276 research outputs found

    Bumblebees gain fitness through learning

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    Despite the widespread assumption that the learning abilities of animals are adapted to the particular environments in which they operate, the quantitative effects of learning performance on fitness remain virtually unknown. Here we evaluate the learning performance of bumblebees (_Bombus terrestris_) from multiple colonies in an ecologically relevant associative learning task under laboratory conditions, before testing the foraging performance of the same colonies under the field conditions. We demonstrate that variation in learning speed among bumblebee colonies is directly correlated with foraging performance, a robust fitness measure, under natural conditions. Colonies vary in learning speed by a factor of nearly 5, with the slowest learning colonies collecting 40% less nectar than the fastest learning colonies. Such a steep fitness function suggests strong selection for higher learning speed in bumblebees. Demonstrating the adaptive value of differences in learning performance under the real conditions in which animals function represents a major step towards understanding how cognitive abilities of animals are tuned to their environment

    FReD: The floral reflectance spectra database

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    Floral reflectance measurements are of great value to researchers who need consider the real colour of flowers, for example in the context of how the flowers appear to their pollinators. We have thus developed the Floral Reflectance Database (FReD) to assist these researchers, gathering together floral reflectance data in a publicly available, searchable online database. The first version of the database is now available online at "http://www.reflectance.co.uk":http://www.reflectance.co.uk. We anticipate that this resource will be of interest to researchers working on flower colour and animal vision

    A framework for evaluating evidence of pain in animals

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    Crump et al. define eight criteria indicating sentience in animals, with a focus on pain. Here, we point out the risk of false negative or false positive diagnoses of pain. Criteria of different levels of inclusivity are useful for using the precautionary principle in animal welfare considerations, and for more formal scientific evidence of pain. We suggest tightening the criteria -- from more general evidence of sentience to pain alone -- because crucial evidence for animal welfare decisions might otherwise be missed for animals subjected to invasive and injurious procedures

    Dances as Windows into Insect Perception

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    Honeybees signal the location of food sources to their hive- mates using a "dancing" flight pattern. Translating these patterns, scientists learn what bees perceiv

    Bumblebees under the midnight sun - Monitoring circadian rhythms of bumblebees under continuous daylight, using radio frequency identification (RFID)

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    Circadian rhythms enable organisms to anticipate and to prepare for predictable changes in their environment. Most previous studies on circadian rhythms focused on solitary animals. However, in social insects, the colony as a superorganism has a foraging rhythm aligned to the patterns of resource availability. Within this colony rhythm, the activity patterns of individuals are embedded. In temperate regions bumblebee foragers show strong circadian rhythms that adjust their foraging activity to the changing light conditions in the course of the day. But what about circadian foraging patterns under continuous daylight? One would assume that the colony as a whole extends its foraging activity over the whole 24 hours of a day under such light conditions to maximise colony growth. To answer this question four colonies of _Bombus terrestris terrestris_ have been set up in north-western Finland (Kilpisjärvi Biological Station, 270km north of the Arctic Circle) between 20/06/07 and 18/07/07. During that time period the sun is always above the horizon in that area. Each worker of each colony was fitted with a small RFID tag, allowing to continuously monitor the foraging activity of each individual worker for the whole duration of the experiment. Against the hypothesis the foragers still showed strong circadian rhythms and ceased their activity from about 0000h until about 0600h each day

    Underwater image and video dehazing with pure haze region segmentation

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    © 2017 The Authors Underwater scenes captured by cameras are plagued with poor contrast and a spectral distortion, which are the result of the scattering and absorptive properties of water. In this paper we present a novel dehazing method that improves visibility in images and videos by detecting and segmenting image regions that contain only water. The colour of these regions, which we refer to as pure haze regions, is similar to the haze that is removed during the dehazing process. Moreover, we propose a semantic white balancing approach for illuminant estimation that uses the dominant colour of the water to address the spectral distortion present in underwater scenes. To validate the results of our method and compare them to those obtained with state-of-the-art approaches, we perform extensive subjective evaluation tests using images captured in a variety of water types and underwater videos captured onboard an underwater vehicle

    Winter Active Bumblebees (Bombus terrestris) Achieve High Foraging Rates in Urban Britain

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    Background: Foraging bumblebees are normally associated with spring and summer in northern Europe. However, there have been sightings of the bumblebee Bombus terrestris during the warmer winters in recent years in southern England. But what floral resources are they relying upon during winter and how much winter forage can they collect? Methodology/Principal Findings: To test if urban areas in the UK provide a rich foraging niche for bees we set up colonies of B. terrestris in the field during two late winter periods (2005/6 & 2006/7) in London, UK, and measured their foraging performance. Fully automatic radio-frequency identification (RFID) technology was used in 2006/7 to enable us to record the complete foraging activity of individually tagged bees. The number of bumblebees present during winter (October 2007 to March 2008) and the main plants they visited were also recorded during transect walks. Queens and workers were observed throughout the winter, suggesting a second generation of bee colonies active during the winter months. Mass flowering shrubs such as Mahonia spp. were identified as important food resources. The foraging experiments showed that bees active during the winter can attain nectar and pollen foraging rates that match, and even surpass, those recorded during summer. Conclusions/Significance: B. terrestris in the UK are now able to utilise a rich winter foraging resource in urban parks and gardens that might at present still be under-exploited, opening up the possibility of further changes in pollinato

    Photoreceptor Processing Speed and Input Resistance Changes during Light Adaptation Correlate with Spectral Class in the Bumblebee, Bombus impatiens

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    Colour vision depends on comparison of signals from photoreceptors with different spectral sensitivities. However, response properties of photoreceptor cells may differ in ways other than spectral tuning. In insects, for example, broadband photoreceptors, with a major sensitivity peak in the green region of the spectrum (>500 nm), drive fast visual processes, which are largely blind to chromatic signals from more narrowly-tuned photoreceptors with peak sensitivities in the blue and UV regions of the spectrum. In addition, electrophysiological properties of the photoreceptor membrane may result in differences in response dynamics of photoreceptors of similar spectral class between species, and different spectral classes within a species. We used intracellular electrophysiological techniques to investigate response dynamics of the three spectral classes of photoreceptor underlying trichromatic colour vision in the bumblebee, Bombus impatiens, and we compare these with previously published data from a related species, Bombus terrestris. In both species, we found significantly faster responses in green, compared with blue- or UV-sensitive photoreceptors, although all 3 photoreceptor types are slower in B. impatiens than in B. terrestris. Integration times for light-adapted B. impatiens photoreceptors (estimated from impulse response half-width) were 11.3±1.6 ms for green photoreceptors compared with 18.6±4.4 ms and 15.6±4.4 for blue and UV, respectively. We also measured photoreceptor input resistance in dark- and light-adapted conditions. All photoreceptors showed a decrease in input resistance during light adaptation, but this decrease was considerably larger (declining to about 22% of the dark value) in green photoreceptors, compared to blue and UV (41% and 49%, respectively). Our results suggest that the conductances associated with light adaptation are largest in green photoreceptors, contributing to their greater temporal processing speed. We suggest that the faster temporal processing of green photoreceptors is related to their role in driving fast achromatic visual processes

    Cognitive dimensions of predator responses to imperfect mimicry?

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    Many palatable insects, for example hoverflies, deter predators by mimicking well-defended insects such as wasps. However, for human observers, these flies often seem to be little better than caricatures of wasps – their visual appearance and behaviour are easily distinguishable. This imperfect mimicry baffles evolutionary biologists, because one might expect natural selection to do a more thorough job. Here we discuss two types of cognitive processes that might explain why mimics distinguishable mimics might enjoy increased protection from predation. Speed accuracy tradeoffs in predator decision making might give imperfect mimics sufficient time to escape, and predators under time constraint might avoid time-consuming discriminations between well-defended models and inaccurate edible mimics, and instead adopt a “safety first” policy of avoiding insects with similar appearance. Categorization of prey types by predators could mean that wholly dissimilar mimics may be protected, provided they share some common property with noxious prey