47 research outputs found

    A Fuctional Reading Program and Its Effect Upon the General Achievements of Pupils of Grades Eight Through Twelve, Lincoln High School, Coldspring, Texas

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    The teachers of grades nine through twelve of Lincoln High School, Coldspring, Texas, voiced loud complaints about the standard of work done by the pupils in any subject in which silent reading and independent study skills were involved. They expressed the belief that something could be and should be done about the matter; yet very little except complaining was undertaken prior to the 1953-1954 school year. Every year for the past six years some of the students who left school in May without having graduated did not return in September. Some went to other towns and entered schools, while others failed to enroll any more in any school. Most of the drop-outs occurred in grades eight through ten. They were pupils whose scholastic achievements were low in all subjects listed on their permanent records. Many of the students who entered the high school department and many of those who were promoted were passed on from grade to grade to relieve the congestion in the elementary grades or because of psychological reasons. Test results for a period of several years showed that there were serious reading difficulties among the students who enrolled year after year. The investigator, in reading the literature of her field, discovered the widespread seriousness of the reading difficulties of students on the high school level, and resolved to do intensive study of the problem in her teaching situation. This study was undertaken (1) to determine the general educational levels of the pupils of grades eight through twelve of Lincoln High School, Coldspring, Texas, (2) to find the reading level of each pupil, (3) to locate the major reading weaknesses of the pupils in study-type reading, (4) to adjust the English curriculum to meet the needs shown, and (5) to relate the pupils\u27 reading abilities to their achievements in content subjects


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    The purpose of the making of the application Usage Report and Request Medication Sheet (LPLPO) at Clinics 11 Ilir Palembang is to simplify part of the warehouse and pharmacy in the manufacture of drug demand and consumption report which is a regular activity that must be made and reported by each piece to the health service. Data collection methods used include interviews, observations and study library directly. The making of this application using the programming language PHP and the MySQL database. System development models that are applied on this application is the model of the waterfall (waterfall) which provides life-flow approach to software sequential or ordered starting from the analysis, design, coding, testing, and maintenance

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    Analisis Sentimen Untuk Menentukan Popularitas Marketplace Menggunakan Metode Naive Bayes Classifier

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    Pada bulan Maret 2019, Indonesia berada di peringkat ke-5 dunia dalam jumlah pengguna internet terbanyak yaitu 143,26 juta pengguna. Salah satu situs yang sering dikunjungi oleh pengguna internet di Indonesia yaitu marketplace. Marketplace adalah wadah komunitas bisnis interaktif secara elektronik yang menyediakan pasar di mana perusahaan dapat ambil andil dalam e-commerce dan atau kegiatan e-business lainnya Jumlah marketplace di Indonesia dari tahun ke tahun semakin bertambah. Hal ini mengakibatkan masyarakat kebingungan untuk memilih situs belanja online dengan proses transaksi yang aman dan nyaman. Tiga marketplace tertinggi yang memiliki reputasi baik di Indonesia yaitu Shopee, Tokopedia dan Lazada. Oleh karena itu, dilakukan penelitian untuk menentukan popularitas marketplace di antara Shopee, Tokopedia dan Lazada menggunakan analisis sentimen. Sentimen merupakan penilaian atau pendapat mengenai layanan pada marketplace, yang menangkap pendapat positif maupun negatif. Suatu marketplace yang banyak mendapatkan respon positif, menunjukkan bahwa marketplace tersebut memiliki popularitas tinggi dibandingkan marketplace lainnya. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode Naïve Bayes Classifier, dengan sumber data ulasan Shopee, Tokopedia dan Lazada yang diperoleh dari situs Google Play. Hasil dari penelitian ini didapatkan Lazada memimpin sebagai marketplace yang memiliki popularitas tertinggi dibandingkan Shopee dan Tokopedia, dengan peresentase sentimen positif Lazada sebesar 75%, sedangkan Tokopedia sebesar 70%, dan Shopee sebesar 63%. ===================================================================================================== In March 2019, Indonesia was ranked 5th in the world for the highest number of internet users, namely 143.26 million users. One of the sites frequently visited by internet users in Indonesia is the marketplace. Marketplace is an interactive electronic business platform that provides a market where companies can take part in e-commerce and / or other ebusiness activities. The number of marketplaces in Indonesia is increasing from year to year. This has resulted in confusion for the public to choose an online shopping site with a safe and comfortable transaction process. The three highest reputable marketplaces in Indonesia are Shopee, Tokopedia and Lazada. Therefore, a study was conducted to determine the popularity of the marketplace among Shopee, Tokopedia and Lazada using sentiment analysis. Sentiment is an assessment or opinion about services on the marketplace, which captures positive or negative opinions. A marketplace that gets a lot of positive responses, shows that the marketplace has high popularity compared to other marketplaces. This study uses the Naïve Bayes Classifier method, with data sources for Shopee, Tokopedia and Lazada reviews obtained from the Google Play website. The result of this research is that Lazada leads the way as a marketplace that has the highest popularity compared to Shopee and Tokopedia, with a percentage of Lazada's positive sentiment of 75%, while Tokopedia is 70%, and Shopee is 63%