85 research outputs found

    Differential susceptibility to insecticides by Leptinotarsa decemlineata [Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae] populations from western Canada

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    La sensibilité du doryphore de la pomme de terre (Leptinotarsa decemlineata) de trois provinces de l’Ouest canadien a été mesurée par bioessai sur papier filtre pour corroborer les comptes rendus faisant état de doryphores résistants aux insecticides au Manitoba, et pour comparer la situation au Manitoba à celles de la Saskatchewan et de l’Alberta. La sensibilité des doryphores a été mesurée pour cinq insecticides : les organophosphates azinphos-méthyl (Guthion) et méthamidophos (Monitor), le pyréthroïde perméthrine (Ambush), l’organochloré endosulfan (Endosulfan) et le carbamate carbaryl (Sevin). Les 12 populations du Manitoba examinées démontraient de la résistance à au moins un des insecticides. Toutes les populations ont été classées comme étant résistantes ou moyennement résistantes à la perméthrine; deux des populations ont été classées comme résistantes à l’azinphos-méthyl et trois au méthamidophos. Deux des quatre populations de la Saskatchewan ont été classées comme étant moyennement résistantes à l’azinphos-méthyl et au méthamidophos. Une résistance intermédiaire à la perméthrine a été trouvée dans 12 des 13 populations de l’Alberta, alors qu’une seule était très sensible. Deux populations se sont montrées moyennement résistantes à l’azinphos-méthyl et trois au méthamidophos. Dans les trois provinces, le taux de survie de diverses masses d’oeufs provenant de populations sensibles variait de 0 à 100 %, ce qui montre que des individus résistants, moyennement résistants et très sensibles coexistent dans ces populations. Avec l’expansion de la culture de la pomme de terre dans l’Ouest canadien et la détection d’une résistance aux insecticides dans les populations du doryphore de la pomme de terre, un programme de gestion de la résistance doit être mis en place pour éviter la sélection rapide de populations résistantes.The susceptibility of Colorado potato beetles (Leptinotarsa decemlineata) (CPB) from three provinces in western Canada was measured using a filter paper bioassay to substantiate the reported insecticide resistance by the beetle in Manitoba, and to compare the situation there to beetle populations from Saskatchewan and Alberta. Susceptibility of beetles was measured against five insecticides: the organophosphates, azinphos-methyl (Guthion), and methamidophos (Monitor); the pyrethroid, permethrin (Ambush); the organochlorine, endosulfan (Endosulfan); and the carbamate, carbaryl (Sevin). All 12 populations tested from Manitoba were found to have resistance to one or more of the insecticides. All populations were classified as either having resistance or intermediate resistance to permethrin; two of the populations were classified as having resistance to azinphos-methyl and three to methamidophos. Two of four populations from Saskatchewan were classified as having intermediate resistance to azinphos-methyl and methamidophos. Intermediate resistance to permethrin was recorded in 12 of the 13 populations from Alberta, with only one being highly susceptible. Two populations showed evidence of intermediate resistance to azinphos-methyl and three to methamidophos. In all three provinces, survival rate from different egg masses within the susceptible populations ranged from 0-100%, indicating the presence of individuals with either resistance, intermediate or high susceptibility within these populations. With the expanding potato acreage in western Canada and the detection of the CPB populations with resistance to insecticides, a resistance management program must be implemented to prevent the rapid selection of resistant populations

    Superscaling analysis of the Coulomb Sum Rule in quasielastic electron-nucleus scattering

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    The Coulomb sum rule for inclusive quasielastic electron scattering in 12^{12}C, 40^{40}Ca and 56^{56}Fe is analyzed based on scaling and superscaling properties. Results obtained in the relativistic impulse approximation with various descriptions of the final state interactions are shown. A comparison with experimental data measured at Bates and Saclay is provided. The theoretical description based on strong scalar and vector terms present in the relativistic mean field, which has been shown to reproduce the experimental asymmetric superscaling function, leads to results that are in fair agreement with Bates data while it sizeably overestimates Saclay data. We find that the Coulomb sum rule for a momentum transfer q500q\geq 500 MeV/cMeV/c saturates to a value close to 0.9, being very similar for the three nuclear systems considered. This is in accordance with Bates data, which indicates that these show no significative quenching in the longitudinal response.Comment: 22 pages, 6 figures. To be published in Phys. Lett.

    Relativistic versus Nonrelativistic Optical Potentials in A(e,e'p)B Reactions

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    We investigate the role of relativistic and nonrelativistic optical potentials used in the analysis of (e,epe,e'p) data. We find that the relativistic calculations produce smaller (e,epe,e'p) cross sections even in the case in which both relativistic and nonrelativistic optical potentials fit equally well the elastic proton--nucleus scattering data. Compared to the nonrelativistic impulse approximation, this effect is due to a depletion in the nuclear interior of the relativistic nucleon current, which should be taken into account in the nonrelativistic treatment by a proper redefinition of the effective current operator.Comment: Added one new figure, the formalism section has been enlarged and the list of references updated. Added one appendix. This version will appear in Phys. Rev. C. Revtex 3.0, 6 figures (not included). Full postscript version of the file and figures available at http://www.nikhefk.nikhef.nl/projects/Theory/preprints

    Inelastic neutrino and antineutrino scattering on nuclei and ``strangeness'' of the nucleon

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    Possibilities to extract information on the strange form factors of the nucleon from neutrino (antineutrino) inelastic scattering on nuclei, in an energy range from 200 MeV to 1 GeV and more, are investigated in detail. All calculations are performed within two relativistic independent particle models (Fermi gas and shell model); the final state interactions of the ejected nucleon are taken into account through relativistic optical model potentials. We have shown that the values of the cross sections significantly depend on the nuclear model (especially in the lower energy range). However the NC/CC neutrino-antineutrino asymmetry in a medium--high energy range shows a rather small dependence on the model and allows to disentangle different values of the parameters that characterize the strange form factors. We have calculated also the ratio of the cross sections for inelastic NC scattering of neutrinos on nuclei, with the emission of a proton and of a neutron. Our calculations show that this ratio depends rather weakly on the nuclear model and confirm previous conclusions on the rather strong dependence of this ratio upon the axial strange form factors.Comment: RevTeX file, 35 pages including 12 figure

    The Emergence and Development of Association Football: Influential Sociocultural Factors in Victorian Birmingham

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    This article explores the interdependent, complex sociocultural factors that facilitated the emergence and diffusion of football in Birmingham. The focus is the development of football in the city, against the backdrop of the numerous social changes in Victorian Birmingham. The aim is to fill a gap in the existing literature which seemingly overlooked Birmingham as a significant footballing centre, and the ‘ordinary and everyday’ aspects of the game’s early progression. Among other aspects, particular heed is paid to the working classes’ involvement in football, as previous literature has often focused on the middle classes and their influence on and participation in organized sport. As the agency of the working classes along with their mass participation and central role in the game’s development is unfolded, it is argued that far from being passive cultural beings, the working classes, from the beginnings, actively negotiated the development of their own emergent football culture


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    Age Sm/Nd couplés aux compositions isotopiques du carbone et de l'azote dans les diamants éclogitiques de Jwaneng, Botswana

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    International audienceThis is a PDF file of an article that has undergone enhancements after acceptance, such as the addition of a cover page and metadata, and formatting for readability, but it is not yet the definitive version of record. This version will undergo additional copyediting, typesetting and review before it is published in its final form, but we are providing this version to give early visibility of the article. Please note that, during the production process, errors may be discovered which could affect the content, and all legal disclaimers that apply to the journal pertain