21 research outputs found

    Non-Standard Use of Collaborative Robots

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    Diplomová práce se zabývá nestandartními způsoby využití kolaborativních robotů. V rámci práce je navržena úloha s kolaborativním robotem UR3, sloužící k propagaci Katedry robotiky. V úvodu práce jsou popsány kolaborativní roboty a možnosti jejich nasazení. Následně jsou navrženy tři varianty koncepčního řešení propagačních úloh. Z nich je vybrána vítězná varianta, spočívající v kreslení portrétů kolaborativním robotem. Pro úlohu jsou navrženy potřebné hardwarové komponenty a software. Následně je ověřena funkčnost navržené úlohy. Výstupem práce je plně funkční úloha s kolaborativním robotem propagující Katedru robotiky.The diploma thesis deals with non-standard ways of using collaborative robots. Within the work, a task with a collaborative robot UR3 is designed with the intended use to promote the Department of Robotics. The introduction describes collaborative robots and the possibilities of their deployment. Subsequently, three variants of the conceptual solution of promotional tasks are proposed. The winning variant is chosen from them and consists of drawing portraits by the collaborative robot. The necessary hardware components and software are designed for the task. Subsequently, the functionality of the designed task is verified. The output of the work is a fully functional task with the collaborative robot promoting the Department of Robotics.354 - Katedra robotikyvýborn

    Proposal of Demonstration Tasks with the Robot UR3

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    Bakalářská práce se zabývá tvorbou demonstračních úloh s robotem UR3. Na základě provedené rešerše výukových a demonstračních pracovišť s roboty je navržena komplexní demonstrační úloha montáže převodové skříně. V práci je podrobně popsán vytvořený program robotu a navržené hardwarové doplňky. Práce je v příloze doložena programem robotu, 3D modelem navržených hardwarových doplňků a podrobným návodem pro práci s navrženou úlohou.Bachelor thesis is dealing with creation of demonstration tasks with the robot UR3. Based on the research of educational and demonstrational workstations with robots, the complex demonstration task of gearbox assembly is created. The created robot program and designed hardware accessories are described in detail. The work attachment includes robot program, 3D model of designed hardware accessories and detailed instructions for working with the designed task.354 - Katedra robotikyvýborn

    Isochinolinové alkaloidy jako potenciální léčiva

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    Pharmacognostic study of Alnus spp.

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    Charles Univerzity in Prague, Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové Department of Pharmaceutical Botany and Ecology Degree work term: Pharrnacognostic study of Alnus spp. Student: Jakub Chlebek Abstract The degree work Pharmacognostic study of radix Alnus spp. consists of theoretical and experimental part. Theoretical part contains botanical characteristic of the three home species of Czech Republic (Alnus glutinosa, Alnus incana, Alnus rugosa), phytochemical review of the compounds of the genus Alnus and their biological acivities. Experimental part deals with phytochemical and biological study of the roots of Alnus glutinosa. Dried roots of the black alder (Alnus glutinosa) were extracted with Me2CO-H2O (7:3). Final extract was chromatographed over test silica gel colum using a MeOH- CHCl3 gradient (0, 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 100 %). Elution gave 36 fractions. All the separations were analysed by TLC (hexane-EtOAc MeOH, 2:2:1). The sterols were detected in the fraction No. 7 by TLC, melting point and GC-MS. Major present sterols were β-sitosterol, β-sitostanol, minor sterols campestanol, campesterol. Fractions No. 10 and 19 were analysed by HPLC. Antioxidant activity of the fraction No. 19 was measured with DPPH radical and was low (EC50 0.32 mg/mL). Test silica gel colum experience were used in analysis on..

    Study of biological activity of isolated alkaloids from Corydalis cava (Fumariaceae)

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    Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové Department of Pharmaceutical Botany and Ecology Candidate: Mgr. Jakub Chlebek Supervisor: Doc. RNDr. Lubomír Opletal, CSc. Title of Doctoral Thesis: Study of biological activity of isolated alkaloids from Corydalis cava (Fumariaceae). Key words: Corydalis cava, isoquinoline alkaloids, DPPH, AChE, BuChE, BACE1, IMER. Tubers of Corydalis cava were selected on the basis of bio-guided spectrophotometric Ellman's method as a source of isoquinoline alkaloids for study of their selected biological activities. The tubers of Corydalis cava were extracted with ethanol and the mixture of summary tertiary alkaloids (fraction A) was fractionated in silica gel chromatography column using step gradient elution with hexane, chloroform and ethanol. Repeated column chromatography, preparative TLC and crystallization led to the isolation of fifteen isoquinoline alkaloids. The chemical structures of isolated compounds were determined on the basis of spectroscopic techniques and by comparison with literature data. Isolated alkaloids were tested on ability to inhibit AChE, serum BuChE (IC50), BACE1 and for its free-radical scavenging activity (EC50). The cholinesterase inhibitory activity was determined in vitro by modified spectrophotometric Ellman's..

    Hand Gesture Interface for Robot Path Definition in Collaborative Applications: Implementation and Comparative Study

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    The article explores the possibilities of using hand gestures as a control interface for robotic systems in a collaborative workspace. The development of hand gesture control interfaces has become increasingly important in everyday life as well as professional contexts such as manufacturing processes. We present a system designed to facilitate collaboration between humans and robots in manufacturing processes that require frequent revisions of the robot path and that allows direct definition of the waypoints, which differentiates our system from the existing ones. We introduce a novel and intuitive approach to human–robot cooperation through the use of simple gestures. As part of a robotic workspace, a proposed interface was developed and implemented utilising three RGB-D sensors for monitoring the operator’s hand movements within the workspace. The system employs distributed data processing through multiple Jetson Nano units, with each unit processing data from a single camera. MediaPipe solution is utilised to localise the hand landmarks in the RGB image, enabling gesture recognition. We compare the conventional methods of defining robot trajectories with their developed gesture-based system through an experiment with 20 volunteers. The experiment involved verification of the system under realistic conditions in a real workspace closely resembling the intended industrial application. Data collected during the experiment included both objective and subjective parameters. The results indicate that the gesture-based interface enables users to define a given path objectively faster than conventional methods. We critically analyse the features and limitations of the developed system and suggest directions for future research. Overall, the experimental results indicate the usefulness of the developed system as it can speed up the definition of the robot’s path

    Interactions of Isoquinoline Alkaloids with Transition Metals Iron and Copper

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    Data on alkaloid interactions with the physiologically important transition metals, iron and copper, are mostly lacking in the literature. However, these interactions can have important consequences in the treatment of both Alzheimer’s disease and cancer. As isoquinoline alkaloids include galanthamine, an approved drug for Alzheimer’s disease, as well as some potentially useful compounds with cytostatic potential, 28 members from this category of alkaloids were selected for a complex screening of interactions with iron and copper at four pathophysiologically relevant pH and in non-buffered conditions (dimethyl sulfoxide) by spectrophotometric methods in vitro. With the exception of the salts, all the alkaloids were able to chelate ferrous and ferric ions in non-buffered conditions, but only five of them (galanthine, glaucine, corydine, corydaline and tetrahydropalmatine) evoked some significant chelation at pH 7.5 and only the first two were also active at pH 6.8. By contrast, none of the tested alkaloids chelated cuprous or cupric ions. All the alkaloids, with the exception of the protopines, significantly reduced the ferric and cupric ions, with stronger effects on the latter. These effects were mostly dependent on the number of free aromatic hydroxyls, but not other hydroxyl groups. The most potent reductant was boldine. As most of the alkaloids chelated and reduced the ferric ions, additional experimental studies are needed to elucidate the biological relevance of these results, as chelation is expected to block reactive oxygen species formation, while reduction could have the opposite effect

    Cholinesterase and Prolyl Oligopeptidase Inhibitory Activities of Alkaloids from Argemone platyceras (Papaveraceae)

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    Alzheimer’s disease is an age-related, neurodegenerative disorder, characterized by cognitive impairment and restrictions in activities of daily living. This disease is the most common form of dementia with complex multifactorial pathological mechanisms. Many therapeutic approaches have been proposed. Among them, inhibition of acetylcholinesterase, butyrylcholinesterase, and prolyl oligopeptidase can be beneficial targets in the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease. Roots, along with aerial parts of Argemone platyceras, were extracted with ethanol and fractionated on an alumina column using light petrol, chloroform and ethanol. Subsequently, repeated preparative thin-layer chromatography led to the isolation of (+)-laudanosine, protopine, (–)-argemonine, allocryptopine, (–)-platycerine, (–)-munitagine, and (–)-norargemonine belonging to pavine, protopine and benzyltetrahydroisoquinoline structural types. Chemical structures of the isolated alkaloids were elucidated by optical rotation, spectroscopic and spectrometric analysis (NMR, MS), and comparison with literature data. (+)-Laudanosine was isolated from A. platyceras for the first time. Isolated compounds were tested for human blood acetylcholinesterase, human plasma butyrylcholinesterase and recombinant prolyl oligopeptidase inhibitory activity. The alkaloids inhibited the enzymes in a dose-dependent manner. The most active compound (–)-munitagine, a pavine alkaloid, inhibited both acetylcholinesterase and prolyl oligopeptidase with IC50 values of 62.3 ± 5.8 µM and 277.0 ± 31.3 µM, respectively