645 research outputs found

    Effects of Early-Adolescent, Mid-Adolescent, or Adult Stress on Morphine Conditioned Place Preference

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    Early-life stress is correlated with negative mental health outcomes, including illicit drug abuse. One mechanism that may contribute to drug abuse is stress-induced elevation of drug reward. Place conditioning paradigms show that exposure to uncontrollable stress as an adult enhances opiate conditioned place preference, CPP. The present work addressed whether early-adolescent, mid-adolescent, or adult stress amplified morphine CPP. Male Sprague-Dawley rats were randomly assigned to stress or no stress conditions and received stress during early-, mid-adolescence, or adulthood. Stressors were unpredictable consisting of exposure to synthetic fox odor (trimethylthiazoline) and an elevated platform. Morphine place conditioning occurred during adulthood, and all animals received either morphine (15 mg/kg) on the initially non-preferred side or saline (1 ml/kg) on the initially preferred side. A post-test was conducted and time on non-preferred side was analyzed. A 2 (S/NS) x 2 (pre-/post-test) x 3 (early-adolescent/mid-adolescent/adult) mixed ANOVA revealed a significant main effect of test, F(1,42)=115.90, p \u3c .001

    UniSIM College international service-learning programme

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    Human impact on western lowland gorilla behaviour

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    First paragraph: Western lowland gorilla tourism exists on a considerably smaller scale than that of the high profile mountain gorillas. Yet the successful habituation of several western lowland gorilla groups, combined with demand from international tourists and revenue expectations from local governments, have resulted in the expansion of western gorilla tourist programs and increasing research presence. A major concern of ape tourism is the heightened risk of human-ape disease transmission, which can have severe consequences for habituated ape populations. Chronic stressors may act to lower ape immunity and thus increase their susceptibility to disease. Guidelines have been designated to diminish these risks, such as a minimum observer-gorilla distance of 7 m. However, this distance limit is based mainly on mountain gorilla disease transmission risks and takes little account of the potential psychological impact of close human presence. The Bai Hokou study site, located in the Dzanga-Sangha Protected Areas Complex of the Central African Republic, was selected in 1997 to develop a long-term gorilla habituation project for ecotourism and research. One of Bai Hokou's tenets is to monitor human impact when following western lowland gorillas, identify potential negative triggers, and through this process learn how to best minimize the disturbance caused by human observers following habituated or semi-habituated groups. This study forms the second stage of a longer-term project designed to evaluate human impact on one particular western gorilla group at different stages of the habituation process

    Entre le Saguenay et la Huronie : les perles de verre du lac Abitibi et la route du Nord au XVIIe siĂšcle

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    Tout comme la poterie, les perles de verre, des artefacts europĂ©ens trĂšs rĂ©pandus dans le Nord-Est amĂ©ricain, sont des repĂšres chronotypologiques importants au sein des collections archĂ©ologiques. Leur potentiel n’a toutefois pas toujours Ă©tĂ© exploitĂ©, laissant des centaines d’assemblages non Ă©tudiĂ©s et creusant une lacune dans nos connaissances sur la datation de ces perles au QuĂ©bec, sur leur rĂŽle dans les relations interculturelles euro-autochtones et sur les systĂšmes d’échange par lesquels elles voyageaient sur le territoire. Ce mĂ©moire analyse 4518 perles de verre retrouvĂ©es sur trois sites voisins au lac Abitibi, dans la rĂ©gion de l’Abitibi-TĂ©miscamingue. À partir du classement typologique des perles, ce mĂ©moire analyse leur distribution sur les sites Ă  l’étude, dĂ©termine leur datation et conceptualise les relations entre les nations autochtones et les Français dans l’arriĂšre-pays du QuĂ©bec Ă  travers le rĂŽle des perles de verre Ă  l’intĂ©rieur de ces relations. Le mouvement des perles dans l’espace est conceptualisĂ© Ă  l’aide de l’idĂ©e de la « route du Nord », Ă©laborĂ©e par George Hunt et Bruce Trigger pour dĂ©crire un vaste rĂ©seau d’échanges entre la Huronie et les postes français sur le Saguenay (Trigger 1976a : 271). Les interactions interculturelles entre des nations autochtones et les Français, sous-jacentes Ă  la distribution de ces artefacts, seront Ă©galement explorĂ©es par l’entremise du concept de Richard White de Middle Ground et l’idĂ©e complĂ©mentaire de Gilles Havard de « l’Empire du milieu ». L’emploi du systĂšme de classification typologique de Kidd et du systĂšme chronotypologique de Kenyon rĂ©vĂšle que la majoritĂ© des perles dans les collections BĂ©rubĂ© (DdGt-5), Margot (DdGt-6) et Louis (DdGu-7) datent entre 1600 et 1625/1630. La distribution spatiale des perles de verre sur le site BĂ©rubĂ© montre deux schĂšmes sur le site : l’un diffus, l’autre trĂšs concentrĂ©. Enfin, en intĂ©grant les Ă©crits historiques, nous voyons que les perles de verre reprĂ©sentent bien plus qu’un simple artefact d’échange, jouant plutĂŽt un rĂŽle performatif au sein des relations et des mĂ©diations interculturelles du dĂ©but du XVIIᔉ siĂšcle.Much like pottery, glass beads represent important chronotypological markers within archaeological collections in the North American Northeast. However, their potential has not always been fully exploited, leaving hundreds of glass bead assemblages unstudied, and creating a gap in our knowledge relating to the dating of beads in Quebec, to their role in intercultural relations, and on the trade routes by which they moved through the territory. This thesis examines 4,518 glass beads found on three archaeological sites on the shores of Lake Abitibi, in the Abitibi-TĂ©miscamingue region. Beginning with their typological identification, this analysis parses out the beads’ distribution within the sites themselves, ascertains their chronology, and conceptualises the relations between First Nations and French traders by theorising their role within these relations. The movement of these beads through space will be examined with respect to George Hunt’s and Bruce Trigger’s idea of a Northern Route, a vast exchange network linking Huronia to the Saguenay–Lac-Saint-Jean region (Trigger 1976a : 271). The interactions between the French and First Nations will be explored using Richard White’s idea of Middle Ground and Gilles Havard’s complementary concept of “Empire du milieu.” The use of the Kidd classification system and the Kenyon chronotypological system reveals that the majority of the glass beads from the BĂ©rubĂ© (DdGt-5), Margot (DdGt-6), and Louis (DdGu-7) sites date to an interval between 1600 and 1625/1630. The spatial distribution analysis of the beads at BĂ©rubĂ© reveals two patterns, one diffuse and one highly concentrated. Lastly, by integrating historical data, we see that glass beads were much more than a commodity of exchange. Although their economic function cannot be negated, they held a performative role within intercultural relationships, and represented the adherence to certain First Nations’ protocols by the French during the first half of the 17th century

    ‘Edible seaweeds’ as an alternative to animal-based proteins in the UK: Identifying product beliefs and consumer traits as drivers of consumer acceptability for macroalgae

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    Edible macroalgae (i.e., ‘seaweeds’) are a nutritious and sustainable alternative to animal-based proteins. However, consumption of seaweeds in Western countries remains low, and little is known about individual drivers of acceptance. The aim of this study was to further explore the consumer acceptability of seaweed-based food products in the UK. In an online study (N = 476), participants were presented with a general description of edible seaweeds, and descriptions of seaweed-based food products (e.g., ‘seaweed burger’). Participants were asked to rate beliefs about product attributes, and reported acceptance in terms of liking, willingness to try, willingness to buy, and readiness to adopt as a meat alternative. It was predicted that positive beliefs about seaweed-based products would be significantly associated with greater acceptance, and that seaweed-based products would be more favourable than a general description of seaweeds. Supporting study hypotheses, structural equation modelling showed that positive beliefs about taste/ edibility and familiarity significantly predicted acceptance (p .05). These results support the consumer acceptance of seaweeds, and identify scope for utilising specific attributes of seaweeds (as drivers of acceptance) in future product development

    I am Smart, Therefore I Can: Examining the Relationship between IQ and Self-efficacy across Cultures

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    The purpose of this article is to examine the relationship between intelligence (IQ) and self-efficacy in children and adolescents living in the United States and Nicaragua. The sample consisted of 90 (46 male, 44 female) students (mean age = 11.57 years, SD = 3.0 years) referred by school administrators and faculty. United States (US) participants (n = 27) resided in rural counties in the Northwest. The other group consisted of 63 students from Central America. A comparison between groups revealed that in the US, sample higher grades and IQ scores are typically associated with higher levels of self-efficacy. However in the Nicaraguan sample, both IQ scores and grades were not associated with self-efficacy, although age was correlated with self-efficacy. Results suggest that the construct of self-efficacy might change depending on whether one belongs to an individualistic or collectivistic society. Additionally, the effects of socioeconomic factors might influence perceived ability even more than intellectual abilities

    If I Value Myself, I Value School: The Protective Effect of Self-esteem Among Abused Females

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    Children who have been severely maltreated tend to perform significantly below their non-maltreated peers in standardized tests, earn lower grades and have the most discipline issues in the school setting. There is evidence that self-esteem (SE) may be a protective factor for youth with regard to negative emotional outcomes. The role of self-esteem needs to be explored further in more collectivistic cultures. The purpose of this study was to explore the relationship between physical abuse, SE and school attitudes. Participants included 14 females rescued from a city landfi ll in Nicaragua (ages 7 – 17 years, M = 12.44), half of whom had reported being beaten. SE and attitude toward school (ATS) were assessed using the Spanish Behavior Assessment System for Children. Grade point average (GPA) was obtained from their schools. Females who were beaten had signifi cantly lower SE and a more negative ATS. Their GPA was lower, but not significantly. When SE and abuse were considered together, the effect of abuse on school attitudes was non-significant, suggesting that SE is a protective factor for the effects of abuse on ATS

    Mechanical factors implicated in zirconia implant fracture placed within the anterior region - a systematic review

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    Background: To analyze the fracture resistance of zirconia implants within the anterior region and evaluate whether zirconia–zirconia implants can be a viable alternative to titanium implants. Methods: Four online databases (Cochrane Library, Ovid, PubMed, and Scopus) were searched for the period of January 2011 to July 2021. All studies that analyzed the in vivo clinical outcome of two-piece implants in the anterior region in English language were included. Results: The search strategy identified 242 studies. Of these studies, three studies were included for qualitative synthesis based on the pre-determined eligibility criteria. The results showed that there is significant difference in biological results, fractal behavior and other complications between one-piece and two-piece zirconia implants. Two-piece zirconia implants demonstrated favorable longevity and success rates within anterior maxillary in short-term trials. Conclusions: Although factors involved in fractures have been identified—sandblasting, implant diameter, occlusal load, age and implant coating—there is limited quantitative assessment to gauge the fracture resistance of two-piece zirconia implants. Hence, further research with long-term clinical evidence is required
