302 research outputs found

    Interest-based RDF Update Propagation

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    Many LOD datasets, such as DBpedia and LinkedGeoData, are voluminous and process large amounts of requests from diverse applications. Many data products and services rely on full or partial local LOD replications to ensure faster querying and processing. While such replicas enhance the flexibility of information sharing and integration infrastructures, they also introduce data duplication with all the associated undesirable consequences. Given the evolving nature of the original and authoritative datasets, to ensure consistent and up-to-date replicas frequent replacements are required at a great cost. In this paper, we introduce an approach for interest-based RDF update propagation, which propagates only interesting parts of updates from the source to the target dataset. Effectively, this enables remote applications to `subscribe' to relevant datasets and consistently reflect the necessary changes locally without the need to frequently replace the entire dataset (or a relevant subset). Our approach is based on a formal definition for graph-pattern-based interest expressions that is used to filter interesting parts of updates from the source. We implement the approach in the iRap framework and perform a comprehensive evaluation based on DBpedia Live updates, to confirm the validity and value of our approach.Comment: 16 pages, Keywords: Change Propagation, Dataset Dynamics, Linked Data, Replicatio

    Phase Diagram of Multilayer Magnetic Structures

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    Multilayer "ferromagnet-layered antiferromagnet" (Fe/Cr) structures frustrated due to the roughness of layer interfaces are studied by numerical modeling methods. The "thickness-roughness" phase diagrams for the case of thin ferromagnetic film on the surface of bulk antiferromagnet and for two ferromagnetic layers separated by an antiferromagnetic interlayer are obtained and the order parameter distributions for all phases are found. The phase transitions nature in such systems is considered. The range of applicability for the "magnetic proximity model" proposed by Slonczewski is evaluated.Comment: 8 pages, 8 figure

    Effects of surface vibrations on interlayer mass-transport: ab initio molecular dynamics investigation of Ti adatom descent pathways and rates from TiN/TiN(001) islands

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    We carry out density-functional ab initio molecular dynamics (AIMD) simulations of Ti adatom (Tiad) migration on, and descent from, TiN -faceted epitaxial islands on TiN(001) at temperatures T ranging from 1200 to 2400 K. Adatom-descent energy-barriers determined via ab initio nudged-elastic-band calculations at 0 Kelvin suggest that Ti interlayer transport on TiN(001) occurs essentially exclusively via direct hopping onto a lower layer. However, AIMD simulations reveal comparable rates for Tiad descent via direct-hopping vs. push-out/exchange with a Ti island edge atom for T >= 1500 K. We demonstrate that the effect is due to surface vibrations, which yield considerably lower activation energies at finite temperatures by significantly modifying the adatom push/out-exchange reaction pathway.Comment: 13 Figure

    Creation of single vacancies in hBN with electron irradiation

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    Understanding electron irradiation effects is vital not only for reliable transmission electron microscopy characterization, but increasingly also for the controlled manipulation of two-dimensional materials. The displacement cross sections of monolayer hBN are measured using aberration-corrected scanning transmission electron microscopy in near ultra-high vacuum at primary beam energies between 50 and 90 keV. Damage rates below 80 keV are up to three orders of magnitude lower than previously measured at edges under poorer residual vacuum conditions where chemical etching appears to have been dominant. Notably, is possible to create single vacancies in hBN using electron irradiation, with boron almost twice as likely as nitrogen to be ejected below 80 keV. Moreover, any damage at such low energies cannot be explained by elastic knock-on, even when accounting for vibrations of the atoms. A theoretical description is developed to account for lowering of the displacement threshold due to valence ionization resulting from inelastic scattering of probe electrons, modelled using charge-constrained density functional theory molecular dynamics. Although significant reductions are found depending on the constrained charge, quantitative predictions for realistic ionization states are currently not possible. Nonetheless, there is potential for defect-engineering of hBN at the level of single vacancies using electron irradiation.Comment: 38 pages, 15 figure

    Theoretical investigations of a highly mismatched interface: the case of SiC/Si(001)

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    Using first principles, classical potentials, and elasticity theory, we investigated the structure of a semiconductor/semiconductor interface with a high lattice mismatch, SiC/Si(001). Among several tested possible configurations, a heterostructure with (i) a misfit dislocation network pinned at the interface and (ii) reconstructed dislocation cores with a carbon substoichiometry is found to be the most stable one. The importance of the slab approximation in first-principles calculations is discussed and estimated by combining classical potential techniques and elasticity theory. For the most stable configuration, an estimate of the interface energy is given. Finally, the electronic structure is investigated and discussed in relation with the dislocation array structure. Interface states, localized in the heterostructure gap and located on dislocation cores, are identified

    Concept of Suicide: Neurophysiological/Genetic Theories and Possible Oxytocin Relevance

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    The suicidal behavior is regarded as the act by which a person seeks to take his life, being aware of the consequences of his action. In our review, besides describing the main introductory aspects for the concept of suicide, we focus our attention on the main neurophysiological and genetical mechanisms relevant for this extremely difficult to manage and controversial behavior. Moreover, considering the latest interests in the current literature on the relevance of central oxytocin to various superior cognitive behaviors, we will also make a short description on how important effects of oxytocin could be in the context of suicidal behavior.Суїцидальна поведінка – це дії, в результаті яких особа намагається позбавити себе життя, усвідомлюючи наслідки таких дій. У даному огляді, окрім опису основних загальних аспектів концепції суїциду, ми концентрували увагу на основних нейрофізіологічних та генетичних аспектах, котрі мають відношення до цього вкрай важко контрольованого та повного протиріч типу поведінки. Окрім того, враховуючи велику цікавість, яку викликає в сучасній літературі задіяність центральної окситоцинової системи в контроль когнітивної поведінки вищих типів, ми надали короткий опис того, наскільки ефекти окситоцину можуть бути важливими в контексті суїцидальної поведінки

    Time-Sensitive User Profile for Optimizing Search Personlization

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    International audienceThanks to social Web services, Web search engines have the opportunity to afford personalized search results that better fit the user’s information needs and interests. To achieve this goal, many personalized search approaches explore user’s social Web interactions to extract his preferences and interests, and use them to model his profile. In our approach, the user profile is implicitly represented as a vector of weighted terms which correspond to the user’s interests extracted from his online social activities. As the user interests may change over time, we propose to weight profiles terms not only according to the content of these activities but also by considering the freshness. More precisely, the weights are adjusted with a temporal feature. In order to evaluate our approach, we model the user profile according to data collected from Twitter. Then, we rerank initial search results accurately to the user profile. Moreover, we proved the significance of adding a temporal feature by comparing our method with baselines models that does not consider the user profile dynamics