21 research outputs found

    Moral assessments in judicial reasoning

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    W artykule stawiamy dwa pytania: czy formułowanie przez sędziów ocen moralnych wymaga od nich posiadania szczególnych kompetencji moralnych oraz czy rozumowanie moralne ma charakter rozumowania racjonalnego? Odpowiadając na pierwsze pytanie, uważamy, że w sytuacji formułowania ocen moralnych sędziowie nie posiadają jakichś szczególnych kompetencji moralnych do rozstrzygania dylematów moralnych. Nie ma podstaw, by sądzić, że moralne eksperymenty myślowe, które nieodłącznie pojawiają się w pracy umysłowej sędziego, pozwalają przyjąć, iż rozumowanie sędziów jest bardziej moralne/ lepsze moralnie aniżeli rozumowanie innych podmiotów działających w sferze publicznej. Odpowiadając na drugie pytanie, uważamy, że skoro zazwyczaj ludzie są nieświadomi tego, co wpływa na ich oceny moralne, można przyjąć, że również sędziowie mogą być nieświadomi tego, co powoduje ich osądy moralne, błędnie przy tym przyjmując, że racjonalnie podejmują decyzje. Intuicje pełnią ważną rolę w dokonywaniu ocen moralnych również w przypadku osób wykonujących zawody prawnicze, od których to oczekuje się, by opierały się na racjonalnym rozumowaniu oraz obiektywnym rozpatrywaniu różnych argumentów.There are two questions posed in this text: (i) does the formulation of moral assessments by judges require from them any special moral competences and (ii) does the moral reasoning have a character of rational reasoning. Answering the first question we claim that when it comes to formulating moral assessments, judges do not have any special moral competences to adjudicate in difficult moral dilemmas. Thus there is no reason to state that moral thinking experiments which are an inseparable element of a judge’s reasoning process, allow to adopt a thesis that the reasoning of judges is morally better or more moral than the reasoning of other entities operating in the public sphere. Answering the second question, we believe that since people are generally unaware of what influences their moral judgements, it may also be so that the judges may not know what makes them adopt and pursue certain moral judgements, when they believe, erroneously, that their decisions have been rationally made. Intuition plays an important role in the making of moral judgements, also when it comes to the legal profession, since the latter are expected to base their attitudes on rational reasoning and an objective consideration of differing arguments

    Stres w pracy wśród polskich prawników. Rola obciążenia pracą

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    People working in the legal professions are particularly vulnerable to work-related stress. So far, studies conducted mainly in the United States show that lawyers are experiencing mental health problems, and this applies to every third person working in such professions. However, there are still no analyses of the health and well-being of Polish lawyers. This article presents a part of the results of a nationwide survey on the well-being of representatives of this professional group, which aimed to fill this gap. The main research problem concerned the determination of the level of stress experienced by Polish lawyers. Our goal was also to determine how much time lawyers spend engaged in their work (what is the quantitative workload) and how it relates to their perceived stress at work. It was also important to analyse the stress experienced by lawyers in the context of the stage of professional career development, the legal profession, and the field of law practiced by them. The results of the research (N = 1,779) indicate that the level of stress perceived at work by Polish lawyers is high, regardless of the legal profession they work in or in what field of law they practice, both at the beginning of their careers and by experienced professionals. The heavy workload, which constitutes a serious risk factor for the deterioration of their health, is also a source of concern.Osoby pracujące w zawodach prawniczych są szczególnie narażone na stres związany z pracą. Badania na ten temat, prowadzone do tej pory głównie w Stanach Zjednoczonych, pokazują, że prawnicy mają problemy ze zdrowiem psychicznym i dotyczy to co trzeciej osoby pracującej w takich zawodach. Wciąż jednak brakuje analiz zdrowia i samopoczucia polskich prawników. W artykule przedstawiono fragment wyników ogólnopolskiego badania na temat samopoczucia przedstawicieli tej grupy zawodowej, które miało wypełnić tę lukę. Główny problem badawczy dotyczył określenia poziomu stresu doświadczanego przez polskich prawników. Naszym celem było również ustalenie, ile czasu prawnicy faktycznie poświęcają na wykonywanie swojej pracy (jakie jest ilościowe obciążenie pracą) i jak się to wiąże z poziomem postrzeganego przez nich stresu w pracy. Ważna była również analiza stresu, jakiego doświadczają prawnicy w kontekście etapu rozwoju kariery zawodowej, wykonywanego zawodu prawniczego oraz praktykowanej dziedziny prawa. Wyniki badań (N = 1779) wskazują, że poziom odczuwanego stresu w pracy przez polskich prawników jest wysoki, niezależnie od zawodu prawniczego, w którym pracują czy w jakiej dziedzinie prawa praktykują, zarówno na początku kariery, jak i przez doświadczonych specjalistów. Niepokojące jest również duże obciążenie pracą, które stanowi poważny czynnik ryzyka pogorszenia stanu ich zdrowia


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    The aim of the study was to assess the psychometric properties of the Organizational Loyalty Scale. 441 employees from different organizations were the subjects of conducted research. Organizational Loyalty Scale was found to be a reliable measure with good internal consistency. The reliability of this tool achieved Cronbach’s alfa coefficient of 0.87. Factor analysis confirmed the two dimensional structure of this measure. Distinguished dimensions of loyalty include Caring for the positive image of, and Propensity to sacrifice oneself for, the organization. A statistically significant positive correlation between organizational loyalty and age, as well as tenure, was noted. Gender did not differentiate participants in relation to organizational loyalty. Presented results thus provide further evidence that the aforementioned measure has good psychometric properties and is therefore recommended for use by researchers studying the concept of organizational loyalty.Key words: organizational loyalty, measure, psychometric propertiesJEL: A13Celem przeprowadzonych badań była ocena właściwości psychometrycznych Skali Lojalności Wobec Organizacji. W badaniach wzięło udział 441 pracowników z rożnych organizacji. Skala Lojalności Wobec Organizacji jest rzetelną miarą (alfa Cronbacha wyniosła 0,87). Analiza czynnikowa potwierdziła dwuczynnikową strukturę tej miary. Wyróżnione wymiary lojalności to: 1) dbanie o pozytywny wizerunek organizacji oraz (2) skłonność do poświęceń na jej rzecz. Zanotowano istotne statystycznie korelacje między lojalnością organizacyjną a wiekiem oraz stażem pracy. Płeć nie różnicowała badanych pod względem poziomu lojalności organizacyjnej. Otrzymane wyniki dostarczają dowodów na to, że powyższa miara posiada dobre właściwości psychometryczne i może być stosowana przez badaczy zajmujących się konstruktem lojalności organizacyjnej.Słowa kluczowe: lojalność organizacyjna, miara, właściwości psychometryczn


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    Considerations of the Author are focused on conceptions relating to searching of a job by unemployed people as well as on an attempt to verify premises of respective models of job searching that were generated within the framework of social sciences. Against this background a dynamic process of job searching has been presented, seen as an adaptive strategy of overcoming the position of unemployed person. Such an activity is an action aimed at desired goal and its most important premise says that the value itself of this goal as well as expectation involved with reaching it are main factors of motivation towards adequate remedial measures or steps. Variants relating to personal character features and to situational facts first of all - do play an eminent role in undertaking such measures. The adoption of such an assumption enables us to overcome simplifications proper to economic models but also - limitations of the hitherto models as proposed on the ground of psychology

    Fundamental assumptions of psychological intervention among unemployed

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    The article presents a model explaining the behaviour of those who are looking for job - as based on expectancy-value theory. Efficiency of looking for a job is a function of motivation to do so and, as well, depends on individual skills. Such an activity is being operated under definite conditions of social and economic milieu. The assumptions discussed lie in the grounds of psychological assistance programmes (now in elaboration) for individuals who are experiencing a passage between lack of a job and some more stable employment. Psychological intervention among unemployed people is aimed at giving them support in their search for a job and at preventing negative emotional states which can throw a person into transition.Digitalizacja i deponowanie archiwalnych zeszytów RPEiS sfinansowane przez MNiSW w ramach realizacji umowy nr 541/P-DUN/201


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    The professional burnout syndrome is a reaction to a long-time stress at work. It is a pathologically defensive reaction, a wrongful adaptation to stress. Explaining this phenomenon, the author emphasised the role of individual’s resources and competences of dealing with stress and heavy workload. The organisation’s resources, although mentioned in the paper, are less frequently analysed in detail. And yet, only a precise determination of the areas of incompatibility between the employees and the work ascertains creation of an effective programme of organisational intervention. The empirical study presented in the paper identifies organisational factors of professional burnout that affect persons in different jobs, not only social ones. The study incorporated a proposal developed by M. Leiter and C. Masłach that there are six work areas where dissonance may lead to professional burnout (work overload, control, remuneration, social relations, justice and values), and confirmed their role in the development of a burnout syndrome

    Fundamental assumptions of psychological intervention among unemployed

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    The article presents a model explaining the behaviour of those who are looking for job - as based on expectancy-value theory. Efficiency of looking for a job is a function of motivation to do so and, as well, depends on individual skills. Such an activity is being operated under definite conditions of social and economic milieu. The assumptions discussed lie in the grounds of psychological assistance programmes (now in elaboration) for individuals who are experiencing a passage between lack of a job and some more stable employment. Psychological intervention among unemployed people is aimed at giving them support in their search for a job and at preventing negative emotional states which can throw a person into transition.Digitalizacja i deponowanie archiwalnych zeszytów RPEiS sfinansowane przez MNiSW w ramach realizacji umowy nr 541/P-DUN/201


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    The paper focuses on psychological and social consequences of changes in the working conditions, and in the organisation of work time in particular, that are taking place in contemporary enterprises today, and the problem arising from the need to reconcile work and other roles, such as family, in the new circumstances. It also presents results on empirical research carried out into that matter

    Does work engagement burn out? The person-job fit and levels of burnout and engagement in work

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    This research (N=943) examines the relationship between burnout, work engagement, and organizational factors that play an important role in the strain process (development of burnout), and in the motivational process (work engagement). The aim of the study is to test the relationships of burnout and work engagement, on the one hand, and organizational factors—job demands (workload) and job resources (control, relations with co-workers and superiors, rewards, fairness, and values)—on the other. The results of the analysis call into doubt whether burnout and work engagement are opposite poles of the same dimension, or whether they are independent, though correlated, constructs. Exhaustion and vigour are not the extremes of the same energy dimension, but in the case of cynicism and dedication, the situation is not so clear. It can be said that we are not dealing with the burnout of engagement, but rather with a change in attitude to work (increasing cynicism) on the part of people not suited to their jobs

    Growing up to loyalty. Organizational loyalty of Generation Y employees

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    The aim of the work is to present the problem of organizational loyalty among representatives of the Y generation, stereotypically perceived as selfish, arrogant and disloyal. Based on the results of three studies (N1 = 336, N2 = 213 and N3 = 118), the level of organizational loyalty in three age groups was compared (younger and older representatives of Generation Y and employees from generation X). There was also analyzed the relationship between loyalty and job satisfaction, and between loyalty, and organizational justice. The obtained results allow to state that loyalty is moderately related to organizational factors (satisfaction, perceived justice) and that a similar pattern of dependence occurs in all distinguished age categories. The results show that loyalty grows with age, and employees by the age of 30 have significantly lower level of loyalty to the organization compared to employees from their parents’ generation