32 research outputs found

    The role of exercise training on oxidative stress and inflammation in vascular diseases

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    La drépanocytose (SCD) et l’athérosclérose sont deux maladies très diffèrentes et distinctesqui partagent les même caractéristiques. La drépanocytose est une maladie autosomalerécessive appartenant à la classe des hémoglobinopathies causée par la mutation del’hémoglobine (Hb) A en HbS. En réponse à des stress physiques tels que l’hypoxie,l’acidose, la déshydratation ou l’hyperthermie, HbS devient plus vulnérable à lapolymérisation et favorise le processus de falciformation des globules rouges. La répétitiondes cycles de polymérisation et dépolymérisation de HbS altère la forme saine desérythrocytes et conduisent aux manifestations cliniques principales de la drépanocytose:anémie, épisodes vaso-occlusifs aigus et crises hémolytiques. Il est aujourd’hui largementadmis que le stress oxydatif et l’inflammation jouent un rôle majeur dans la pathogènèse et lesconséquences physiopathologiques de la drépanocytose. L’athérosclérose, quant à elle, estune maladie inflammatoire chronique qui se caractérise par l’accumulation de plaques àl’intérieur des parois vasculaires au niveau de l’endothélium. Le stress oxydatif et la mise enjeu de phénomènes inflamatoires sont impliqués dans l’oxydation des lipides de faible densité(LDL), étape essentielle dans la pathogenèse de cette maladie.D’autre part, l’activité physique est un mécanisme important de modulation bénéfique dustress oxydatif et de l'inflammation au travers de plusieurs voies d'adaptation : l’améliorationdes enzymes antioxydantes, de la vasodilatation et des cytokines anti-inflammatoires, et labaisse des contraintes de cisaillement. Nous avons donc cherché à déterminer dans ce travailde thèse comment le contrôle du stress oxydatif et de l’inflammation par l’activité physiquepourrait réduire les complications de ces 2 pathologies (SCD et athérosclérose).Sickle cell disease (SCD) and atherosclerosis are two very different and distinct diseases thatshare similar underlying characteristics. Sickle cell disease is a hemoglobinopathycharacterized by a genetic mutation which causes the normal blood cells to become rigid andweak. The resulting pathophysiological effects, including sickling, vaso-occlusion, andadhesion, involve the production of oxidative stress and inflammation. Atherosclerosis is achronic inflammatory disease that is characterized by plaque buildup within the vessel walls.An initial step in the pathogenesis of this disease involves the oxidation of lipids, which notonly produces inflammation, but more oxidative stress as well. We sought to determine howthe control of oxidative stress and inflammation could ameliorate complications stemmingfrom the disease.Exercise training is an important mechanism for the beneficial modulation oxidative stressand inflammation through several adaptive pathways: antioxidants, shear stress, vasodilation,and anti-inflammatory cytokines. The purpose of this thesis was to determine if thesebeneficial effects of exercise training could improve oxidative stress and consequentlyinflammation in sickle cell trait (SCT) and atherosclerosis

    Les effets de l’exercice physique sur le stress oxydant et l’inflammation dans les maladies vasculaires

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    Sickle cell disease (SCD) and atherosclerosis are two very different and distinct diseases thatshare similar underlying characteristics. Sickle cell disease is a hemoglobinopathycharacterized by a genetic mutation which causes the normal blood cells to become rigid andweak. The resulting pathophysiological effects, including sickling, vaso-occlusion, andadhesion, involve the production of oxidative stress and inflammation. Atherosclerosis is achronic inflammatory disease that is characterized by plaque buildup within the vessel walls.An initial step in the pathogenesis of this disease involves the oxidation of lipids, which notonly produces inflammation, but more oxidative stress as well. We sought to determine howthe control of oxidative stress and inflammation could ameliorate complications stemmingfrom the disease.Exercise training is an important mechanism for the beneficial modulation oxidative stressand inflammation through several adaptive pathways: antioxidants, shear stress, vasodilation,and anti-inflammatory cytokines. The purpose of this thesis was to determine if thesebeneficial effects of exercise training could improve oxidative stress and consequentlyinflammation in sickle cell trait (SCT) and atherosclerosis.La drépanocytose (SCD) et l’athérosclérose sont deux maladies très diffèrentes et distinctesqui partagent les même caractéristiques. La drépanocytose est une maladie autosomalerécessive appartenant à la classe des hémoglobinopathies causée par la mutation del’hémoglobine (Hb) A en HbS. En réponse à des stress physiques tels que l’hypoxie,l’acidose, la déshydratation ou l’hyperthermie, HbS devient plus vulnérable à lapolymérisation et favorise le processus de falciformation des globules rouges. La répétitiondes cycles de polymérisation et dépolymérisation de HbS altère la forme saine desérythrocytes et conduisent aux manifestations cliniques principales de la drépanocytose:anémie, épisodes vaso-occlusifs aigus et crises hémolytiques. Il est aujourd’hui largementadmis que le stress oxydatif et l’inflammation jouent un rôle majeur dans la pathogènèse et lesconséquences physiopathologiques de la drépanocytose. L’athérosclérose, quant à elle, estune maladie inflammatoire chronique qui se caractérise par l’accumulation de plaques àl’intérieur des parois vasculaires au niveau de l’endothélium. Le stress oxydatif et la mise enjeu de phénomènes inflamatoires sont impliqués dans l’oxydation des lipides de faible densité(LDL), étape essentielle dans la pathogenèse de cette maladie.D’autre part, l’activité physique est un mécanisme important de modulation bénéfique dustress oxydatif et de l'inflammation au travers de plusieurs voies d'adaptation : l’améliorationdes enzymes antioxydantes, de la vasodilatation et des cytokines anti-inflammatoires, et labaisse des contraintes de cisaillement. Nous avons donc cherché à déterminer dans ce travailde thèse comment le contrôle du stress oxydatif et de l’inflammation par l’activité physiquepourrait réduire les complications de ces 2 pathologies (SCD et athérosclérose)

    Pattern of mother-child feeding interactions in preterm and term dyads at 18 and 24 months

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    Literature on mother-child feeding interactions during the transition to self-feeding in preterm populations is lacking, particularly through observational methods. The present research study aims to look at the longitudinal patterns of mother-toddler feeding interactions, comparing preterm and full term dyads. To this end, a multi-method approach was used to collect data from 27 preterm to 20 full-term toddlers and their mothers. For each dyad, mother-child interactions were observed during the snack time at 18 and 24 months of age and then assessed through the Italian version of the Feeding Scale. Higher scores on the scale indicate a less healthy pattern of interaction. Additionally, at both points in time, mothers completed the BDI-II questionnaire as a screen for maternal depression and the child's developmental stage was assessed using the Griffiths Scales. A series of repeated measures Analysis of Variances were run to detect differences in feeding interactions between the two groups at the time of assessment. Our results show that preterm dyads report overall higher levels of maternal negative affection, interactional conflicts, and less dyadic reciprocity during the meal compared to full-term dyads. Additionally, longitudinal data show that dyadic conflict decreases in both groups, whereas the child's food refusal behaviors increase in the preterm group from 18 to 24 months. No differences were reported for both the BDI-II and the child's development for the two groups. The results reveal that regardless of maternal depression and the child's developmental stage, the two groups show different trajectories in the pattern of feeding interactions during the transition to self -feeding, at 18 and 24 months, with overall less positive interactions in preterm mother-child dyads

    Mother-toddler play interactions in extremely, very low birth weight, and full-term children: a longitudinal study

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    Introduction: Although preterm birth represents a risk factor for early mother-infant interactions, few studies have focused on toddlerhood, an important time for the development of symbolic play, autonomous skills, and child\u2019s socialization competences. Moreover, no study has looked at the effect of birth weight on mother-child interactions during this period. Expanding on the available literature on prematurity, the main objective of this study was to explore the quality of mother-toddler interactions during play, using a longitudinal research design, as well as taking into account the effect of birth weight. Method: 16 Extremely Low Birth Weight (ELBW), 24 Very Low Birth Weight (VLBW), 25 full-term children, and their mothers were recruited for the present study. Mother-child dyads were evaluated at 18, 24, and 30 months of child age. Ten minutes of mother-child play interaction were recorded and later coded according to the Emotional Availability Scales (EAS). Furthermore, the child\u2019s level of development was assessed through the Griffiths Scale, and its contribution controlled for. Results: ELBW dyads showed an overall lower level of emotional availability, compared to VLBW and full-term dyads, but no main effect of birth weight was found on specific EA dimensions. Moreover, a significant effect of child age emerged. Overall scores, and Child Responsiveness and Involvement scores improved over time, independently of birth weight. Lastly, a significant effect of the interaction between birth weight and child age was found. Between 18 and 30 months, the overall quality of the interaction significantly increased in ELBW and VLBW dyads. Additionally, between 18 and 30 months, VLBW children significantly improved their responsiveness, while their mothers\u2019 sensitivity, structuring, and non-intrusive behaviors improved. In contrast, no change emerged in full-term dyads, although scores were consistently higher than those of the other groups. Discussion: Birth weight affects the quality of mother-toddler interactions. Monitoring the relational patterns of preterm dyads during toddlerhood is important, especially in the case of ELBW children

    Mother-toddler play interaction in extremely, very low birth weight, and full-term children: A longitudinal study

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    Introduction: Although preterm birth represents a risk factor for early mother-infant interactions, few studies have focused on toddlerhood, an important time for the development of symbolic play, autonomous skills, and child’s socialization competences. Moreover, no study has looked at the effect of birth weight on mother-child interactions during this period. Expanding on the available literature on prematurity, the main objective of this study was to explore the quality of mother-toddler interactions during play, using a longitudinal research design, as well as taking into account the effect of birth weight.Method: 16 Extremely Low Birth Weight (ELBW), 24 Very Low Birth Weight (VLBW), 25 full-term children, and their mothers were recruited for the present study. Mother-child dyads were evaluated at 18, 24, and 30 months of child age. Ten minutes of mother-child play interaction were recorded and later coded according to the Emotional Availability Scales (EAS). Furthermore, the child’s level of development was assessed through the Griffiths Scale, and its contribution controlled for. Results: ELBW dyads showed an overall lower level of emotional availability, compared to VLBW and full-term dyads, but no main effect of birth weight was found on specific EA dimensions. Moreover, a significant effect of child age emerged. Overall scores, and Child Responsiveness and Involvement scores improved over time, independently of birth weight. Lastly, a significant effect of the interaction between birth weight and child age was found. Between 18 and 30 months, the overall quality of the interaction significantly increased in ELBW and VLBW dyads. Additionally, between 18 and 30 months, VLBW children significantly improved their responsiveness, while their mothers’ sensitivity, structuring, and non-intrusive behaviors improved. In contrast, no change emerged in full-term dyads, although scores were consistently higher than those of the other groups.Discussion: Birth weight affects the quality of mother-toddler interactions. Monitoring the relational patterns of preterm dyads during toddlerhood is important, especially in the case of ELBW children

    Risk factors for hepatocellular carcinoma in Italy. Male sex, hepatitis B virus, non-A non-B infection, and alcohol.

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    To investigate risk factors for hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) in Italy--a country with medium (south: 5% to 10%) to low (north: 1% to 2%) incidence of hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection--we studied 646 consecutive patients: 58 chronic active hepatitis (CAH), 428 cirrhosis, and 160 HCC, 49% from Southern and 51% from Northern Italy. Hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg) was positive in 41.4% of the CAH, in 23.1% of cirrhotic patients, and in 26.2% of HCC. In the latter, HBV DNA assay increased the number of subjects with active HBV infection by about 12%. Alcohol abuse was evenly distributed in all three categories of HBV markers. Males were preferentially affected. The HCC was superimposed on cirrhosis in more than 90% of patients. Our data suggest that, in our epidemiologic setting, different factors (HBV, non-A, non-B agents, alcohol) may cooperate in the development of HCC, mainly through their potential for causing cirrhosis