139 research outputs found

    Celebrity endorsement in fashion print advertising

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    Abstract. Brands ofen use celebrities to get impact. Celebrity endorsement has become a marketing communication strategy used to build a congruence between brand image and consumers. Objectives. Research attempts to analyse celebrity endorser-product congruency and to measure the effectiveness of celebrity endorsement compared with a non-celebrity endorsement (fashion models). Prior Work. Research conducted to date have reached topics as: the effectiveness of celebrity endorsement; celebrity endorsers and purchase intention, added-value of the endorsement; positive or negative effects of celebrity endorsement, congruence between product/brand and endorser, consumer association with the endorser, attractiveness, credibility and trust in celebrities. Approach. A marketing experiment was used in order to mesure the impactul of endorser type and endorser-product match on Aad, Ab, and Pi. Results. Research has confirmed that attractive endorsers fit clothing products, whether they are celebrities or models. Also, the more consumer likes advertising, the more likely it creates a favorable attitude towards the brand. Results suggest ads using celebrities increase the likelihood of consumers to buy an endorsed product. Value. Study shows what celebrities are considered credible and perceived fit to promote classical suit. A fashion brand can select a celebrity for advertising campaign, due to it’s influence on consumers’ purchase intention

    Distortion products of otoacoustic emissions and their role in assessing hearing loss in young children

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    Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Nicolae Testemitsanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Chisinau, the Republic of MoldovaBackground: Hearing loss in children is far beyond the scope of otology, since audition is the basis of developing speech and cognitive abilities, as well as the child’s personality. Due to its incidence and severe consequences that often lead to disability, hearing loss remains an acute issue for scholars and specialists of various fields. Material and methods: There have been studied distortion products otoacoustic emissions in children from two groups: the control group included 30 children, aged between 1-36 months, with normal hearing; whereas the study group consisted of 110 children aged between 1-36 months with sensorineural deafness. Rezults: We studied auditory distortion products (ADP) in the control group of children, where prior impedance had excluded any middle ear pathology, whereas the medical history data regarding the functional development of the auditory system and behavioral audiometry showed normal hearing. We studied ADP at frequencies of 500; 750; 1000; 1500; 2000; 3000; 4000 and 6000 Hz. The analysis of the obtained results revealed some particularities of the ADPs according to the tested frequencies. Thus, ADPs recording that explores 1000 Hz; 1500Hz; 2000Hz; 3000Hz; 4000Hz and 6000Hz frequencies showed no difficulty, being 100% recorded in all children within the control group. The background noise varied from – 10 dB SPL to – 20 dB SPL. Low frequencies were difficult to assess due to a significant environmental noise which in some cases was higher than the ADP amplitude. Conclusions: As a result of ADP recording carried out in examined children, we conclude: the ADP recording, namely the “ADP audiogram” test, is an objective method with high sensitivity, which can be used in hearing screening in early childhood. The criterion for impaired hearing based on the “ADP audiogram” is the spectral interruption for frequencies higher than 1000 Hz

    Emotional response to advertising

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    Emotions can transcend cultural, linguistic, demographic, and social boundaries. Emotions affect information processing and create a positive attitude toward the ad, which becomes associated with the brand. This study investigates the role of pleasure (P), arousal (A) and domination (D) emotions in mobile’s photo camera advertisement and how each of them is influencing consumer attitude towards the advertisement and brand. Holbrook and Batra (1987) developed their own emotional scale based on these three dimensions (PAD), showing that these emotions mediate consumer responses to advertising. A 1*4 factorial experiment design method was adopted in order to measure the impact of independent variables (emotion type) on dependent variables (attitude toward ad, attitude toward brand). The results revealed that emotions like Pleasure (loving, friendly, grateful) and Arousal (active, interested, excited, entertained) influence consumers' attitudes towards brand and advertising. Marketers need to understand the role of pleasure and arousal emotions when making advertising campaign; an effective promotion leads to persuading consumers. The results indicate that marketing practitioners should measure affective responses when testing an advertisement, as long as this action would predict brand attitude

    Biomarkerii inflamației – predictorii de risc cardiovascular la tineri

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    Background. The onset of the cardiovascular disease (CVD) anticipates the symptoms. In adulthood a number of inflammatory biomarkers are associated with the increased cardiovascular risk, however, these biomarkers are insufficiently studied in the young population. Objective of the study. Examine the high-sensibility C-reactive protein and IL-6 inflammatory biomarkers in young people. Material and Methods. A cross-cutting study was carried out on 88 young subjects, 23 (26.1%) men and 65 (73.9%) women, apparently healthy, mean age 19.3 ± 0.2 (17 to 25 age range). The concentration of the inflammatory biomarkers in blood was determined: the high-sensitivity C-reactive protein (hsCRP) by the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and IL-6 by the latex-immunoturbidimetry method. Results. The concentration of hsCRP ranged from 0.01 to 11.10 mg / l, averaging 0.56 ± 0.16 mg / l, with some sex differences: 0.61 ± 0, 14 mg / l in males versus 0.54 ± 0.21 (p <0.05) in females. The IL- 6 value ranged from 1.12 to 5.60 (2.23 ± 0.07) pg / ml, the results recorded in male subjects, statistically (2.34 ± 0.17 pg / ml) were significantly higher than in women (2.19 ± 0.07 pg / ml) (p <0.05). An increasing trend of IL-6 and hsCRP with age was registered, however, the differences between age groups ≤ 20 and> 20 years old were insignificant (p> 0.05). Conclusion. The inflammatory biomarkers have an increasing tendency in concentration with age, being more expressed among men. However, longitudinal studies are needed to assess the role of the studied biomarkers and their value in predicting the cardiovascular risk. Introducere. Debutul bolilor cardiovasculare (BCV) anticipează apariția simptomelor. La vârsta adultă o serie de biomarkeri inflamatorii se asociază cu riscul cardiovascular sporit, biomarkerii respectivi sunt insuficient studiați la populația tânără. Scopul lucrării. Evaluarea biomarkerilor inflamatori Proteina Creactivă cu sensibilitate înaltă și IL-6 la tineri. Material și Metode. Într-un studiu transversal au fost incluși 88 subiecți tineri, 23 (26, 1%) bărbați și 65 (73,9%) femei, aparent sănătoși cu vârsta medie 19,3±0,2 (i.v. 17 și 25). A fost determinată concentrația biomarkeriilor inflamației în sânge: proteina Creactivă cu sensibilitate înaltă (hsCRP) prin metoda imunoenzimatică și IL-6, prin metoda lateximunoturbidimetrie. Rezultate. Concentrația hsCRP a variat de la 0,01 până la 11,10 mg/l, fiind în medie de 0,56±0,16 mg/l, cu unele diferențe în funcție de sex: 0,61±0,14 mg/l la bărbați versus femei 0,54±0,21mg/l (p<0,05). Valoarea IL-6 a variat de la 1,12 până la 5,60 (2,23±0,07) pg/ml, rezultatele înregistrate la bărbați, statistic (2,34±0,17 pg/ml ) au fost semnificativ mai mari decât la femei (2,19±0,07 pg/ml) (p<0,05). S-a constatat o tendință de creștere a concentrațiilor IL-6 și hsCRP odată cu vârsta, dar diferențele între categoriile de vârstă ≤ 20 și >20 de ani n-au fost semnificative (p>0,05). Concluzii. Biomarkerii inflamației au o tendință de creștere a concentrațiilor odată cu vârsta, fiind mai exprimată la bărbați, dar sunt necesare studii longitudinale pentru evaluarea rolului biomarkerilor studiați și valorii lor în predicția riscului cardiovascular

    Peripartum cardiomyopathy: case report

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    Introduction; Péripartum cardiomyopathy (PPCM) is a disease of uncertain etiology, characterized by left ventricular systolic dysfunction and symptoms of heart failure, which occur in previously healthy women mainly during the end of pregnancy and the first 5 months after delivery. The incidence of PPCM is around 1 in 2500-4000 in the USA, 1 in 1000 in South Africa, and 1 in 300 in Haiti. Risk factors for PPCM include multiparty, advanced maternal age, twin pregnancy, Afro-American race etc. The precise cause and mechanism of PPCM remains unknown, but numerous hypotheses have been proposed (myocarditis, abnormal immune response to pregnancy, abnormal response to the hemodynamic stress of pregnancy, excessive prolactin production etc). The excessive prolactin production hypothesis represents a first potential disease-specific pathophysiological mechanism which offered bromocriptine as a potential novel therapeutic agent for treatment of PPCM patients. Purpose: Revealing the importance of early diagnosis and initiation of adequate treatment in patients with PPCM. Objectives: • Study of the incidence, risk factors, possible causes of PPCM; • Study of the clinical picture, evolution, new treatment strategies, prognosis of PPCM. Material and methods: literature review, data of various studies, retrospective analysis of patient’s chart and treatment sheet. Results: A 44-year-old woman was admitted to the department of Cardiology with following complaints: dyspnoea, chest discomfort, heart palpitation. Complaints ofdyspnoea, persistent cough and fatigue appeared about 3 years ago after Cesarean delivery of the second baby. Her treatment was not adequate about 2 years. She gave no history of any cardiac problems before. On examination, she was pale, slightly icteric, with nasolabial triangle cyanosis. There was oedema of low extremities. Her BP was 100/70 mm Hg, HR- 98 b/min, irregularly!! irregular. The cardiac auscultation showed gallop rhythm, significant cardiac murmurs. ECG: sinus tachycardia interrupted by polymorphic ventricular extrasistoles. Chest X-ray: venous stasis and increase in cardiac silhouette. Echo-CG showed dilatation of all chambers, ejection fraction-33%, there was mitral and tricuspid regurgitation (IV degree), severe pulmonary hypertension-75-80 mmHg. The laboratory investigations: increased liver tests. The final diagnosis was proposed: Postpartum cardiomyopathy. The patient was treated with diuretics, (3-blockers and ACEIetc. Conclusion: Péripartum cardiomyopathy is a relatively rare but a life-threatening form of heart failure. Heightened suspicion is important when a pregnant woman presents with signs of heart failure, because early diagnosis allows proven treatment to be started. Standard heart failure therapy should be started in postpartum patients with this disease, using available local protocols

    L'anxiété de séparation et les relations d'attachement : théories, connaissances empiriques et interventions psychosociales.

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    Curieusement, les troubles intériorisés ont été nettement moins étudiés que les problèmes d'externalisation, mais la recherche sur les troubles anxieux suggère néanmoins que la présence de ces phénomènes à la période scolaire constitue un facteur de risque menant au développement de certaines difficultés psychosociales et des formes de psychopathologie durant l'enfance ou l'adolescence (Dadds et al., 1996). Parmi les troubles anxieux retrouvés à l'enfance, ce travail abordera le trouble d'anxiété de séparation (TAS), principalement caractérisé par une perturbation des interactions entre l'enfant et ses figures principales d'attachement. Étant donné la nature relationnelle de ce trouble, une perspective transactionnelle sera privilégiée afin de mieux comprendre le processus impliqué dans le développement du T.A.S. Le modèle de Manassis et Bradley (1994) fût une source d'inspiration pour la présente étude puisqu'il met l'emphase sur la théorie de l'attachement pour expliquer l'appartition de troubles anxieux. En s'inspirant de ce modèle, une recension des écrits portera principalement sur l'influence des relations d'attachement parent-enfant et leurs implications dans le développement du TAS. Comme la majorité des recherches portent sur l'ensemble des troubles anxieux, il est difficile d'isoler les facteurs de risque associés aux relations parent-enfant spécifiques pour le TAS. Cette étude tentera donc d'expliquer en quoi certaines recherches peuvent nous éclairer plus particulièrement sur les origines et le processus de développement du TAS. Du point de vue de l'intervention, il s'agit de connaître les facteurs de risque qui président le développement du TAS afin de poser les bases d'interventions préventives et curatives efficaces auprès de cette population. L'objectif de ce travail est également de soumettre des programmes jugés efficaces dans le domaine à une évaluation critique et d'y apporter des recommendations

    Biomarkers of inflammation - cardiovascular risk predictors in young people

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    Department of Family Medicine, State University of Medicine and Pharmacy "Nicolae Testemitanu", Chișinău, Republic of Moldova, Congresul consacrat aniversării a 75-a de la fondarea Universității de Stat de Medicină și Farmacie „Nicolae Testemițanu” din Republica Moldova, Ziua internațională a științei pentru pace și dezvoltareIntroduction: Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the leading cause of death and disability worldwide [1]. The onset of the cardiovascular disease (CVD) anticipates the symptoms. Biomarkers play a critical role in the definition, prognostication, and decision-making regarding the management of cardiovascular events [2]. In adulthood a number of inflammatory biomarkers are associated with the increased cardiovascular risk, however, these biomarkers are insufficiently studied in the young population. Purpose: To examine the high-sensibility C-reactive protein and IL-6 inflammatory biomarkers in young people. Material and methods: A cross-cutting study was carried out on 88 young subjects, apparently healthy. Material and methods: The concentration of the inflammatory biomarkers in blood was determined: the high-sensitivity C-reactive protein (hsCRP) by the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and IL-6 by the lateximmunoturbidimetry method. Results: The concentration of hsCRP ranged from 0.01 to 11.10 mg / l, averaging 0.56 ± 0.16 mg / l, with some sex differences: 0.61 ± 0, 14 mg / l in males versus 0.54 ± 0.21 (p <0.05) in females. The IL-6 value ranged from 1.12 to 5.60 (2.23 ± 0.07) pg / ml, the results recorded in male subjects, statistically (2.34 ± 0.17 pg / ml) were significantly higher than in women (2.19 ± 0.07 pg / ml) (p <0.05). An increasing trend of IL-6 and hsCRP with age was registered, however, the differences between age groups ≤ 20 and> 20 years old were insignificant (p> 0.05). Conclusions: The inflammatory biomarkers have an increasing tendency in concentration with age, being more expressed among men. However, longitudinal studies are needed to assess the role of the studied biomarkers and their value in predicting the cardiovascular risk

    Updates on classification and management of status epilepticus

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    Department of Neurology No 2, Laboratory of Neurobiology and Medical Genetics, Nicolae Testemitanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Chisinau, the Republic of Moldova, Institute of Emergency Medicine, Chisinau, the Republic of Moldova. The 75th anniversary of Nicolae Testemitanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy of the Republic of Moldova (1945-2020)Background: Status epilepticus (SE) is a major medical emergency and requires not only an emergency symptomatic treatment with antiepileptic drugs (AED) but also a rapid identification and treatment of the underlying cause. This narrative review summarizes the most important advances in SE classification and treatment. Data sources included being PubMed / Medline, and tracking references of the relevant studies, reviews and books. SE is now defined as “a condition resulting either from the failure of the mechanisms responsible for seizure termination or from the initiation of mechanisms, which lead to abnormally prolonged seizures (after time point t1). It is a condition, which can have long-term consequences (after time point t2), including neuronal death, neuronal injury, and alteration of neuronal networks, depending on the type and duration of seizures.” The most effective acute treatments for early SE are the intravenous benzodiazepines (lorazepam, diazepam, and clonazepam) and intramuscular midazolam. In children, oral or intranasal midazolam are useful alternatives. The intravenous antiepileptic drugs (phenytoin, valproate, levetiracetam, phenobarbital and lacosamide) are administered in confirmed SE. Treatment options in refractory SE are intravenous anesthetics; ketamine, magnesium, steroids and other drugs are used in super-refractory SE , showing variable results and outcomes. Conclusions: Over time, major progress has been made in defining, classifying, and understanding of SE mechanisms. Despite this, the first-line drug management is ineffective in up to 40% of patients with SE. The super-refractory SE treatment is still unknown and no evidence-based data have been found yet. Thus, SE treatment strategies vary substantially from one institution to another due to the lack of data supporting a specific treatment plan