124 research outputs found

    A Feature Model for an IDE4OCL

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    An Integrated OCL Development Environment (IDE4OCL) can significantly improve the pragmatics and practice of OCL. Therefore we started a comprehensive requirement analysis with the long term vision of a multisite IDE4OCL project. In this paper we present a feature model for the IDE4OCL vision based on this analysis. In an earlier work we identified domain concepts, tool–level interactions with IDE4OCL, and use cases for OCL developers including a set predefined features. In the second step, we asked the OCL community members for their feedback on our proposal. Around 100 researchers, tool developers and practitioners who gained experience with OCL have voted in an online–survey. The results gave us a valuable insight in the needs of OCL usage both in usual and advanced OCL applications. One of the important results is a collection of features that have been proposed additionally to our predefined features. We analysed all the comments of the participants of the survey and consolidated them into an extended set of IDE4OCL features and eventually into a feature model

    Use of OCL in a Model Assessment Framework: An experience report

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    In a model assessment framework different quality aspects can be examined. In our approach we consider consistency and perceived semantic quality. The former can be supported by constraints and the later by queries. Consistency can be checked automatically, while for the semantic quality the human judgement is necessary. For constraint and query definitions the utilisation of a query language was necessary. We present a case study that evaluates the expressiveness of the Object Constraint Language (OCL) in the context of our approach. We focus on typical queries required by our methodology and we showed how they can be formulated in OCL. To take full advantage of the languageâs expressiveness, we utilise new features of OCL 2.0. Based on our examination we decided to use OCL in our analysis tool and we designed an architecture based on Eclipse Modeling Framework Technology

    ISTP CDF Skeleton Editor

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    Basic Common Data Format (CDF) tools (e.g., cdfedit) provide no specific support for creating International Solar-Terrestrial Physics/Space Physics Data Facility (ISTP/SPDF) standard files. While it is possible for someone who is familiar with the ISTP/SPDF metadata guidelines to create compliant files using just the basic tools, the process is error-prone and unreasonable for someone without ISTP/SPDF expertise. The key problem is the lack of a tool with specific support for creating files that comply with the ISTP/SPDF guidelines. There are basic CDF tools such as cdfedit and skeletoncdf for creating CDF files, but these have no specific support for creating ISTP/ SPDF compliant files. The SPDF ISTP CDF skeleton editor is a cross-platform, Java-based GUI editor program that allows someone with only a basic understanding of the ISTP/SPDF guidelines to easily create compliant files. The editor is a simple graphical user interface (GUI) application for creating and editing ISTP/SPDF guideline-compliant skeleton CDF files. The SPDF ISTP CDF skeleton editor consists of the following components: A swing-based Java GUI program, JavaHelp-based manual/ tutorial, Image/Icon files, and HTML Web page for distribution. The editor is available as a traditional Java desktop application as well as a Java Network Launching Protocol (JNLP) application. Once started, it functions like a typical Java GUI file editor application for creating/editing application-unique files

    Z dziejów polskiej mniejszości w Bośni. Życie i działalność Wiktora i Artura Burdów

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    Artykuł przedstawia losy i działalność dwóch pokoleń rodziny Burdów, której przedstawiciele pochodzili ze Śląska Cieszyńskiego, a osiedlili się w Bośni, przyczyniając się do społeczno‑gospodarczego rozwoju tej prowincji, pod panowaniem Austro‑Węgier na przełomie XIX i XX wieku. Interesująca, lecz zupełnie dotąd nieznana jest zwłaszcza działalność Artura Burdy – Konsula Honorowego RP w Banja Luce, osoby bardzo zasłużonej dla opieki nad kilkunastotysięczną polską mniejszością mieszkającą do 1946 r. w Bośni. Za tę działalność Artur Burda w czasie II wojny światowej był prześladowany przez hitlerowców i ustaszy. W szkicu zaprezentowano także nowe ustalenia dotyczące liczebności i rozmieszczenia osadnictwa polskiego w Bośni, w oparciu o nigdy dotąd niewykorzystywane źródła archiwalne

    Generating Animated Displays of Spacecraft Orbits

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    Tool for Interactive Plotting, Sonification, and 3D Orbit Display (TIPSOD) is a computer program for generating interactive, animated, four-dimensional (space and time) displays of spacecraft orbits. TIPSOD utilizes the programming interface of the Satellite Situation Center Web (SSCWeb) services to communicate with the SSC logic and database by use of the open protocols of the Internet. TIPSOD is implemented in Java 3D and effects an extension of the preexisting SSCWeb two-dimensional static graphical displays of orbits. Orbits can be displayed in any or all of the following seven reference systems: true-of-date (an inertial system), J2000 (another inertial system), geographic, geomagnetic, geocentric solar ecliptic, geocentric solar magnetospheric, and solar magnetic. In addition to orbits, TIPSOD computes and displays Sibeck's magnetopause and Fairfield's bow-shock surfaces. TIPSOD can be used by the scientific community as a means of projection or interpretation. It also has potential as an educational tool

    Rock Climbing Injuries Treated in US Emergency Departments, 2008–2016

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    Previous research identified a trend for increasing numbers of injuries sustained while rock climbing. This study investigates whether that trend continued and describes characteristics of climbing injuries. Methods: The National Electronic Injury Surveillance System registry was searched for rock climbing injuries in US emergency departments in 2008 through 2016 among patients aged ≥7 y. Variables included each patient's age, diagnosis, injured body part, mechanism of injury, and disposition. Injuries were graded using International Mountaineering and Climbing Federation injury grades. National estimates were generated using sample weighting. Results: An estimated 34,785 rock climbing injuries were seen in emergency departments nationally, a mean of 3816 per year (SD 854). The median age of injured climbers was 24 y (range 7–77), with those aged 20 to 39 y accounting for 60% and males for 66%, respectively. Fractures (27%) and sprains and strains (26%) were the most common types of injuries. The most frequently injured body parts were lower extremities (47%), followed by upper extremities (25%). The most commonly fractured body part (27%) was the ankle. The knee and lower leg accounted for 42% of all lacerations and were 5.8 times as likely as lacerations to other body parts. Falls were the most common mechanism, accounting for 60% of all injuries. Conclusions: This study reports continued increase in annual numbers of climbing injuries. Whether this is based on a higher injury rate or on a higher number of climbers overall cannot be stated with certainty because no denominator is presented to estimate the injury rate among climbers

    Requirements Analysis for an Integrated OCL Development Environment

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    An Integrated OCL Development Environment (IDE4OCL) can significantly improve the pragmatics and praxis of OCL. We present the domain concepts, toolâlevel interactions with OCL and the use cases we identified in a systematic analysis of requirements for an IDE4OCL. The domain concepts is an important contribution of our work as it attempts to clarify inconsistencies in the relevant specifications. Because OCL is not a standâalone language, the OCL landscape includes several interacting tools including an IDE4OCL. The use cases describe our vision of the desired functionality unique to an IDE4OCL. The results of our analysis and the long term vision of our work should be relevant to developers of OCL tools as well as to the OMG Request for Information regarding the UML Futures1. Our work is relevant to the UML Futures Roadmap because providing OCL for the constraints in the UML specification has been a longstanding problem at the OMG

    OCL Tools Report based on the IDE4OCL Feature Model

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    Previously we have developed the idea of an Integrated Development Environment for OCL (IDE4OCL). Based on the OCL community's feedback we have also designed and published an IDE4OCL feature model. Here we present a report on selected OCL tools developed by the authors and their teams. Each author gives an overview of their OCL tool, provides a top level architecture, and gives an evaluation of the tool features in a web framework. The framework can also be used by other potential OCL users and tool developers. For users it may serve as an aid to choose a suitable tool for their OCL use scenarios. For tool developers it provides a comparative view for further development of the OCL tools. Our plans are to maintain the collected data and extend this web framework by further OCL tools. Additionally, we would like to encourage sharing of OCL development resources

    Carbon isotope evidence for the substrates and mechanisms of prebiotic synthesis in the early solar system

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    Meteorites contain prebiotic, bio-relevant organic compounds including amino acids. Their syntheses could result from diverse sources and mechanisms and provide a window on the conditions and materials present in the early solar system. Here we constrain alanine’s synthetic history in the Murchison meteorite using site-specific ¹³C/¹²C measurements, reported relative to the VPDB standard. The δ¹³C_(VPDB) values of −29 ± 10‰, 142 ± 20‰, and −36 ± 20‰ for the carboxyl, amine-bound, and methyl carbons, respectively, are consistent with Strecker synthesis of interstellar-medium-derived aldehydes, ammonia, and low-δ¹³C nebular or interstellar-medium-derived CN. We report experimentally measured isotope effects associated with Strecker synthesis, and use them to constrain the δ¹³C values of the alanine precursors, which we then use to construct a model that predicts the molecular-average δ¹³C values of 19 other organic compounds of prebiotic significance found in Murchison if they were made by our proposed synthetic network. Most of these predictions agree with previous measurements, suggesting that interstellar-medium-derived aldehydes and nebular and/or pre-solar CN could have served as substrates for synthesis of a wide range of prebiotic compounds in the early solar system

    Using Orbitrap mass spectrometry to assess the isotopic compositions of individual compounds in mixtures

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    The isotopic compositions of individual chemical species are routinely used by the geochemical, environmental, forensic, anthropological, chemical, and biomedical communities to elucidate the conditions, sources, and reaction pathways of the molecules in question. Mass spectrometric methods of measuring isotopic compositions of individual compounds generally require that analytes be pure to yield precise, accurate results, yet most applications examine materials that are mixtures of multiple components. Various methods of chemical purification, e.g., chromatography, are used to isolate analytes from mixtures prior to mass spectrometric analysis. However, these techniques take time and specialized instrumentation, both of which could potentially be obviated via the use of ultra-high-resolution mass spectrometry. Here we report on the use of Orbitrap™-based Fourier-transform mass spectrometry to perform isotope ratio measurements of single species within mixtures delivered to the mass spectrometer (MS) without prior chromatographic separation. We demonstrate that instrument biases (attributed here to space charge effects) within the Orbitrap mass analyzer can cause the measured ¹³C/¹²C ratio of a molecular ion in the presence of non-analyte-derived ‘contaminating’ species to spuriously decrease relative to the ¹³C/¹²C ratio measured for the same ion in a pure analyte. We observe that the decrease in ¹³C/¹²C is proportional to the relative concentrations of the additional ‘contaminating’ components. We then recommend several strategies by which this effect can be mediated such that accurate isotope ratios can be obtained