19 research outputs found

    L’autobiographie transgressive : la traversĂ©e dans La re-production de Mpoyi-Buatu

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    Les Ă©crivains congolais ne se sont intĂ©ressĂ©s seulement rĂ©cemment Ă  la violence de l’histoire coloniale congolaise. La Re-production de Thomas Mpoyi-Buatu s’inscrit dans cet effort de narrativiser l’histoire traumatique congolaise. Le roman de Mpoyi-Buatu revendique la crĂ©ation d’une nouvelle sociĂ©tĂ© morale qui pourra briser le cycle douloureux de la violence. Cette nouvelle sociĂ©tĂ© n’est possible qu’à travers le rejet du mimĂ©tisme et du conformisme. Ce livre rĂ©cuse toute forme de conformisme empĂȘchant l’autonomie individuelle. La transmutation Ă  rĂ©aliser n’est possible, selon l'auteur, qu’à travers des mouvements transversaux qui permettent la crĂ©ation d’un nouvel espace et qui libĂšre l’individu du territoire subjectif modulant les subjectivitĂ©s des individus selon les intĂ©rĂȘts du pouvoir dominant. Ces mouvements transversaux s’effectuent Ă  travers les genres, les styles, les traditions littĂ©raires, et les transgressions sexuelles.Congolese writers were not, until recently, interested in the violent colonial history of the Democratic Republic of Congo. Thomas Mpoyi-Buatu’s La Re-production (The Re-production) is among the recent books which have narrated the traumatic Congolese history. It calls for the establishment of a new moral society, which will break the cycle of violence and pain. This new society is possible solely through the rejection of mimesis and conformity. The novel rejects all forms of conformity, which hinder individual autonomy. This transmutation is achievable solely through traversal movements that allow for the creation of a new autonomous space and the liberation of the individual from the subjective territory shaping individual subjectivities in accordance with the interests of the dominant power. These transversal movements are effected through the crossing of genres, styles, literary traditions, time, and sexual transgressions

    Otherness and Female Identities: Simone de Beauvoir's The Second Sex

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    Jewsiewicki, Bogumil & Malu Muswamba, Rosalie (dir.). – Devenir universitaire, demeurer femme. DĂ©fi congolais. Paris, L’Harmattan (« MĂ©moires lieux de savoir–Archives congolaises »), 2003, 266 p. | Sizaire, Violaine (dir.). – Femmes-Mode-Musique. MĂ©moires de Lubumbashi. PrĂ©face de Bogumil Jewsiewicki. Paris, L’Harmattan, 2002, 256 p.

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    En ce moment de guerre, la femme congolaise compte parmi les femmes les plus opprimĂ©es au monde et n’a pas encore eu ni l’opportunitĂ©, ni l’espace international et national pour articuler sa condition. Aussi Bogumil Jewsiewicki Ă©crit-il, dans la prĂ©face de Femmes-Mode-Musique, que les femmes congolaises n’ont jamais « disposĂ© en ville d’un espace qui, leur Ă©tant propre, aurait permis la construction de stratĂ©gies sociales » (p. x). Et c’est cette voix fĂ©minine opprimĂ©e qu’il cherche Ă  faire e..

    LittĂ©rature congolaise : imaginaire et miroir de l’urgence sociale

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    Congolese literature of urgency is the historical conscience which informs the conscience of history, a therapeutic medium which allows the reader to transcend national trauma and to articulate the future. As the foundation of the metadiscourse of Congolese realities, it is the counter-discourse of Western and national cultural domination, the erasure of the national voice, the traumatism of dictatorships, invasions, and political and social conflicts maintained. It therefore condemns theological, political domination and advocates for nationalism, the reconstruction of Congolese identity while affirming Congolese desire to auto-determine their future in a country where truth is extirpated from political euphemisms