariant real vector bundles over a circle with a compact Lie group action, by characterizing the fiber representations of them, and by using the result of the complex case. We also treat the triviality of them. The basic phenomenon is similar to the complex case but more complicated here.Comment: 16 pages, AMS-LaTeX v1.

    Photo Quality Assessment based on a Focusing Map to Consider Shallow Depth of Field

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    Proliferation and advances in digital cameras encourage people to take many photos. However, the number of photos that people can access is increasing exponentially. Good quality photo selection is becoming burdensome. In this paper, we propose a novel method to evaluate photo quality considering DoF (Depth of Field) based on a focusing map. The focusing map is a form of saliency map classified into four levels based on the spatial distribution of Canny edges. We implemented it in a CUDA environment to improve the speed of focusing map generation. In order to evaluate our method, we tested our feature on the four classified 206 photos; then, we compare our method to a photo set manually classified by a user. The proposed measure efficiently assesses the photos with DoF. Especially, the expert group who used DSLR camera agreed that our photo assessment measure is useful

    Improvement in the photoelectrochemical responses of PCBM/TiO2 electrode by electron irradiation

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    The photoelectrochemical (PEC) responses of electron-irradiated [6,6]-phenyl-C61-butyric acid methyl ester (PCBM)/TiO2 electrodes were evaluated in a PEC cell. By coating PCBM on TiO2 nanoparticle film, the light absorption of PCBM/TiO2 electrode has expanded to the visible light region and improved the PEC responses compared to bare TiO2 electrode. The PEC responses were further improved by irradiating an electron beam on PCBM/TiO2 electrodes. Compared to non-irradiated PCBM/TiO2 electrodes, electron irradiation increased the photocurrent density and the open-circuit potential of PEC cells by approximately 90% and approximately 36%, respectively at an optimum electron irradiation condition. The PEC responses are carefully evaluated correlating with the optical and electronic properties of electron-irradiated PCBM/TiO2 electrodes

    Non-Iterative Tone Mapping With High Efficiency and Robustness

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    This paper proposes an efficient approach for tone mapping, which provides a high perceptual image quality for diverse scenes. Most existing methods, optimizing images for the perceptual model, use an iterative process and this process is time consuming. To solve this problem, we proposed a new layer-based non-iterative approach to finding an optimal detail layer for generating a tone-mapped image. The proposed method consists of the following three steps. First, an image is decomposed into a base layer and a detail layer to separate the illumination and detail components. Next, the base layer is globally compressed by applying the statistical naturalness model based on the statistics of the luminance and contrast in the natural scenes. The detail layer is locally optimized based on the structure fidelity measure, representing the degree of local structural detail preservation. Finally, the proposed method constructs the final tone-mapped image by combining the resultant layers. The performance evaluation reveals that the proposed method outperforms the benchmarking methods for almost all the benchmarking test images. Specifically, the proposed method improves an average tone mapping quality index-II (TMQI-II), a feature similarity index for tone-mapped images (FSITM), and a high-dynamic range-visible difference predictor (HDR-VDP)-2.2 by up to 0.651 (223.4%), 0.088 (11.5%), and 10.371 (25.2%), respectively, compared with the benchmarking methods, whereas it improves the processing speed by over 2611 times. Furthermore, the proposed method decreases the standard deviations of TMQI-II, FSITM, and HDR-VDP-2.2, and processing time by up to 81.4%, 18.9%, 12.6%, and 99.9%, respectively, when compared with the benchmarking methods.11Ysciescopu