437 research outputs found

    Blocks of the category of smooth \ell-modular representations of GL(n,F)GL(n,F) and its inner forms: reduction to level-00

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    Let GG be an inner form of a general linear group over a non-archimedean locally compact field of residue characteristic pp, let RR be an algebraically closed field of characteristic different from pp and let RR(G)\mathscr{R}_R(G) be the category of smooth representations of GG over RR. In this paper, we prove that a block (indecomposable summand) of RR(G)\mathscr{R}_R(G) is equivalent to a level-00 block (a block in which every object has non-zero invariant vectors for the pro-pp-radical of a maximal compact open subgroup) of RR(G)\mathscr{R}_R(G'), where GG' is a direct product of groups of the same type of GG

    Structural characterization of fault damage zones in carbonates (Central Apennines, Italy)

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    The Italian Central Apennines are one of the most seismically active areas in the Mediterranean, hit in the last few centuries by several destructive earthquakes (i.e. L’Aquila 2009, Mw 6.3 e L’Aquila 1703, Mw 6.7; Avezzano 1915, Mw 7.1; Maiella 1706, Mw 6.8). The mainshocks and the aftershocks of these earthquake sequences propagate and often nucleate in normal fault zones NNW-SSE oriented, cutting km-thick limestones and dolostones formations Jurassic - Cretaceous in age. These normal faults, expression of the extensional tectonics that developed since late Pliocene on the previous compressive structures, present at their footwall few meters to hundreds of meters thick damage zones, characterized by a dense network of fractures and secondary faults. Despite their peculiarity and their geological interest: 1. the mechanism of formation of these damage zones, 2. their role in the seismic cycle, 3. their relationship during nucleation and propagation of individual seismic ruptures, 4. factors controlling their thickness, are still unknown. From these open questions and due to the absence of detailed studies about fault damage zones in carbonates, the necessity to investigate their structure arose. Previous high-resolution field structural surveys were performed in the last few years on the Vado di Corno fault zone (Campo Imperatore, L’Aquila) and Monte Marine fault zone (Aterno Valley, L’Aquila). Here we describe two minor carbonate-hosted faults located in the same area (Central Apennines): the Subequana Valley fault (Middle Aterno Valley, L’Aquila) and the Capo di Serre fault (Gran Sasso Massif, L’Aquila), both with the typical Apennine trend, and length (8-10 km) and displacement (200-300 m) smaller than the previous investigated cases (14-20 km in length, 1700-2000 m in displacement). For the structural characterization of these two faults, I performed two weeks of fieldwork to map the fault zones at scale 1:1000, collecting: - data relative to the main fault plane; - data relative to secondary faults in the damage zone; - joint sets in different structural stations; - samples for the description of the structural domains. I defined a fault zone rocks legend based on field observations and calibrated on the previous works (i.e. Vado di Corno and Monte Marine fault zone). From the collected data of each fault, a structural map and related geological cross-sections were realized. The description of the structural domains in the field was supported by the observations of polished hand-samples and thin sections at the optical microscope. Based on these preliminary observations, faults with similar length and displacement have different damage zones (i.e., thickness, presence/absence of a high strain damage zone): the Subequana Valley damage zone is at least 230 m thick in the point of maximum thickness along strike and has extended high strain and a low strain damage zones; the Capo di Serre damage zone has a maximum thickness of 120 m, with a prevalent low strain damage zone. The most relevant observations regard the damage zone thickness variations along strike; these variations, in terms of intensity and thickness of damage, are related to the presence of secondary structures and stepover zones between different segments of the main fault. As a consequence, the main factor controlling the thickness of damage zones is the presence of geometrical complexities such as inherited or secondary structures, rather than the depth of exhumation, the hosting lithology, and the accumulated displacement of the fault. Possible other factors having a key role in the development of these volumes of intensely deformed rock can be: - barrier effect on the rupture propagation in correspondence of the step-over zone; - interference between secondary structures and seismic waves. Data about damage zone thickness, length, and displacement of the two faults are finally compared to the previous investigated faults in the Apennines and to the other cases in the literature, with the aim to define possible scaling-relations.ope


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    The English introduction to Volume 4, no. 2 (2013)

    Flow Measurement Challenges for Carbon Capture, Utilisation and Storage

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    Carbon Capture, Utilisation and Storage (CCUS) is a key element in the United Kingdom Government strategy for reducing carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions. The UK aims to capture and store 10 million tonnes of CO2 each year by 2030. At each stage in the CCUS infrastructure, accurate measurement of the CO2 flow rate is required, over a range of temperatures, pressures, flow rates and fluid phases, where the flow measurement must be validated through a credible traceability chain. The traceability chain provides the underpinning confidence required to verify meter performance, financial and fiscal transactions, and environmental compliance. The UK equivalent of the EU Emissions Trading System (EU ETS) specifies a maximum uncertainty value for CO2 flow measurement. Accordingly, the provision of accurate and traceable flow measurement of CO2 is a prerequisite for an operational CCUS scheme. However, there are currently no CO2 flow measurement facilities, nationally or internationally, providing traceable flow calibrations of gas phase, liquid/dense phase and supercritical phase CO2 that replicate real-world CCUS conditions. This lack of traceable CO2 gas and liquid flow measurement facilities and associated flow measurement standards is a significant barrier to the successful implementation of CCUS projects worldwide. This paper presents an overview of the traceability chain required for CO2 flow measurement in the UK and globally. Current challenges are described along with potential solutions and opportunities for the flow measurement community

    Trasferimento dalla rianimazione alla riabilitazione del grave cerebroleso acuto: esperienza sull'utilizzo di uno strumento condiviso.

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    Per «Grave Cerebrolesione Acquisita» (GCA) si intende una patologia cerebrale acuta tale da determinare una condizione di coma (GCS<8) e menomazioni sensomotorie, cognitive o comportamentali, tali da comportare disabilità significativa. Le GCA sono principalmente causate da traumi cranioencefalici, patologie cerebrovascolari encefalopatie post-anossiche e meningoencefaliti; nel loro insieme costituiscono una della più importanti cause di severa disabilità acquisita nel mondo occidentale. La protratta alterazione dello stato di coscienza costituisce l’elemento caratterizzante e unificante tutte le forme di GCA, almeno nel loro decorso all’esordio. Le entità cliniche che fanno parte di questa condizione sono caratterizzate da un continuum di stati di alterazione della coscienza che vanno dal coma, allo stato vegetativo, allo stato di minima coscienza fino ad un eventuale recupero o ad un permanere di queste condizioni se non sopraggiunge la morte. Con i progressi della scienza medica ed in particolare con l’evoluzione delle tecniche rianimatorie, l’incidenza e la prevalenza delle GCA sono in graduale crescita in tutti i paesi occidentali. Questo fenomeno pone nuovi interrogativi sulle modalità di gestione di situazioni di disabilità gravissima e cosiddetta non emendabile, le cui caratteristiche sono l’andamento cronico, il profondo impatto psicologico ed operativo sulla famiglia e sul team di assistenza, e la persistenza per lunghi tempi di problemi assistenziali complessi. Per quanto riguarda l’assistenza dei pazienti con GCA sul territorio nazionale è presente una disomogeneità nei criteri diagnostici con conseguente disomogeneità di codifica; disomogeneità di procedure diagnostico-terapeutiche. Inoltre l’eterogeneità dell’approccio a questi pazienti, sia in fase acuta che post-acuta, implica la non disponibilità di dati esaustivi sul piano epidemiologico, indispensabili per poter adeguare alle richieste l’offerta di idonei servizi riabilitativi, consentendo solo una stima approssimativa dei soggetti in SV/SMC. Nasce quindi l’esigenza di effettuare una valutazione epidemiologica del problema, di pianificare adeguati percorsi di cura per le persone con GCA, dalla fase acuta a quella degli esiti, e di realizzare reti regionali di servizi riabilitativi adeguati sul piano qualitativo e quantitativo. In risposta alle necessità regionali, alle richieste delle associazioni dei familiari e al proseguimento di indicazioni nazionali la Agenzia Regionale Sanitaria della regione Toscana ha istituito un gruppo di lavoro costituito da rianimatori, neurologi e neurofisiologi ed ha creato uno “Studio epidemiologico e clinico dello Stato Vegetativo e di Minima Coscienza”. Questo studio si avvale di uno strumento denominato Scheda Filtro che si pone gli obiettivi di ricostruzione del percorso assistenziale, clinico e prognostico dei pazienti con GCA, di diffusione di una valutazione omogenea sul territorio regionale e di gestione della presa in carico dei pazienti in studio. Essa deve essere compilata in diversi momenti di rilevazione dall’ingresso del paziente in rianimazione alla dimissione nel reparto di riabilitazione fino a due anni dal momento acuto. Dalla U.O. Anestesia Rianimazione 6° abbiamo compilato la Scheda Filtro di tutti i pazienti ammessi in rianimazione con GCA dal Settembre 2013 all’ Aprile 2014 e abbiamo inviato un questionario a tutti gli utenti della Scheda Filtro rianimatori e riabilitatori della Regione Toscana con l’obiettivo di capire quali sono stati i principali problemi nella sua compilazione e quale sia la sua utilità nel trasferimento del paziente dalla rianimazione alla riabilitazione

    The development of number processing and its relation to other parietal functions in early childhood

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    The project has explored the developmental trajectories of several cognitive functions related to different brain regions: parietal cortex (quantity manipulation, finger gnosis, visuo-spatial memory and grasping abilities) and occipito-temporal cortex (face and object processing), in order to investigate their contributions to the acquisition of formal arithmetic in the first year of schooling. We tested preschooler, first grader and adult subjects, using correlational cross-sectional and longitudinal approaches. Results show that anatomical proximity is a strong predictor of behavioural correlations and of segregation between dorsal and ventral streams’ functions. This observation is particularly prominent in children: within parietal functions, there is a progressive separation across functions during development. During preschool age, presymbolic and symbolic number systems follow distinct developmental trajectories that converge during the first year of primary school. Indeed a possible cause of this phenomenon could be due to the refinement of the numerosity acuity during the acquisition of symbolic knowledge for numbers. Among the tested parietal functions, we observe a strong association between the numerical and the finger domain, especially in children. In preschoolers, finger gnosis is strongly associated with non-symbolic quantity processing, while in first graders it links up to symbolic mental arithmetic. This finding may reflect a pre-existing anatomical connection between the cortical regions supporting the quantity and finger-related functions in early childhood. In contrast, first graders exhibit a finger-arithmetic association more influenced by functional factors and cultural-based strategies (e.g. finger counting). Longitudinal data has allowed us to individuate which cognitive functions measured in kindergarteners predicts better the success in mental arithmetic in the first year of school. Results show that finger gnosis, as well as quantity and space–related abilities all concur at shaping the success in mental calculation in first graders. These results are important because, primarily, they are the first to observe a strong relation between visuo-spatial, finger and quantity related abilities in young children, and, secondly, because the longitudinal design provides strong evidence for a causal link between these functions and the success in formal arithmetic. These results suggest that educational programs should include training in each of these cognitive domains in mathematic classes. Finally, specific applications of these findings can be found within the domain of educational neuroscience and for the rehabilitation of children with numerical deficits (dyscalculia)

    Paul Ricoeur e il problema del linguaggio

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    By investigating the origin of the meaning in language through symbols, metaphors and texts, Paul Ricoeur explores the problem of the construction of the sel

    Il legno arredo verso un nuovo paradigma: l' Economia Circolare

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    Il legno arredo rappresenta uno dei settori di punta del made in Italy che negli ultimi anni, in vista di importanti avvenimenti (mutamenti climatici, nuova fase economica) ha intrapreso una nuova direzione: il passaggio da un'economia lineare del "produci, consuma e butta" all'economia circolare del "produci, consuma, recupera"ope