44 research outputs found

    Logistic Protection of Volunteer Firefighting Units of the National Rescue and Firefighting System during Long-Term Rescue Operations on the Example of Floods

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    Aim: The aim of the article is to present the method of dispatching the units of the Volunteer Fire Service of the national rescue and firefighting system (OSP KSRG) to long-term rescue operations and to characterize the logistic protection of the units during such operations. The example of the 2010 floods in the Świętokrzyskie region was used as the basis for the analysis. Methodology: During the preparation of the article, the method of analysis was used to explore in more depth the issue of logistic protection of units in long-term rescue operations. A critical analysis of the literature on the subject proved important. Also used was a case study of the logistic protection of OSP KSRG units during the 2010 floods in the Świętokrzyskie region. Conclusions: OSP KSRG units involved in a long-term rescue operation do not have their own logistical facilities, additional equipment or stocks of propellants and grease in sufficient quantities. Therefore, there is a need to implement new solutions aimed at modifying the procedures for logistical security of OSP units participating in long-term rescue operations. The analysis of the case study showed that the autonomy of OSP KSRG units in long-term rescue operations should include securing basic supplies: water, food, liquid fuels and grease, as well as the ability to create their own welfare facilities, including their own sleeping bags, as and tents, field beds, blankets, which will allow firefighters to rest on an ad hoc basis during the action. The use by OSP units of logistic protection capabilities based on local field resources requires the development of guidelines and procedures for the use of the resources in question, as well as an indication of the type of services needed. During the development of rescue plans, entities providing specific logistic services to OSP units should be listed. Keywords: Volunteer Fire Service, State Fire Service, national rescue and firefighting system, logistic protection, action logistics, long-term rescue operation

    Spatial Differences in the Chemical Composition of Surface Water in the Hornsund Fjord Area: A Statistical Analysis with A Focus on Local Pollution Sources

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    Surface catchments in Svalbard are sensitive to external pollution, and yet what is frequently considered external contamination may originate from local sources and natural processes. In this work, we analyze the chemical composition of surface waters in the catchments surrounding the Polish Polar Station in Svalbard, Hornsund fjord area. We have pooled unpublished and already published data describing surface water composition in 2010, related to its pH, electrical conductivity (EC), metals and metalloids, total organic carbon (TOC) and selected organic compound concentrations, including persistent organic pollutants (POPs) and surfactants. These data were statistically analyzed for spatial differences, using Kruskal–Wallis ANOVA and principal component analysis (PCA), with distance from the station in the PCA approximating local human activity impact. The geological composition of the substratum was found to be a strong determinant of metal and metalloid concentrations, sufficient to explain significant differences between the studied water bodies, except for the concentration of Cr. The past and present human activity in the area may have contributed also to some of the polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), although only in the case of naphthalene can such an effect be confirmed by an inverse correlation with distance from the station. Other likely factors contributing to the chemical concentrations in the local waters are marine influence, long‐range pollution transport and release from past deposition in the environment

    Charakterystyka hydrologiczna Kosarzewki

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    The paper presents conditions of groundwater occurrence and their role in the Kosarzewka river alimentation, based on hydrographic materials collected in the Department of Hydrology, Maria Curie-Skłodowska University, since the fifties of the 20th century. The catchment of 209.3 km2 area, is located 12 km south of Lublin, in the Bystrzyca River basin. Water resources of the analyzed area, their quantity and quality, determine the water provision for Lublin. Groundwaters in the Kosarzewka river catchment occur in fissure-porous, carbonate rocks of the Upper Cretaceous and Paleocene. Hydrogeological conditions depend on tectonics of the rock mass and lithologically diversified Upper Cretaceous rocks, influencing the existence of a couple of groundwater aquifers. Those conditions determine the lack of continuity of the first groundwater table, occurrence of stepped-changed location of the groundwater table and occurrence of springs on various heights, in the river valleys and in the higher located denudation plains in the catchment. Direction of groundwaters flow takes place from south-east to north-west, in accordance with the pattern of the main valleys. In the regional drainage of groundwaters, there are stated possibilities of underground water flow from the left part of the Kosarzewka river catchment to the Bystrzyca river valley, which is deeper incised in the bedrock. In the outflow structure of the Kosarzewka river, groundwater alimentation dominates, from which comes 87% of river water. Groundwaters reach the rivers through the direct channel drainage and springs, recharged from the main aquifer in the Upper Cretaceous rocks. In the research period synchronic changes of groundwater table, yield of springs and the Kosarzewka river discharges were observed. The river responds very weakly to atmospheric alimentation, and precipitation waters are retained in the bedrock. Surface runoff is observed sporadically, more often in the ground freezing period than in the summer season.W oparciu o materiały hydrograficzne zbierane w Zakładzie Hydrologii od lat 50. XX wieku przedstawiono warunki występowania wód podziemnych i ich rolę w zasilaniu Kosarzewki. Jest to zlewnia o powierzchni 209,3 km2, położona 12 km na południe od Lublina, w dorzeczu górnej Bystrzycy. Zasoby wodne tego terenu, ich ilość i jakość,  decydują o zaopatrzeniu Lublina w wodę.   Wody podziemne w zlewni Kosarzewki występują w szczelinowo-porowych, węglanowych skałach górnej kredy oraz paleocenu. O warunkach hydrogeologicznych decyduje tektonika górotworu oraz naprzemianległe występowanie w stropowych partiach skał górnej kredy zróżnicowanych litologicznie warstw decydujących o utrzymywaniu się kilku poziomów wodonośnych Czynniki te zadecydowały o braku ciągłości pierwszego zwierciadła wody, o istnieniu skokowo zmiennych rzędnych zwierciadła wody oraz o istnieniu źródeł w różnym położeniu hipsometrycznym, zarówno w dolinach rzecznych jak też na wysoko wyniesionych równinach denudacyjnych obszaru zlewni.Przepływ wód podziemnych następuje z południowego wschodu na północny zachód, zgodnie z układem głównych dolin. W regionalnym drenażu wód podziemnych stwierdza się możliwość podziemnego przepływu wody z lewej części zlewni Kosarzewki do Bystrzycy, która jest głębiej wcięta w podłoże skalne.W strukturze odpływu Kosarzewki dominuje zasilanie podziemne, z którego pochodzi 87% wody rzecznej. Woda podziemna dociera do rzek poprzez bezpośredni drenaż korytowy oraz przez źródła zasilane z głównego poziomu występującego w skałach górnej kredy. W okresie badań stwierdzono synchroniczne zmiany stanów wody podziemnej, wydajności źródeł i przepływu Kosarzewki. Rzeka słabo reaguje na zasilania atmosferyczne, wody opadowe są retencjonowane w podłożu skalnym. Spływ powierzchniowy pojawia się sporadycznie, częściej w okresie przemarznięcia gruntu niż w okresie letnim

    Hydrogeochemical anomaly in the Tatra Mountains : a spring with sulphate water

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    The paper contains the results of analysis of chemical, isotopic and trace metal composition of anomalous spring water in the Tatra Mts. Obtained data were the basis for an attempt to determine the origin of this hydrogeochemical anomaly. The spring is located in the Tomanowa Valley in the Western Tatra Mts. The spring water is characterized by the mineralization (TDS) above 500 mg/dm3. As regards the chemical composition of the water, Ca2+ ions show the highest concentration among cations, while HCO- among anions. The spring water has been assigned to the: SO —HCO—Ca-Mg hydrochemical type. Among trace metals, Sr, Ba, B, Li and Al. reveal The highest concentrations. The oxygen and hydrogen isotopic composition(δ18O and δ2H) indicates that this is infiltration water. Delta values of oxygen and sulphur isotopes (δ18OS and δ34S) of the sulphate ion indicate that SO4 of this spring water is likely derived from leaching of gypsum or anhydrite evaporites

    The role of atmospheric precipitation in introducing contaminants to the surface waters of the Fuglebekken catchment, Spitsbergen

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    Although the Svalbard Archipelago is located at a high latitude, far from potential contaminant sources, it is not free from anthropogenic impact. Towards the Fuglebekken catchment, in the southern part of Spitsbergen, north of Hornsund fjord, contaminants can be transported from mainland pollution sources. In the precipitation and surface water collected in the catchment, the following elements were detected and quantified: Ag, Al, As, B, Ba, Bi, Ca, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Cs, Mo, Ni, Pb, Sb, Se, Sr, Tl, U, Vand Zn. Additionally, pH, electrical conductivity and total organic carbon (TOC) were determined in those samples. The acidic reaction of precipitation waters was identified as an important factor intensifying the metal migration in this Arctic tundra environment. The air mass trajectory, surprisingly, explained the variability of only a small fraction of trace elements in precipitation water. The air mass origin area was correlated only with the concentrations of As, V and Cr. Wind directions were helpful in explaining the variability of Mn, U and Ba concentrations (east north-easterly wind) and the contents of B, As, Rb, Se, Sr and Li in precipitation (south-westerly wind), which may indicate the local geological source of those. Atmospheric deposition was found to play a key role in the transport of contaminants into the Fuglebekken catchment; however, the surface water composition was modified by its pH and TOC content

    Charakterystyka hydrologiczna zlewni rzeki Ciemięgi

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    Based on the materials collected in 1956–2017 by the Department of Hydrology MCSU, conditions of groundwater resources formation, surface runoff, spring discharge, outflow and water quality in the Ciemięga River catchment, located in the northern part of Lublin Upland, have been presented in the paper. Hydrological analysis has been based on diurnal water stages and river discharges collected in 1981–2017. Water resources in the catchment have been changing in multiannual rhythm. Mean annual discharge was 0.53 m3∙s-1, what corresponded to 3.46 dm3∙s-1∙km2 specific runoff and 109 mm runoff index. High groundwater feeding formed by inflow of water from several springs of discharge of 10–80 dm3∙s-1 influences the equalization of the river discharge in the lower course. Surface runoff, despite considerable slope reduction, is observed relatively seldom, and reach the highest values in the period of snow-melting flow on the frozen ground. Runoff value for the Ciemięga River catchment is below the mean for Lublin Upland and for Poland.Na podstawie materiałów zbieranych w latach 1956–2017 przez pracowników Zakładu Hydrologii UMCS w pracy przedstawiono warunki tworzenia się zasobów wód podziemnych, spływu powierzchniowego, wydajności źródeł, odpływu i bilansu wodnego w zlewni Ciemięgi położonej w północnej części Wyżyny Lubelskiej. Analizę hydrologiczną oparto na dobowych stanach i przepływach z lat 1981–2017. Zasoby wodne zlewni zmieniały się w cyklu wieloletnim, z wyraźnie zaznaczonym rytmem sezonowym. Średni roczny przepływ wyniósł 0,53 m3∙s-1, co odpowiada odpływowi jednostkowemu 3,46 dm3∙s-1∙km2 i warstwie odpływu 109 mm. Wysokie zasilanie podziemne, kształtowane przez dopływ wody z kilku źródeł o wydajnościach 10–80 dm3∙s-1, warunkuje wyrównanie przepływów w dolnym biegu rzeki. Spływ powierzchniowy (mimo znacznych spadków terenu) pojawia się stosunkowo rzadko, najwyższe wartości osiągając w okresie spływu wód roztopowych po zamarzniętym gruncie. Wielkość odpływu ze zlewni Ciemięgi utrzymuje się poniżej średniej dla Wyżyny Lubelskiej i Polski

    Effects of biotransport and hydro-meteorological conditions on transport of trace elements in the Scott River (Bellsund, Spitsbergen)

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    The shaping of surface water chemistry in the Svalbard Archipelago is strongly dependent on the geology of the catchment and the process of long-range transport of atmospheric pollutants (LRATP). It was found that the dissolved trace elements in the Scott River, which catchment is characterized by a decreasing degree of glaciation, were of the natural origin (i.a. weathering and dissolution of local geological substratum). The exception was Zn originated from LRATP. The paper describe the influence changes in hydro-meteorological conditions and the presence of a seabird colony on the variability in the transport of trace elements within the Scott River catchment. The work assesses long-time fluctuations in the concentration of twenty five trace elements (i.a. Al, Cr, Cu, Pb, Sr, and Zn) from eighty-four surface water samples and their relation to changes in water discharge (Q), precipitation (P), pH, and dissolved organic carbon (DOC) at two river sites (with one being under the influence of the biotransport factor). Based on the results of matrix correlation and cluster analysis it was found that the additional load of DOC from the nesting site of Larus Argentatus in the mouth section of the river drastically changed the hydro-geochemical cycle of Co, Ni, Zn, Ga, Sr, Rb, Ba and U (0.30 < r < 0.51). Furthermore, the results of cluster analysis confirmed that the bird colony’s nesting site was strongly responsible for the presence of U, Rb, Zn, Ni and marine-derived nutrients (e.g. Se and Li). The discharge of glacier meltwater and the alkaline character of water have a negative effect on the dissolution of Li and Mn (−0.31 < r < −0.51), but positively affect the level of Rb and U (r = 0.31 and 0.35, respectively) due to it being washing out a seabird nesting colony in the mouth section of the Scott River. It was observed that the event of rises in air temperature and rain, which results in increased water discharge, caused an intense transport of the trace elements load. Moreover, results of the precipitation sensitivity coefficient factor (CF) proved that precipitation effect the occurrence of Li, Sr and U in the Scott River

    Preoperative quantification of aortic valve stenosis: comparison of 64-slice computed tomography with transesophageal and transthoracic echocardiography and size of implanted prosthesis

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    Precise measurements of aortic complex diameters are essential for preoperative examinations of patients with aortic stenosis (AS) scheduled for aortic valve (AV) replacement. We aimed to prospectively compare the accuracy of transthoracic echocardiography (TTE), transoesophageal echocardiography (TEE) and multi-slice computed tomography (MSCT) measurements of the AV complex and to analyze the role of the multi-modality aortic annulus diameter (AAd) assessment in the selection of the optimal prosthesis to be implanted in patients surgically treated for degenerative AS. 20 patients (F/M: 3/17; age: 69 ± 6.5 years) with severe degenerative AS were enrolled into the study. TTE, TEE and MSCT including AV calcium score (AVCS) assessment were performed in all patients. The values of AAd obtained in the long AV complex axis (TTE, TEE, MSCT) and in multiplanar perpendicular imaging (MSCT) were compared to the size of implanted prosthesis. The mean AAd was 24 ± 3.6 mm using TTE, 26 ± 4.2 mm using TEE, and 26.9 ± 3.2 in MSCT (P = 0.04 vs. TTE). The mean diameter of the left ventricle out-flow tract in TTE (19.9 ± 2.7 mm) and TEE (19.5 ± 2.7 mm) were smaller than in MSCT (24.9 ± 3.3 mm, P < 0.001 for both). The mean size of implanted prosthesis (22.2 ± 2.3 mm) was significantly smaller than the mean AAd measured by TTE (P = 0.0039), TEE (P = 0.0004), and MSCT (P < 0.0001). The implanted prosthesis size correlated significantly to the AAd: r = 0.603, P = 0.005 for TTE, r = 0.592, P = 0.006 for TEE, and r = 0.791, P < 0.001 for MSCT. Obesity and extensive valve calcification (AV calcium score ≥ 3177Ag.U.) were identified as potent factors that caused a deterioration of both TTE and MSCT performance. The accuracy of AAd measurements in TEE was only limited by AV calcification. In multivariate regression analysis the mean value of the minimum and maximum AAd obtained in MSCT-multiplanar perpendicular imaging was an independent factor (r = 0.802, P < 0.0001) predicting the size of implanted prosthesis. In patients with AS echocardiography remains the main diagnostics tool in clinical practice. MSCT as a 3-dimentional modality allows for accurate measurement of entire AV complex and facilitates optimal matching of prosthesis size