157 research outputs found

    Origen, evolución y actualidad del hecho deportivo

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    El presente artículo tiene por objetivo ofrecer una descripción y delimitación del origen, evolución y actualidad del hecho deportivo, entendido como elemento nuclear sobre el que se define la realidad social del deporte contemporáneo. Entorno a esta aproximación, se aclaran sus fundamentos y antecedentes históricos en base a dos paradigmas ciertamente enfrentados: el idealista-historicista y el materialista-utilitarista. De cada uno de ellos, como se verá, se descubren una serie de valores y objetivos que se aglutinan entorno a los dos principales modelos que hoy en día configuran el hecho deportivo: el deporte para todos y el deporte espectáculo

    El modelo español de deporte en la universidad: fundamentación, descripción y orientaciones para su gestión ética

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    This paper analyzes the principles of the current model of Spanish sport in college, in order to guide the supply of college sport departments. First, we propose a reflection on the concept of contemporary sport as a social fact. This review shows some sport approaches that could be introduced in college sport departments. Nevertheless, it also shows that some conceptions would not be legitimate. Consequently, the paper defines the meaning of sport at university and reflects on the adequacy of the analyzed sport conceptions. We argue that its mission must be perfectly aligned with the goals of the university. According to the stated arguments, we affirm that the inner sense of university sports departments lies in promoting sporting activities aiming to improve education and social development. Finally, based on the arguments exposed and taking into account the orientations of the Report of Sport at University, which belongs to the Comprehensive Plan for Physical Activity and Sport (Consejo Superior de Deportes, 2010), we offer some clues to determine a desirable horizon of ethical management.El presente artículo analiza los fundamentos del actual modelo español de deporte en la universidad, con el objeto de orientar la oferta de los servicios de deporte universitarios. En primer lugar se propone una reflexión sobre el hecho deportivo contemporáneo ya que, como se verá, de él emanan algunas modalidades susceptibles de ser introducidas en el marco universitario, aunque también se da cuenta de algunas vertientes que no gozarían de la pretendida legitimidad. Posteriormente, para discernir sobre la adecuación o no de esos modelos de práctica el artículo delimita el sentido o razón de ser del deporte en la universidad, defendiendo que su misión debe estar perfectamente alineada con las metas de la institución universitaria. En esa línea se argumenta que el bien interno de los servicios de deporte universitarios radica necesariamente en promover una oferta deportiva proclive a mejorar la educación y el desarrollo social. Finalmente, a partir de los argumentos esgrimidos y aprovechando las orientaciones del Informe del Deporte en la Universidad del Plan Integral para la Actividad Física y el Deporte (Consejo Superior de Deportes, 2010), se ofrecen algunas claves para determinar un horizonte deseable de gestión ética

    Una aproximación multidimensional al término deporte

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    El presente artículo ofrece una aproximación multidimensional al significado del término deporte, a partir de la confluencia de diferentes líneas de análisis. Su objetivo es descifrar el significado del término y mostrar, a partir de los argumentos esgrimidos, que se trata de un fenómeno polisémico que para ser referido con propiedad debe abordarse con mucha cautela. En primer lugar se aborda la evolución etimológica del término. En segundo lugar se recogen y comentan las principales definiciones vertidas hasta el momento, en tanto que enunciaciones derivadas de diferentes interpretaciones. Por último, se hace una aproximación desde la sociología, culminando el análisis a partir del examen de su significado social contemporáneo.This paper provides a multidimensional approach to the meaning of sport. It is approached from the confluence of different lines of analysis. Its goal is to reach the meaning of sport and show that it is a polysemic term that must be approached with caution. First of all, we discuss the etymological evolution of the term. Secondly, we collect and discuss the main definitions derived from different interpretations, expressed so far. Finally, we culminate the analysis from a sociological examination of its contemporary meaning

    La teoría de la educación desde la filosofía de Xavier Zubiri

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    El objetivo de este trabajo es interpretar la Teoría de la Educación desde la filosofía de Zubiri. Empleamos un método hermenéutico que considera textos de primera y segunda fuentes. Como resultado destacamos que, desde la filosofía zubiriana, la Teoría de la Educación es susceptible de redefinir sus propias bases ontológicas, entendiéndose como una vía para explorar la realidad. De manera que puede contemplarse cualquier acto educativo como un hecho susceptible de estudio si previamente se acepta que tiene su base en la “verdad real”. Como conclusión proponemos una Teoría de la Educación alejada de la defensa de prácticas educativas utópicas

    CLIL in teaching physical education: views of the teachers in the Spanish context

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    Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) provides students with enhanced opportunities to acquire competence in additional languages while learning different subjects. Due to its features one of the target subjects for the application of CLIL is Physical Education (PE). In this subject its application is widespread in countries such as Italy, Greece or Spain among others. The particular interest of this research focuses on the Spanish context. Spanish education is particularly sensitive to European initiatives regarding language policies. The aim of the study is to know, from the PE teachers' viewpoint, whether the essence of PE is subjected to so substantial modifications due to the introduction of CLIL that jeopardize its idiosyncrasy. We opt for a pure qualitative research method based on semi-structured interviews. Particularly, an a priori theoretical orientation that influenced the development of our research questions, interview protocols, and subsequent data analysis was used. The results found were organized in five categories of analysis: Curricular effects, Language insertion, Teaching method, Motivation and Workload. Furthermore, each category was broken into several subcategories. The application of CLIL within the Secondary education in Spain does not endanger the essence of the PE according to the interviewees’ perception. However, the study may conclude that there is a need to improve the amount of workload and the acknowledgement of teachers involved, since it could result in an increase of burnout and demotivation

    A Philosophy of Physical Education Oriented toward the Game as an Object. Showing the Inexhaustible Reality of Games through Bernard Suits' Theory.

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    Although a large number of theories justify the presence of games in school, all of them converge in two of the educational functions described by Biesta, socialization and qualification. In contrast to this instrumental educational approach, the present article aims to develop the bases for a philosophy of physical education (PE) oriented toward the game as an object. This proposal is supported by Suits¿ theory of games and the object-oriented philosophy (OOP) introduced by Harman. The text presents a justification for games in the school setting by defending its intrinsic value. First, the instrumentalist justifications for games are presented in order to establish the state of the art. Second, an explanation is provided about the degree to which the object-oriented philosophy can complement these justifications. Third, the article explains why Suits¿ theory of games establishes the conceptual bases for developing what we could call a philosophy of PE oriented toward the game as an object. Finally, an example is provided of how this philosophy can guide the PE practice

    Contributions of Service-Learning on PETE Students’ Effective Personality: A Mixed Methods Research

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    Service-learning (SL) is a pedagogical model focused on achieving curricular goals while providing a community service. Previous research suggests that SL might promote qualities such as self-esteem, motivation, problem-focused coping, decision-making, empathy, and communication, which are associated with a psychological construct known as students’ Effective Personality (EP). These studies, however, did not specifically analyse the direct effects of SL on this construct. The aim of this study is to explicitly analyse the effect of SL on Physical Education Teacher Education (PETE) students’ EP using a mixed methods approach. The quantitative part of the approach followed a quasi-experimental design using the validated “Effective Personality Questionnaire for University Students”, which includes four dimensions: “Academic self-efficacy”, “Social self-realisation”, “Self-esteem”, and “Resolutive self-efficacy”. A non-probabilistic sampling on a total of 181 PETE students was then carried out, with 98 participating in the experimental group (42 male, 56 female), and 83 in the control group (34 male, 49 female). The comparisons revealed significant improvements in the experimental group, especially in the social self-realisation and resolutive self-efficacy dimensions. These findings were complemented by a qualitative analysis of 12 students’ semi-structured interviews. In conclusion, the study reported a positive influence of SL on the PETE students’ EP, providing valuable design patterns for future SL implementations

    The place of the individual in the post-postmodern era. Society, education and citizenship after postmodernity

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    La globalización y la era digital plantean un giro que trasciende a las realidades económica, científica, filosófica y educativa, llegando a afectar a la totalidad de la vida cotidiana. Este artículo examina en qué medida los factores históricos, culturales y sociales configuran al individuo de esta nueva era. En él se delibera sobre los condicionantes que permiten adscribirse a una era, así como aquellas circunstancias que determinan y justifican el paso de una era a la siguiente. Finalmente puede decirse que, aunque con prudencia, porque es el tiempo quien debe darnos la razón, empezamos a vivir en la post-postmodernidad.The globalization and the digital age poses a revolution that transcends economic, scientific, philosophical and educational realities, affecting to everyday life. This article examines the extent to which historical, cultural and social factors shape the individual in this new era. We analyze the conditions that let us ascribe a historical moment to a particular era, as well as about the circumstances that determine and justify the passage from one era to the next. Finally we can affirm that, although wisely because it is time who should give us reason, we begin to live in the postpostmodernity

    Bilingual Physical Education and Critical Pedagogy: an application based on Judo

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    Considering the impact that the introduction of Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) is having in Europe, this paper presents a model of application for Physical Education in English. This model improves particularly the acquisition of a foreign language and proposes at the same time a comprehensive learning scenario based on the principles of the critical pedagogy. From the 4Cs framework of CLIL methodology («content», «communication», «culture» and «cognition») the paper offers an in-depth reflection on the possibilities of introducing the critical pedagogy approach to Physical Education, thus increasing its educational potential. First, we argue about the links between critical pedagogy and CLIL. Subsequently, we propose an English didactic unit of judo in order to exemplify the previous analysis.Aprovechando el impacto que la introducción del Aprendizaje Integrado de Contenidos en Lengua Extranjera (AICLE) está teniendo en toda Europa, el presente artículo plantea un modelo de aplicación para la Educación Física en inglés que, además de mejoras en la adquisición de la lengua extranjera en cuestión, propone un escenario integral de aprendizaje basado en los principios de la pedagogía crítica. A partir del marco de las 4Cs (contenido, comunicación, cultura y cognición) que se proyecta desde la metodología AICLE, el artículo ofrece una reflexión argumentada sobre las posibilidades de introducir un enfoque pedagógico crítico en Educación Física, de manera que se vea incrementado de un modo global su potencial educativo. Inicialmente se justifican y exponen en el texto las posibilidades de integración entre la pedagogía crítica y el modelo AICLE de las 4Cs. Posteriormente, a modo de ejemplo, se presenta una unidad didáctica de judo en inglés que concreta dicho análisi